HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD 36/00;�.��;! . F . . .. , . . . � . � - ' .. . . ' .. ,� � � � - ��,oF�, 75 � �° REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Neil Carroll DATE: July 26-00 Director, Planning & Development REPORT NUMBER: PD36-00 SUBJEC'f: Comments on the Town Council-Adopted Ajax Oflicial Plan and Proposed Enabling Amendments to the Durham Regional Ofiicial Plan RECOMMENDATION: i. That City Council endorse Reporl No. PD 36-00 as the City of Pickcring's commenu on the Town Council-Adopted Ajax Official Plan nnd proposed enabling amendments to the Durham Regional Official Plan (OPA 2000•003/D); 2. That City Council request that the Region oP Durham include within its Durham Mobility Study, a preliminary rcvicw of thc necd und approprintcness of a Clements RoaJ cxtcnsion from Westney Road in the Town of Ajax, to the Ajax/Pickering municipal boundnry; 3. That City Council recommend to the Region of Durhsun thut it defer consideration of the omission of a Clemcnts Road extcnsion in the Ajnx Official Plan, end deletion of a Clemcnts Roud extcnsion Gom thc Durham Regional Official Plan, pendins completion of lhe Durham Mobiliry Studp; and 4. That the City Clerk be Jirccted to fonvard a copy of Report No. PD 3G-00 to the Town of Ajax nnd thc Rcgion of Durham. ORIGIN: The Region of Durham hns circulated the Council-Adopted Ajax Oflicial Plan, and proposed enabling umendments to the Durham Regional Official Plan, for the Citys review nnd comment. AUTHORITY: The Planning Ac�, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P,13 FINANCIAL IIviPLICATIONS: No direct costs to the City of Pickering are anticipated as a result of the approval of the ncw Ajax Official Plan. EXECUTNE SUMMARY: The Council of the Town of Ajax adopted their new Official Plen on April l7, 2000, and fonverded it to the Region of Durham for approvnl. Despite concems expressed previously by lhe City of Pickering, the Transponation Schedule of the new Ajax Plan continues to omit a westerly cxtension of Clementa Road from Wcstney Road to thc Ajax/Plckcring boundary. Thc Town ofAjex hea also submitted proposed emendments to the Dufiam Regionnl Official Plen to delete the Clements Road extension (OPA 2000•003/D). ,� s REPORT NUMBER 36-00 Date: July 26-00 Subjxt: , Commrnta on the Town Council-Adopted Ajex OtYicial Plan Page 2 The Region is currently undertaking the "Durham Mobility Swd�', which is asaessing regional transporiation issues end sotutions. The Swdy provides an opportunity to rovicw Ihe appropriateness of a Clemrnts Road extension. Staff recommend ►hat the Region of Durham include wilhin its Durham Mobility Study, a proliminary roview of the Clemcnis Road isaues, and that the Region defer its wnsideration of the Clc.:,rnts Road extension matters in the Ajax and Dw} °� Ofiicial Plans until the Durham Mobility Study is completed. BACKGROUND: 1.0 Nistorv The Town of Ajax initiated a review of iheir Official Plan in the Fall of 1997, and released a draR Official Plan in November,1999 for public review. On February 7, 2000, the Council of the Ciry of Pickering endorsed Planning Report No. 02-00 as tho City's comments on the draR Towm of Ajax OfTicial Plan (sce Attachment kl). The Repon explained that minor revisions wero required in order for the Ajax Plan to bcucr mesh within the land use, transportation and policy framework establisha! by the Durham Regional Oflicial Plan anJ the Pickering O�cial Plan. This included revisions to the Land Use Schedule regarding Open Space designations along the north Ajax/Pickering boundary, as wcll as revisions to thc Transportation Schedule regarding future road conncctions with Pickering. Following the receipt of commcnts on the dralt Official Plan, Ajax staff prepared a atafT- recommended Plan. That Plan was fonvardc�l to 1he City of Pickcring in Mnrch, 2000, Pickcring ataff reviewcd the revised Ajax Plan within the context of the Ciry's carlier comments on thc draR vcrsion. A staff rcpoA was prcparcd, and on May 1, 2000, City Council endorscd Report No. PD 17-00 as lhc City's comments on the staff- recommcnded Ajax Oflicial Plan (see Atlachment N2). The Report stated that the majority of thc City's conccros rcgarding the drntl Plan liad been addressed; however, one issuc rcmaincd. As cxplained in RepoA No. PD 17-00, the outstanding issuc was thc designation of Clements Rond as a Type 'C' Artcrial Road on Schedule C of the Ajax Plan. 'fhe Transporiation Schedule of thc staff-recommended Plan omitted an extension of Clements Road from Watney Road wcstwazd to the Ajax/Pickering boundary, despitc such a dcsignation appearing in thc Durham Regional OlTicial Plan, and dupite a proposed conncction in the Pickcring Ofiicial Plan. 