HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD 37/00'j_•;��li 1 . t.' .��di j•.� - � ,�,_. C' �1;, _ t•'' . . . .-i . � . . . . . .. ... .'i - ... . , . . . . � . . . . I, , ' �� _ ,.. , , . . . . . � � . . �,�OFq� � ° � � : '' ° REPOi�T TO COUNCIL FRObf: Neil Carroll DATE; August 31, 2000 ' Director, Planning & Development REPORT NUMBER: PD 37-00 SUBJECI': Update on the Status of the Pickering Officia! Plan Informational Revisions to Edition 2 of tha Pickering Official Plen RECOMMENDATION: That City Council receive Planning & Development Report PD 37-00 for their infocmation, and adopt Informntional Revision 9, as set out on Appendix I to Planning & Development Report PD 37-0(1 for inclusion in Edition 2 of the PicNering Official Plan. ORIGIN: Section 14.2 of the Pickering Official Plan indicntcs that Council may change the Maps in the Official Plan by Council Resolution. AUTHORITY: The Planning Ac�, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS; No cosls to the City are anticipnled as n result of Council adopting this recommendation. EXECUTNE SUMMARY: Edition 2 of the Pickering O�ciel Plnn ie being prepazed. The new edition will incorporate various amendments that hava been approved since the first edition was compiled in February,1998. The new edition will also include the results of the Ontario Municipal Board decisions on various appcals, and resolution of many deferrals that wcre outstanding. Further, the new edition will contain revisions to the explanatory and informational text and meps. Some of the Infortnationa! Revisions to be included in Edition 2 reftect matters atrendy endorsed by earlier business of Council. For example, in adopting the Rouge Park Neighboufiood Development Guidelines, Council also endorsed thc related Infortnational Revision to the Neighbourhood Map and informational text describing the Rouge Park Neighbourhoc�d. However, some changes in the explanatory text and on the meps are required to reflect Pickering's new City status, the addition of new streets built in the City, thc construction of new schools end Farks, and the deletion or addition of proposed road connections as now infortnation is available. The Informational Revisions arc itemized on Appendix 1 to lhis Rcport. Rcvised maps roflecting these changes are attached for reference. It is recommended Council receive this Report for information and adopt Infortnational Reviaion 9 to the Pickering Official Plan for inclusion in Edition 2 of the Plan. � . . _,_ , . , . � _ . , � �' REPORT NUMBER PD 37-00 Drdc: August 31, 2000 �, "f Subjxt; informetionel Rovieiona to the I'ickering OCficiel Plan Page 2 BACI�GROUND: 1.0 �cering Official Plan: Edition 2 Tho second edition of the Pickering Officiel Plan is being compiled. This editir,n will incorpornte fivo amendments to Plan. Although the City is processing a nurnbcr of additional oftcinl plan am:-ndmcnt applications, there are no amendments currently with the Region awaiting approval, The amendments that will be included in Edition 2 include: �, t • Ameodment 1— City-Inittated: addition of a policy on property standards und maintenance conhol by-laws; • • Amendment 2— City-InfHated: deletion of Uie Rural Study Area text policy nnd the Rural Sutdy Area boundary around the lands west of West Duftin:, Creek Gom Schedule I— Land Use, and revisions to certain Open Space System — P�atural Areas designations within those Innds; • Amendment 3- Hrookl(n Mews / Kinsale Mews (Watson's Glen (iolf Course): redesignation