HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD 02/00=� � ��ORPl� �r/ ~� REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Neil Carroll DATE: lenuary 10, 2000 Director, Plenning and Development PLANNING REPORT NUMBER: 02-00 SUII]ECT: Comments on the Draft Town of A��OITcial Plan RECOMMENDA'CIONS: 1. That Ciry Council endorse Planning Report No. 02-00 as the Ciry of Pickering's comments on thc draft Town of Ajax Officinl Pinn; and 2. That the Ciry Clerk be directed to fonvard n copy of Planning Report No. 02-00 to the Town of Ajex and Region of Durham. ORIGIN: The Town of Ajux hns requested comments on their dtaft Officinl Plnn, which wus rclensed for public rcview nnd commcnt in November, 1999. AU'['I-IORITY: . 71ie Planning Act, R,S.O. 1990, chaptcr P.13 � FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: No direct wsls to lhc City arc anlicipatcd ns u result of Aic adoption und npprovul of thc new Ajax O1Ticiel Plnn. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Town of Ajnx has circulnted a druft Official Plun for public und agcncy comment. Upon review of the Ajnx Plan, it is clear thnt minor revisions are requircd in order for the Plan to bctter mesh within the Innd use, transporintion and policy framework estnblishcd by tlie Durhnm Regional Officiel Plnn and the Pickering Official Pian. This inciudcs revisions to ils Land Use Schedule tegnrding Open Spuce designnGons ulong the norih Ajnx/Pickering boundary, as well as revisions to the Transporiation Schedule regerding future road connections with the Ciry of Pickering. IIACKGROUND: I.0 Ovcrview The Town of Ajux initiuled u review of their Official Plan in thc fnll of 1997. Thc Town established a Stakeholder Advisory Committee, held several public open houses and workshops, and produced a seaes of discussion pnpers. These eCfotls culminnted wilh the roiesse this past Navember of a druft OFficinl Plnn. 5 ATTAdIdENT1 � T � , � REPORTI PD PLANNMd REPORT NUMBER 02-00 Datc: Jenuery 10, 2000 s Subject: Comments on tho Town of Ajex DraR Officin! Plen pag� Z Thc draft OtTicial Plen has ban circulated to ndjaccnt municipalities, commenting • agencies, end members of the public. Foliowing a nview of wmments received on the Plun, Ajax staff inlend to prepero a second drati O�cial Plen for edditionel public review , in mid February, it is anticipaled that a recommcnded OCGcial Plen will be the wpic of a statutory public meeting in March, nnd the Plen would be presented to Ajex Council for adoption at iheir subsequent meeting. The purpose of this Report is to provide Ajnx with thc City of Pickcring's commcnis on their draR O�cial Plan. Copies of the dmit Ajnx Official Plan ure avnilnble for review ut the o�ce of the Pickering Planning and Development Depactment. 2.0 Discussion The current Ajax Official Plan consists of a District i�l..:: fnpproved in 1986), which contnins the core policy directivcs for the municipnlity, ns well �s �evcrnl "Commwity Plens" which nre individunl secondury plans for many of the Towi�'s neighbourhoods, nnd'are nmendments to the District Plan. Other nci�hbourhoods wilhin thc Town are guided by "Development Plans", but thesc Plnns do not constitutc fortnal components of the District Plan. The draR Official Plan would repincc lha District Plan, Community Pluns nnd Developmcnt Plans with n sinp,;c document, Compamd to the currenl Official Plon, the .. new drnR Pi,m is bricf, concisc, and avoids the redundancies and discrepancies among thc cxisting sei of documcnts. The Plan is organiuJ within five mnin chnpters, sevcrul of which were the subject of discussion papers rcleused by Ihc Town oCAjax during its Official Plnn rcview. City of Pickering staff commcntcd on thc discussion papers on Novcmber 2, 1999 (see Atwchmcnt N1), Scvcrnl of our commcnts on the discussion pnpers continue to apply to thc druft Officiul Plan. The drnR O�cinl Plon has becn reviewed by stnff of thc Plunning and Developmcnt, Operntions and Emergency Services, nnd Corporale Projects nnd Policy Depnrtments. The following discussion providcs stnff's comments on each of the chaplers. � 2.1 DraR Ajtuc O�cial Plnn - Introduction Staff hnve no specific commcnts on this chapter. 