HomeMy WebLinkAboutMPE 14/00� �� o' �� �, 73 � REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Richerd Holborn DATE: May 31, 2000 Division Head Municipal Property & Engineering REPORT NUMBER: MPE 14-00 SUBIECT: Tender No. T-8-2000-Tender for Road Improvement — Salem Road RECOMMENDATION: I. That Tender No. T-8-2000 submitted by Miller Paving Limited to complete road improvements cn Salem Road in the amount of 565,618.82 including 7% G.S.T. be accepted, and 2. That a project cost of 578,615.93 including the Tender amount and other essociated costs be approved, and 3. 7'hat funding in the amount of 579,000.00 be approved. ORIGIN: Year 2000 Capitel Budget — Account Number 2320-6181 AUTHORITY: Year 2000 Capital Budget — Account Number 2J20-6181 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: I. Tendered Amount: _:...,_ _ ...,.. , ,. . Construction S 61.326.00 ,:, _ , ,. . _ G.S.T.(7%) . 4.292.82 .. . ,,.:.,_ _,_..__ .... . .. .. ....... . Sub Total 65.618.82 ..,..,,� . .,. .. _ _ ........ .:... G.S.T. rcbatc (4%) (2,452.92) Tota) Amount �� f 63 165.90 2. Ap�roved Source of Funds: :,. ���..a-m-�� �;.�: .K.:..,...,,. .J._, _,. ,.:.:a. ..,:;.,, -,, Cum�nt Ycar: BudgetN- 2320-6I81 ���� � f 80 ;000.00 PriorYcar: Budget�2320-6I81�.���,rR �u, .��v. �.� .d. � ... Futurc Ycars: R Bu.dg.�.,u � _ y .y � Total A roved � f 80.00O.00s :, . . .. .�, ... ... .....�F. ....�..� .r..,_., ��. y; .,�. �,,- . , �rr 4 Report to Council MPE 1400 • Subject: T-8-2000 — Tender for Road ImproV�nente — Se;em Road FRVANCIAL [&uIPLICATIONS: (contlauod) 3. Date: May 31, 2000 Page: 2 _,.._��m,........,��... ,�;. CautrucGon . :_,°�•_ .,.,.,_, . , �,_;,,�,,,� f 61 326.00 Profcssional Foes • . � 0. 00 - . Sundries & Miscellanoous Itans �•� ~*� y 15 000 00 ..,.- a... .....,. .:.,. . . Sub Total 16.326. 00 ..,� ,.,..... ..�._,-= 5342..,. G.S.T. ,• 82 _ . , _ ,„ (3.S.T. rcbate - , __�,.- .�,. � ._ _ �.:- :�.:�na w . (3 052.89) Total Pro'ect Cost ��f � 78, 615. 93 � a. Projut eau (mer) under Approved pund� f l, 384 . 07 As per thc approvcd 2000 Capital Budgct, this projoct is to bc dcbt finanxd. Thc sundrics and miscc�lancous itrnu includc City forces ro supply matcrial, cquipmcnt and labour to rcplacc culvcrts anJ perform frost boil cxwvation and granular rcplaa.�m�rot. 71ic 2000 Budgct 2320-9991 (Rcvcnuc) hv ida�tified 59,850.00 for this componcnc of thc projat. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Not Applicable BACKGROUND: Tenders for this projxt were opened on May 30, 2000 (sec summary attached). The only bidder, Miller Paving Limited have previously pafortned setisfactory work far the City per Tender No. T-8-99 - Road Improvemrnts on Pickering/Uxbridge Townline Road end Rougemount Drive. The Health and Safety Policy, and the CAD 7 fortn issued by Workplace Safety and Insurance Board, as submitted by Miller Paving Limited, have been reviewed by tha Supervisor, Municipal Works and are damed accepteble. Upon careful examination of the only trnder received and relevant doaments (Health and SaCery Policy, CAD 7 fortn, Workplace Safery and Insurance Boazd clearance, ecc.), I recommend the bid by Miller Paving Limited in the tendered amount of S65,618.82 end a project cost of S78,615.93, including the tender amount and other essociated costs be approved. ATTACHMENTS: I. Supply and Services memorandum dated May 30, 2000 2. Record of Tenders opmed and checked 3. Location mep Report to Council , MPE 1�{-00 : Dete: May 31, 2000 Subject: T-8-2000 — Tender for Road lmprovemrnta — Salem Road Pege: 3 �5 Prepared by: zma�J Administration Supervisor ' hard Hol m ivision He d, Municipel Property & Engineering Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Supervisor, Municipal Works Approved/Endor b verett n s a Director, Operations and Emergency Services Recommended for the consideration af Pickering City Council �� ,. 