HomeMy WebLinkAboutCR 02/00;t i x? � r.:. ...... .-:.:.. ...... , .�.e.. .... . .. .. . ., . . ..— '? . . . . . . . . . .. ��,�yO�Pl� . . - . . _ � . . O� ! � REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Stephen Reynolds DATE; Murch 2l, 2000 Division Head, Culturc & Rccreation REPORT NUMBER: CR 02-00 SUBJECT: Tender for Ice Rink Renovations — Don Beer Arenu Tender # T-1/2000 RECOMMENDATION: It is rccommendcd to Council that : Report CR 02-00 regarding the Ice Rink Rcnovations at Don �ecr Arena be rccciveJ and that: 1. Tender M T-I/2000 submitteJ by Turtu Incorporated for Ice Rink Renovations at Don Bccr Arcna in thc amount of 5439,9GG.91, including nct G.S,T., bc approvcJ. 2. The total projcet cost of 5489,062,10 including the tender umount and other associatcd costs bc approvcd. 3. Thc nppropriatc of(icials at thc Ciry of Pickcring be givcn authoriry to give effect ihcroto. ORIGIN: Requestcd by Cuiture nnd Recreation Division AUTHORITY: 2000 Capitnl Budget —Account Numbcr2715-G181 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: 1. Tendered Amount: Construction (Altemnte Price) 5427.152.34 G.S.T.(7%) E 29.900.67 G.S.T.rcbate(4%) (S 17.086.10) Total Amount E439.966.91 2. Approvcd Source of Funds: Capitul Budget - Don Beer Arenn _ , _. . Current Year: Budget2715•6181 • f500,000.00 Prior Ycar: Hudget Fulure Yenrs: Budget TotalA rovcd f500.000.00 �' :' 0 I 8� Report to Council CR �2-00 Subjcet: Tender for Ice Rink Renovations — Don Bcer Amnu FINANCiAL IMPLICATIONS: (continucd) 3. Estimated Project Costing Summery: ConsWction Prafessional Fees . Contingency Q 10% . Sub Total G.S.T. . G.S.T. rebate . Cost Datc: March 21, 2000 Pagc: 2 5427,152.34 E 4,500.00 S 43,165.24 E474,811.58 S 33,237.23 (f18.992.11) 5489.062.10 4. Projecl Cosu (undtt) Approred Funds ( E 10, 937.90 ) The Director of Corporate Scrvices and Treasurer confirtns that the expendiwres contained in the rccommcndcd approvals can be financed Gom thc Community Facilities Rcscrve Fund as per the approved 2000 Capital Budget. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Thc fce Rink Renovations for pon Bcer Arena wcrc approvcd by Council in the 2000 Capital Budgct. Thc Icc Rink Rcnovations incluJe supplying and installing ncw concretc (loor (Pad #2) and n ncw dashcrboard syslcm. Councii npprovcd a total cost of 5500,000. Tcndcrs havc becn rcccived and the total projcct cost is now estimatcd to bc 5489,OG2.10. Thc Division Hcad, Culturc and Recrcation and thc Dircctor of Operations nnd Emergcncy Serviccs rccommend proceeding with the low bid submitted by Tartu (ncorporatcd. BACKGROUND: Tenders were opened on Wedncsday, March 15'h, 2000 for thc Ice Rink Renovutions — Don Beer Arcna. An advertisement was placcd in the Daily Commercial News, News Advertiser Community Page as well as the City's websitc, Twenty-four (24) companics picked up tendering documents for a non-refundable fee of $35.00 per set of which thirteen (13) have bid on the project. A summary of thc bids received is includcd in thc nttached memorandum from Supply and Services. It is recommended that the altematc bid submitted by Tnrtu Incorporated be considercd and approved for this project. ALTERNATE PRICE SUMMARY — FROM THE LOW FNE BIDS (P.S.T.includcd, G.S.T.included) � . - ., ,.._ . . _ _ , Report to Council CR 02•00 Datc; March 21, 2000 01 � Subject: Tcnder for Ice Rink Rcnovatione — Don Bear Arena Pagc; 3 The Altemate pricing is baing recommended due to the substuntial savings ($11,500 taxes includcd) thnt can be realized, which nRer netting the G,S.T. rcbate results in thc amount of $439,966.91 in Recommendation l. Tho altemate price involves using a dasherboazds system with upright glnzing supports versus a scamlcss glass system, The current dasherboard system utilizes the upright glsizing supports nnd is satisfactory for this applicntion. Pnul Jurecka, Juecka & Associates, huve confirtncd Tartu Incorporated, the