HomeMy WebLinkAboutMPE 16/00� �- S� ,�OFP�� G� � p REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Richsrd W. Holbom DATE: June 6, 2000 Division Head Municipal Property & Engineering REPORT NUMBER: MPE 16-00 SUBJECT: Highway 7 Rehabilitation Project From Sidclina 16, Pickering to Highway 12, Whitby iilumination Standards RECOMMENDATION: I. That Report MPE16-00 be recei�•cd for ioformation, and 2. 1'hat Council approves an expenditure of up to 520,000 for the upgrading to municipal standards, illumination at intersections witl�in thc project limits, nnd 3. That an overexprnditure for this purpose in thc 2000 Capital Budget, Account N2325- 6181 be approved, and 4. That thc Director, Operations & Emcrgency Scrvices be givcn thc authority to execute the neccssary encroachmcnt ugreements rcquircd by the Ministry of Transportation, and 5. The appropriate officials oC the City of Pickering bc authorized to give cfCcct therelo. ORIGIN: Discussions with the Ministry of Transportation, and their consultants; Grcer Galloway Group and Moon-Matz Ltd., regarding illumination of Highway 7 at intcrscctions within the project limits. AUTHORITY: Ontario Municipal Act FINANCIAI. IMPLICATIONS: The estimated cost to illuminate five intersections in Pickering to Municipal Standards is 520,000. These Cunds were not budgeted tor in 2000, as Imowledge of the projcct and its requirements was not available. Thc Treasurer has stated that this projcct could procccd with financing to be provided by an over expenditurc in the appropriate accounts, to be ofCset by under expenditures in olher accounls or through year-end adjustments or transfers. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: N/A Repoet to Council MPS 16-00 Date: June 6, 2000 8(� Subjxt: Highway 7 Rehabilitation Projxt From Sideline 16, Pickering to Hwy 12, Whitby lllwnination Standards page 2 BACKGROUND: In September 1999, the Ministry of Transportation, Uuou3h it's consultanta, Greer Galloway Group, announced their intention to exaznine improvements to Highway 7 from Sideline 16 (Pickering) to Hwy 12 (Whitby) in accordance with the Provincial Highways Class Environmental Assessment,1992. In February 2000, a Public [nfonnation Cenue was held as an opportunity for the Public to review preliminary design drawi a gs and rclated material, as well as to discuss the project. The Transportation Environmental Study Report (TESR) wns issued in March 2000 and at that time the upgading of pariial illumination to mcet Ministry requirements at each minor intersection had not been detertnined and was cumntly being reviewed. A meeting with MTO staff; their consulta�its and municipal staff from Pickering nnd Whitby was held in April 2000. At that meeting, the MTO advised that the unwarranted lighting at all minor intersections within the project limits would have to be addressed. Munieipal lighting on wood hyclro poles currently exists at the following intersectians along Highway 7, within the project limi►s in Pickering. • Paddock Road/Sixth Conccssion Road • Westney Road • Sixth Concession Road • Saletn Road � • Balsam Road • Kinsalc Road/Audley Road According to the MTO's Iraftic recommcndations, and their Directive B-6 Document, illumination is not wartantcd at these interscctions, with the exception of Westney Road. Also, the illumination that does exist at the rcmaining five interscctions, does not comply with the Ministry's design criteria standards for roadway illumination. The MTO has discussed Cour options that Pickering must consider