'r`� or masJ. ui Chi fAd 'trativc flicer ._ . , ., _ . � . � , _ . . . . ... ., : : . .. ..: ._.. .., , . .,., _ ., _ ,_ _ r; = .;"rAi N,�. �� ._�TOREPORT# � ' ��D %s . I /� ' a�� Inter-Depsrtmentai Memorandum Department of Corporate 3ervices $upply & 3ervices To: Richard Holborn Darrell Selsky Divieion Head MunIcipal Worke Supervisor Municipal ProP�Y & �B��B Date: SO May 2000 SubJect: Tender for Road Lnprovemente— Salem Road Tender No. T - 8I8000 Tenders have been received for fhe above pmjecc. Su (B) companies were invited to participaee o[ wLich four (4) picked up tendering documente !or a nonaefundable tee of $20.00 per seR An edvertisement wae placed in the Daily Cammercinl Newe, Newe Advertieer Communiry Page end the City's Website. A copy of the Record of Tendere Opened and Checked uaed at the public tender opening ie attached. PureLaeing Policiee and Procedures Item 9.22(6) provides t6at where there are incaaect e�ctenaione or mieplaced decLuals, tho bid may be rnrrected. Unit prices ehall be used to maect extensiona Sumtnaty (PST includad, OBT included) Miller Paring Limitad j86,818.82 =8b,818.82 IAC Pave Con�truction Ltd. Unable to 6id ATTACHMENT#! TOREPOiIT#�C-„I��O �� Pege 2 T•8/2000 Teader Wr Road Improvemente — Selem Roed Pureuen� �o Informacion to HIddere Item 21, the following arn being requeeted of the low bidder for your review during the evaluation etage of chis tender call: (e) a mpy of the Healch and Safety policy to be uaed on thie pmjecq and (b) a copy of the current CAD 7 form or Coat and Frequency Report isaued by Workplace Safety & Iusurance Huerd Please review the original tender end return to Supply & Services. Include the following itema in your Report to Council: (a) If items (a) and (b) noted above, ere acceptable; (b) ar{y paet work e:perience with bfiller Paving I.imited including work location; (c) without paet work e:perience, ff reference information ta ecceptable; (d) a work IocaUon maP: (e) the appropriate account number(s) W which thSe work Ie to be charged; (� the budget emounl(e) aesigned thereto; (g) Treasurer's rnnfuroetion o[funding; (h) related departmenlal epprovale; (i) any reaeon(s) why the bid of Miller Peving Ltmited is not ecceplable; and G) related cromments epecific W the project If yo requira further Information, please feel &ee W crontact me. � Vere A elgemacher Jen4ey Menager of Supply & Servicea 77 t �l ( 4_ � t � , ; : � �'{J� 1 1��, , � f• f S � t.�/ ' " ' p� i Y ,! $ li _n � � � . 1� i �� 1 i`. � �e �' � n^s� i �`; • I�iy k` F �(`t}iR n' � ly�i � { � �f } . d� • ��k��`� ry- ' �� i� ;��� �' '� �r �.:� r�=� ,�w ,$ .�, t; ,�i� � �Gw;,� � ti; � ��}�; �..��,��� r�� ',�; .. ��,r �; �8s „��s. _ . ��� s'�h.m5�%v+w¢ • • �h`1 i wi':.ii h i ��?�������`! :. �`�t'�i�F h^'� f � �� ������ F, t � r^ � I��ti�� '�'i!"��Y�"� (R� � }"w� '.'� ky�� �s �=a. 2,�� ��`��. �',�.; ����. �I:�'+�^�s � ; * ' �F .J . r .. � .t,1F • � . .%t�. s, . • s� , ! p. ����� * r:> , �.: �;: : , = i �'? - - '.r.'.: 4.Y�_ � ���. �� .. � � • [' u��' � +�'Xl ,�\ �' 11 _ dF.' � . ', ..�, iF X � — ,, � ����, �1 :��{g� �; -' rY ,� ^ � • • =::,e . � �. . � %` ( C � ��,,. I ��. y M/}��� Sk � ����� y� F 'a'..�'�� Y �y'd`f-'�rs`"F .�# �'��� ��?� �� ��$�1 �� 7oW �il!lOd3a01 �o N1N3WH�d11V t, � G� ��� , t � ATTACHMEn1Y �� � TOREPORT# MGG�1�-� . �� ' 74 c 1 � ;,�ORM� �� :.� .. .. `" - ;` Attachment For Tender. T 8 2000 � . ., ;: �� ~' ° `'" MUNJCIPAL PROPERTY AND ENGINEERING �z : -.. ._ ; � SALEM ROAD ,:.. ., - . , i y� . . � � Sl�lw tO�IC[SS�O�i � �� �aD .... MiC��W�v �" �. ...,- �. 5 �1 �` .'�. . . . . . . . j .. � � -. j . . � � . n O � t ; � �_ �� �. . . SISJECT � . . � � � . d� u �y � � � 1 + � . � A o � � ° , 1���7 \ _ �� �� � 1-� ���, nrt» � �J��=�«=z,o,. _ � � A�.� LOCATION MAP PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION INCLUDES: Rond Reconswction (surface trealment) • on Salom Road from Fifth Concession Road, notih to Highway No. 7. : . ',r , � � f � �: �, _ � o ._ _ . - NdIlEV61DmlWTf_T6dD11[IwAtooC��-, , . _.,t . _ , . ._ . . , _ ., _ ..