HomeMy WebLinkAboutOES 014/00. `�t�OFP/C� JI � ti � REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Richard W. Holbom DATE: Scptcmbcr 1, 2000 Division Head Municipal Property nnd Engineering REPORT NUMBER: OES U14•00 SUBlECf: Stop Sign By-law Amendment ]nlersections along Bronte Squaze RECOMMENDATION: That a by-law be enactcd lo further amcnd By-law 2G32/88 authorizing thc crcction of stop signs at certain intersections within thc Town. ORIGIN: Staff review of right-of-way control. AUTHORITY: Niglnvay Trn�c Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chap. H.8, scetion 137. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: The manufacturc and installation of stop signs costing approximatcly 5400.00 can bc accommodated within thc Roads Operating Budgct, 2320-2409, Highway Aids. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Not applicable. BACKGROUND: The various intersections ulong Bronte Square hava rcmained under ►hc right-of-way rulc of traflic control since the roadway's construction in the eazly 1980's. Plnns of subdivision M11-1037 and M-I 153 were assumed in 1983 and 1984 respectively but since thnt time no ofticiul by-la�es have been drafted or pazsed to provide a higher level of right-of-way control. Low traflic volumes characteristic to Bronte Squaze has contributed to the fnet that the frcquency of reportablc collisions has remained very low. Due to thc n6sencc of stop sign control, howcver, wnsistency has becn lost with the uniform treatmcnt that is gcnerally applicd to most other similar intersections in the City nnd throughout thc Province. The con(licting trallic movcments that occasionally meet nt the vnrious interscctions crcutcs confusion nnd collision hazerd potential. a Report to Council OES 014-00 Date: Septcmbcr l, 2000 �� Subject: Stop Sign By-Luw rlmendmant— Brontc Square Page 2 As a means to improve vehicle movement safety at the various intcrsections along Brontc Square, it is recommended thut the ntinched Jra[t by-law be approved, This by-law will allow for the posting of stop signs designating effective right-of-way controi. ATTACHMENTG: 1. Drafl By-law 2. Location Map Prepared By: Approved / Endorsed By� C. S ep en Brake, Coordinator E. B ia, Direc or Tra�c & Waste Management Operations and Emergency Services fv Rich d W. Ho om, Division Head M icipal Property and Enginccring CSB/�„�..,.�,�.+. Copy: Chief AJministrativc Officcr City Clcrk Manager of By-luw Enforccment Serviccs Roads Supervisor Municipal Works Supervisor Recommcnded for the considcration of Pickering Ciry Council r . / r . �v T omas ]. Qu' n, C ef A n' trative fficer ' • � ATTACHMEN't" ,_I . '" '=�::�iT#.�$01�}-00 THB CORPORATTON OF TH8 CiTY OF PICKERING �'j;� BY-LAW NO. Betng a by-law to jurther amend Dy-law 2632/88 to provtde jor the erection ojs�op sJgns a� cerlaln intersec�ions wl�h 1he City ofPtckering. WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of section 137 of thc Higliway Tra�c Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chap. H.B, the council of a municipality muy by by-luw provide for the erection of stop signs at intersections on highways under its jurisdiction; NOW 1'FIEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the Ciry of Pickcring HEREBY ENACfS AS POLLOWS: 1. Stop signs shall be erected at lhe intersections of highways set out in Column I, facing thc Uaflic bound in the direction or directions set out in Column II. 2. Schedule A to By-law 2G32/88, as nmended, is hereby further amended by udding thereto the following itcros: Column I Column II intersections FacinR Traffic Bronte Squnrc and Charlotte Cirelc Northbound on Charlotte Circle (Enst Intersection) Hrontc Squnrc and Charlotte Circle Northbound an Churlottc Circle (Wcst Intersection) IIronte Square nnd Bronte Square Southbound on Bronte Square (North ]ntersection) Bronte Square and Bronte Square Southbound on Bronte Squazc (South Intersectian) 3, This by-law shnll not come into force unlcss it is npprovcd by the Council of the Regional Municipality of Durham pursuant to the Regional Municipalities Acl, R.S.O. 1990, Chaptcr R.B, section 34. BY-LAW rcad a first, second and third time and finully passed this 18th dny of September, 2000. Weyne Arthurs, Mayor Bruca Tnylor, Clerk � ATTACHMENT#�TOREPORTtt �� ���'� d PROPOSED STOP SIGNS �I EX/STING STOP SIGNS d ��;,u;,,�� TRAFFIC REPORT Q ����� sc�t ia000 aru svr. �000 LOCATION OF PROPOSED 8TOP 91GN3 f