of the subject lands, locntect on the west side of L.srke Ridge Road, betwaen the Scventh und Eighth Conccssion, from Agriculmral Areas to Open Space System — Active Recreationnl Areas; • Amendroent 4: R& M. Guy (Heathcr Glcn Golf and Country Club): redesignation of the subject lands, located on the wcst side of Lake Ridge Road, norlli of the Ninlh Concession Road, from Agricultural Areas sind Open Space Syatem — Natural Areus to Open Spnce System — Activc Recreational At�eus; and • Aweudment 5- Bopa InvestmenW: redesignation of the subject lunds, located south nnd west of the intcrsection of Altonu Road and Finch Avemie, within the Itouge Park Neighbourhood, from Urban Residentinl — I.ow Density to Medium Drnsity. The sxond edition will also roflect the results of the decisions of the Onlerio Municipal Board on a number of uppenls to the Pickering Official Plnn. The only ontetanding appeal is u portion of Appeal 2, affecting the north-east comer of the Bcnre Estete (Mop Realty) property. A hearing for thnt nppeal is scheduled to begin September 19, 2000. The appeals that will be incorporated in Editicm 2 include the following: • Appeal 1(Ministry of Municipal Attaln aod Housing): modification to expand and approval of the boundazies of tha Rouge Du�ns Wildlife Corridor on Schedule III — Resource Managerqent, and modification and upproval of the related text policy tor the Rouge Duffins WildliCe Cortidor ; • Appeal 2(J. Barber): approval of lhe Open Space Syslem - Netural Areas designatior+ on Schedule 1— Land Use Struclure, for lazids located narth of Finch Avcnue, west of Whites Road (excluding north-east coma of Beure Estate (Map RealtY) P��P�Y): • Appa13 (D. Salvatore): withdravm; approval of designation of Fawndele Drivic es a Collector and its extension to Littleford Streeh, • Appeal 4(Nugget Conatruction): withdrawn; approvati of proposed elemrntary School on Westereek Drive; • Appcel 5(R. Mltc6e11): modification lo end approval of thc lext for thc Brock Ridge Neighbourhood Ylan respecting !he subject lands on the east side of Brock Road, north of Finch Avrnue; approval of all other appealed pollcies, which primerily related to the extcnt of Open Spacc System — Naturel Arcas designation, end the Environmcntally Sensitive Arcas designetion, as thcy affected thc subjcet lands; • Appeal 6(L. Abq et el.): appeal withd�awn .�►tter the Toronto and Region ConaervaUon Authority egreul to purchase subjx�, lends, localcd ut the north end of Fronchman's Bay; approval of the Opcn Spaco SynAem — Natuial Meas dcsignation; �` lrf - .. .� . .. . � J� ... .. .., . ._ .. , .• 1 g RBPORT NUIVIBER fD 37-00 - Date: August 31, 2000 Subject: Infoimational Revieione to lhe Pickedng Onciat Plan Page 3 • Appeal7 (Gr+�ywood): modification to add, and approval of, a Special Policy Area on Map 1 B and a rolated text policy to the Town Centre Ncighbourhood, for the subject lande, located at the south-east comer of Valley Farm Road nnd Kingston Road, recognizing a reduced density on lhe landa; • Appcal� 8, 9& 10 (Loblaw Properties, Centro Caoada, end Agora Fooda): modification and approval of policies Cor Regional Node 2, permitting lerge fortnat retailing on lands in and araund the Metro East Trade Centre; and • Appeal ll (Cougs lnvestmenk+): modification and approval of Amberlea Neighbourhood policies, and estabiishment of Open Spaca System — Natural Area and iirban Residential — Low 1)ensity Areas designations on the "Swan North" propecty, locatcd norih of the hydro cortidor, on