to address this issue. O ta 1on I ➢ Remove the illumination, as it is not warranted under Directive B-6 and does not meet standerds. O f°lon2 D Provide partial illumination, upgraded to Ministry Standards and cartied out under the Ministry's contract. O tlart 3 ➢ Provide partial illumination, to mect the Ministry's standard lighting design criteri�, using (langible steel poles with concrcte bases, offset 4.Om from the edge of pavemrnt. This would be carried out by Pickering's contractor (Veridien Conncctions). �atlon �f ➢ Samc as Option 3, except using wood polea at a 7.Om otiset from cdge of pavemrnt. 9 O Report to Council MPB 16-00 Date: June 6, 2000 Subjxt: Highway 7 Rehabilitedon Projxt From Sideline 16, Pickering to Hwy 12, Whitby IlluminaUon Stendards Page 3 These options provide for two luminaries at each intersection, diegonaliy ecross from each other in 1he standnrd location. The MTO will provide underground pevement crossings as part of thc road contract, so that the lighting powa supply wires do not cross the highway, overhead. Anelvsis and Coetine otOationa O !n lon 1 This option is not recommended, az the lighting that exists loday does provide a level oCsafety to the roadway at the intersections. Reduced lighting has the potential to increaze coilisions. Ontion 2 and Ontlon 3 Thae are virtually the same, as they involve either converting the existing lighting or removing and replacing the lighting to a high standanl. The use of special power supply cabinets and all underground ductwork, along with steel poles results in a cost oC $15,000 �er intersection for a total cost of 575,000 (to be cost shared 50/50 with MTO). O 1n lon 4 It is recommended lhat approval be given to upgradc thc illumination at the five intersections, along Highway 7 to tho level described in Option 4. 'fhe estimatcd total cost of $40,000, is to be cost shared with the MTO under Directivc B-6, resulting in Pickering's share being 520,000. As the funding is not available in the 2000 Capital Budgct, it is recommended that funding be mnde available through an over expenditure in the 2000 Capital Budget, Account #2325-6181. ATTACHMENTS: Letter, Dated March 31, 2000 from Moon-Matz Ltd. Letter, Dated April 5, 2000 Crom Moon-Matz Ltd. Location Map Prepazed By. Approved / rsed By: n ' hazd Hol m Everett B a ivision Head Director, Operations & Emergency Srnices Municipal PropeRy & Engineering RH:ds Attachmrnts crouNCau+a�e�oo.noc Copy: ChiefAdministrative0fficer Direclor, Corporate Services & Treasurer Supervisor, Municipal Wotks Rxommrnded Cor the consideration of Pickering Ciry Council �� .. • �'� ,ti�t'/ o as J. ui n hief iniatrativ O�ccr .. � rrn w w�c��i ra�.. ��� r..w. ATTACHME��� .'� _ I . ,T(� !; EPORT tt �� � Moon-Matz t:td �1 ��o Enpbea� Referencs No.: • 1892-380�02 • PosNt' Fax Nou � 7871 E � o� ► 3 Marc.h 31� 2000 Rev.1 T0 a n¢D � `0"'A��RF hG NyD6 MIn�try of 7�anspoAapon °oJD�'G oo Rclwa C0• y.�ct�N I�ArL 1201 �ISOnAve. °tior"� �"0"'• o Z7 S(. AGiumTowerS"Floor ' F�� 9oS92D 9650 �"' 0 53 Z Dorvnsvlew, Onterfo M3M 1J8 Atlamion: John Jansen, ElecUical proJect Mpr. Fax: 416,125.i01 Ra: HWY, 7 PROM HINY. 7/12 TO 81DELINE ROAD R E C E 1� E D 16 (11KM► ' w.p. 40-°�0° APR 0 6 200U "EVALUATION OF FJOSTINO MUNICIPAL ILLUMINATION" Cl���tty E� Deu John: . We have evaluated the existi� highw�y IlluminaUon system and wish to report lhe foUowinp: 1• Nwv. 7 from Paddotk Road to Hwv 7H2 Road Classf((catlon: Rural, Arlerlal Undivided ' Vdume (ProJede�: 17,235 AA.D.T. DesiD� SPeed: � 100 km Posted Speed: 80 