'fhe extension of Clements Road was not rccommended by a Master Transportation Study prcpnred for Ajax as part of thcir OfTcial Plan rcview, due to the environmrntal constraints of crossing Duflins Creck. The City was of the position that such an omission was premature without the benefit of further study. The Council of the Town of Ajax adopted their new OfTcial Plan on April 17, 2000, end Convarded it to the Region of Durham for approval. The Council-adopted Plan continues to omit the Clements Road extension from its Transportation Schedule. The Town of Ajax has also submitted proposed OtTicial Plan Amendment OPA 2000-003/D to the Durham Regional Official Plan, which includes a request to delete the Clcmrnts Road extension (see Attachmrnt #3). The purpose of this Report is to provide the City's commrnts on the Council-adoplcd Ajax Official Plan and Ajax's proposed amendments to thc Regional Plan. 2.0 Discussion The Pickering O(ticial Plun designates a fuluro extension of Clements Road from its current terminus east of Squires Beach Road, to the Ajax/Pickering Boundary at the Church Street right-of-way. The Durham Regional OtTicial Plen designates Gcmrnta Road es a Type "C" Arterial Road wnnceting Ajex with pickering. , ' REPORT NUMBER 36-00 Date: July 26-00 • Subjxh Commenla on the Town Council-Adopted Ajax Officlal Plen Page 3 %% If the new Ajex Plen was modified to extend Clemonta Road from 1Nestney Road W the municipal boundary, a future altemative to Bayly Strcet and Highway 401 could be provided far eastlwcst inter-municipal traCfic. In particular, another wnncction could be achieved between the Brock Road employment area in Pickering, and the Soulh Ajax residential and employment areas. The Region is currenlly undertaking lhe "Durham Mobility Stud�', which is assasing rcgional transporiation issues and solutions. This study provides an opportunity to undertal:c a preliminary rovicw of the appropriateness of a future extension oC Clemrnts Road. The review would evaluate the necd Cor and benefits of such a connection, against its potential environmental, social and fiscul impacts. Staff recommended that, within the context of the Durham Mobility Study, the Region of Durham includc a roview of the need and appropriateness of a Clements Road extension from Westney Road in thc Town of Ajax, to the Ajax/Pickcring municipal boundary. It is also recommended that until the study has been complctcd, thc Region defer its consideration of the omission of a Clements Road extcnsion in the Ajax Oflicial Plan, and its dcletion from thc Durhmn Rcgional Officinl Plan, The Durham Mobility Study will providc an anpropriate technical and public forum for thc resolution of this issuc. City staff will continue to work with the Rcgion and Ajax on this matter. ATTACHMENTS: I. City of Pickcring Planning Rcport No. 02-00 2. City of Pickcring Planr.mg Rcpart No. PD 17-00 3. Proposcd Enabling Aincndmcnts to thc Durham Rcgional O�cial Plun Prepazed By: ��� � - I� .� -: �i� ��- Catherine L. Rose Managcr, Policy GM/CLR/par Attachmrnts Copy: ChiefAdministrative0fficer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering Ciry Council . i� .� .. oD Th J. Quinn hie dminis ti Of� cer Approvcd / Endorscd by: r Neil Carrol M ' , RPP Director, Planning & Developmrnt 0 �� • . , � � �� nnacH��r � � REPORi I PD_�� O � REPORT TO C�UUNCIL � FROM: Neil Cerroll DATE: January 10, 2000 Director, Plenning end Develapment t - . PLANNING REPORT NUMII�R: 02-00 SUBIECf: Comments on the Draft Town of Ajax Official Plan RECOMMENDATTONS: 1. Thet City Council endorse Plenning Report No. 02-00 as the City of Pickering's comments on ihe draft To�trti of Ajex Official Plen; and 2. That lhe City Clak be dirccted to forwnrd a copy of Plenning Report No. 02-00 to the Town of Ajax and Region of Durham. ORIOIN: 'll�e Town of Ajax hes rcquested comments on their draR ORcial Plen, which was released for ,� public roview and comment in November, 1999. AVINORITY: Thc Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13 FiNANC[AL IMI'LICA7i0NS: No direct costs to the City ere anticipnted ns e result of the adoption nnd approval of the new Ajax Officiel Plen. EXECU'flVE SUMMARY: The Town of Ajax has circulated s draR Oflicial Plen for public and agency comment Upon review of the Ajex Plen, it is clear thet minor revisions are required in on ler for thc Plan to -- beder mesh within the lend usq transportetion and policy fremework N�ablished by the Durham Regionel Officiet Plan and thc Pickerin� Ofiicial Plnn. This includes avisions to its I.and Usc Schedule rogarding Open Space designations along tha north Ajsx/I'ickering boundary, as well a� cevisions to the Trenspo�iation Schedule rogarding futuro road connxtions with the City of PicL•z�ring. DACKaROUND: 1.0 Overview 7Le Town ofAjex iniBated a roview of their Officiel Alan in the Fall of 1997. The Tovm , estebliahed a Stakeholder Advisory Committee, hold seve�al public open houscs and workshopa, and produced a serics of discusaion papera. 