HomeMy WebLinkAboutOES 08/00� I ..r .. . . . D' 9 4 �r �FP,� �� ��� REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Everett Buntsma DATE: July 17, 2000 Director, Operations & Emcrgency Services REPORT NUMBHR: OES- 08-00 SUBJECT: Naming of Park at Westshora Boulevsvd and Sunrise Avenue - File: MPE6000 RECOMMENDATION: 1. That Council enacts a By-law approving Uic naming of thosc lands situated at the Southeast comer of Westshore nnd Sunrise ns "Ratary Fairport Beach Waterfrant Park". ORIGIN: Request of the Pickering Rotary Club AUTHORITY: Section 2(1) of thc Communiry Recrcation Ccntres Act FINANCIAL IMPL[CATIONS: None EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Not applicnble BACKGROUND: Council is awure that thc Pickcring Ro1ary Club havc plaigcd u contribution of 5100,000 toward thc development of the Millennium Projecl, As thc lands nt thc Southcasl comer of Wcsishorc Houlcvard and Sunrise Avcnue, fortn pnrl of thc Millcnnium ProJcct scopc of work thc Club has requcsted that these lunda be named to recognize their conMbution und futurc stewardahip of this public lund arcn. ;; i. _ � Repoif to Council OES O8•00 Data July l7, 2000 Subjxt: Nnming of Park at Westahore Boulevard and Sunrise Avenue pnge 2 ,(wntinued) ` Staff aro finalizing a management a�reement for lhe subject lands with lha Toronto end Region Conservation Authoriry who are thc ownerc of the property. They have expressed their suppoA of thc naming of this park. Ciry ataff recommends that the park be named Rotury Fairport Beach Waterfront Park in recognition of the Club's involvement and stewnrdship commitment, tha location in thc FairpoA Heach community and the pazks location on the lake Ontario Waterfront. The Club supports this name in its correspondence attached. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Correspondence from Rotnry Club of Pickering 2. Schedule "A" Prepared By: � r verelt Buntsm Director, Operations & Emcrgency Services EB:mld Attachments Copy; Chief Administrative Officer Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering Recommended for the consideration of Pickcring Ciry Council �� 7/ � omns J. Qui , Chief A ' trati O icer �- ,; �J ` 9 6 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING BY-LAW NO. Bcing a by-law approving the naming of those lands siwated at the Southeast corner oF Westshote and Sunrise as "Rotary Fnirport Hench Waterfront Pnrk". WHEREAS pursuant to Section 2(1) of the Community Recrention Centres Act the Council of a municipality may by by-law, provide for the establishment, mnintenance und operntion of one or more community recrcation ccrtters. NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORAT[ON OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: • 1. The lands set out in Schedulc "A" attnchcd hercto shull bc operated ns a public park nnd shall be named as "Rotary Fnirport Beach Watcrfront Purk". BY-LAW rcad u first, second nnd third timc and tnully passcd this 8th day of August, 2000. Wayne Arthurs, Mayor Bruce Taylo�, Clerk / � 0•�: .�► ATTACHMENTM � TOREPOIITM�.��''�0 N�rv1C0 �'�bove SeIP ROTARY CLIJ� • o/Plcker/ng � P.O.BOX 7, PICKERINO ONTARIO L1 V 9B4 �- 2� Bverett Buntsma RECtrvtu: �r n � - .,•... Director, Operations snd Emergency 5ervices Fl�e No.: _ The Towe of Pickering ABEY. TO: One the Esplamde FWDICOPY TO: Pickering, Oatario MAYOR COUNCII L1V 6K7 C.A.O. CIERK CUL.6 REC. FIN�NCE MUNPROP.6ENG. HUMAN RE6. DCBCE'VCICi�, FIflE6EFVICEB LEQAL TflAN51T PUNNIN6 SIIb�CCi: ROf�.v Pack Neme INFO 6V9TEM6 CUST. GAPE � ""J LIBRARY ECON. DCV. As a result of aur meeNng on Novcmber 18, 1999,1 have met with ihe communiry groups in !he vicinity of the par� and together we have a�ecf on the following mme: ROTARY FAIRPORT BEACH COMMUNITY PARK The Rotary Club of Pickering will be the prirtury steward of the Park with the support end assistance of local community associations. Please put this name fonvard to the Ciry of Pickering Councii for their approva! as soon aa possible. ,, .ny�rcly, �c�� �' l (�d�C.� ,f • i v nny Gould Scott Stupl� David Green Merilyn ole President Environment Director Pazks and Trails President Elect The Rotary Ciub of Pickering Paul White urVQ-u��' President Feirport Beach Neighbourhood Assacietion . cc Watedrom Caordimting Commiriee, The Town of Pickering . cc Larry Field, Toronto Region Conservadon Authoriry , NOTAAY fOUI4WAY TtiT •aa�. a�, ■. rnuu�, s.yaw• 1. b fl IM TIIUTH9 2 u tl FAlll lo �q tonarnsd7 7. NM M MAId OOODMILL ud �RiER FRIINDiH10{7 6 Wltl N W�tNIFiC1Al lo NI �1 � � . � � � . . �, r . . . r , � .. . , . . .... . .. °. . . ... .. . , . . . . . � . . . :�. . , . .. . � ,-�. . a f .-y .� .; n (Y N �� '2."Z� �;;� � ,� oF P�� 9 9 G� �� �� RECOMMENDATION C1F THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE DATE MOVED BY SECONDED BY That thc draft by-law naming those municipel lends on Front Street as "Progress Bay Front Perk" bo enacted. �. „ , .. , , - . ewmo�l �; :: 1 � - _ �' _ f�` _ ,.. . , .. . . . . ,. . .