HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 21/00,i, I� G`,�y OF P/C yi `' REPORT TO COUNCIL � • � ���,� FROM: John Reble DATE: July I8, 2000 Solicitor for the City REPORTNUMS3ER: L21-00 SU�JECT: Roud Closing/Road Realignmcnt - Pickering Parkway - Part Lot I8, Concession I, Pickering - File: W2302.53/RE9403/W2302(53) RECOMMENDATIONS: I. A by-law should be cnnctcd to stop-up and closc thosc pnAc of Lot IB, Concession l, designated ns Parts 7, 9, I 1, and 13, Plan 40R-15636 nnd Parts 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, Plen 40R-19801, and to deem tho subject Innds surplus for the purpose of snle to the nbutting owners in accordance with thc Municipal Act. 2. A by-Inw shoulJ bc cnucted to dedicatc thosc pnrts of Lot I8, Conccssion I, dcsignnted us Pnrls 2, 3, nnd 4, Plan 40R•15636, nnd Pnrts I and I I, Plnn 40R-19801 us public higliway (Pickering Parkwny). 3. A by-law should bc cnacicd to nnme those parts af Lot 18, Concession I, designnted as Parts 2, 3 nnd 4, Plan 40R-15636 ond PaAs I nnd 1 I, Plun 40R-19801 ns "Pickcring Pnrkway". ORIGIN: By-law 4463l94 cnactcd by Council on lunc 27, 1994. By-Inw �686/00 enacted by Council on Junc 5, 2000. AUTHORITY: AJwiicipalAcl, R.S.O. 1990, chaptcr M.45, scctions 191, 297 nnd 315. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: None EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: None �ACKGROUND: In April 1994, Council enucted By-law 4463/94 nuthorizing the execution of nn agrcement with Stcelc Valley Development ("Stecle Valley") the previous owner of the lands et the southeast comcr of Pickering Parkway and Brock Rond (now Canodian Tirc Corporntion) rcspccting thc exch9nge of ccrtain lands within Lot 18, Concession I, for ihe rcalignmcnt of Pickering Pnrkway. This Agrccment wes registcrcd on August 7, �997. In 1une, 2000, Council enacted Ry-law 5686/00 authorizing the exccution of nn ngrccment with First Simchn Shopping Centrcs Limited ("First Professional"), thc owncr of the Metro East Tredc Centrc ("METC"1 respccting tho exchangc of thc rcma(ning lands within Lot 18, Concession I, rcquircd for the realignment of Plckering Parkwey. This Agrccmcnt wes rcgistercd on June 19, 2000. _ , a. e 145 14 Report to Cowcil L 21-00 July 18, 2000 Subjcct: Road ClosinKlRoud R�alignmeni Pickering Pnrkway Pagc 2 The construction for ihc renlignment of Pickering Parkway commenced July 4, 2000 and should bc completed by September. As such, the required documentation to efFect the conditions of the land Exchange Agreements must be prepared. It is therefare nettssnry for the Ciry to: o) Close various portions of Pickering Parkwuy for rond purposcs; b) Convcy the closed portions of road to thc abutting owncrs; c) Dedicate as public highway and namc those portions of thc lands bcing conveyed to the City as Pickering Parkway; and d) Convey uny easements rcquired over thc closed portion of Pickering Parkway nnd obtain any easement rcquired over those lunds being sold by thc City. Enuctment of the attuchment by-laws will ennble thc City to comply with the conditions set out in the Lsnd Exchange Agreemems. Pursuant to the requircmenls of the Municipal Act, an ndvertiscment respccting the stopping up and closing for the purpose of sale wus published in the Ncws Advcrtiser for four conseculive wceks and the City hus reccivcd no objcctiens. l( should bc nafed Niur !he enucred bydaws �rilf be heid in rlie Lcgui Dl��isinn's files u�u1/suchlime as rlre conslruc!!on ojdie reullgnmeut ajPlckerlug Parkuw}� (s compleled ATTACfIMENTS: I. Locntian Map/Sitc Sketch. 2. Druft bylaws. Prepnred By: pPP� Y; � � Jody ons lohn RLW JEP attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Ciry Cierk Director, Plnnning and Development Director, Opemtions nnd Emergency Services � THE CORPORATION OF THE CI'fY OF PICKBRiNd • 14S IIY•LAWNO. ATTACHMENTN �..i()��Fp(};�'r Befng a by-!mv fo srop up and close as publfc litgkway fhasc paru oj Lof 18, Conce.ulon 1, deslgnated ar Pmts 7, 9, /1, and 13, Plan 40R-15636 and Parls 3, 4, S, 6, 7 and 8, Plan 40R•19801, and to au!liorize lhelr sale lo abutring oivners where nof requfred jor adrer munlcipa! purpoaes. WHEREAS, on December 16, 1985 and Decembcr 7, 1987, pursuunt to section 297(Ixa) of A�e Munfclpa( Acl, R.S.O. 1990, chepter M.45, the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering enucted Bylaws 2111/85 and 2625/87, dedicating, as public highwuy (to became pnrt of Pickering Parkway); and