HomeMy WebLinkAboutCR 07/00� • �G`,� OF p�C� F p YtEPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Stephen Reynolds, DATE: August 1, 2000 Division Head, Culture & Recreation REPOR'P NUMBER: CR 07-00 SUBJECI': The Trillium Funding Requirements for the PineRidgc Arts Council "Home Piace" Project — Nex Robe�tson Park AcknowlafgemcnUSublicensc Agreement 125 RECOMD-1ENDATION: That Report CR-07•00 be reccived by Council and; i. that Council acknowledge to thc Trillium Foundation that Qie "Home Place" Project at Alex Robertson Pazk wiil be pecmitted to remain et U�at localion for u period of fve years, such acknowledgment to be providal by wny of resolution, and; 2. that in thc cvent u sublicertsc agreement is rcyuircJ by thc Trillium Foundation, Council npprove a ncw sublicensc agrccmcnt bctwcen thc Cily of Pickcring and the PineRidgc Arts Council, such sublicensc ngrecment to bc to thc satisfaction ofSlaff and the City Solicitor. ORIGIN: By lelter dalcd March 31", 2000, Trillium FounJation confirmed their grant to the PineRidge Arts Council for 575,000 to complcle the "Homc Placc" Projcel at Alex Robertson Pnrk. One of thc conJitions oClhe grant was that thc PincRidge Aris Council providc a fivc year lcase far thc property on which q�e sculpturc anJ trail will bc placed. The purposcs of this condition is that tha Trillium Foundation requires confirtnalion that thc "Home Placc' Project be displaycd for at leasl lhat period of timc. AUTHORITY: Council Resolution FINANCIAL 1MPLICATIONS: Nona EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: N/A Report lo Counci) CR 07-04 Date: Auguet 1, 2000 Subject: Licenso Agreement (Alex Robertaon Park) Page 2 � 126 Trillium Fuading Requirements for the PineRidge Aris Council "Home Place" Projxl BACKGROUND: On January 31", 2000, the PincRidEe Aris Council submittcd a Gran1 Applicalion to the New Onlario Trillium Foundation for the "Home Placc" Project. The City of Pickering supported Ihis Application in lhat the "Home Place" Project would be located at Pickering's Millennium WaterGont Trail. On March 24°, 2000, lhe grant was approvecl and by lelter dnted Mnrch 31p, 2(N10 PineRidge Arts Council was udvised of that approval. That Icttcr outlines the various tcrtns and conditions of the grant. Onc of thosc conditions is that "thc PincRidge Arts Council provide the Trillium Foundation with a copy oCthe f ve year Icasc for thc property on which the sculpturc and trail will be p�accci." The lands on which lhc "Home Place" Projcct arc located are licensai lo the City of Pickering by Ontsuio Power Gencration Inc. Undcr the ternis of the Licencc Agrcement, thu pertnission of thc Onlario Power Gcncration Inc. must bc sought nnd obtainal for lhc placemcnl of Uic "Home Place" Project. Pickcring Council has cndorsal this projcct by providing 550,000 towanls its construction. In ordcr to procc«1 with the devclopment of thc "Ilomc Placc' Projcct, PineRidgc Aris Council must antisfy thc oulstanding conditiun. That conditi�n may bc salisfinl by way oCan ncknowlcclgemcnt from Ontario Power Gcneration [nc. anJ thc Ciry of Pickcring that thc projcet will remnin ut ils locnlion for a period of at Icast five ycars or a subliccnsc agrecment ma}• be requircJ. ATTACHMENTS: l. Onlario Trillium �oundation Lcltcr to PincRiJgc Arts Council dated March 31, 2000 2. Location Mnp prcP� BYi= Approved / EnJorsai By: 4L . Stcphc s, verctt Buntsma, Division Head, Culturc & Recreation Director oFOperations and Emergency ices SR:mc Altachments Copy: ChiefAdminisUaliveOlTicer Director Corporele Services & Treasurer Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering City Solicitor Recommcnded for lhe consideration of Pickmng City Council � �` .. �N / l� o ias J. Qui , Chi Admim uer • . ,., ,�' • 1 � Merch 31", 2000 • ` . . A1TI�ENTM..Lj�N�01C1'At�7-00 • TN� MiW OMT�III� 1IILl1YM ►OYN�IITIOM �� , . 