the east side of \Vhites Road. Edition 2 of the Pickering Official Plan will also include the further approved portions of the P{an that had originaily been deferred by the Region of Durham. About half of the defem:i:, were awaiting approval of Pickering's emendment to the Durhnm Regional Ofticial Plan (OPA 97-007/D). llnc aF the significant outstanding deferrals relates to the Enst DuCfins Area. This approval is still pending u iesolution of a dcferred poRion of the Durham Regional O�cial Plan (affecting the road network easl of West Duffins Crcek in the East Duffins Area), Pickering staff is working with stafi' from the Region and from thc Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Huusing to resolve this matler so a decision may be issued on thc East Duffins Area. Other mnjor outstanding deferrals rclale lo the road nctwork associeted with the Scaton nnd Federal lands, the designation of ceAain Federnl lands, and Runnymede employment lands bounded by Bayl y Street, Church Strcct, Highwny 401, and the CN railwuy spur. Ceriain deferrnls in the tcxt and on the schedules wcrc resolved by the Region approving additional parts of thc Pickering Officinl Plan as follows: • designation of Balsam as a hamlet; • designation of verious roads es Type C Arterial Roads inoluding Strouds Lane and Glenanna Road; • deletion of the dcsignation of the future Bayly Strcet extension, west of Whites Road; • designution of Highway 7 by-passes south of the Hamlets of Green River and Kinsale; . deletion o4'the designation of ihe future Rossland Roed extension from Brock Road to Altona Road; . designafion of the country residential settlement of phase two of Staxtan Glen (located at the north-west comer of Salem Road and the Filth Cencession); • desi�.ation of the country residential acttlement c�f Birchwood Estates (located at the north-uut comer of Sideline 4 and the unopened Fitth Concession road allowancc); • desibmation of the country residential settlemeut of Forest Creek Estates (locatcd nt the norih-east comer of Audley Road and the undpened Fitth Concession road allowance); and • expansion of the boundary of the Hemlet of Cleremont to include additional lends in che south-west quadranL ReG�gnizing Pickering's new City status, tfiis new edition wilt elso change all policy rofr,Tencea from'Town Council" to "Ciry CounciP' as an editiorial metter. :E �r .> . =t 3F " ' ... . . ,. . .. . . . . !,. .. r.. . , . _ � .. , . � � ' - REPORT MJMBER PD 37-00 '' Date: August 31, 2000 � Subjecl: Infonnetionel Revieiona to tho Pickering Official Plan ` p8g� q I 9 The Pickering Official Plan, Edition 2, will include the following previouslyapproved infotmetional roviaions: • deletion of a Detailed Review Area, and proposed public elementary and separate elementary school sites on lhe "South Swan" property, located at the north-east comec of Whites Roud and Finch Avenue; • housekeeping and technical rovisions to lhc explenatory text and maps in light of related approvals Cor phaso two of Staxton Glen, Birchwood Estetes, and Forest Creck Estates; • replacement of Maps 8— Pickering's Utban System, and Map 10 — Pickering's Rural System, showing revised bowdary for Claremont and Area; • identification on Map 19 —Naighbourhood 9: Viliage East, and in the explanatory text for that Neighbourhood, of Council's adoption of the Regional Node 2 Development Guidelines; • identification on Map 24, Neighbourhood 14: Rouge Park, and in the explanatory text for that Neighbourhood, of Council's adoption of the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Development Guidelines; also addition of proposed separate clementary school, revision to the proposed park location, and identification of various proposed road connections. 