2.2 DruR Ajnx Officiol Plan - Lund Use Plun The land use chapter consisls of policy directives for the Plnn's greenlends framework, residential azws, employment arcas, and the rurnl nrce. The draR Ajex Plan proposes an urban boundery, population lnrgets (120,000 peoplc by lhe year 2021), and employment tnrgets lhat are consistent with those of thc Durham Regional Officinl Plan. Slnff do not hava any concems with Iands designated for gcowlh in the draR Plan. • With respect to non•growth rclated designations, a discrepuncy mny exist betwcen Qic Pickering Officiel Plan and thc draft Ajux Plan. The majority of lands between Fifih Concession Road and Highway No. 7, east of Sideline 16 nre designated "Open Spnce System — Nnlurat Area" in the Pickering Plan. The designntion is duc to Uic mnny nnd varicd natural featurcs in this arca, including: wetlands; groundwater rccherge and dischergc zones; oggregate deposits; and Inrge forests tracts. Thc southerlyabutting land usa designatfons in the drnR AJiuc Plan primurily consist of "Rural Areu", which pemiils uscs that may jeopurdize tha futuro of lhcsc scnsitive nntural features. pLANNINd REPORT NUMBER 02-00 Subject: Comments on the Town of Ajux Drelt Offic(al Plan 2.3 2.4 --, ATTAGiMENTI�TO REPORT I PD ,�,�1— bU Dalc: Jenuary 10, 2000 7 Page 3 Sfatt recommeod that AJA: review its prapoaed I�nd uec daignatloni for t6b ara, nad conaider incrcaaing tho amoupt of I�nd deeignAted "Environmentwl Proteclion" to better complement the AbutHog Plckering Oflicial Plan deetgnatione. Of additionul note, lhe Land Use Schedule idenlifies lends east of Notion Road es "Employment Policy Area 2". Section of the dmft Plen provides details on the land use nnd urbnn design study required for those lands, to be undertekcn by the Town in conjunction with the Region, Pickerin�, and thc Conservation Authority. The study, known ns the "Notion Road Lnnd Use nnd Design Study", is currently underway and is anticiputed to be completed later this Spring. Draft Ajax Officinl Plan - Urban Design and Herimge Presctvution Staff have no specific comments on this chapter. DraR Ajax Officiul Plan - Transportation nnd Infrastruclure Schcdulc 'C' of the drnft Plon establishcs n transportntion nehvork for the Town, and designntes freewnys, aricrial roads, and colleclor ronds. in reviewing the previously- mleased discussion paper on transportntion, slnff delcrmined thnl sevcml inconsistencics exist bchveen the proposed nctwork and that estublishcd by the Durham and Pickcring O�cinl Plans. A few discrcpnncies continue to appenr in the drnR Officiul Plan, as tollows (also refer to Attachmcnt t12, which numerically identifies stuffs concems with the Ajax proposed trnnsportetion network): Easdwes� arlerial behveen Rossland nnd Taunlon Roads The drnil Ajax Plnn designates un casVwest Type'C' Artcrial Rond ihat would Irnvel from Church Strcct to Audley Rond. This futurc cnsUwcst roud is situatcd mid•concession betwccn Rosslund nnd Taunlon Roads. A similur mid-conccssion easUwcst Type 'C' Arterinl Road is designnted in the Enst Duffins Arcu (GDA) Study of Pickcring, running from thc Ajnx/Pickering boundary westwnrd through the Du[fin Heights and Lamorenux neighbourhoods. iC Uic Ajax Plnn wos revised to cxtend its Typc 'C' Arierial west to thc Ajax/Pickering boundary, a conncction would be made betwcen the two arterinl roads, and u logical altemative to Rossland Road nnd Tnunton Rond would bc providcd for easUwcst inter•municipal tra�c (see m on Atmchment �2). The Durhnm Regionnl Omcial Plan niso designates a Typc 'C' Artcrinl Road in lhis location. The mastcr transportntion study prcpared for Ajax recommends the future arterial road tertninate nt Church Street, due to environmental constraints of crossing Duffins Creek. In our view, it is premuture to make this conclusian without Ihe benefit of undertnking an environmentnl assessmcnt. The environmentnl nssessmenl would evuluatc the benefits of such a connection, egeinst its potential environmentnl, social and fiscnl impncts. If a futurc eveluntion detertnincs the connection is not required, Official Plens could be amended, and tlie undertaking abendoned. However, tl�e evaluation must accur first — not protecting for lhe conncction now coald preclude a potentinlly important east-west tmnsportation link in the futurc. Regarding s futurc east-west road located mid-conccsaion bctween