HomeMy WebLinkAboutOES 15-00,� OF P/p� 6 5 G� 4i F � � ���� REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Richerd W. Holbom DATE: Septembcr 1, 2000 Division Head Municipal Property & Engineering REPORT N(1MBER: OES 015-00 SUBJECT; Frenchman's Bay Watershed Remediation Plan Tertns of Reference RECOMMENDATION: 1. Thnt Council reccive Repor► OES 015-00 on the Frenchman's Bay Watershed Remcdiation Plan — Terms of Refercnce. 2. That staff be authorized to proceed in partnership with the TRCA, the WnterGont Coordinution Committec und the Univcrsiry oC Taronto to issuc the Tcrtns of Refcrence and a Rcqucst for Proposal to undcrtakc thc various componcnts of thc Frenchman's Bay Wnlcrshed Remcdiation Plan. 3. That additional sourccs of funding be pursucd by staff, such as grants Gom Provincial or Federal Govemmcnts such as NSERC through the Universiry of Taronto, and conlributions Gom intcrestcd stakcholders, such ns Onlario Powcr Gcneration. 4. That the purchase of u rain gaugc and two stream llow gnuges with associnted nppurtenunccs, installation und data collcction scrvices bc approved, in order to commence background datu collection und monitoring. ORIGIN: Council upproved $100,000 in thc 2000 Capital Budgct, 2410-610R Slorm Water Ytanagement. AUTHORITY: N/A FINANCIAL IMPLICAT[ONS: The estimated cost for the rain gauge and stream flow gauges is $10,000, with an initial annuul operating cost of $3,000, until such time staff ar studenls cnn be trained to operate these devices. The estimated cost for the Watershed Remediation Plan, consisting of the hydruulic and hydrologic modeling and tlood plain mapping, and thc Frenchman'a Duy characteristic modeling is $200,000, Grants of up to 50% of the cost of thc study are nvai!ablc, from thc Nalural Scienccs & ' Engineering Research Council (NSERC) making tha City's poriion SI00,000, Iess wntributions from othere. Council approved 5100,000 in tha 2000 Capilal Budget, 2410-6108 Storm Water Menagemcnt. In previous years (1998 and t999) a total of $225,000 wes approved and has not bcen apenl. ,'. Repod to Council 0ES 015-00 ss Subjectc Fronchman's Bay Watershed Remediation Plan Terms of Reference EXECUTNE SUMMARY� N/A BACKGROUND: Date: Septcmber 1, 2000 Pagc 2 The Mnyor's Tusk Force on the Pickering Waterfront rcleased thcir final rcport in lune, 1998. The Council of the City of Pickering, at their rcgular mceting of June 29, 1998 received thc Final Report end referred it to staff for comment. At the regular Council mceting on November 16, 1998, Council sanctioned the cstablishment of the Wnterfront Coordination Commiuce. Through Resolution of Council, thc members were nppointed for a term to expire November 30, 2000, The Council, the Task Forcc, the Waterfront Coordination Committec, Staff and other stakeholders have made it quite clear that thc regenemtion and remcdiation of Frenchman's Bay nnd tributaries that make up its Watcrshcd is a priority. Through the 2000 Budgct proccss, Council approved spcnding S 100,000 to address rchabilitation of Frcnchman's Bay. In previous years, (1998, 1999), Council npproved $225,000 for Frenchman's Bay Stormwuter Managcmcnt. FunJs lotaling S325,000 are now avnilable. The City of Pickering and thc Toronto and Region Conscrvation Authority (TRCA) have dcveloped a successful pnrincrship ovcr the ycars on scvcral projects, initiutives und lund issues. Staff have been discussing thc preparation of Tcrtns of Rcfcrcncc with TRCA to address issues in Frenchman's Bay sincc Junc 2000 nnd are prcscnting this plan for Council to cndorse. City staCf hnve ulso mct with mcmbers of the WnlcrCront Coordination Committec to discuss Tcrtns of Reference for u study nnd datn collcction program for Frcnchman's Bay. Phase I is to develop (loodplain mapping, based on hydrologic and hydraulic models for the tributaries. In the casc of the Frcnchman's Hay Watcrshcd, the tributarics arc Krosno Creck, Pine Creek, Dunburton Creek and Amberlea Watcrcourse. In order to cffectivcly nchicvc accurate mapping, n 3D digital topographic map of valley and stream corridors, and tuble land (properties, roads, etc.) for the watcrshed area is required. A floodplain mapping atudy wns completcd for Krosno Creck in Novembcr 1999, and the Krosno Creek Stormwater Management Strategy draR report is being finalized in Septembcr 2000. It is recommended that flood plain mupping be cumed out for the Pine Creek, Dunbarton Crcek and Amberlea Creek. In prepamtion