2.0 Ncw Infortnational Rcvisions Thc Pickering OfTicial Plan contnins a combination of official policy and other infortnation. The "oflicial polic�' includes the bolded and numbercd policies, and the schedules (land use structure, transportation system, raource managcment, end vurious rural settlement plans). Background, contextuul and illustrative infonnation is also provided. It may appear as introductory and cxplanatory text, maps (as opposed to schedules), and contextual and symbolic infortnntion on the schedules. Council may change ihe maps by Council resolution (as opposed to a formel amendment process under the Planning Act for lhe schedules and policy). In addition, contextuul infortnation on the achedules may be updated without amendment. During the preparation of the second edition, a number of changes were required to keep the maps curnnt. In particular, thesc changes roflect the following: • consWction of new subdivision streets; • conswction of City pazks and facilities; • consWction of new schools; • idrntification af new proposed City parks and facilities; • addition of other contextual informadon not previously eppearing on a map; • addition or deletion of certain proposed road connections in light of new infortnation about en arca. These apecific changes and tMe maps aifected are detailed on Appendix I to this Report. The changes are' idrntified, and revised maps ere provided for information as Attaclunents #1- #I5. After receiving this Report Cor infortnation, it is recommended that Council adopt these Informationul Revisiona for inclusion in Edition 2 of the Pickering Officiel Plan. - � rs. _ _. . . _...., ._ _ . 3; y.; F i r� ,`�� •� ' � � '` .. RHPORT NUMHER PD 37-00 Dato: Auguat 31; 2000 ' , z 0 Subject: lnformaUonal Revieions to the Pickering Ofiicial Plen , Page S - � ATfACHMENTS; 1. Map 11 Neighbouthood 1: Rosebank 2. Map 12 Neighbourhood 2: West Shore 3. Map 13 Neighbourhood 3: Bay Ridges 4. Map 14 Neighbourhood 4: Brock Industrial 5. Map 15 Neighbourhood 5: Rougemount 6. Map 16 Neighbourhood 6: Woodlands 7. Map 17 Neighbourhood 7: Dunbarton 8. Map 18 Neighbourhood 8: Town Centre 9. Map 19 Neighbourhood 9: Village East 10. Map 20 Neighbourhood 10: Highbush , � i l. Map 21 Neighbourhood i l: Amberlea 12. Map 22 Neighbourhood 12: Liverpool 13. Map 23 Neighbourhood 13: Erock Ridge 14. Map 24 Neighbourhood 14: Rouge Pazk 15. Map 25 Neighbourhood l5: Duffin Heights Prepared By: Approved / Endorsed by: �1�T����1 ��''�" Catherinc Rose Ncil C , , RPP Manager, Policy Directo , ing & Development CLR/pr/par f�ttachtnents Copy: ChiefAdministrativcOfficer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering I Ciry Couacil , �' . ,� , � �0 Th mas J. Qui , Chief Adminis ' e Offi r ��� 1 __ , r . -. t... � � Y __ . . ,.Y�.� . . r _ J _. . ...._. . . a._ . . . . . "'L 1 .)�,. i � �-��L if � �t i'�, h� .t�. ��'�'i y:,: .Y ,, �'`µE 5: .j k 1.- � t i �,. i . '� _ ' t.i tiia{ �t t. P} i3 � i ��� ���� - � . "�- � �..��� - ,y`� �� 1 , PLANNING &f DEVELOPMENT REPORT PD 37-00 21' r �� y � t � ',, INFORMATION REVISION 9 , TO THE PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN � ' 4 ` ,�;�.` �Ft 1 �: t 3 { 1 i • t ' t{ I, t f i -y � ' i t `. '7 -� � .�` � � � t .iy ^r: T:. � S � .