Taudton end Roaaland Roada, ataff recommend: the Tnnsportation Schedule o[ t6e AJa: Otticiai Plan be revieed to e:tend the eaat-weat future road from Church Streef to the Aja:/Pickering boundary; and that the eaat-west road be deaignated aa a Typc'C' Arterial. � ATTAGiMENT/�T0 . REPORT I PD I._�) - op PLANNMO REPORT NUMBER 02-00 Datc: January 10, 2000 Subject: Comments on ihe Town of Ajax Draft Otticiel Plnn • Pege 4 Ellza6e�h Srreet /Riveratde Drlve During the EDA Study, a smull pockct of potcntiully dcvelopable land was idcntified adjacent to the Ajax/Pickering boundary, and scparated from other Pickering lands by the Urfe Creek (see � on Attechment N2). A futuro north/sauth Type 'C' Arterial Road connection lhat would run from ihe ensdwest connection in Pickering discussed in the previous seclion, to an cxtension of Eli7abelh Street / Riversido Drive in Ajax (see m on Attechment !12), was contempleted during the EDA Study to provide eccess to this pocket of potcntially developable land. Such a connection would requira a brond crossing of the Urfe Creck. Considering the limited sizc of the developable arcn, and the fact that abutting lends in Ajax would provide a more appropriute means of accessing ond scrvicing the site, a crossing is not likely warranted. Rnther than requesting nn extension of Eli7abeth Street / Riverside Drive northward to thc future eust/wut Aricrinl Road in Pickerin�, stnff will closely monitor development applicatians in Ajtuc to ensure thut future access lo the Pickering site is provided tluough the southerly nnd/or easterly ubutting lands in Ajnx. Norion Road /Hlghway 401 Overpass —� Thc Ajnx mnster transportation study supports an overpass of Iiighwny 401 to connect Notion Roud with Squires Deach Rond. The overpass is fenturcJ within the Durham and Pickering Officin) Pluns; however, the drnR Ajax Plun is unclear on its support for a Notion Road overpuss (sec � on Attachmcnt 112), Staff recommend ihat an overpa» aymboi for Notion Road / Ilighway 401 be added to the TransportaHon Schedule, ar a Iest pol(cy added to ciarify fhe Plan's support for thc overpa�e. Clemenls Road The Pickcring 011icinl Plan designntes n futurc cxtcnsion of Clcments Roed from ils cuaent tertninus enst of 5quires I3each Road, to the Ajax/['ickering Boundary nt the Church Street right-of-wuy. The Durhutn Regional O�ciul Plan designatcs .... Clements Rond as n Type "C" Arterinl Road connccUng Ajax with Pickering, but the druft Ajex Plnn does not nccommodate lhe connection (sce � on Attnchtnent #2). If the Ajax Plnn wns revised to add a connection behvecn Wcstney Road and thc municipal boundary, a logicnl altemative to Bnyly Street and Highwny 401 would be provided for easdwest inteo-municipal trnffic. In particuler, n better connectian would be achicvcd bctwcen the Brock Road emplayment areu in Pickering, and the South Ajax residential erens. The master transportntion study prepared Cor Ajax does not recommcnd an extension of Clements Road into Pickering due to the environmental constraints ot crossing the Duffins Creek. In our view, it is premature to make this conclusion without thc benefit of undectaking nn environmental assessmcnt. The environmcntul nssessment would evaluate the benefits of such e conncction, agninst its potential environmentnl, social and itscal impacts. If n fiiluro evuluation detcrmines the connection is not required, Officinl Plans could bc nmended, and thc undcrteking abandot�ed. However, the evaluation must occur first — not protecting for the connection now wuld preclude n potent(nlly important east-wcst transportation link in the futuro. Staff recommepd 16et tha Trenapartation Schedulc bc rovlsed to c:tcnd Clementa Road from Watney Road to the Ajax/Pickering boundary. . • ATIACHMENTI�iO • REPORi / PD I_,_._ 1-_ n p PLANN[NCi REPORT NUMBER 02-00 Date: Januery t0, 2000 9 Subjcct: Comments on tho Town oFAjnx DrnR Official Plan Page 5 Church S�reet The Church Street right-of-wuy servcs as lhe Ajux/f'ickering municipa! boundery south of Highway 401. The road currently tcrminntes as a public rond just south of Bayly Street; however, e future southerly extcnsion of the rond is designeted in the Pickering nnd Durham Official Pluns, to intersect with thc extension of Clemenis Road (see � on Attnchment #2), The