71wse ei%rts culminated with Ihe mlease Ihie pest November of e drnft Offieial Plan. 0 � ' ATTACHMENTI � TO � flEPURT � PD ��Ah � �y'n /J PI,AtJIJIN(}�RBpORT TTUMBER 02-00 Dete: Jenuary 10, 2000 Subject: Comments on the Town of Ajax Draft Official Plan pe8� 2 Tha dreft Otiiciel Plen hns been circulated to adjacent municipalities, commenQng agencies, end members of the public. Following a rcview nf comments roceived an the . Plan, Ajax staff intend to prepare e second draft Officiel Plan tor additional public review in mid Febn�a�y. It is enticipated that a recommended Officinl Plnn will be the topic of a . stetutory public mating in March, and the Plan would be presented to Ajex Council for "" adopdon at their subsequent meeting. 0 � � Thc purpose of lhis Repod is to provide Ajnx with ihe City of Pickering's comments on their draft Otlicia) Plen. Copies of the draR Ajax Officinl Plan are avnilable for review at the office of the Pickering Plenning and Development Depnr6nent. 2.0 Discussion The curnnt Ajnx Official Plen consists of a District Plen (approved in 198�, which conleins the coro policy directives for the municipality, as wcll us several "Community Plans" which are individual secondary plans for mnny of thc Town's neighbourhoods, end'ere amendments to the District Plnn. Other ncighbourhoods within the Town are guided by "Development Plans", but these Plans do not constitute fortnal components of tho District Plnn. The draft Officiol Plan would rcpluce the Dislrict Plan, Community Plnns and ' Development Plans with a single document. Compnred to the current O1Tcia1 Plan, the new drnft Plan is brief, concise, and avoids thc rcdundnncies nnd discrepancies among the existing set of documents. The Plan is orgnniud within five main chapters, seveml of which were the subject of discussion papers nleased by the Town of Ajnx during its Official Plen review. City of Pickering slaff commented on the discussion pnpers on November 2, 1999 (seeAttachment NI). Seveml of our comments on the discussion papers continua to apply to tho draft Ofliciel Plun. The drnft O�cial Plan hns ban rovicwed by stafE' of the Planning and Development, Operations and Emergency Scrvices, end Corpornte Projects and Policy Departments. Thc following discussion provides staffs comments on each of thc chapters. . 2.1 Draft Ajex OPFicial Plan - IutroducQon Staffhave no specific wmments on this chapter. 2�. Dra$ Ajex O�cial Plan - Lend Usc Plan The lend use chepter cansists of policy dircctives for the Plen's greenlands fiamework, residcntiel ereas, employmant ar�as, and the rurnl ana The draft Ajax Plen proposes nn urbnn boundary, population mrgets (120,000 people by the yoar 2021), and employment targets thai ore consistent with those of thc Durham Regional Officiel Plan. Staff do not have any concems with lunds designated for growth in the dreft Plan. . With respect to non-growth roleted designations, a discropancy mny exist between the Plckering O�cial Plen end thc draft Ajex Plan. Thc m�jority of lands betwxn Fifth Conas�ion Rond end Highwsy No. 7, east of Sidcline 16 aro designat�d "Open Space System —Natural Area" tn the Ptckering Plen. 'tlio designatlon is duc to lhe meny and veried nahual feeturss tn this erea, includtng: wetlands; groundwater rechergo and diacharge zones; aggre�ate deposits; and Ierge forests trncts. The southerly-obutting lend uso deaignadon� in tho dreR A,jex Plen pdmadly consist af "Rurnl Arcu", whtch pertnits uses that roey jeopardlu the futuro of thcsc senaWvo nntuml features. . . . � . ' .� " �_. � . � � � ! � ATTACHMENTI� / TO ' •'. O O P.EPGi1T / POy7!P_�V v , / PI,pNN[Nd REPORT NUMBER OZ-00 Date: January 10, 2000 Subject Comments on the Town of Ajax Draft Official Plan Page 3 Sta(t rccommead t6At Ajp= review ita propaud lond uac designAtiona for t6G area, and coasider (ncrea�tng lhe amount ot land deatgnated "EnvironmentAl Protection" fo better complement the abutltng Pickering Ofticiai Plan deaignattone. • Of additionel note, the Land 1)se Schedule identifies lends east of Notion Road as — "Employment Policy Area 2". Scetion of the draft Plan provides details on the land use end urban design sNdy required for those Innds, to be undeRnlcen by the Town in conjunction with the Region, Pickering, nnd the Conservation Authority. The study, {rnown as the "Notion Road Land Use and Design Study", is currently undcrway and is anticipated to be compleled later this Spring. 2.3 DraR Ajax O�cial Plan - Urban Design nnd Heritnge Preservation Steff have no specific wmments on this chapter. 