km � Continuous iqumination CrMxla: Illumination - 9.2b Lux Avp. Mtd. (If Wercante� - 3:1 AvpJ Min. . - 9:1 MazJ M(n. H1'+��b: Full IlwNnalion is nd warrarried, ParlitJ Uiumfnation is not werranted other Ihan at sipnafized IMersedions. Exi�ung CondWona: .1 Paddodc Road On the south side ot Paddoek Road east of Hwy 7 there aro thrac exisling . ro�'+aY hmdnaries mo�ted on Hydro poles. Thc Iuminerles arc used for PaddacJc Road luuminatton and do not meet tAe M.T,O, requfremeMS for partial iliuminetbn a iMersecUon idenlilfcaUon Iiphpnp. (Dfrectives B-8 end &21) .2 Ccncession Road 6 South The�e are rivo IuminaAes at lhis fntersedfon mounted on Hydro potes. Tho lumin�uia do nat meM Ihe M.T.O. requiremerds for paAial illumhalton or intersadlon idemiflwpa� tiphtirq• (D(redives B.g and &21) .3 8�lem Rad On ihe nortA side of Salem Road wesi of Mvy. 7 lhere is one luminalre mouMed on a muniGpai pole. The luminaire Is used for Satem Road illuminatton and does not meet the M.T.O. requirements for partial flluminetion or iMenecUon kerNiflcatton IigMinp. (DiredNes B-9 and 8-21) "°'"r"'yr""rk.°°' °'t'°" °" PeDe 1 M 3 2 06 ' 00 13 � 04 416 PRGE.B1 ) a 1 � � i � �A I� W Y{I JY�1Y .N� L11 V.NV .. . �2 aT7ACHMENT#�TOREPORI'#�K•�ao .�. � 0 u '.� Ir � 1S � .4 Belr�n Rad On Ih� aouU� alde ot BUram Road aat of Hrvy. 7 thero b ora lurnine4e mouMed on o Hyd�o pob. Th� lumina4e doca not meet fhe 1LT.0. requinm�nb fa partl�l IlluminaHon or IMertedion WaMifipUon IipMGg, (D(roctiva e-e and &21) . .3 lQnsais / Aud(ey Rwd On the norlh side of IQnsale Road west of Hwy.7 Ihere is one lumhake rnounted on a Hydro pole. The luminelre does not rt►eet the IA.T.O.� requiremerrts fot paAW plum(natlon or tMeraection Idemi}fcatlo� ppMirp, (Direetivea B-8 and 8�21) .6 Hails Road on the south arW noAh side�ot Haus Roed west of Hwy. 7 there aie 2 lumina�ies rtwumed on Hydro pobs. 'ihe luminarles are used for Mry. 7 Alumfnadon and do not meet fhe M.T.O. tequiremeMs for paAlal UlumbiaUon or IntersecUon IdeMi(iwtion IiphtJrp. (Dirodives B-B arW &21) .7 Coronation Road On the south aM north side o! Coronatbn Road west of FNy. 7 thero are 2 Wminutes moimted•on Flydro poles. The luminaries are used fpr {iwy. 7, AlurNnallon and do not meet the M.T.O, requiromer�ts for pertiai itluminaticn or Imersedlon tdamilicetlon IlphOnp. (�trocWes &6 end 8�21) .e courrty Lane There two IumGurfa mouMed on hydm pdes. These lumineites do not meet Ihe IA.T.o. roqutroments for paNal �lfumination or imersedlon ideMiBcatfon G9htinp. (Diredivea B-8 end &21) .f CoChlanE SU YVhttby Sitk Road TherJ are two Iuminaries mounted on nydro poles. one (s tocated on Ihe east aide of Hwy 7 aouth of Cochrane 6trcn and tAe Wher on the west side. These �urtdnaires do not maet lhe M.T.O. requlromeats fw'perUal Iltuminatian or iMer„eclfon IdenUfleaOon fphUnp. (DirecUves B-0 and 8-21) .to Fupu�onAvenw 7hero ero Ihroe luminaiiees mounted on Hydro poles, These Luminaires do not meef tAe AA.T.O. requircmeMs (a parBat fUumineBon or IMersedton identitkaUon IlpMinp. (Direclives 8-e �nd 8�21) .11 Ferguson Avenue lo Hwy. 7112 � Fmm Feryuwn Avenue to Hwy. 7/12 there are existlnp munidpal ruadway luminuks maruod on the Aydro potes d irrepular spadrg and eonfip�uat;on. This iUumh�tion dces nol meet u» IipMing ateria for cordinuous Ipuminallon, Aaord'uq to ourligMhg calalaUons, the werage maintefned QluminaUon level Is 11.84 hoc on the roaOway with 13:1 mau. to min. and 3:1 avp. to min. unHormity. The max, to min, urdfomdty b too hiph and should be 8:1 in oMer lo meel M.T.O. desipn