+ � R �'Y � � � �t � 1 v x t.t t e � i x t �°�-` . ,.._ ._ .....,. .. _,� .._, C � . .. . , _, ' � _.__..,._e , _ ., �.. t � .... . . .. .. ... . . . , _ ' , .. lT � 1 ;i .�� y ' ___ .. �1 1)4 .. , ' ;,,� . Appcndix 1 to Plas�ung & Dovclopmcnt Repor�, l�J 37-00 Page 1 .' 22 :_. ,. . y.y ' INFORMATIOI�IAL REVISION 9 TQ THE PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN 4'URPOSE: Tha purpose of this revision is to change t�he informational lext and make infortnational mepping rc-�isions to the Pickering Otiicial Plan in order to keep the Plan current, such as: the change of Pickering's status from a Town to a City; additions to the Ciry's road network; add, delete or revise references to existing, proposed or closed community parks and facilities; and other matters of a similar technical or housekeeping nature. LOCATION: Numerous reCerer,ces through the Plan in both the expla��atory text and on the maps. BASIS: Over two years has p;issed since Edition 1 of the Pickering O�cial Plan was prepared. In reviewing the infortnational text und maps contained iu that version, various housekeeping and technical revisions have been detertnined to be necess�uy and appropriate for inclusion in the new consolidation of the Pickering Official Pian (Edition 2). ACTUAL Thc Ciry of Pickering Otiicinl Plan is hereby revised by: REVISION: 1. Throughout the Plaa, replace "Town of Pickering" wtth "�ity of Plckering" or with "City (formcrly Town) of Pickering" ae appropriate, unless h(ctorical dlscussiou warraob refereoce to Town; 2. On Page 10, add a new paragraph at the bottom of the page t6at reads: "On January 1, 20Q0, Pickering was granted City atatuu."; 3. On Maps 11, 12, 15 and 16, recognizing tde proposed Petticoat Creek Libraty and Community Centre tacility, change t6e "E:(sNng Senioro Centre" and "E=isHng Commuoity Centre" symbols to "Praposed Seoiors Ceotre" and "Proposed Cammunity Centre" aymboi�, and add a"Proposed Library° symbol; and add "Proposed Senioro Centre", "Proposed Cnmmunity Centre" and "Propoaed Library" to t6e listfag of symbou on the mapr, 4. On Map I1, delete tht "New Road Connection (Proposed)" oa We north eide of Toynevale Road, between Rougemouut il�ive and Rosebaok Road; 5. On Maps 13,14,16,17 aod 18, in Ilght of the closure ot the Bay Ridgee Library Branch, delete the "E:Isting L(brary" aymbol fro�a the m�p and Ilsttag o[ aymbol� 0o the mapi w6ere appropNetr, 6. On Mapa 13 and 14, add t6e foilowing new road: Moolea Cook Pl�ce; ��' _ . . .. : 1 :� /r -- • Appendix 1 to Plenning & Davclopment Rcport PD 37-00 Page 2 " 7. On M�p 13, �dd the n�me o[ "ProQras Bsy Front Park" �nd a"Propoied Park" rymbol on t6e msp on the w�t dde of Front Street aouth of Commerce Strat; and revbe the boundpry of t6e detalled revlew area �t t6e aouth end of Gtverpool Road to m�tch the bouudary belog ueed 4n the Liverpool RoAd Sout6 Area Detalled Revlew (currendy under way); 8. On Map 15, replace the "New Road Conoectioaa (Proposed)" wiW t6e following new roada: Fewndale Dr(ve extenslon, Littleford Street e:tension, Stonehampton Coutt, and Stover Cresceat e:tensioo; 9. Oo Maps 17, 21 and 22, add the following new roads: Swan Place, Erin Gate Boulevard, Darwin Drive eztenston, Voyager Avenue, Cray Ab6ey Court, Falconwood Way, Hoibrook Court, Shademaster Drive, Wingorden Crescent; on Dtaps 17 and 21, add e:teustoa o[Am�retto Avenue; 10. On MAp 18, revise the pattero of the "New Road Connecdons (Proposed)" at the south-east corner of King�ton Road and Valley Farm Road for the Graywood property; 