extension of Church Street wiU provide an additional opporiunity for norlh-south truvel in the Brock Roud industrial aren, und will ossist in accessing nnd servicing the lands. There is no discussion in the Ajax mnster transporwtion study rcgerding the oxtension of Church Street. Staft recommend ihat the Transportation Schedule be reviscd to e:tend Church Street trom Bayly Strect to Clements Road, end designate the road as a Type'C' Arteriai. F�h Cancesslon Road The Pifih Conccssion Road right-of-�voy scn�cs as thc northcm Ajax/Pickering municipul boundnry. The Pickering and Durhnm Official Plans designate the road es a Type "B" Arterial Road; however, the Ajux Plnn docs not designate the unopened porlion of the • road (see � on AtWchmcnt N2). fixtension of the Fifth Concession Road will provide an ndditionnl enst-west link to the Pickcring/Whitby boundnry. The mnster trnnsportation study prepared for Ajnx does rctlect thc Regional dcsignntion, so the omission from the drnR Plam m�y bc due to a dmRing crror. Sfaft recommenJ tlie Tranaportalion Schedule be revlscd to c:tend Fift6 Conceasion Road ea�lward to Ihe Aja:/Whitby bordcr as a Type `B' Artcrial Road. Lakeridge Road Inlerchange The Transportation Schedule of thc Durham Regionnl Officinl Plan designutcs a full interchange at Lnkeridgc Rond nnd Highwny 401, but the intercliange symbol is missing . from this locntion of thc Ajax Plnn (sec � on Atlachmcnt tl2). Staff rccommend the Trana�orfatfon ScheJulc bc rcv(sed to designatc a Cull interchange at LakeriJge Road and Highway 401. 2.5 Implementntion and Administration Staffhnve no specific comments on this chapter. 2.6 Minor Revisions The norih-west comer of the Ajax/Pickering boundnry on cach of thc draR OCficial Plen's schedules is incorrectly identified (see � on Attachment #2, which corrcctly idenlifies the boundary). Sta(t recommend that lhe Ajas/Pickering boundary Identiiicd in the north-wcat comer of all draft Ajaz O(ticial Plan echedulea be reviaed to ehiR fhe boundary to Ihe east, aligning wifh thc Sideltne 16 right-ot way. ATTACHMENT/�TO , • REPORT N PD �-1 - n D ` 1 O PLANNIN(i REPORT NUMDER 02•00 Dele: January 10, 2000 Subject: Comments on thc Town of Ajax DreQ OlTciul Plon Pegc G � 3.0 Olher Malters Pickering stuff have met wilh Ajex steff to discuss these comments, end other minor suggestions. They indicatcd thnt staffs comments would be considered in the preparution of the second draft O�cial Plan. City smff will review the sewnd dmft to evaluate the manner in which sleft's comments nre nddressed, nnd continuc to pursue the City's interesls. ATTACHMENTS: 1. City of Pickering Staf'f Commenis on Town of Ajax Otiicial Plan Review - Policy Direction Pnpers 2, Transportetion Schedule of the Dmft Ajnx Officinl Plen Prepared By: �� . off ight PI¢nncr 2 �G�?l�Ch---�/���'� Cetherine L. Rose Managcr, Policy Divlsion GM/nb Attuchmcnts Approved / Endorsed by: � eil Corro � Director, P ning nnd Development Copy: Chief Administrnlive Officcr Division Heud, Corporalc Projects and Policy Division Hcnd, Municipul Properly and Enginccring ' Recommended for the considemtion of Pickering Ciry Council Thomas l. Quinn, Chief Administrative Oflicer ATTA6! �MENT I ' TO � �,' � REPORT N PD • ��1- vD CITY OF PIC INO — — — -- � � FIF7H CONCE8810 pOAD / � �' O � "_______J II1 O I l�J � � I g � �"� � I , , ITAUNTON ROAD � � r���/ I '�'r- -1� ' �i-- -------- I I \ � � I � ---I------��- 'O ---� � � �1 -------' � I . ,� _ 2�j � � � .�' i'l3l � I \�� I �� � � ZI O W� W UI'a �I � U V`'~i � ,� .��^ � � � 0 � I -- ---1 ' IONOBTONRW I I HIOFIWAY N0.101 BAYLV ROBBLAND � � � � I -----I _ 1 i / / Lake Onter/o DRAFT AJAX OFFICIAL PLAN - TRANSPORTATION SCHEDULE (with abutting Ciry of Pickering Traneportation Network) � EXIBTINO ROADS ' ---- FUTURE ROAD3 '� � � MUNICIPAL BOUNDARY � �� w. x op\pic � � 0 3 0 . y �� 1 �iR� ATTACHMENT /.�,T REPORT / PD.��_ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TOWN OF AJAX �,��P,�,,� Draft Otfldal Plan, March 21, 2000 y c SCHEDULE C Transportation �� Fnewtiy �• �� Arhtld Rad Type A �• B `• MWW {tad'►yp� B � ��� Mtr1M Rwd Typs C CoYeaOor Rad xHruxi+�fFiiHr� Ral Lk�e� _"_"_.._.,_.._ Towngourdh, Leke o"te'i° N --�— �� �,�,�,n, �--. o � � ,� �� Fup IMrdwqs PWeI InMrcherps 3u6)wt Oo Envhonm�nhl ApaMrt�ent 8hidy �P