2.4 Dreft Aja�c Official Plun - TranspoAntion and Infrastrucmrc Schedule 'C' of the dcaR Plan esteblishes a tronsportntion network for the Town, and designetes freeways, arterial ronds, end colicetor rouds. In reviewing the proviously- roleased discussion paper on transportation, stniT determined that several inconsisteecies exist betwan the praposed network nnd that estnblished by the Durham and Pickering Official Plans. A few discropancies continue to appenr in the draft O�cinl Plan, as follows (elso refer to Attechment N2, which numerically identifies staff s concems with ' the Ajex proposed transportation network): F.as//wu� arferinl behvetn Rossland and Tmm►on Roads T1ie draR Ajax Plan designates an easUwest Type `C' Arterial Rood that would travel from Church Street to Audlcy Rond. This future easdwest road is situated mid-concession between Rossland and Taunton Ronds. A similor mid-concession easdwest Typc 'C' Arterinl Rond is designeud in the Eost ' Duffins Aren (B�A) Study of Pickering, ntnning from the Ajax/Pickering boundary westward through the Duffin Heights and I.amonaux neighbourhoods. If the Ajex Plen wss revised to extend its Type 'C' Acteriel west to the Ajax/['ickering boundary, a• connection would be mnde between the two erterial roads, end a logical altemetive to Rossland Road and Taunton Road would be provided for east/west inteo-municipal traffic • (sce m on Attachment �2). The Durhem Regional Officiel Plan also designetes a Type ' 'C' Arierial Road in this location. The master trensportntion study. prepared for Ajax recommends the future aAerial road terminete at Church Street, due to environmentel constraints of crossing Duffins Creek. � In our view, it is prcmature to make this conclusion wilhout the benofit of underteking an � environmentai assessmen� � The environmentel essessment would evaluate the benefits of such a connection, egainst its potendal environmentel, aociel and fiscal impacts. If a ftitnro evnluadon detemiines tho conncetion is not nquired, Official Plans could be emended, and tho underiaking • abandoned. Howover, the evnluedon must occur Tirst – not protecting for the connection now could precludo s potentielly important enst-west trensporletion link in the tLture. Iteg�rdine a fature eaet weat roed located mid-conccaalon betwten Taunton �nd Ro�i4nd Ro�di, ilaf[ recommends the Tnn�poHAt�on Schcdalo of tho AJrx Otlicl�l Pbn be revbed to'c:tend the eaet•wcst futuro road trom Church ShYet to Ihe Aj�Y/Pickedn6 boandaryi and th�t tha e��t-west ro�d be deetgnnted �s e Type'C' ArterlAl.. , � ATTACHMENTI � • REPOHTr pp�j=n%� PLANNINd REPORT NUMDER 02-00 Subject: Comments on ihe Town af Ajax Draft ORciel Plen, E!lzabelh Street /Rfverside Drlve 81 Date: Janunry 10, 2000 • Pagc 4 During tho EDA Study, a smell pocket of potentially developable land was identified adjacent to lho Ajax/Pickerin� boundary, and seperated from other Pickering lends by the ,� Urfe Creek (see �, on Attachment S2). A futurc north/south Type 'C' Arterial Road �- wnnection ihat would run from the easdwest connection in Pickering discussed in the previous scetlon, to an extension of Eli7abeth Street / Riverside Drive in Ajax (see m on Attachment #2), wes contemplated during lhe EDA Study to provide nccess to ihis pocket of potentially developable lend. Such a connection would require a brood crossing of the Urfc Creek. Considering ihe limited size of the developable area, and the fect thnt abuttins. lands in Ajax would providc a more appropriete menns of accessing and servicing the�site, a crossing is not likely warranled. Rnlher than rcyuesting an extension of Eli�nbeth Strcet / Riverside Drive northwercl to the futuro ensUwest Arterial Road in Pickering, stafi will closely monitor development epplications in Ajsx to ensure that futuro eccess to the Pickcring site is provided iluough the southerly and/or eastedy ebulting lends in Ajex. Nollon Road / Hlg/rway 40l Overpass The Ajax mester trunsportation study supports an overpnss of Highway A01 to connect " Notion Roed with Squires Beach Road. The overpass is fentured within the Durham and Pickering O�ciel Plans; however, the dmft Ajex Plan is unclear on its support far n Notion Road overpass (see m on Attachment N2), Sfa(t recommend thaf �a overpsea sym6ol for Notion Road / Highway 401 be added fo the TrnnaportaHon Schedule, or a te:t policy added fo slarify the Plan'� support for Ihe overpase. Clemenls Road The Pickering OCficial Plan designates e futuro extension of Clements Rond from its current terminus east of Squires Bench Road, to the Ajex/f'ickering Boundury at the . Church Street right-of-way. The Durham Regiona► Ofticial Plan designntes Clements Roed. ns a Type "C" Arterial Road connecting Ajex with Pickering, but the drefl Ajex Plen does not accommodate lhe connection (sa � on Attachment �2). If the Ajax Plan was revised to add a conncetion betwan Westney Road and Ihe . municipal boundnry, n logical altemative to Bayly Strat and Highwny 401 would be ... provided for east/west inter-municipal tra�c. In particuler, a better connection would be achieved between the Brock Road employment area in Pickering, and thc South Ajax . residentiel arcas. The mester transpoRetion study prepared !'or Ajex does not recommcnd an extrnsion of Ciements Road into Pickering due to the environmental consknints of crossing the Duflins Crak. in our view, it is prematuro to mako this conclusion wilhout lhe benefit of underteking an environmentel as.vessment. The envlronmentel assessment would evelueta the benctits of sucL a connection, against ita potentlal environmental, aocial end fiscal impacts. If