11. On Maps 20 and 24, change t6e "Proposed Publtc Eiemeotaty School" symbol on Westcreek Drive to an ezistlrsg "Public Elemeatary Sc6001" symbol; on Maps 20, 21 and 24, change lhe "Proposed Park" aymbol on Woodsmere to an "Exist(ag Park" symbol; on Mpp 20 delete t6e "Proposed Park" symbol north of the Hydro Corridor, west of Altona Road; 12. On Mop� 20, 21, and 24, add the tollowing new roads: Strouda LAne eztension, Treetop Way, and Sparrow Circle e:tenaton, and on Map 20 and delete tha "New Road Conuection� (Proposed)" for t6ese roads; on Maps 20, and 21, also add the tollow(og oew road: Grnnby Courh, 13. On Maps 22, 23 and 25, add a"Cemetery" symbol on the ea�t side of Brock Rosd, south of Ganetsektagon Creek; 14. Oo Mop� l l and 24, In recogn(Hao of the Altona Forest Public School, chauge the "Proposed Publ(c Elementary School" ayrobol to an esisttug "Public Elementary Schooi" aymboL (Refa to Attachments # 1- # 15 to Report PD 37-00 for copies of the Mnps as nvised.) o.� � � ` . . ; �b0000 : , � _: � . ' � . , � � � ' . . },�': ... ,_ ,,.-,.... { , .,.,.. _, ... , _.. z_..> . ..�+ .. . .. , .�.� . . .. ., . , . . .... . , `; � � r. ATTA�MENT I I TO 24 ' _ �voRT � Po„ati—oa . � MAP 11 �NEIGHBOURHOOD L• ROSEBANK �a� �o� ���� N[W NWG CONM[CTION9 (PROPOSEDI � ��1NOMM'H�� � PMK � � PlIBt1C EIEwCNTNP'/ Q PROPOSCO PMN . �� � DRMLO PMM MG fCHOOI tAMDS F011 WHICM CWHCIL IYS � ![PMAT[ CLLYEHfA1fY � PV�G[ +ti� t;: �oori[o ocvcwruc.rt anocur+n � � I�[RR TO COY�[NqU4 pOCUY[NfI ���� O� WOIHMP ' ' O PI1pP05[D ❑ . co��ur�rr ecrrtnc F nnow� ❑� ua1unr SC ina�O°0on'ccNrec .. ... . � . � , . 0 uewwv�D . � �� �"• .'m..r�....�.e � . � � � . . � �f��N o�i� m�imtti0E5�qt�i Tlo'NI PICKDtW60FflCNLPUNEWT10N2: ChoPfetBeven-WbonNdGhboufaaN �p �n�aa�rr � a � . REPORT I PD� 7� 00 ' �.� • MAP 12 NEIGHBOURHOOD ?,: WEST SHORE �a� �o� ���� NLW ROM CONNCCTOHS (PflOP03[0) - �BOUNDMYH�O � PMN � �� OLTAILCD RMLW MU - a WppSHtP OO PROPOS[D PMK ' ' . . � PUBLIC [LEYEIIIMY O . SCMOOL � YACM CWO . . . . � a[PNUTC 0.[Y[MMY O . xNOO� F i1RCIMLL � � s�eoNwrtr senoo� SC etro�Oionscnrtne .. rnorosm � � � � � 0 eowuunm eoane -.� uee.w. . . � � � O PROP09C0 . . . ca.uu��n ctwtee � . .�.�...b�r'i �nn.ort w'.w�wir � . . � . . . . . . . . �.r_r � w�� r�r wt r��wu�ww . - NOTEt IINO USC 0.S�CINIIONS .. _.�..w.rT AMEM ON SC7KDUlE 1 ' PICKERMG OFRCtAI PlAtl EDrtION x Choptx Beve� - UAwn Nelphba�hoods 1 N. ,, , � � ,;, ,; ' r - . ` s - , „ > �., :.: , � _, ` ," . . , �, � � '�� ' ATTACHMENTI Tp � REPapT r PD —�_ . . ,.-� .. MAP 13 NE.�GHBOURI�OOD 3: BAY RIDGES � LIIOEND SYM60LS . ���� ���01 0; ONNECTWM! - BOUNOMY N�� �C COMMUHItt C[MRE - � �CTA1L[D RMCw MU - OPf wORSMiv � PMN PuBUt [lL1ICNTMY . � PEOESTRW!/BICtt[ CONN[CTION � g�Hpp� OO PROP09CD PMK (PpOPOSCD) � ' d scwunrz c�cucnru'r � scr'oo�. wwnw . . � � M�9TORiC Nl{AOC B MCNA . ' � � �N GO-TRNISIT �TATION � � YIICNT CW8 . . . . . �y Ed10� CtN1AC � � �IR[IMIL .. �yy�M ppM�p� � UWN OOWUNO � � q)VRY�q� �000 =�Y�w�w�ws�F � . . i�u�'ari� �M �wf ' . . • APPiM 011 SCMOIIIE � MINS . PICKERIN(iOFRCIALPW1E01110N2• Chapfx6evan-1&banNelphboufaods 1�8 ' ' , ; ,, t' fr V r t ; 4 ` ATTACHMENT/_�_TO . ' REPORii PD �'1— OU 2"l _ MAP 14 � ' NEIGHBOURHOOD 4: BROCK INDUSTRIAL ' IEOEND SYMOOTS . �� NCW qOAD CONN[CTIOMS N[IGNBWR1100p ^ . � (PROPplEO) - BWNWRY v COY11UM1Y CCNTRC � - - �. � � OETNLEO REVIEW MU � - w MpRSHiP � PA11K . i P„a�� E����,�„ 8 . ,�� ,��„ . . . • � 5[PARwTE R[M[MMY B . . iCNOOI MC1N .. � � . � �� . . � H15TORIC NLIAC[ OO IIII[wLLL .. . . . . . � � \�1 ' 00-TMNSIT lTATON v �' ! CQ�TU�I 4SMT' ' SC eer.roa uerne RC ea�"►ux � �� n�.