low bidder huve sutisfied the tender requirements and is qunlified to undertalce this project. Tnrtu Incorporated have not perfonncd any previous work for ihe City of Pickering. Rcfcrences have becn chcckcd and azc determined to be satisfactory. The Health & Safety Policy, to be used by this company, (copy of CAD7) issued by Workplacc Safcty and Insurance Board, have all been reviewed by the Safety & Training Co-ordinator and the Superintendent of Facilities I and aze dcemcd to be acceptable. Upon careful examination of all tendcrs rcccivcd and relevnnt documcnts, wc recommend the low bid submitteJ by Tartu Incorporated in the amount of 5439,9GG.91 including net G.S.T. bc approvcd in ordcr to cammcnce May I, 2000. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Supply & Scrvicc memorandum datcd March I5, 2000 2. Rccord of Tcndcrs opcncd and chcckcd 3. Recommcndation from Jurccka & Associatcs datcd March 20, 2000 4. Locntion mup — Don Bccr Arcna. Prcparcd & Rcvicwed by: .� Stephc Reyn ds Division ead, Culture & Rccreation SR:th Attach. Approvcd/ Endorscc � / --.. ��rctt untsma Dirwtor of Operations & Emcrgcncy Serviccs COPY: Chief Administrative Officer Director of Corporate Scrvices and Treasurer Manager of Supply & Services Recommended for the consideration of Pickcring Ciry Cauncil � � 'i � �� u omas J. inn, hicf mmistrativ Officer . ,<.. _ . _ . ._ . _:. .. . , ... , � '• ATTACHMENTq� �:� -o o �ae�o�rr� oa -bo Supply and Services Inter-Office Memorandum To: stevo Reynolds Divisioo Hwd, Cu1Wro and Rxreation Date: Murch 15, 2000 Subject: Twder for Rink Renovation - Dan Beer Arcna Tender No. T -1/2000 Tcndets I�ave becn rcceivod for thc above project. M advcrtiscmcnt was placrd in thc Daily Commcrcial News, News AdvcRiscr Community Pagc as .well as the City's wcbsite. Twenty four (24) wmpanics pickcd up tcndcring daumcnts for a non-rcfundablc fcc of 535.00 per set of which thictccn (13) havc bid on the projcct.. A copy of lhc Raord of Tcndcrs Openod and Chockaf uscd at thc tcndcr opcning is nttached. Purchasing Policip and Procodures Itcm 9.22(h) providcs that whcro thcro arc incorrcct cxtensions or misplaccd dccimals, thc bid may bc wrrcctcd. Unit prices shall be uscd to corrcct cxlcnsions. Purchasing Policics and Proccdures Itcm 9.27.(a) permits tlmt all deposits othcr U�an the low thrco biddcrs shall be retumcd. A rcqucst was madc by Lai Hunter, Superintendent of Facilitics, to kcep ihc low 6vc bids and theccfore, ihe original low five bids arc cnclosaf for rcvicw. Plcase rctum original tcndering dceumcnts W Supply & Scrviws. � Summary (PST includcd, GST includcd) CH Industries Ltd. Rock ConsWction & Managcmcnt Ltd. SWct-Con Construction Ltd. Dinardo C Group Inc. PEdAH Conswction LW. Grcnwitch Gcncral Contracting Inc. Ross Clair/Division of RO.M. Contr�ctors Inc. Mnrtinway Contracting Limited CL ConswcUon & Gcncral Contractors Ltd. A.G, Rcat Constn�ction Company Lt1. M.1. Dixon Construction Limited Cenlury Group luc. 5468,553.00 5478,290.00 5497,550.00 5500,360.00 5513,600.00 5518,950.00 S533,395.00 S544,630.00 5577,800.00 5612,040.00 Decmal improper and rejectcd Dccmcd improper and reja�ted Docmcd improper ond ajoctcd S478,290.00 5497,550.00 5500,380.15 5513,600.00 5518,900,00 5533,395.00 5544,630.00 5577,800.00 5612,040.00 Al�matc Pricing not submittod. • Refercnce: IB 1.4.1. 1.4.2, 1.4.3, TS 1.2.1,1.2.2, PP & P 9.13, 9.19(h) Bid Hond amount insuflicicnt. Rcfcrcncc: iB 1.4.1. 1.4.2, 1.4.3, IB l. i.l, L.1.2, PP & P 9.12, 9.13, 9.19(e), 9.22(j) Scal or statcmcnt to bind thc Corporsdon not applicd to tcndcr submission. Refcrcncc:IB 1.2.7, 1,4,1, 1.4.2, t.4.3, PPBtP 9.13 and 9.19(h) a , =-� s + - �� r.., r/.1. t�. , . ._} _-.. ... ... Wf � . .. . ..♦ . . ..r .. . - .'N . , _,.:, ,,. . . k" T� }��� .. , . ._. . , � � - � � . . t.. •: . . � . - . . . ATTACHMENT#_f._T�OItEPOIrTN�G�2 -bo T- �n000 P�os 021 Summary, conHnued 9QS '. - , '" , ..., " .... .. .: co"' rtiknti'�"?s!