HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAO 10/00� �� �;�. ' 114 �,� of P,� � �; REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Bruce Taylor, AMCT, CMM DATE: September 14, 2000 City Clerk REPORT NUMBER: CL 32-00 SUB)ECT: Various Administrative Appointments - Lottery Licensing Officers - Pazking Control Officer - Animal Control OE£cer RECOMA�NDATION: 'fhat the threa draft by-laws to appointment variaus stafipersons as Lottery Licensing Ofiicers, a Parking Controi O�cer and an Animal Control Officer be fonvarded to Council for enectment. , . . � ORIGIN: Requirement of various Provincial stetutes AUTHORITY: I. LotteryLicensingOfTcer—Order-in-Council2688/93 2. Parking Control O�icer — Police Services Act 3. Animal Control Oflicer — Municipal Act FINANC[AL IMPLICATIONS: Not eppGcabie EXECUfIVE, S[JbA4ARY: As a result of thc recent re-organiration and in order to provide better customer servia, I azn recommending thet the management and clerical staff of the Clerk's Division be appointed as Lottery Licensing Officera. In order far a Perking Control O�cer and an Animal Control Officer to issue Provinciel Otfence Notices to individuals for a contravention of the Parking By-law or the Dog end Cet By-law, they must be appointed as peace officers under the Police Services Act. BACKGROUND: 1.07TERV LiCENSING OFFICERS: Orda-in•Council 2688/93 of tho (iovemment of Ontario atetes: ...n ;. , � . �'x: . � . � Report to Council CL 32-00 Data September 14, 2000 Subjwt: Adminietradve Appointmente Page � 15 A muatcfpal councU may, wderc it dama it to be in ide ba! interaU of tde iah�bitaob of tde muaicipality, bme r licence authorizing �o digible •, chpdt�6le arg�niz�lion to conduct and m�ntge..,.lottery �chema. Council may delegate its authority to the staff end in prectice I have been cartying out thia authoriry as tha Lothry Licensing 011'icer for the City. As a result of the recent raorgenizatioq all the clerical stafl'in tha Clerk's Division have undertaken treining to issue lottery licences and should be appointed es Lottery Licensing Officers along with myself and the Supervisor, Legislatiive Services in order to provide better customer service by being able to issue a Lattery Licence without having to rely on me to be present to sign it. I have attached e draft by-law to give eftect to such appointments. PARKING CONTROL OFEICER: In accordance with the Year 2000 Operating Budget, a second Parking Control Ofiicer hes now been hired to provide increased enforcement of the Parking By-law. In order for this Officer to issue parking tickets, he must be appointed as a peace officer under the Police Services Act. Once a bylew has been enacted to appoint our second Parking Control Otfcer, the Region wili be asked to ellow this Officer to enForce the Region's Parking By-law on Regional roads. ►:�:I i�S I.� 1[K�1►tul:i�] Si1;1�i tN=�L'31 Council will recall enacting a by-law at its meeting of August 8, 2000 to appoint all the stett'of the Animal Control Centre as peace officers under the Polica Services Act in order for them ro properly issue Provinciel Offence Notices under the Provinciel Of%nces Act. Attached to this Report is a letter Crom the Clerk of the Town of Whitby noting that Michael Woodward has been hired as an Animal Control and Pound Attendent to replace Dean Harbridge. The attached draft by-law provides for the appointment of Michael Woodward as a peace officer to enforce Pickering's Dog and Cat By-law. r:�v:��,�,�r�.�� l. L.etter from the Town of Whitby dated September I I, 2000 2. Dreft by-law to appoint Lottery Licensing Officers 3. Draft by-lew to appoint a Perking Control O�cer an MLEO 4. Draft bylaw to appoint an Animal Controi end Pound Attendant es an MI.EO Prepazed By: ;� � Bruce Taylor, AMCT, CMM Ciry Clerk Attechments Recommcnded f r the consideration of Pickcring City Council , � ,!` �/�/(1 „ Thomee J, ef Adrtu ' re e OHi r � ATTACIIMENT# � TONEPORTq«7s.