HomeMy WebLinkAboutOES 09-00. f . . �� ! . .. . ' � . .. . . '. � I � ' . f.- •, lOO �,�yOFP/c � : .. , F • 'y� . . . ,. . . . . REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Everett Buntsma DATE: luly 18, 2000 Director, Operations & Emergency Services REPORT NUMBER: OES 09-00 SUBJECf: Naming of Park on Front Street - (Formcrly Port Pickering Marina) - File: MPE6000 RECOMMENDATION: I. That Council enacis n By-law stpproving the nnme of "Progress Bay Front Park" for those municipal lands on Front Street. ORIGIN: Request of the Canadian Progress Club — Durham South AUTHORITY: , Section 2(I) of the Communiry Recreation Cenires Act FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Nonc EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Not Applicable BACKGROUND: As Council is aware, the Progress Club have entered tnto a manegomcnt agreement for thc operation of thc formcr Marina clubhousa The Club in tum is cantributing an initia! amourit of 575,000 townrds tha park construction, ;�i.r- _ _ ,- ,. � ,� Report to Cowicil OES 09•00 Date: July 17, 2000 1 � 1 Subject: Naming of Park on Front Street (Fomierly Port Pickering Marina) Pagc 2 In rccognition of lhe Club's coniribution and future involvement with the management of the clubhousa, they have requested thnt tha club's neme be incorporatcd into thc name of the park. Staff recommend that the park subsequently be named "Progress Bay Front Pazk" thereby recognizing the Club, the street and thc pazk's location on Frenchman's Bay. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Correspondence from the Canndinn Progress Club — Durham South 2. Schedule "A" Pre y: erett Bunt a Direclar, Operations & Emcrgcncy Serviccs EB:mld: Attachments Copy: Chiaf Administrativc O�ccr Division Head, Municipul Property & Enginncring Recommcndcd for the consideration of Pickering City Council '` , � A� ./ OU , Th mesJ. Q' n, C efAdm ' tiv Officer �, . ._: . r. ,- >._S .�. . . . . � .. - . � . � • 1 O�; �' � THB CORPORATION OF THE CI11' OF PiCKERING _ BY-LAW N0. Being a by-law approving the namo oC"Progress Bay Front Park" for those municipnl lands on Front Street. WHEREAS pursuant to Section 2(I ) of lhe Community Recrcation Ccntres Act the Council of a municipalily may by by-law, provide for the estAblishment, maintenance and opemtion of one or more communiry recreation centers. NOW THEREFORE THE COUNC[L OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. The lunds set out in Schedule "A" attached hereto shnll be operated as u public park and shuil be nnmed as "Progrcss Bay Front Park". BY-LAW read n first, second und third timc and finally passcd this 8th day af August, 2000, Wayne Arthurs, Mayor C. Anne Grcentree, Deputy Clerk , �.,r��,l'Nl�UyV Vp/Vl �: W iJ.W �.� IY�ML�UIYIJIH�• . . lirl� �� ._ � � �r�. r . ..��1 .. . . . . . . � � � - ATI'ACHMENTq..L_.TOREPORT#D��y 60 lO3 Ivt�. �. Huntsmn . : Uirector Uperalians and �mergency Scrvicea : Ciry ot`Pickcring �ugust U2UU0 'I'his letter is lo conlinn that thc CanruJiun Progress Club-I)urham South is requcsting that tlie nomc of the Front Slrcet Centrc 1'ark bc named Pragress 13ay �ronl. ; 'fhis namc wns suggested by our membcrs as best suiting thc urea nnJ identil'ying our ccnnmitment to iL I hope that this meels with ynur satisluction nnd I thank you und ynur stut7' fiir the continued support. \ � w.��. �/ .,. � 13i11 Sornbergcr CPC �urh�m South j auc ei �ee ie�ii �.ez ,; : �ti; 1 II ° . I/` 1 N DATE JU120� 2000