WHERGAS, pursuent to sections 191(1), 297(Ixc) nnd (d) and 315 of thetAcl, the Council of the City mny puss byInws to stop up a highwny or part thereof and to authorizc its sale or lhe snle of a pnrt thereof nt a fixed price; WNGREAS, notice of this by-law has been published once a week for four consecutive wceks nnd the provisions of the Municipal Act relating to the stopping-up of a highwny hnve becn complied with. NOW THGREfORE, the Council of lhe Corpomtion of Ihe City of Pickcring HEREBY ENACTS AS TOLLOWS; The following portions of highway arc hcreby slopped up nnd closed to both vchiculer end pedestrian lruff ic: (n) 7hose pnns of Lot I8, Concession I, Pickering designatcd ns Parts 7, 9, I 1 and 13, Plan 40R-15676; and Pnrts 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and S, Plnn 40R-19801. 2. The Corporntion of thc City of Pickcring shall dispose of utilily ensemcnts over nny of the Innds described in sectian 1, ubove, that prcsenlly contain utility structuros of nny nnturc or sort, to the approprinle utility nulhority, including but not necessarily limitcd to, The Regionnl Municipulity of Durhum, Doll Cannda, Consumers Gns, and Pickering I lydro, ot a sule price of 52.00 each. (n) Thoso pnrts oC Lot 18, Concession 1, Pickering, designateJ as Pnrts 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, Plnn 40R-19801, sholl bc convcycd to Ihe nbutting owner (rirst Simcha Shopping Centres Limitcd), for nominal consideration, subject to any utility eascment or enscments previously grnnted or gmnted pursunnt to section 2, nbove. (b) 'Ihose paAs of Lot 18, Concession i, Pickerin�, designuted ns Pnrts 7, 9 and 1 I, Plnn qOR-15636, shall be conveyed lo Ihe abutting owner (Cnnadinn Tire Cor�wretion), for nominal consideration, subject to any utilily easement or easements previously granted or grnnted pursunn� to section 2, abovc. (c) That part of Lot 18, Concession I, Pickering, designated ns Part 13, Plan 40R-15636, shall be conveyed to the abutting owner (1755 Pickering Pazkway Tnc.) far nominel considemtion, subject lo any utility easement or easements previously granted or grnnted pursuant to scction 2, above. 4, The Mnyor nnd Clerk are hereby authoriud to exccule any documents approved by thc City Solicitor and required to effect Ihe disposilians, ot%rs and transfors provided for in Ihis Fiy-law. DY-LAW reed a first, second and lhird time and finelly pessed this 8ih day af August, 2000. Wayno Arthura, Mayor C, Anno arecntrce, Deputy Clerk �� =,w. . _ ATTACHMENT N�TO REPORT tf L 0�� � THS CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERMG . BY-LAW NO. 14 � BeJng a by-law to dedicaJe rhare pm�a oJ Lot 18, Concesslon 1, Plckering, deslgnated as Paru 1, 3 and 4, Pltm 40R-l5636 and Parts 1 and 11, Pfan 40R- 19801 as pub/lc htghway (Pickering Pnrkway). WHEREAS, tha Corpomlion of tha City of Pickerins is lhe owner of thosa parts of Lol I8, Concession I, Pickering, designated as Parts 2, 3 and 4, Plan 40R-15636 end PeAs I and II, Plan 40R•19801 and wishes to dedicate them as public highway; NOW T[�RSF�RE T�{E COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OP THE CITY OP PICKERING [-IEREgy ENpCTS AS FOLLOWS: �, Part Lot 18, Concession I, Pickaring, designnted as Parts 2, 3 und 4, Plnn 40R-15636 and Parts 1 and l 1, Plan 40R-19801 ero hereby dedicated as pubiic highway (Pickering Parkway). IIY-LAW read a flrst, sccond end third timo and finnlly pnssed this Sth dny of August, 2000. Woyne Arthurs, Meyor C. Anne Grcentrec, Depury Clerk � +j. . ..ornsri�is..�;.d - �.� i;sv . . , _ . . ATTACHMEN7 #.,�TO REPORT� ��`5 O 7'FIE CORPORATION OF THE Cl'fY OF PICKERINd OY-LAW NO. llefng' a by-Imv �o name fhare parls oJ Lot 18, Concesslon !, Plckering, deafgnated m parts 2, 3, and 4, Plan 40R-/5636 and Pa�1s 1 und 1(, Plan 40R-/9801 ar Plckering Parkway. WHEREAS pursuant to section 210.11 I of the Municipul Act, R.S.O. 1990, chepfer M.45, lhe council of a local municipaliry may pass by-lews for giving names to or changing the names of highways on public property; NOW TFiEREFORE, the Council of The Corporetion of the City of Pickering HGREBY LTIACfS AS FOLLOWS: t. 71ie road comprising those pnrts of Lot I8, Concessian l, Pickering, designaled as Parts 2, 3 and 4, Plan 40R-15636 and Parts i and 1 I, Plen 40R-19801 is hereby named Pickering Parkway. RY-LAW read a fint, second end third timo and finally posscd lhis Sth day of August, 2000. Wayne Arthurs, Meyor C. Annc Grcentrce, Dcputy Clerk