�,y ?HE CO[tPORA7JOT( OF ?NE ?OWT( OP WH17BY 1], s In the Repionel Municipellty of 0urham fu��aa MuN�cir�u. Buiwura 375 Rad�nd Rwa Ean lo�2ul Whit6y, O�urb �! Gep��uda�"" � � � � f0.1•N6700! .. � � � . �L.��r`- R � , SEP 1 3 2000 CLERK'3 DIVI510N September 11, 2000 Flle: A-2160 (Animal Control) Bruce Taylor qty Gerk pty of Pickering One the Esplanade P(ckering, Ontario LiV 6K7 Re: Appoindnent of Animal Control Personnel as Muntcipal Law Enforcement Officers Mfchael Woodward has been hired by the Town as an Mimal Control and Pound Attendant repladng Dean Harb�idge. As a housekeeping matter, your CounGl should pass a by-law appointlng Mr. Woodwa�d as a municipal law enforcement officer for the purpose of administering and enforcing your munidpality's animal controi by-laws. DGM/ia End. c.c.: S. Koch, Supervisor of Animal Control Servfces ��r��� ':i� ,y . ,; � ATTACHMENT#? TOkEPOR7N °L � `-�D THR GORPORATION OF THE GITY OF PICIC�?R►NG 1� 7 .. ►� Heing a by-law to persons aa Lotlery Licensing OtHcers for the Corporation of tha, City of Pickering. WHEREAS Order-in-Council 2688/93 of lhe Govemment of Ontario states lhat a municipal council may, where it dcems it to be in the best interests of tha inhabitanta of the muniapality, iasua a 6ccnce aulhorizing an eGgibie cheritable organization to conduct end manager lottery schemes;and WI�REAS it is dcemed expedient to delegate this authority to various atatf of the Corporation of the City of Pickering lo ect es Lotlery Licensing Olf cers; NOW TI�REEORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF TFIL CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Tha Council of lhe Corporation of the Ciry of Pickering hereby delegates ils authoriry to the following staft' to issue a licence authoriring an eligible charitable orgeniation to conduct and menage lottery xhemes in accordencc with applicable Provincial legislation: Druce Taylor, Ciry Clerk Anne Greentree, Supervisar, Le�islative Services Adriana Ouchen, Administretion Clerk Eilcen Meughan, Administration Clerk Christine Richardson, Administralion Clerk 2. For the purposa of issuing a licence for a lottery scheme, the peraons set out in Sxtion l of this By-law ehd! be known as Lottery Licensing O[Tcers. BY LAW read e first, second end third time end finally passed this 2nd day of October, 2000. Waync Arthuro, Mayor Bmce Teylor, Clerk ATTACHMENT # 3 TO REPORT ti �'- 3 2—va I 1 H 7'F� GO1lpORATION OF THP. C[TY OF PI K uTnrr. I _:. ►L1uli': Heing a bylaw to appoint tha animal wntrol personnel employed by tha Town nf Whitby as Municipal Law Enforcement Officers. WHEREAS pursuent to section 15(I) of tha Police Services Act., R.S.O. 1990, c.P. 15, as amended, a municipel council may appoint peraons to enforce the bylawa of the municipelity, end Wt�REAS pureuant to secGon 1 S(2) of tha said Act, municipal by-law enforcement o�icers ere peaca afficere for the purposc of enforcing municipal by-laws; NOW TI�REFORE TIIE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Michael Woodward ia hereby appointcJ aa a municipal lew enforcement of6cer in and for the City of Pickering in order to escertain whether the provisions of By-laws 4423/94 and 1769/83 or their euccessors ara obeyed and to enforce ar carry into effect the said By- la�va: 2. The authority granted in aection 1 hereto is specifically limited to that set out in aection 1, end ahall not be dcemed, at any time, to excecd thc authority set out in aectiun 1. 