HomeMy WebLinkAboutMPE 13/00: :' S4 � oF� ~ REPOItT TO COUNCIL FROM: Richard Holborn DATE: May 31, 2000 Division Head Municipal Property & Engineering Division REPORT NUMBER: MPE 13-00 SUB7ECT: T-3-2000-Tender for Road Improvements - Balaton Avenue, Dunbarton Road, Dunchurch Strcet, Sheppard Avenue, Rosebank Road, West Shore Boulevard, William Street, D'utie Road, Cecylia Court, Sandcastle Court, Park Crescent, Hilicrest Road. RECOMMENDATION: l. That Tender No. T-3-2000 submitted by D. Crupi & Sons Ltd. to complete road improvements in the amount of 5219,019.00 including 7% G.S.T. be accepted, and 2. That road works on Cecylia Coun be approved as a year 2000 project at a cost of 530,704.30, be awarded as part of this tender, and be funded from account number 2320-6181. 3. That a project cost of S249,456.86 including the Tender amount and other associated costs be approved, and 4. That funding in the amount of 5250,000.00 be approved ORIGIN: Year 2000 Capital Budget - Account Number 2320-6181 AUTHORITY: Year 2000 Cepital Budget - Account Number 2320-6181 FINANC[AL IMPLICATIONS: I. Tendered Amount: .�x�,r,-,...� �.�,u..;..�,w �...::.,. �,��-„�,q ;� t.: ,.�.;�. >,�,.�,u._. ... ...:...... :...... Constcuction 204 690.65 G.S.T. (7%) s.....�....-....�-.,,...�,.....�..-s..,..a.,��.�.�14�328.�35__ ,.� ..._„•,��, s,:W,: Sub Total � 219.019.00 ..�.,�.,..�.�.,.�....�.,�„�._-�.�.��.�.�,� � �...�.,<.M,.s:.�..,,:,,,,. G.S.T. rebatc (4%) (8,187.22 �� �•Total Amount „,�� f210 831�,�78 2. A�pryoved Source ofFunds: ������^ CurrcntYear:�MHudget-2320-6181 � � f135,90D.00�*w Yfl.RN�41kM:�{f.VO'11M1CDN.'iiR.'.�R�tY.. �W4T•NY'aTl44R�R�1+A.V.tC:4�a..nr � H�udgct - 2320-2407 31�0OO��n��00� PriorYcar: Budgct-2320-6181-1999�~� -ovcr �M135,550.00yT, Futuro Yearo: Budget •��«� ...��.�„" ,.M �...,��,��,�.��.:�m�.�:,���,��.�G��E.� Totel A roved f302,450.00 Report to Counci) MPE 13-00 Data May 31, 2000 � Subject: T-3-2000 - Tender for Road Improvemente pege; Z FINANCIAL DvIPLICATIONS: (continuod) 3. ConsWction as per T-3-2000 _ . - _ . � �. f204,690.65 � .} R.�' •_::,a.. :..,,.,.:.,.:.:_ �,.....,. , ._.. Professional Foa 0.00 �.-.�;,n,_r .h.:�. ...,,:._ .,�...� - S�nd�es & Mi�GllanmuQ It%++= .,�,s:s;, :F:,r:, ,...,�.. Linc Painting - Dixie Road 500. 00 � Linc Painting and Mazonry Cuivert Rcpair.--..m. ,.,.���_��..�V�..�Y...,,,. �""�� � 21.000.00 Line Painting and ncw Stroet�Signs �-wWest:,j,,.�:--..........w,.,..,..�,.., ., Shorc Blvd. 11,000.00 4,-...�� .--,...,_�_m,x..�.-:,-...,.:,:,.,,..:_,,.«: �.::.4.,..�:,... ���s �� �8 5.000. 00 �.==.o,_,.-...,..- ..,:..�,-..,...,r.,-�:.....::..�,�.:.., :.:...,., Sub Total 242,190.65 ,,. ,,:•;:, ,, .::. ,... <, G.S.T. 16 953.35 (3.S.T. rcbatc ✓ . . . , . (9,687.14) . . , ,, .,.� ..... ... . . .......4 ,_ ... . ., Total Proiect Cost f249 456 86 4. Projxt Cosu (mer) unOer �pproved Pun1� 552, 993.14 As noted in the approved 2000 Budget, the road projects that fortn this tender, and are being financed from Capital (2320•6181), are being debt financed. Due to the totel project cost being less than the approved budget, the amount of debt financing required will be less than anticipeted. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Not Applicable BACKGROUND: Tenders for this project were opened on May 30, 2000 (see summary attached). The low bidder, D. Crupi & Sons Limited have previously performed satisfectory work for the City per Tender - T-8-97 Road Improvements on Pickering Parkway, Pine Ridge Road, Strouds Lane, Toynevale Road and Winette Road. The Health and Safety Policy, the Confined Space Entry Procedure document to be used on this project, a list of personnel trained, and the CAD 7 fortn issued by Workplace Safety and Insurance Board, as aubmitted by D. Crupi & Sons have been reviewed by the Supervisor, Municipa) Works and are deemed acceptable. Road works on Cecylia Court were added to this Tender call as a provisional item in response to a petition received &om residents. These road works were not identified in the year 2000 Capital or Curcent Budgets. As the estimated project cost including Cecylia Court is within the project budget, I recommend approval to proceed with road works on Cecylia Court. Tha road works component for Sandcastle Court, Park Crescent and Hillcrcst Road included in this Tender call, will be financed from Roads Operating account - 2320-2407, as part of the Aaphalt Patching Program Upon careful exemination of all tenders received and rolevant documonts (Health and Sefety Pollcy, CAD 7 fortn, Workplscc Safery and [nsurance Board clearance, etc), I recommend thc low bid by D. Crupi & Sons in the Tendered emount of 5219,019.00 and e Capitel project coet of 5249,456.86. , ' 5 6, RepoR to Council MPr 13-00 Subject: T-3-2000 — Tender for Road improvementa ATTACIiMENTS: 1. Supply and Services memorandum dated May 30, 2000 2. Record of tenders opened and checked 3. Location maps Prepazed By . Ku a dministrat' n Supervisor Ri azd Holbo� vision Head, Municipal Property &c Engineering Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Supervisor, Municipal Works Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council �� n �7 � G!� o es 1, ui Chief Admi ' trative flicer Date: May 31, 2000 Page: 3 Approv d se . ere Bunts Director, Operations & Emergency Services , , , . , .. ;: +', `r , _ ,. �.. • y � , . .. . .. -- - . . . . . A'�1'ACHMENT t1� TO REPORT #.� 13-d0 57 Inter-Departmental Memorandum Department o! Corporate Servicee Supply & Servicee To: RicLard Holborn Darrell Seleky Divieion Head, Munkipel Works Supervieor Municipal Property & Engineering Date: 90 May 2000 SubJect: Tender for Road Improvementa Tender No. T- 8I2000 Tenders have been received for the above projecG Ten (10) companiea were invited W participate of which siu (67 picked up tendering dceuments for a non•refundable fee of $20.00 per eeG An adveztiaement was placed in tha Dai�y Cocnmemial Newe, News Advertieer Cammunity Pege and the City's Webaite. A copy of the Record of Tendere Opened and Checked used at the public tender openIng ie attached. Purchaeiug Policiea and Procedures Item 9.22(L) provides that where t6ere are inrnrrect extensioue or mtapleced decimals, the bid mey b¢ rnrr¢ated. Unit prices shall be used to correct extensioua Purchaeing Policies end Procedures Item 8.27.(a) permite t6et all depoeits other than the low three biddere ehall be returned. Summary (PST included, 63T Included) kObGo��l�y�« sf�h1 f�°'.��rartG� v��t ;G xTO��#;�� a 'rr4ltbY,�C�ltiif Ibn�x ' 4i' !�At� i�i�� "'S� C }� x � �' ? 'v t � r rc� ��" i¢ 1 r '"��q�,,�� � t.*�,;wr �1'.n�'�.rea�{t"c S }ct? �ab z, �,��w +,¥ k, o. l��' � *'" t.,�.�,"7S� w�f,.�. � `Ntl� 7'{ d'� 45�1�." ��i7� ��i�a�.�;�!1'uP D. Ctvp1 & Son� L{mited 710,010.00 718,018.00 P'urfari Construetlon Co, Ltd R2b,484.68 228,484.68 Miller Peving Llmited 261,434.71 201,434.71 AumetarPevinslnc. Deemedlmproper-roj«ted No rnrporete �eal or �telement W bind the rnrporetion. IB No�. 