a fUturo evaluadon detecmines the connxtion is not requirod, Official Plans could be amended, end the undertuking abandoned. However, tho evaluntion must occur ficst — not pmtecdng for tho conncction now could preclude a potendnlly tmportent eaat-west transportetion link in the fuhioe, 8l�ft recommend fh�! the TnnapoHAtion Sehedale bo reviacd fo exfend Clemcnb Ro�d from Westney Ropd to Iho,Aj�t/Pickertng bound�ry, . AiTACHMENir � TO S 2 REPORTr PD�_ , ' PI.ANMNO REPORT N[JMBL�R 02-00 Date: Januery 10, 2000 SubJect: Comments on the Town of Ajax Dratt Official Plan Page 5 Church SYreet 'Ihe Church Street dght-of-way serves aa tho Ajax/I'ickering municipal boundary south ._ of Highwey 401. The road currently tem�inates as a public road just south of Beyly Street; however, a futuro southerly extension of the road is designated in the �- Pickering and Durhem Official Plans, to intersect with the extension of Clements Road (sec � on Attachmcnt #2). The extension of Chureh Street will providc an additional opportunity for norlh-soulh travel in the Brock Roed industrial erea, and will assist in eccessing and servicing the lands. Thero is no discussion in the Ajnx masler trensportation study regarding the extension of Church StmG Sta(f recommend Ih�t tho Traneportatinn Schedulc be revised to eztend Church Sheet from Bayly Street to Clements Road, and deatgnate the road as a Type 'C' ArterlaL ' F�h Concessfon Road The Fiflh Conccssion Road right-of-way serves ns the northem Ajax/Pickering municipal boundery. 71u Pickering and Durhnm Ofticial Plans designate the road ns a Type "B" Arterial Road; however, thc Ajex Ptan dces not desisrwte the unopened portion of thc road (see m on Atlechment 112). Extension of lhe Fitih Concession Rond will provide an " addilional east-west link to the Pickerin�/Whitby boundary, The mastcr transportntion study prepared for Ajnx does reticet the Regional designotion, so the omission from the drnft Plan mey be duc to a draRing crror. Stoff reeommend the Tnn�pnrfation Schedulc be reviaed to eifend Fifl6 Concailon Ro�d ea�hvard to thc Aja:/VVhilhy border aa a Typc `B' Arterial Ra�d. Lakeridge Road Inlerchange The Tmnsportation Schedule nf the Durham Regional O[ficial Plan designates a full interchange et Lekeridge Roed and Highway 401, but the interchange symbol is missing . � from this locelion of ihe Ajex Plon (see � on Attechment N2). Stntf recommend the Trnnsportation Schedule be revi�ed fo designate a full InterchAnge at Lakerldge Road And Highway 401. 2.� implementetion and Administration . y Steff have no specific comments on U�is chapter. 2.6 Minor Revisions Thc north-west comer of the Ajax/Pickering boundary on each of thc draft Official Plan's achedules is incorrcctly identified (see � on Attachment �f2; which correcUy idenHfies lhe boundary). St�tt recommend th�t the Aja�Pickering boundary identifled in the north-w«t corner of All drntt AJu O(ficial Plan echedulea be revteed fo adtR the bound�ry to t6e eait, digning wif6 the Sldeline 16 right-of•way. ATTACHMENT/ ' TO REPORTi pD�_ PLANMNd REPORT NUMBER 02-00 ' ` SubJect: Comments on the T�wn of Ajex Dreft OfTiciel Plen 3.0 Otha Matters -:F c83 Date: Jenuery 10, 2000 • Pa��e 6 Pickering staff havo met with Ajax staf'f to discuss theso comments, end other minor suggestions. They indicated that stafi's comments would be wnsidered in the preparation of lhe second draft Officiel Plan. City staff will teview the second draR to — cvaluete tha mennerin which stafi's comments aro addrossed, end continue to pursue the City's interests. ATTACHMENTS: • 1. City of Pickering Staff Comments on Town of AJex Officiol Plan Review - Policy Dircction Papers 2. Trenspottation Schedule of the Drofi Ajax Officinl Plan r�„�a By: �t � ff ight Planner 2 � �G���'--v ^h'� �/� ( Catherino L, Rose Menegw, Policy Division (3M/ab Attachments Approved / Endorsed by: �,� ��i c� Dircctor, P nni and Devclopment Copy: ChiefAdministrativeOfficer Division Head, Corporate Projecis and Policy - Division Nead, Municipal Property and Engineering Recommended for the wnsideraGon of Pickering City Council ORIGMAL SIdNBD BY .. Thomas ). Quinn, Chief Administrative ORcer .. ... _ , . ,. � ,: _ 0 . ` ATTACHMENTI � TO . H 4 f1EPORT I PD� CT/ OF PICK INO FlFTH CONCP.8810N ROAD '�������� Irp' `% I �� 1 � ITAUNTON ROAC f� �I ---r._ _�� i I � � ��--'�O --- --�------ li -------' � ��� '� 3 � �, r �i 2I � p oeur�evonrve � �, � 6 U � 'ai LLI � O � �~ ION08TON R � •��. � I --- ----j , HIOHWAV NO. �Ot x� U O '�'� �i-- ------- -� � � �` � I �� 1 I I I I -----I _ 1 / i / � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � LeJre Ontarlo DRAFT A,IAX OFFICIAL PLAN - TRANSPORTATION SCHEDULE (with abutting City of Pickering Trenaportetion Network) ' UCI8T1N0 flOADB � ---- FUTURE ROADB � � MUNIC�PAL BOUNDARY ' - Jon. 17. 9000 � � o�eM�oP\Plc�� � � LL � � . ATTAr,HMENT� � i0 � � �. �� . �EPORTrPD -�j . �,�` � . . � , 85 REPORT TO COUNCIL • ` . . . FROM: Neil C�troll . DATE: Aprit 17, 2000 � Director, Plenning end Development � �tEPORTNUMBER PD 17-00 — � � SUB]ECf: Comments on the StafT Recommend Town of Ajnx Officiel Plen RECOMMENDATTONS: . 