aNerta. � "`'�r'wn^'k°„ °r r°"" n, Pope 2 oi 3 R 06 '00 13�05 416 PRf�.02 � i � i i �' � ; . -� �rrrt w � w ac•»a av�-cir'�aoc .. . ATTACHMENT#�TO REPORT#�-� �� � 1 rW J 93 � �}�: . I 1 Rteomm�nda0ans• a.Parti�l IlluminaUon n Inters�ctlons Ntne (� out oi the (10) Inlersedbas are effeGed by road reconstn�clion due to utY'tly (hYdro Pc1e) relocate requUsmeMs aM da�rwne oKsets. , The (Iluminatbn n nine (9) Intersedions aluY be upproded W meet curtent MinWry staidards and�Ua wak ahep be caMed out es porthe eoat aherGg aproement ouUined under Directive B�6. AUenWivey ihe MuNcipe�iry Iws the apUon of rcmw4ip the urnv�rtanted illuminatbn. The IMersectkn at CourtUy t.ane is not afleded by recansUuction ond the MunidpaGty haa lhe opUon of uppradinp the Olumination to meel the M'u�isuy's atarKlards at thelr cost w cllemaUvely remwe Ihe illuminalion. ft must De noted ihat fhe Minislys dlredive BB Is not to be cansidered mandatory, and the final ded�bn in this repard rest.a wilh the MlnisVy. a.Fulllpumination 1 The proposed roadwork (rom Ferpuson Road to Fhy. 7H2, does n6t affect the exJstirg hiyhway fuA IquminaUon. The existin0 full illumina0on bolongs to Ihe Munidpatlty. The Municipality has the opion ot uppr�dfrp the axist3rg fuI1111uminaUon to meal M(nLUry's standards or eftemativey remova fhe IllumtMtbn. • If you requiro ury further infarnatlon, pkase do not haAale to caU. Yours Wly, 1!¢ ,l�� Olto P. Matz ( , . ProsiderR � cc. Brad Kalus, Greer Gahava� Group Ina I i I` , �i •� ; I I I ji : !' '. ; � I . . ;' . ,. � • ; ' w.+mm,n„uxeqwr.,.n, � F°0°'.f" ; I 2 06 '60 13:06 416 PACs.03 �-i �w �. 94 • ATTACHMENT� a TOREPORTit�16.po . I�b Rehronos Na.: 19823EA-o2 Aptp 6, 2000 Cdy ot Pickednp OpqreUons and Emeroency Services Dep! Pkkarip CNk Compbx , One 4he Esplanads PiGketfig, Ontario L1V 8K7 �.�� _ .�--r-- `: RECE�v �D ppoFp°��`� G��wP� AttenUon: Mt. Rid�atd Hoibpm, P. Eng. Fax: 90S�2p-1660 Re: IM�NICIPAL ILLUMINA710N , MNY. 7 FROM PApDOCK ROAD TO KINSALE ROAD Dear Rlchard: . Aa part o( the Hwy 7 roadv2y reoonstrudion project, we have been a¢afgned by AATO b'rcvkw/ lhe exteting munkipal muminaAon obng thb roadvrap b ensute oompGance witli me Miniatrya poY�les and atandama. Our findings and �eoommendate�ns are as toGows: • 1. Munklpal Wuminatbn on �Nood poks b presenl at lhe foOo�Mng Mtersections abng FMy 7 in the Cily ot Pkkettna • PeddoGtROad s Cp�1CeStjpn RWd 8 ' • Sabm Road • 9alsgm Roed • I�ISaIe Ro� ' The munfcipal �1lumination ts not warcarded acowding lo Ihe MTO TraNro raoommendaHons and the Mi�istrys Direcbve B�8 (oopy attache�. Nw, the exkUny pluminatbn doea not compy with' U�e Min�trya design aftaia standa�da for madwray �luminaliai. 2 The �ng munkipal UlumGiatlon k atleded by the proposed roadway recanshucUon in so far as Ihe roadelde eafely poU�/t deu mne oHaete ars oa�eerned. Ae a reeult, ihe e�GaGng ightlnp ' may be upgraded ro MinisVys sta�Wards under the cost sharing agreement ouU'med in Directive ' BB.Sedton 3.(�)IbHh anci 3.('I)(bil�i. or Itfe Gphtinp maY be removed by the Munldpa0ty. 3. The Munidpaliry haa U�roa (3) Optiora by which to addroaa the exisGng aluminatlon: Ootion 1 PaAial lpumination upgrade to Mfnbby'a s4�ndarda witl� tlw worlc arrled out undef the Minisbys contract and cost eharing es pet D'aeWve B.8 Safbn 3.(1)(b)(v)• 0 n A. Partial Inumination upgrade t� meel tlie Ministrys sbndaM Ughting design a(teria u4ltzug frangibie ateel polea with cnnaeln baees et a 4m o}tsot from edge oi pavement The wafc to be carrled out by the Munkipalitles CaAractor utltlrJng munidpai InstaltaUon procedures (fe. pa�rer a W Dh� etc.) ard cost sharM9 as pa Directive B8 SecUais 3.