°� �: �°i.wwrt oww�wn � uwr� eowurro }{� . . ��� . .wN . . . �� N�•i;_ � US�DESI�CN�IIIiII$ . � PICI�RING OFFICIAL PUW �DIIION x ChopMf Beven - I1rba� Nalphba�faodf �52 , , , , . : . . •.. . r r �.� =+ i � - z ,r r ' _ ` r,,:_ __ , . . _ . , . . . . ,_ _ ... , _ . - - , � >, , . . . . , ,. ,. . - ,. . , ,r ; � ' rZp ATTACHMENTI Tp a REPORTI PD�4 MAp 15 . � . NEIGHBOUR�IOOID 5: ROUGEMOUNT �a� SYMBOIS ���� N[W RO�O CONNCCfWN! (PROPOimi - BO�IINO�MTM�� - a WORlNIP �� �� D[TNI,W RMCW MU i ���[MMY � usn�uer � NIIMlTON ROAO CORRIDOR S[PARA7[ Rl4tNTANY P110P07W oivaorwnn owonwu (ncrc� ro eourc�nnw oo�ucHr� su'� � ue�unr ' . . � s(�` nnovoaro scr�wn ccrrtnc � � ►.�me � O .Plqlqf[p ewwnm cwr�c . �a ( �OMIMU[M OOWIYpII M w �u���;,L� � • ���.�YS�� � N0 � �'�"Dan sa�i[oiu°�i � PICK6hNGOFHCNIPUNEDfIlON2 Chopta6m�en—Urba�Nebhbouhoods 1S6 ��v � �� ; � _ ATTACHMENTI _ Tp REPORT r DO o ,�9 MAP 16 NEIGHBOURHOOD 6: WOODLANDS �o� ��� �•�•� hcw Raw eamccnoaa frnonoew) � NsaOOw+wwr�samNOOO O �norosro eouuuMir e[Nfnc �� DlTNItG aMM NtG - � �ORSHw � 1111[wLLL :y�� �� ^�:,,��� m i K�.�.�,,,,� 0 (1�[Ip1 TO COYKNpVY pOCUY[MI PNM _�rKwosroh �wo eonmooa d ao.uutt ncunar,utrO ocvnarnurt w�wn..�cs u� ��orosm r� (ncru� ro eouru�aw oocwcnr� � _ ' � s�c am +enooi. � usn.wr OuMea►�osco ���,� M SC �'cCDCnrRc ovvmron . — � � ���••• � MPEM�ON tq p�E0E5�6'M110Nf PICKBtMG OfflCUL PI/W EoI110N x Clwpta 9swn - Urban Nalphbauhoodt 160 �,. . , ^ ; ,� , . i � i_ - _. ' . .. . . i. . , , •• 3Q' . AttAGNIENTI '�,_ TO REPGRTt P� MAP 17 NEIGHBOURHOOD 7: DUNBARTON �a� �..a wtrv �o�o eawcenows (��wotro) �� � DLTNt[O 11M[M MG vwoa ro� w�aeH counew ws �j��..v MOP1[O OMLOPYCMf GUW[lIM[f (11[RII i0 COY►OIpW OOCUU[Mf) � NMq{TOM IIWD CORpiD011 ocvaw..enr au�ocuaca (11[Rw to WurfNpuV oocw[M) E—> � `.� mf.� ��� sv�teo�s � ea»�iw�wv HO°° � eourunrtr ocHr�[ � �� � Dr wptswv �imt � PUlLIC [UY[MMY O` lGMOO� T 1110►0![O IMIi C] K� °L°`"' CEM «y�,,,, acrNUrt ucorar.m •cwa. gC scr�a� ccrmrc weue scconw�r scHOO� � n��u� '+1� �usro�ro Mw�o[ � � uwm aowtna a� nawowa a%�°rwwr °snrrrrr' �� ��i � w� � � .�°°�iw .� IPI'FM�ON S�GI[OIR�L 1 �� ricr,�rrc o�A� PuN r�raa x cno�ier eeven — ulba, ►�nco�.nood: �� ATTACHMENT I O �' , REPORT/ PD '�T� . MAP' 18 � NEIGHBOURHUOD 8: TOWN CENTRE ' 'i.eaerm _ srnmocs ��.� H�w rtwo cw�r�cem�+s (Paoaosm) � "ew�i�oB.w°UrRMO00 � uewav � � DETNLEO RMEW MU - . Of �W�OIIi�tlP PMK SPfCW. /OUCY MU ' � S�C O�OL�pt� OO MOPOl\O MMN . � lAHOf Fd1 wNICH COUNCI� 1u! �vy1'., �oovrtu ocvnonuort ou�ocuMn . (11Cfd� 70 COUP[MduY OOCWCMT) ' � 00-iMNSR fT�T10N B MbN . � NMGlfON R6�D COI�RIDOII � . ownnouwT aurocuHta (nvu to couvaaw ooeuMC� Q ema eouv�c Q . • c[Nnw. usnNrc uwa eov,�na P[D[STFWJ WMLC CONNECTIOM �'' (IROPOS[D Q �[CIIUTqN Q RC co�nna gC scNan eo.rn� �,�� � o �„��, «,� a �R� �,��-.�..:_,�-.. . =� ����� . ricr.�awaorRCU�ruweomor+s: cnaptareeven—urt>onNebhoa,naod� iee �' � , <• .. . ,: . ., , ; .s, . , . :; 32: , nrrac�M��rr�,�� : � REhOAT / PD _%�,.7-p__ p � : MAP 19 NEIGHBOURHOOD 9: VILLAGE EAST �a� ���� NCW RpAp CONNCC�qN! (/POWS[0) � � ORNILD RM[Y/ MG �.woa ron wracH camcn w�a 4�'� «� �norrzo otvuon�crrt cuiocuHn (A[f[R TO COYP[NqUY DOCYMp1» � ItW09TON ROAp CppR10011 DN[IOPY[Ilf WIO[tH1[y (N[I[11 70 COYP[NOnIY OOCUYMf) �o� � "�� �"10OO CEM C[YR[M � PMK � POU�C BTAMN RC ^«^u^a+ COYPLCI( a oowwon +mwwv.