1. That City Council endorso Report No. PD 17-00 ns the City of Pickering's wm�ents on tha Staff-Recommended Town ofAjax Officinl Plen; and 2. That the Cily Clerk bo directed to fonvanl.a wpy of Report No. PD 17-00 to.the Town of A jex and the Region of Durhem. ' • ORIOIN: . The Town of Ajex hns provided e copy of the stalT-recommended Otiiciul Plan for public review and commenG AUTHORITY: Tho Planning Act, RS.O. 1990, cheptec P.13 FINANCIAL IIvfPLICATI0N9: ' No direct costs to tha City of Pickc�ring are mticipated as n result of the adopdon and approvnl of the ncw Ajnx Otiicial Plau. � HXt?CU'TIVB SCTMMARY: . . Thc City of Pickering hns receivcd a wpy of the statTrecommended Ajax O�cial Plan for review and comment Compacing the issuey ruised in tha City's previous comments on tho drnft Ajax P1en (see Attachmcnt #1, Planning Report No. 02-00), itappears the majority of the Gity's earlier cottcemv have ban appmpriately addresscd in this new versioa The one outstanding issue is the desigiwtion of C(cments Roud as a Type 'C' Arterial Road on Schedule C of the Ajax Plen (sa AUachment k2). The rovised schedule continues to omit an extension of Clements Road &om Westney Rond weslward to iho Ajax/Pickering boundary, dcspite auch a designation appearing in the Durhem Regional Official Plna Wo roitecnto oui pos�tlon tl�aat it is promature to acclude the extensiou without ihe bene6t of undertaking an emironmeaW essessment to essess its environmentel, social and Sscal impacts. • AccordinglY, sta�' recommend iho Traasportatlon Schedula of Wc staff-recommcnded . Ajax 08'icial Plan bo revised to extend Clements Rond os u Typo 'C' Arterial Roud from Westnoy Road to tha Ajex/Pickering boundary, • .. • AiTACHMENTA � � Qc REP('Ri ,r PD_s�� 00� � : 00 , RHPORTNUMf38R 17-00 , Dste: AprU 17, 2000 � _ Subject Steff-Recommeaded Town of Ajex Officiel Plnn Page 2 BACKC3ROUND: 1.0 � Ovecview . . • T6o Town of Ajax inidated a roviow of thcir Ofiicial Pleri in t�a Pell of 1997, end l nleased a dra8 O�ciel Plen in November, 1999 for public roview. 'On Februazy 7, 2000, . thc CouncU of tho City of Pickering endorsed Planning.Report No. 02-00 ns ihc City's wmments on We draft Town of Ajax Otiiciel Plan (se9 Attachment �ll). A copy of the RepoH was forwarded to the Town of Ajax and Region of Durham. Following a reviaw of ell comrocnts�received, Ajax staf'f prepared a staff-recommended • Ptsn, which Includes sovecal revisions since }hc earlier dtaR. Thc pwposa of Uus Report is to provido Ajaz and ihe Region of Durham with Wa City of Pickering's comments on .the Ajax stetFi:.commended O(ficiat Plan. A copy of We Ajax PIM is availnble �'or � nrview at tho of£;x of lhe Pickering Planning ond Development Depnrtmen� 2.0 Discussion ' � As slalai in Planning Report No. 02-00, minor rovisioas were required in ortler fo�' tho � ' AJax Plen to bel�r mwh within the Innd use, ttnnspodation and policy fmmework establiahed by the Darham Itcgionel Officiel Plnn and the Pickering Official Plen. This � iacluded rovisions to tha Land Uso Scheciule regerding Opea Spncq designa6ons along , tho notih Ajax/Pickering boundary, os well as revisions to thc Trnnsportation Schedula regatding futum road connections wilh Pickering. � In comparing issuw calscd in Pinnning Repod No.•02-00 to the staff-recommeaded Ajax Officiel.Plan, it eppears the m�jority of our concems hnve been addressed: We appcsaiete the efforts of Ajnx sWTin this ngard. ' . 'Ilu ono outstanding issue Is thc de'signetion of Clcments Rond as a Type 'C' Arterial Rond on Schedule C of the Ajeu Plnn (see Attachment N2). The rovised schedule continues to omit an extension of Clcmenis Road from Westney Roed westward to tho AJax/Fickering boundary, despite such a duignnlion eppcuring in tho Durham Regioml 0$icial Plen. As noted in Planning Report No. 02-00, the mester transportntion study prepored far Ajnx does not recommead en extension of Clements Road into Pickering due to the environmeatel wnstrnii►ts of crossing thaDuffins Creek.' Whilo we ngroe ihat them are sigriificant environmental considera6ons to crossing Duffins Creek, wc reitemte onr ' posiGon that it is promntura.W delete tho connection witliout the beneflt of unde�taking en " environmeatal assessmenG • . • The environmeneel assessment would ovaluate tho benefits of such e connection, ngainsc its potentiel environmenW, social and Sscal impact's. ,If e•fuhue evelue8on detamines tho connxtion is not.re�ircd, O�ciel Plens could be emcnded, end'.the undwtaldng abandoned. Howeva, tho evnluetion must occur first — not protecting for Wc connecGon • now could precludo a potcndeUy impodant eavt-west transportation Unk in thc futurc. Fwiher, the Region of Durham hos now cbmmenced a Master Tranvpoctation Plon Study. T6c study,is exnmining ederiel road.neals from e broad'perspeclivc. Our poaltioa 'remaiw