1/� I.A NOt1V�LLl IONO�l10M T�I W yll 0� VOMf1111�p I�• Ms. Andrea Grahnm ' • President ' Pine Ridge Arts Council • • 20 Bumhingham Creacent . �J�, Ontario ' ' LI3 6A2 � Dear Ma. Graham: . ' . Re: Requeat Flle No. 9903204 ' Community GranW I am delighted to infocm you that on March 24, 2000 the Ontario Trillium Foundadoa approved a gcant to your organizatidn in the amount of 575,000 over 12 monUu. The ptupose of fho grant ia to create pubGc art in tho form of aculptures and an interprotive trail ('Home Place7 which will bo a monument to the Pickering cortununih� and to the fazniliea that . settled tho erea Tho Trillium Foundadon funding has beea allocated ae tollows: . Artist Deaign end Research - 563,500 ' � Tuol Purchase and Maintcnmco - 510,000 Tool Design arid Fabricadon - 5500 Photogrephic Documentation - S 1,000 We have attachal the following conditions tc ihis g�ant: � ' That thc Pine Ridge Arts Council provido the Tritlium Fopndation with a copy of the fivo year X lease for tha property on wtuch the sculpture and trail will bo placed; end That a meintenance plsn be developed. ' ' �S UrW S�mt Ca�t, RM iba:TvaiW O�roAo MIY I51 CrW� • Dhct 11MC (�Ih f611927 FrYnpe (�16) 96)d7Cl TTYi (11i) 967.7905 Ta� Fne 1(100) I173A!) Inqrmb M�JMw+.triurlanhtlo�orj �S. nn OwM� M S� Iu��,Taarte (OnUrb) MIY ISl CwM TINpAp�� �(11{) fU,K17 TIIkqNr t(Ili) tu.ptl A►S i(116) l617f05 Nawr UW 71 (100)16].7N7 Mhrn�t t Mp/Mwatriunbud�yonp� , . ':s ' . . - ' _ . � - i� . . . _. . . . .. . . . 1 �.$ ' . ' • An Page 2 � , �.. �,c�M�#—L_T01{ENQR7:: C�Q:D�-O a , Key outcomes of the initiadve include: . v ' ' • ' 1. . Home Place wIll enhance the' WeterGottt Trail� 0IId BCNC 88 B VCFIICIE 1J1fOUgII W]IICI1 Pickcring axhibits ari epprecIetion of Ile heritage, hietory, and cultural diversiry and will pay fn'bute to the azts. ' . 2. A wide cross aection of the community,will be involved in and feel ownership of Homo � Placo. Key indicatora of success are: • � 1• 74►ae will be high ]ovels of uae of Home Place. It will be used es a place for contemplation, 88therinP,s, matriages, entertainment, exhibitions by a eubetenlial number of people ��uy. Z• ��� �nd Youth wi11 participale in the creation of Home Plece. . ' ' 3• Theie will bo subetantial wmmunity support and involvou►ent in tho creaGon of Home Place. . Please nota tl�at wc have attached tha Reguirements Schedule for tl�lie grmt. Also, enclosed aro • tho follow�ng, wluch we developed to help you prepare your repod; , 1) Evalualton & Repotting Gufdelines jor Trrllidm Gronlees 1) Communtty Conhlbuttons Form . We want to temind you that, in accepting t}ds graut, you are agreeiug to use q�e funds for tha purposes for which Uue grant is npproved, lo mcet any conditions of lhe grant, and to follow the guidelines set out in We attnched C',utde forNew Crant Reclpfents. We ask thal you confiim your agreement by rchuning the attached copy of this Ietter aigned by the Chair of your Board. A cheque in the amount of S75.000 representing the total amount of thc grnnt and mede payable to Pina Itdae rt ������t ��� be fonvarded to you as soon as we receive the signed Letler of A �p10pII8��Y grament and you comply with the requirementls wlrich we 6ave outlined in • this letter before wc telease eny grant paymenG Any tools, materials, atudies, or otha resources resul6ng from thie graat ahould be made availabla to other organizations or.individuals who may want to use them, at a roasonable cost Pleeso include copice of these reaburcea with your I�port to�Trillium, so that we can also malce them availeblo to olhets. Information about this gcant and all other grants wo make wip be available on the,Intemet tluough Trillium's website. In addition, infocmation trom grants and reports may be highlighted in our communications from time to time. Now t}�at your grant hea been appmved, you probably, have some geaerai questions for us. We have tried to anqc�p8te aome of these and have responded to them in a guide; wluch ia attached. Please call your Program Maneger, .i_ acqpeltne PoweLi- with any additional questione you have. C�.�+ba�uaaperiwssoua � , . • , . �• ��IHVT# 3 TO NEVOHT k�,d7-ooP�� 3 12 � , .,. Coi�gratuletions oa your euccesstW applScationl We look forward tn working wilh you, ead wlah you aucas� In tho great worlc you are doing. , . . . Youcs aInaroly, � . � . �� ' Qch�)'p—`� . . Robert Q. Power CLaIr of the Board RdP:do • Attachments: fivalustion end Reporting auidelines for Trilllum (irautas Community �ontributions Form ' duide for New (3rant Rceipients , • • . , Payment Schedule � Requirements Schedule ' Photocopy of this letter wl�ich aerves es your Letter of Agreemeat ' ole: P/ease slgn this pholocopy and rdwn U immedlolely [o Trllllwn.) com.uarya�,t�c�ns9aoiw . 4 a� #. City of Pickering ' Pienning S Development Depertment , � � • • • oae ,IULPp,moo G C7 J'