11, 17, 18, 19, PP&P Nos. 0.19, 0.10(h) LOC Pave Condn�etion I.W. Uneble to bid r,+ ._ . ,. - . ...,,.... . ... , ... . ... _. .. .., .... .... _ _. .. . .,. .. � - , .. . ..._ . - , . � . . •�. •� . ATTACHMENT# � TOREPORT#�I3�00 �� 58 2,�a . Page 2 T•3/2000 Tender for Road Improvemente Pureuan! to Information to Biddere Item 21, tha followiug eze beIng requested of the � low bidder for your review duri¢g the evaluetion etege of thie tender call: (a) a copy of the Con6ned Space Entry Procedure document to be usecf on thie Pro)ect (b) a list of the employees trained in the Con6ned Space En4y Procedure who will be working on tLis project (c) a mpy of the Hea1fL and Sefety policy W be used on this pmject; and (d) a rnpy of the current CAD 7 form or Cost and FYequency Report issued by Workplece Safety & Insurance Board. Please review odginal tendere and return. Include tLe following items in your Report to Council: (a) ititems (a) end (b) noted above, are aceeptable; (b) any pest work experience with D. Crupi & Sons Limited iucluding work location; (c) without paet work experience, if reference information is acceptable; (d) a work locatiom m�p; (e) the appropriete nttrount number(s) W which tlils work ia to be charged; (� che budget amount(e) assigned lhereto; (g) Treaaure�e conGrmaUon of fundiug, (6) related departmentaleppmvals; (i) any reeson(e) why the low bid of D. Crupi & Sons Limited ie not accepwble; and (j) related rnnunents epecific W t6c projecG If you equire further 3nformetlou, please [eel &ea W contact me. era A. F gemacher Jeffrey Maneger of Supply & Servicee -o n � rn � Z Gi d� � �"��#1!lOd3b Ol�T�I—r;1.N3WHJtlJ„L`d _ C� , a� ' � ATTACHNEN "�_.� TOREPORT#1jQ[ �3� � �o,;,." SO � ; � � : - � Attachment For �nder. T-3-2000 ` , , MUNICIPAL PROPERTY & ENGINEERING BALATON AVENUE, DUNBARTON ROAD, DUNCHURCH STREET, SHEPPARD AVENUE, ROSEBANK ROAD, WEST SHORE BOULEVARD, WILLIAM STREET, DIXIB ROAD, CECYUA COURT, ' SANDCASTi.6 COURT, PARK CRESCENT, HILLCREST CRESCENT . � . .. LUII� � P f OLVD. L � � CRT � ' U iOMGLOVE W �ANSNAW Pl. W , � ILON� � O. 4�� P<1ai011 AVE�IUC d � � �VE. h � � PARK 0 > ~NC CN } . . . .. � W � W I. � . � . . eono � LnN ] . � ° W i _ � . 1 W P2 ;� i¢ W _ � . � � � � � �, 1�F u m a 7 .. COIAAIEACE � SiREET p � . . � � ,�_ COLIAPP �Vf �. � I Z I P w n s n v � r w I j r�1 ��1 I"�� �i PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION INCLUDES: Road Improvements (Top Asphnit) . on Dnlaton Avenue from Colmtu Avcnue to the soulh terminus. uuNBAftTON ROAD / DUNCHURCH STREET PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION INCLUDES: Road Improvements (Top Asphalt) • on Dwbarton Road between Fairport Rond and Cloudberry Court, and on Dunchurch Slreet from Dunbnrton Road to thc south tcrminus. _ u�nnitr_�am�o_�rooc . s4 , (,. ` ,- . , .. , .. .. . .... z .° .. . _ .. . _ .. . . � r ... r ...;, � ,. , . �, . ._,. . .'" = 4 o►►r ATTACHME� _`3 .ORf tt�P� I�-0�, - ; ��`� �;, Attachment For � �der: T-3=2000 BALATON AVENUE, DUNBARTON ROAD, DUNCHURCH STREET, �� SHEPPAEtD AVENUE, ROSEBANK ROAD, WPST SHORE BOULEVARD, ` WILLIAM STREET, DIXIE ROAD, CECYLIA COURT, , SANDCASTLE COURT, PARK CRESCENT, NILLCREST CRESCENT , .. '�1 . SHEPP�pD . _ . . . . .. " . . I.VCI�UE � . � . . � � c go a�L �� '�^f eua.ECr � .. . s- �� � ' oervc z � � 1 . UIIOOKII � U p(�II���R � . �S � � O�rLtGN SIR Ct � 9 0 �w�= o i , .. . � ��t �} . uua ° � . .. � . PL�CC PA.