that the TrrnaportsHoa Sc6edale of the Stati Recommended '• AJ�x OfHcid Plen ehould be reviecd to e:teod Clcmcnta Road at a Typo'C' Actcrtd . Road from Westney Ro�d to the AJa:/1'ickering 6oandary. , . � . ATTACHM�T I � REPOiiT I P� �O � 1�BPORTNU1v1BSR 17-00 SubJect: Staff-Racommended Town of Ajax OIDctal Plen Date: Apri117, 2000 ,Page 3 �$ 7 Of eddidonel nole, the mvisat Trnnsporta6on 5chcdule of thc Plen idenGGes a portion of two future roads ac betng "subject to envtronmentel assessment study„ ' (see Attechment #2). Wc undersland staff's cautious epproach to the extensioa of those roads due to eavironmental wncems. However, this desigon6on may be misleading. The vast majority of major public mnd wnstruction projects wil! be subject to a cless • eovironmenta( assessment By identifying somq but not all, fuhue ronds.os "subject to , environmental ass�ssment study", it may eppear Uiat We olher roads arc excused from . thet process. , , ' • We suggest the special designadon bc removcd from the Trnnsportation Schedule, Md a policy added wtvch explains the need far environmental ncsessmenls and detniled engineuing pinns prior to tho constcucHon of any major public mnds. This npproach ' would thereforo cover not only lhese two roed extensions, but nlso thc exteasioa of' Clements Road. The O�icinl Pinn would t6en have a consistent approach to futune roads. At its meeting of April 17, 2000, Ajax Town Council adopted the slaff-recommcndal ' Plnn, with minoc revisions. Tho rovisions'did not nddress our wncems regnrding tha �� Clements Road extwsioa The Ajax Plnn hes now ban focwarded to Iho Region of Durhem for approval. The City will have an oppoctunity to provide additional comments during tho Region's considecntion of the Ajax Plnn. ATTACHIvIEN1'S; 1. Pickering Plenning Report No. 02-00 2. Staff-Recommended Tawn of Ajax O�cia! Plun Schedule C— Trensportation Prepnred IIy: Approved / L7ndorsed by: ✓ Geo t Neil Carro Plewer 2 Direetor, ond Devclopment V �� �= Cathedne L. Rose � Manager, Policy OM/ab • ' Attachments ' Copy; Chtcf Adminiatrativa O�cer Recommended for the considecatton of P3ckering � , City CouncIl - 'OR10iNAL SiaNflD SY' , . T6omas J. Quinn, Chtef Admtnbksttvo Officcr . •, Q. Q , ATTqf.t1�.lElii I-+ Ta�� TO , 00 ' fY�%J;ii q PD J��- [lQ ..�- r ' — ` � _ _---------__ TOWN OF AJA�C� �,h,�,P�,� � - - - ' Drafi Oflidal Plan, March 21� 2000 . C/e SCHEDULE C Transportatlon �°� Fn�wsy �� �'°�' ArtNW Ro�d Typs A ��^ B'��' Nb�id Itaed Type 8 �-�.�"'_"_—^ QoAeclor� C. �x _xi��. Rd Lk� . �••_.•_•• .�_•�_ TownBouKlrry t.elr� oMarto � • N O 3B0 �0 1000 7EOOA � � Fup IM�yurpe �7��' PrtldiMx�frtp� � su6� b Errvhatrt�nt�i � g�, i--� � ' �' • ATTACHMENTP�TO REPORT I PU—,3/o —('u'i , , , . � 3 Amendment No. _ To The Ou�hem Regional Officlal Plen Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment Is to bring specific portions o( the Town of Ajax Offlcial Plan (nto contortnity wfth the Durham Regional Official Pian to enable the approval of the Town's new Officlal Plan by the Reglon, In particular, thls Amendment ' . proposes the following: I) to delete from Map A4, Regionai Structure, the "Wateriront Place" symbol at the southetly limit of Harwood Avenue . . . South ; II) to delete Policy 14.3.9(b) (nsofar as it refers to "Hanvood Point"; . .'�" III) to delete from Map B2, Transportation Schedule, the westedy extension ot Clements Road West, westerly from Green Court cunently identiiled as a Future Type C Arterial Road; IV) to delete trom Map B2, Transportation Schedule, the easterly extension of Lake Driveway East, easte�ly from McClaman Road cunently identiffed as a Future Type C Arte�iai Roed; V) to change on Map B2, Transportation Schedule, the road classif(catlon of Carruthers Creek Dtive south of Bayly Street East (betwean Bayly Street East and Emperor Street) from "Type C Arterial" to `Type B Arteriel"; VI) to extend the "Future (east•west) Type C Arteriel Road" on Map B2, Transportation Schedulo, between Rossland Road and Taunton Road, easterly from Carruthers Creek Drive/Salem Road over to Audley Road; and VII) to extend Kerrison Drive (formerly Magill Drive) as a"Future Type C Arterial Road" on Map B2, Trensportation Schedule, easterly from Carruthers Creek Drive over to Audley Road. Basis: The Town of Ajax Official Plan was adopted by Ajax Council on April 17, 2000 after an extensive O(ilcfal Plan Review Process. The Town's Official Plan Rev(ew Process included a high degree of public partic(pation and involved citizens groups, bus(ness owners, the "Stakeholders Advisory Committee" and well as representat(ves F#ECEIVED MAY 1 5 2000 . CITY QF PICKERINO • ocv�aowt�NNNOrnon�an.