3. Tho appointment of any or all thc peroons Gsted in axtion 1 ahall expire upon tho persons ceasing to be cmployees of tha Town of Whitby or ceasing to be an employee responsible for cartying out animal control scrvice.s or upon the Town of Whitby ceasing to be an agent of the City oF Pickering for the purposes of carrying out enimal control services, whichever ahall occur firot. BY-LAW read a fuat, aewnd and third time and finelly passed thia 2nd dey of October, 2000. Wayne Arthurs, Meyor Bruce Taylor, Clerk ' ATTACNMENTB � TOitEPORTq�_�Z'°0 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING 1� 9 � � lul:': Heing a by-law to appoint Grent Mahon as�a municipal law enforcement ofl'icor far the purpose of enforcing By- law Number 2359/87, es amended (Parking). WHEREAS purauant to section IS(!) of the Police Services Act., R.S.O. 1990, c.P. 15, as emended, a municipal wuncil mey appoint persons to enforce tha by-lawe of the municipality; and WFIEREAS pureuant to aection 15(2) of the said Act, municipal by-law enforcement o�icers are peaca otTicera for the purpose of enforcing municipal by-laws; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNC[L OF TI� CORPORATION QF THE C1TY OF PICKERRVG HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: I. Grent Mehon is hereby appoinled as a municipel lew enforcement of}icers in end for lhe City of Pickering in order to ascertain whethe� tha provisions of Bylaw 2359/87 ere obayed and to enfora or carry into elTect the said By-law. 2. The autharity granted in scction i here►o is specifically limilcd to lhat set out in section I, end ahall not bo damed, at any time, to exceed the authority set out in seclion i. 3, This appointment shall expire upon Grant Mehon ceasing to be employce of the City of Pickering. 4. Thia By-law ahell tako etfect es of August 24, 2000, BY-LAW read a firrst, second and third time and finally passed this 2nd day of Octobu, 2000. Wayna Arlhurs, Mayor Brua Taylur, Cily Clak •:� .;� � "iss 4`�oFr��_ � .F Q REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: 'fhomas J. Quinn Chief Administrntive O�cer DATE: May I5, 2000 REPORT NUMBER: CAO 10•00 SUBJECT: Tender Approvnl by the Chicf Administrativc Ufficer - 2000 Summer Council Recess - File: TF1100 RECOMMENDATION: i. That Rcport To Council CAO ]0-00, secking nuthorizntion for the npproval of tenders by the ChieFAdministrative O�cer during Council's Summer Recess be receivcd; nnd 2. A resolution should bc mndc nulhorizing the npprovnl of tcndcrs by the Chief Administrntive Officer during Council's Summer Recess period (i.e., f'rom June 27 to August 4, 2000 nnd from August 9, 2000 to September 1 l, 2000), on condition thut, n) the lowcst nccepmble tender is approvcd, b) the cost thcrcof is within thc budget prcviously allocated thercfor by Council, and c) a rcport respecting thosc tendcrs is subscqucntly submitted to Council. ORIGIN: 2000 Summer Reccss (i.c., from June 27 to August 4, 2000 and from August 9, 2000 to September 8. 2000). AUTHORITY: None requircd, subject to luter Council ratification. F[NANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: IIecausc the nuthority to npprove is subject to condition that thc cost of each tender must be within the budget previously allocated therefor by Council, there wili be no financiul implications other thnn those alrcudy considered approved by Council. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Not applicnbie BACKGROUND: During the 2000 Summer Recess, there may be the need to approve tenders und no opportunity to obtain specific Council approvnl as there is only une Council meeting (August 8) schcdulM between June 27 and September 11. It is therefore proposed that the Chief Administrntivc Officer be authoriud to approve tenders during tha summer period (i,e., from June 27 to August 4, 2000 and from August 9, 20D0 to September R, 2000), on condition that in cach case ihe lowest ncccptable tender is approved, nnd the cost thcreof is within the budget previously alloceted therefar by Council. A report respecting any tendcts npproved undcr this uuthority will be subsequently submittcd to CounciL ,. - ,;.�., • _ Report to Council CA010•00 Date: May I5, 2000 Subject: Tendcr Approvel by the CAO 16 7 - 2000 Summer Council Recess Page 2 ATTACHMENTS: Not npplicable , Approved / Endorsed By: !. Quinn TJQ;jh Copy: Director, Corporate Scrvices & Treasurcr Mannger, Supply and Services