�IY DAYO . � � � ;p 4 STEC�L[ 9 HiLL � ^�0� SHEPPARD AVENUE / ROSEBANK ROAD PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION INCLUDES: Rond Improvements (Top Asphult) . on Sheppard Avenue bctwcen Bnrty Drive and Rosebunk Road, nnd on Rosebank Road from I Om south to 60m north of Sheppard Avenue. � � � �coua� � ' L=11=1 L_1 L oS,� . � U I � ' o � FkfNC//A4W S . � � � �i�H��u. � � . nwoa� , x � �� y u . li.f Y , . . . � couar � �n � b m i. i f� ° � . . . . � W 51G�ICBRIDGCn L�J � �' ; j�, L vrtccr;J �1 . . . � Q 1PW0 � SN � . . .. � . . , WESTSHOREBOULEVARD PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION INCLUDES: Road Improvements (1'op Asphelt) • on West Shore Boulevard bctween Oklahome Ddve nnd Vistuln Drive. ; f: ' s v " * ' • A1TB�OEF�UR IFN01lEA'D_/200Q , t, r } ' •, , .. .,.. . ,,.. .. .�. �u,,.�:.. , � ,... . . ., ..r � . . ,. . .. . ...,.$�. j �` _�orP� � :; ,AITACHMENT# REPORT�I� 13-00 , , . .. ..... ..;., ' �' � S Attachment For e r• T-3-2000 BALATON AVENUB, DUNBARTON ROAD, pUNCHURCH STREET, SNEPPARD AVENUE, ROSEBANK'ROAD, WEST SHORE pOULEVARD, , WILLIAM STREET, DIXIE ROAD, CECYLIA COURT, SANDCASTLE COURT, PARK CRESCENT, HILLCREST CRESCENT . � .. . U�1C STREEi' . . . � . � . . � � .. � ' . . a m F O a UI . . N �' Q . � � � . a CT a (n � 7AVID 5T � JOSCPr151 _ \ �nl =1 ?� � mnW � � WILLIAM STREET PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION INCLUDES: Rond Improvemcnts (Top Asphalt) • on Wiliiam Stmet, from Ccntml Strcct to 45m north of Dnvid Street. I_� n pES:I E�,�o�, I I I I I I m:5,o��E 1» �'�� D1XIE ROAD PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION INCLUDES: Road Improvements (Top Asphnit) , • on Dixie Rond between the south limit and thc north limit of tha Hydro Cocridor. � =f i �„��;R,�;�;�� �:< , . 4 {. yt, . r .i- . , ,.. ., . , . � . , ����, w ..�....- .�. -- . -� .. ._..,. .. . �.'� � .:�'-�.. . .-.� i �3�,v�fl � y y1 � n•.: � �c ,r � ,_- .e 3 :. # 3 �.�.�v��-� . '";, �of � ATTACH�1ENT�i ^!i �:�_ �At#achment For Ten��, T 3 2000 6'i = s ,.:; � : BALATOM=AVENUE; DUNBARTON ROAD, DUNCHURCH STREET, ` •.= SHEPPARD AVENUE, R058BANK ROAD, WEST SHORE BOULEVARD, WILLIAM STREET, DIXIB ROAD; CECYLIA COURT, ,`SANDCASTLB COURT, PAItK CRESCENT, HILLCREST CRESCENT {.,. .. , � n O, ` _ ��r.'� eP{�.'� o Q hsruu orri[� \G� r o' . � . .' � C� . . Z T�4Mir�5 G�PO� � . . IP�� O � " � P� 5� DPp CRI j' �QO�W IN . � o a� u� «�� � _L� . 1 , oP ,.�., ..� �„��. ,, . . pRM lllp U`9 LM, S�'y� � � CAi °! G WrS��W+E . . . . 2� � y N �r � . � �vP YA[C� VC. O CPi. T Q �-1 R u _ V :,� € o � oa�r,..�� a I a�--1 �3 3 L�x � CECYLIA COURT PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION INCLUDE3: Road Improvements (Top Asphalt, Base Asphnit nnd Curb Repnirs) . on Cecylin Court from West Shore Boulevnrd to the north tertninus, Q O L>NE 6 W W DOWIJLAND ❑ U �kF �R � u � �f�i W �LLO�� � Q U � N P U �� ' l� �J7�,= i � � 1� �' � m � `1 U 0 y � ?L I.111lV $iRCCT U 2 a� OAp > � IN � U �UIJA�SE FVC. W � H O N N O y ? %LE \ � TULl7 W p N �,� 57. m a AAEAB �y1 ,A�NI.D V y pP� 3 SUf�F AVE. O`�al ��P fICOAT � � �. 0f'P . IEr Q N �\��;. 6 � �l/ . . . SANDCASTLE COURT/PARK CRESCENT/HILLCREST CRESCENT � PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION INCLUDES: Road Improvements (Top Asphalt)' . on SendcasNe Court, Park Crescent and Hillcrost Crescent. A1RN0lFDNTi TFi1nITEhO ItA00 ` .� ' -- � . r t-; - .