�cNr ATTACH64ENT N�TO ` ' HEPORT M PD � "Q'� ;r., - so . from publ(c agenc(es Includfng the Reglonal Municipaliry of . Durham. The new Town of Aja�c OKfcfal Plan (s (ntended to serve as the basfs for manag(ng development and change within the Town over ' the next 20 years, The prfnciples, goals and objectives oi the Plan reflect a community vlsfon which was developed by the Official Plan Rev(ew partic(pants during the eady Workshops. The poi(cies fn . the new Official Pian have the(r origins fn the staff-prepared "Discussfon Papers" And "Policy Direction Polfcies", and many oi the Plan's policies are based on, or are supported by, information � contained in the Town's Integrated Growth Management Study, the , �• .: Integrated Ecological Study, and the Master Transportation Study. The Durtiam Regional Officfal Pien identifies a"Waterfront Place" symbol at the foot of Hanvood Avenue South. Th(s symboi was , intended to reflect a private sector development proposal to . .• •' establish a major wateriront activiry area at th(s location fncluding a marina and h(gh density residential uses. During the course of the Ofi(cial Plan Review Process, it became evident that the Town's visfon for this area was much diNerent than the marina/residential proposal. Recentiy, these landy were purchased by the Town fn order to ensure that the lands are better integrated with the Town's waterfront park system, Accordingly, it is eppropriale to amend the Durham Regional Offtcial Plsn to remove the "Waterfront Place' symbol irom Map A4 and to delete the corresponding po:icy reference in Section 14.3.9(b). The Dufiam Regional O((icial Plan identifias a gdd system oF artetiel roads, some of whfch is not yet in place and (ntended to be built (n the tuture. There are two portions of "Future" Type C AAerial Road which are of concem in ihe Town. One Is the westerly extension of Clements Roao and the olher (s the easterly extension ot Lake Driveway. The westerly extension of Clements Road is of concem and cannot be supported by the Town because its alignment crosses the environmentally sensitive Duffins Creek embayment. The easterly extension of Lake Driveway is of concem and cannot be supported by the Town because its alignment cuts through iho Town's waterfront park. The Town's Master Transportation Study has contfrmed that the Town's overall trafiic network can functfon adequately w(thout these portions of future Type C Arterial Road (n place. Three further emendments to Map B2 of the Durham Regional Official Pian are also required. Firstly, it is necessary to change the road classification oi Carruthers Creek Drive south of Bayly Street ATTACIIMENT/ Tp , , . REPORT I PD�_ � 1 East (between Bayly Street East and Emperor Street) from `Type C Arterial" to "Type B Arterial'. This portion oi Carruthere Creek Drive , Is part of the Plckering Beach Road re-alignment which has beeM planned to functfon end have a r(ght-of-wey width cansistent with ihat of a Type B Artedal Road. Secondly, the Town's Mester Transportation Study has (dentified that N(s appropriate to classffy the east•west mid•block road between Rossland and Taunton Road easterly (rom Carruthers Creek Drfve/Salem Road over to Audley . Road as a"Future Type C Arterial Road". Thfrdly, (and sim(lar to the above), the Town's Master Transportat(on Study has also identified that it (s appropriate to extend Kerrison Drive (formerly Magili Drive) as a'Future Type C Arterial Road", easterly from . : Carruthers Creek Drive over to Audley Road. Actual Amendment: The Durhsm Reg(onal O(fic(al Plan (s hereby amended by: . . �' � I) deleting trom Map A4, Regfonal St�ucture, the "Wate�front Piace" symbol at the southerly Ifmit of Harvvood Avenue South, as (ndicated on Euh(bit "A" attached to thfs Amendment; II) deleting Policy 14.3.9(b) in its entfrety; � III) deleting from Map B2, Transportation Schedule, the westerly extension of Clements Road West, westerly from Green Court cuRentiy identified as a Future Type C Arterial Road, ` as indfcated on Exhibit "B" attached to this Amendmenh IV) � deleting from Map 82, Transportation Schedule, the easterly extensfan of Lake Driveway East, easteriy irom McClaman Road currently identified as a Future Type C Arterfal Road, as indicated on Exhibit "B" attached to this Amendment; V) changing on Map B2, Transportation Schedule, the road classification ol Carruthers Creek Ddve south of Bayly Street East (between Bayly Street East and Emperor Streel) trom `Type C Arterial" to "Type B Arte�lal"; VI) extending the "Future [east-west) Type C Arterial Road" on Map B2, Transportation Schedule, between Rossland Road and Taunton Road, easterly from Carruthers Creek Drive/Salem Road over to Audley Road; and t AiTACHMENT/ � Tp REPURi M Pp_�� 92� VII) exlending Kertison Ddve ((ortnedyr Magill Drive) as a'Future Type C Artedal Road" on Map B2, Transportetion Schedule, eastedy (rom Cartuthers Creek Drive over to Audley Road. Implementation: The provisions set torth in the Dufiam Regionai Officfel Plan, as amended, regarding the implementation of the Plan shall apply with regard to this Amendment. Interpretatlon: The provisions set forth in lhe Durham Regional ON(cial Plan, as emended, regarding the (nterpretation o} the Plan shail apply with regard to this Amendment. � ' (3;b(Ilcialpian�drop2opa.wpd