��!�'tw.�" ..' :,.. ��' . Nu Wood Conswcdon Unable w Did Gccr Constcuction Unablc to Bid Land Conswction I.ate submission— Rctumcd to Bidder Pucsuant to lnformadon to Biddcrs Item I.4.5: (a) a copy oF ihc Hcalth and Safcty policy to bc used on ihis projcct; and (b) a wpy of lhe currcnt CAD 7 fortn issucd by Workpiacc Safcty & Luurancc Bdud. has b�xn requcstcd of thc low biddcr and is attachcd for your rcvic�v during the evaluat�on stage of this tendcr call. Should any infracdons bc diswvcrcd during thc consultant's rcvicw, picasc advisc as soon az possiblc. Plcasc rcvicw original kndcrs and retum. Includc responscs to Ihc Collowing ilcros in vour Rcaorl to o n iI• (a) if itcm (a) and (b) notcd ubovc, arc acccptablc; (b) any past work cxpericncc with Tartu Inwrporatal including work (ocation; (c) wilhout past work expericna, if rofcrcncc information is acccplablc; (d) thc appropriatc account numbcr(s) to whid� this ��rork is to bc clmrgcd; (c) tho budgct amount(s) assigncd thcrcto; (� Trcasurcr's confirrtution of funding; (g) rolatcd dcpartmcnWl approvals; (h) any rcason(s) why thc low bid of Tartu Incorporatcd is not acccptablc; nnd (i) rclatcd wmmenb spccific to thc projcct. Tcndcrs are irrcvocablc for 60 days alicr lhc o(ficial closing dmc of Wcdncsday, March 15, 2000. If y rcquiro Porthcr infortnalion, plcasc fccl frw to conlact mc. Vcra A. clgemachcr leffrcy Managcr of Supply & Scrviccs Copy for : Gil Pptcrson, Dircctor of Co�po�atc Scrvices, TrcaSUrcr Jflrndaaldonbcct.doc i i ._ . . ....,. __,. .� .,� . .. � �. ._.� . . _ _ ,,. ,-_ ., _. . . ,. . . . , _ _. n �nc� ��nA o o-��a N Ann m Q0� Z �O� 7 R' �a� � .Opr GI �+: �. 7 j p �. � � j C � �. � � 0 n � ��� a''c°�o o G) � B n oo� s � � �: �; � � � o � ' � � �o o � � ? 7 j 4 �? Q 0 � � O � a Q �j p n S,D 0- ' � n p n < p � �' � R' � � � 0 > �. - a � o � a G� 1' a N 3 a �� o_�' a v� ' � \ � '< < < < � t < < < < t � `� � � � A.� ��� ����8 � �'� � ` < < � ` � < < < < < � � � ����� �������� �� �t�t�� �t�� �I�I�I�I�I� �1 � � � � v� �t �e�w���� � °Q (N N `9 �\ � 0 8 � � o ! � �0 lo° i$ i o �°o �c ������� . , , . � , •� . . � . � � . ; . ; : ; � � . ����. ►� ►�� � � � � a m � z 0 H � � i' m Z i� �� � � � 0 n � 0 T � � rn . � Z Gi , 9'.;� (,- r A � 0�?3 z g��£o �- � � '" z .. � �` ?��� �. � ,B3/41/2000 15:36 416-204-9473 ��� � ATTACHMENT #._,`�, TO REFORT Il CR Da. 00 MErU120, 2000 DMINon W Cul6m 8 R�caaUon CNy of PiUtetirp 1087 Valiay Farm Road South Pkdcerin0, Onterio L1V 3Y7 ANn: l.�rt HuM�t, &upsriMmd�M of FocifdiN Ra: RM�wotTaW�n: Don Bea�Arene lu Rink a�hob JLF�CfCA + ASSOCIAiFS , PAGE B1/01 Jurecka + Assacietes i ��on�u�a� �� a��N 518uhrr, Sul4 200 TOf0A1D�M�WiO MST lAl kl 116 / 10691)t fu 116 / 201•91T3 qurKlyQeol<om Doet Mr. HuMer. We believe that Terhi Incorporeted, Ihe lv+v Wdder F M tender no. T-1/1000 hss eaUatled Ihe lender requiramenu and Ia qualNlod to undaAek i thu proJecL furthor m our rovlew enG dieCUttioM Wt attemoon I have spoken to ane W his rofwaos han the Tam ot Mukham who hu p'rven TaAu hiph mark� for Iheir F arformente on a aunparaWe projed. our ovm oxperlo�ce wNh thle oortpmy ie le.0 remorlceble, hawaver I bellevo Ihal Tertu Ia Iho boal quoliflod d the bottan 8ve tankrs whld� you ncahnd, wo ttkxetore recarvna�d that yrou ewrC fhe ea�US 3 to rertu Inoaporelecl an IM Deeie ot Ihalr bld nubnftlod Merch 15, 2000. Ttie bua blc (Indudirq GS� oiS488,553.00 le.s the aile�rwle prioe wedk ot 511,500 (f�dudMq fiSn �hould roeWt In � tinal aontracl omount o! idl7�069.00. Ae won as CowuU hu �capl�d the bnder ws ehould meel wHh Ihe Contrsdor for e pro�corutructiarl roeetlnp to ooNirtn the pfuUwlore t t the Uminp, occeo! end CoofGinaibn. We irust Ihal you oro �eticfiod wlth Ihe proproaa to deta and look fonvarid In bepinninC � Prol� 9lnceroty, _� P 1u ecka Assaie u,..h ...��. . . ,. _ .. . ,. . .. , _ � � � . 1 \, ' .. . . . _ \ � • � . .. -_ G �� � �n . r�' I' I � _ l r - r � . r C.' �