HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 09/00� 050 `,�y OF P�C� � � P REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Jane Burton DATE: February 28, 2000 City Solicitor REPORT NUMBER: L 09-00 SUBJECT: Road — Dedication (Clements Rond) - Part of Lot 15, Range 3, BFC, Pickering, designated ns Parts 2 and 4, Plan 40R-6080 and Block 45, Plnn 40M-1552 - File: W2304.376/D9805 RECOhfMENDATION: A byInw should be enacted to dcdicnte those parts of Lot 15, Runge 3, Broken Pront Concession, designnted ns Parts 2 und 4, Plan 40R-6080 and Block 45, Plun 40M-1552, as public highwuy. OR1GM: Development Agreement duted July 4, 1999 between 1201262 Ontario Inc. nnd the Town. R1�y:C�T:iy1�1� Municipa! Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapter M.45, section 297(1)(n). FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Nil EXECUTIVE SL'MMARY: N/A BACKGROUND: On luly 14, 1999, 1201262 Ontario [nc. (the "Owner") entered into nn ngmement with the Town for the development of ceriain lands. One of the requirements of that agreement was thnt the Owner construct a roudway fronting its lands, which roadwny becume nn extension of Clemcnts Road. As the rond has been conswcted to n stnndard sufficient to allow public acccss to ihe Owner's lands, it is now nppropriate to dedicate, as public highwny, the newly conswctcd portion of thc road (Pnrt 4, Plan 40R-6080) and the reserves being Part 2, Plnn AOR•6080 nnd Block 45, Plan 40M•1552 which reserves were initinlly created to control the development of the Owncr's Innds. � RepoR to Council L 09-00 Febn�ary 28, 2000 Subjcet: Raed Dedicadon (Clements Road) pe � 2 � 5 t B ATTACHMENTS: 1. Location Mup/Site sketch. 2. DraR by-law. Prepared By: Approved / Endorsed By: �• .Q/ Denise By Iane � DB:Ijm Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Otficer Director, Planning and Development Division Head, Municipal Property and Enginecring Development Control Supervisor Recommended for the considcration of Pickcring Ciry Council r � � � i omos J. Qui , Chi Adm ' trativc icer ' OzSh nuas�r�Fr��a��€roar�-t��---- ' : ATTACHMENTt�.,�70REPORTl1�49:no THE CORPORATION OF THE C1TY OF PICKERIN(} O 5`� BY-LAW N0. Being a by-law to dedtcale �hose parls ofLot 1S, Broken Front Concesston, Pickertng, destgxatcdas Parts 2 and 4, Plan 40R-6080 and Block 4S, Plan 40M-l552 (Clemen�s Road) as publJc highway. WkiEREAS The Corpomtion of ihe City of Pickering is the owncr of those parts of Lot 15, Broken Front Conccssion, Pickering, designated os Pnrts 2 und 4, Plan 40R-6080 and Block 45, Plan 40M-1552 and wishes to dedicnte them as public highway. NOW THEREFORE, the Council of Thc CorpornGon of thc City of Pickcring HEREBY h'NACTS AS FOLLOW5: 1. Those pnrls of Lot 15, IIroken Front Concession, Pickering, designated as Pnrts 2 and 4, Plan 40R-6080 arc hereby dcdicatcd us public highwny (Clemcnts Roud), 2. Block 45, Plnn 40M-1552, Pickering, is hcrcby dedicatcd ns public highwny (Clements Rond). BY-LAW rcad a first, second uc�d third timc nnd finally passcd this 20th day of March, 2000. wz�w��a Nayne Arthurs, Mayor Druce Taylar, Clerk