(tHbHv) and (vGj. wsrr.�wenusoaerr.�.n� P,ape 1 of 2 t 06 '90 12�17 416 PF1GE.01 � . .... ... ... ..... .... ........ ATTACHMENT #u24� O REPORT /� � � oon- Cons�fip En nron .Q 5 �Partial ➢NmfnaUon upgr�rle W meet fhe Mfnishyle aWr�dard Ilph�n0 deeipn afte�la utllizing wood poiea at a 7m oMast frorn the edpe o( pavemeriL Tlw wortc 10 ba cazAed out by the Munidpa6tka ConUacta utUking munkipal inatallation prooedurea (ie. P�► �PPN1 auid cast sharirp ae per Direcllve 88 3eclions 3.11i@)(� end (vt�• The M(nistrys design aiterW hx toth Options 2 A 8 B is idenfilled under th0 attached skebdi pmrre 6KE1 and SI�. • Underground pavement aoeaings (100 mm dfa dud) can be provided fo� bolh GVGons 2A 8 8 Dy the �nistry at tl�a MlnisUys cost Tha lightlng under OpNon 2A or B must be Irwtalied ahead of U�e roadYvay conSUucypo prpfect wfikh is sehedWed W commence fn Juy 2000. Tempomry overhead Ic�es wi6 be required across tl�e roa0 ur�il Ihe undergtound dutt wotk is in place. ooUon 1 Remove Ihe existing Ulumination since it is not w�n-anted under dlrective Be. N.�: fie respons�b�ly Ib� malnten.�nce, operallon and eneryy oosis w91 remefn a munkJpal obAgaBon fa botli Opfkns f and 2 Raeommendations• The most ecanomkal appro3ch kr both MTO and Ihe Munidpality is to pursua Option 28 whkh Is esUmated lo b9 50% cheaper Ihan Option 1 and stiU pmvides the seme 9eneral queGry of illuminabon. Optbn 1 requires a deadfror,l pav+er suppy abinet and aU underground duct work and Ihe Instellatio� wtth steel poks and tran9�k bases tor panial �uminatmn genera�y eosts about S 12.000.0o to S 15,000.00 per Interaectbn. ' We have induded a prermin��ry sketeh layout for Oplion 28 for 1he CiyS correideraUon, refer to sheet Et adached. Please review the options presenlcd for your eonsideratbn and let us krrow how the Ci1y wishes to proeeed. Your prompt responae fn this repard fs much appreciated. TNat that the enclosed Infom�atlon is cbar end satiafaclory, however shoukf you have any quesUons or concems, pbase do not hesAate to caA. Yours truy. • � Ottn P. Ma� . President oc. Rinaldo Rossi MTO Fax416325�80'!0 John Jansen NffO Fau 416325-8070 Joanne &tevens MTO fa�c 41Fr325-8070 � Eugene Marahall MTO Fa�c 41�325-4267 Brad Kalus GCiCi Fau 1•705-743�8592 w.m.o�nukoaaa�o�.�n Page 2 of 2 06 '00 12:18 416 PRG'E.02 t0•31tld 9Sb • � �+� C�C �m m � � c�i � "� � mw°y� m v,� m� �ro� � � �m� ��� � ���� �� ��� �� �� 0 b� ��A �.� � � i'7 . � BS:ZS 00� 90 ao � S n a:3a ��o � � • �. : : ���� ���� . . ��s� ���� � M � � � I ���j� �N�3 , ' • 3 � i � � � � � . � 3 . �h� 1 9 b �0'll'�rj N1U0d3U 01�# 1N3WNJVLLd , � �' . . ..._ . ...._ .. .. . . . - . 'fev`f`_V 1'f..rM �I�.`f� M�� fW ,4.Y . • • . ' , �... OTM'J .' . . � :. .�,'. b0'3�JHd 9tb �' f� N :' � � mp�o o� � ���; � a5� �" � �m� � om� � o� ���jOs �m� ��o . 8 �� m `A�� o�� �o a � � ,�s�'a � � � i � � c� � 6T sZT 00, g0 �ldy � az� �°s� � 2 I� O O � c� c D O N 1 ��� � o ��� � S j �,u� � . �� � o :�r� o�; � ���q � z Z� I E� I W � �+ �� � ���3• , � �� 3 � � - � �� . �,s h�+► 00��� �"#1ti0d3U01�'#1N3WH�Vllb . . . nr .... 1 � � .. . . . . . � . . . � �. -x+e�_.. n_.v�e en.er rva m vdu • . „1, � 9�' ,� of � v � , ATTACHMEN i ;t �T0 REPORT#. �” P.�Ib-� Report to Council: MPE-16-00 MUNICIPAL PROPERTY 8c ENGINEERING HIGHWAY NO. 7 LOCATION MAP PROPOSED CUNSTRUCTION INCLUDES: • intersections requiring pnrtial illuminntion conswcted to stnndard lighting design criteria. ` nrzncrnsuTr_m�amw_eaooc