^Pbi�rw . +` � �' • M .. � . ' .. MM�R�ON SOK9U�E �1 �s . PICI�RINGOFFICW.PIANEDRI0N4: ChaPlaBeven—URwnNebhboufwod� 11Z ;, '.:� . `. ` - ;: � . - �. . .' • ' ' _ i , - , -- -, i_ ' it . �, .. � . . . . � . � � . anacH�se�iT � - /D ro 33 HEPURT � PU��^ � 1.itfC Z� NEIGHBOURT300D 10: HIGHBUSH �� s�� ���� NEW ROAD COMHCRqM7 (PNOP09[D) - MBWNOVlVMO00 �� � DRNI.CD 11MCW MG � p/�ry( ur�os ron w�� councw w�s i weue n[uart.�r �ilt iy (�RTO COY CNOIVY�OOCUY[M) iCM001. Ult OI'p1pYp � ���M � , - '�'�:��r�'wiw.:i�..�..� r � � � � � A�PP�FM�ON Sq �L �1 � . , r�cr�co�a�uruwcomorir. cnoP��esv�:-IAbanNslphboutqodt 176 _, _ . ` t � � ,. i�, , .. - �.'.. � �. : � � , , . � . 4 . . . , , . , , l tl - }/���� �. _ � � � .. y� 1. . r, ATTACHfAENTI�! r��� TO r:� oA PEPOqTr PD�J ,-V� Y MAP 21 N�IGHBOLTRHOOD 11: AMBERLEA �o� S,�oo� ���� NM ROAG CONNCCfWNS (PROPOSED) � "ow,HBwnHO°D CEM CCM[arrr �� ORNI.[A �MLW MG - a w�VMfwP � PM1t � PuBl1C [L[4WTMY OO MOPOS[D PMK SC11001 � � ELPIIMT[ [LCM[MMY � IICIIOOI M�ST0111C NLlAOC . . . � PIIOPOSN iCPARAi[ [L£M[NiARY 6CIqOL �f[PN4T[ T[CONOARY �l �CM001. �tiAMW � M�LDh�f11i OO�MIY[M . �� � S��r'r.'�.�....sr�°.s. M - NOTEt UND USE OCS�CiMTONS ,, . I�PPC/JI ON SCN[DUl[ 1 pICKERING OffICIAL PUN EO(IION 1 CMpfx Beven - Urbu� Neiphbaaiwods 1� .: � �'': �. _ " � ATTACHMENT► I _ TD 35 . REPORT F Pp MAP 22 NEIGHBOURHOOD 12: LIVERPOOL ��� �o� . ���� NLW RO�C CONNCCT10f1i fvnovosw) S W^B �801�0°o B rACrN 'i �� �' OCfMtO I�M[W MU . PIAC[ � . OI' WORSXW PMIf ix��.�.,� � . � . PIIOPOS[D PMN • � fCIIOOI� [L[YdRA11Y � POUCC f7A710N . . ". � fC1�`![CONQMY 0 i1R[1NLL . . . � S[� �T[ ![CONdV11l � Ni7TORIC NLLA6! � �a:"� CEM ccuncwr . � � � � � CMC �COMPIaf . . hw�rtp � � � ! C[NI�NI. U011ARY . . . . �_ ��w!..w�M��'°�.S'w...�...,. . � pl SpK�I �f . ' oi.� � PICKERRrGOff1CL1LPlANED1IlON� Chapfa9even-UbanNelphbouhoad� �g� • AiTACHIdEN7/ � ^ TO � 3 fj ' REPoRTY PO �r z� NEIGHBOURHOOD 13: BROCK RIDGE �� s�o� ���� � BOUNWfT�� m PMN HM IIOM CONM[CTWNS (PflOP03[D) . . . - PIAC[ O p[TNL[O NMM MG OI WOR3N�V � PAOP09[O PAR1t � lAMD3 fdl MMKM COUHCX. HAS y?Jt.y: ADO�TEO OMIAPM[HT OWO[UNO � pYBl1C SCNOOI CEM CCMCT[IIY (P[fLR 70 COMPOIONY OOCYYL11h O j PIIOPOS[D PueLIC [LLM[MMY 6CM001. , � SlONUK [IIMGRMY 6C1100L . . � PuBtK f[CONWIIY urwo� ' i�!�r.°+n"i'�10oariaor.�wr ar.�non - . II Fo—l:aun .T'ni �o�^. ^• r"'"� �ws�M . .. . . . � NOt[i lANO USE O[SICNA� � I MP[M ON SM[OULE 1 PICKERING OFFICIAL PUN EDrtION 2: Choplet 6even — Urba� NelOhbauhood� 188 �, , x,- ?. �'� ATTACHMENTI ^ TO . ` REPORT / PD 3� .. � � � . . � t�itfr frY . . NEIGHBOURHOOD 14: ROUGE PARK �a� �o� ��� N[W RO�D CONIICCTIOHS (PROPOlCpI �' p�pUHp�npuy NOOD � S� �7[ [�ypRMy �� ORNL[D PMCw MG �� PVQ•JC iC�WOL � PMK UNDf ION vINiC11 CW1lCn. 1W O ��.T,r�' �OOPTCD OEV[LOPMENT GUIDEIJH[S ' �y�� ��� O p�pppsED PMN (R[!LR TO COUPENDIUM DOCUU(HI) . . . � . . � ►110Mb[D ![PMwif � ELEMWTM'/ SC/q01, � � �� �vt�yMl OfI��tYfM � � . � . . . . . . . . .. . .. 1 h� - M�u ."i'l.: �'•:•'M°•••�"'""• � NOTE: WN u5[ DESC1uTqN5 ' � APPfM ON SCH[DUIE 1 . . PICKERWGOF�ICIALPUN�ITION4: Chapfer9eren—UrbanNelphboulwods 192 � f F� � �� � �` :., . . , . . : ' _ . .. . , , ., . , � , , ,: ,,,.. .u, , . --- , 1�� . •''AT7ACHh!EFJT I I S TO .. R[9�?t a Pp ���� . MAP 25 NEIGHBOURHOOD 15: DUTFIN HEIGHTS �a� S�o� �� ocunco RM[w MG � "eour"�w RNO°D CEM ���T. - PIACE Q Of WORSHIP PMK , � s�"sH°o`�o�n.cuurt�nr DP asni°iciCOr,w� � . � 3[PAMTC CUV[MTARY u�ao� ' an w wam�e � � ' . . . . r �nsu.�art oawtwHt , . . �. � � "��"SM.�..�..r�.+..���°°�.i. �. � � � . _ - . . �Wro u5E DESICINIIONS� . ON SCHEOULE I PICKERINGOFfICU1lPLANEDfIIONx ChapterBeven-lhbanNdphboufaods 196 '` r x