of the modeling, pertnanent stream flow gauging stations to establish bnseline flow condition, and a rain gaugc station to cnlibrate the hydraulic models and to monitor climate within the south portion of Frenchmun's Buy, are recommended to be installed in September 2000. The other component of Phase I to the Prenchmun's Bay Remediation Plan is to study Frenchmen's Bay and gather background data on its churacteristics. Thc atudy would include mapping of the bottom sediment and sediment movement, modeling circulntion within the bay, including wave action, effects of the channel opening, seasonal wetcr chunges and efTects of precipitation. c � ,i — ' Report to Conncil 0ES Ol 5-00 • Datci Septembtt 1, 2000 Subject: Fronchmen's Bey Wutcrehed Remediution Plan 67 Tecros of Raference Page 3 It is anticipated thnt this component of the Frenchmnn's Bay Rcmedielion Plan could be conducted through the Universiry of Toronto as a research project. As such, e Federal grant from NSERC is possible to ofi'set the total cost. This is a unique opportunity tor the City of Pickering to partner with a university and provide hands on expericnce for students. Once the Flood Plain Mapping Study and thc Frenchman's Bay Charncteristics Modeling Study hnve been completed, Phnse 2 of the Remediation Plan can proceed, which is the prcparation of a Stortnwuter Management Strategy. The Mayor's Task Force on the Pickering Waterfront Final Report will be nn excellent resource and guideline for thc strntegy. Many initiutives and potential projects hnve bcen identified in this report. The quuntative data and other rclevant infortnation gathered in Phase 1 is fundamental to proceed wilh specific design criteria nnd parameters for projects to uddress flooding, erosion and water quality impacts. The preparation of the Stortnwater Mana�emcnt Strategy is nut pari of this report. The Tertns of Refercnce for the Flood Plain Mapping Study and thc Frenchman's Bay Characteristic Modeling are uttachcd to this report. The consultnnt study team and partnership arrongements would be selected in October 2000. Thc Flood Plain Mapping Study is anticipated to be complete in January 2001. Thc Frcnchman's Bay Characteristic Modeling requires up to two years of dntu collcetion, due to seasannl impacts. It is expected, however, that the Stortnwatcr Mnnagemcnt Stratcgy and thc implcmentntion of projecls can procecd prior to the completion of the Frenchman's Bay Characteristic Modcling. ATTACHMENTS: l. Tcrtns of Refcrcncc Cor Flood Plain Mapping Study 2. Tertns of Rcfercncc for Frenchman's Bay Charactcristic Modeling Prepnred By: Approved / Endorsed By; � Ri azd Holb , Division Head E tt Bunts , Director unicipal Property & Engineering Operations & Emergency Services RH:ds Attachments i:�COUnciMn01500.doe Copy: T.J. Quinn, Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the wnsideration of Pickering Cily Council � . r � . < e� omas 7. u C �ef Adm tivc icar '� ��ti .i � _ � ,' � ', �� '"' '. . . �;�, �ATTACHMENT#��TOREPORT# dESa�506��" ,s8. . ." ��3 ' ; PINE, DUNBARTON AND AMBERLEA CREEK FLOODFLAIN M.APPING STUDY TERMS OE REFERENCE The Toronto and Region Conservation Authority in cooperation with The City of Pickering .-�, ; :,- �t ,.,. , ; r .. .. . . . , � .. � •., � 4 . ..... .. . .. . . .. t - , t. .. . . .... . . .. . .. ATTACHMENT�� �OREPORT# dCS GisoU � 69 1.0 INTRODUCTION The City of Pickering has identified n nced to prepare tloodpinin mapping for cach of thc watercourses draining to Frenchman's Buy including Dunbarton, Ambcrlea , Pine and Krosno Creeks, To date, mapping has been prepazed for Krosno Creek as part of the Krosno Creek Floodpfain Mapping Study curried out by The Toronlo nnd Region Conservation Authority in 1999. These terms of reference have becn prepared for a similar study for the remaining watercourses draining to Frenchman's Bay and will follow thc methodology used in the Krosno Creek study. It is recommended that the infortnation presented in these studies ultimately be used to assist in the development of nn overall stomiwatcr manugement strategy for the Frenchman's Bay Watershed. � 2.0 PURPOSE The pu►pose of the study is to develop comprehensive hydrologic nnd hydraulic models for Pine, Dunbnrton and Amberlea Crcek Watersheds, and through their Application, evnluate Oood pluin managcment requirements for these watercourses. 3.0 STUDY AREA The study urca, as shown on attached Figurc 1, will include thc Pine, Dunbarton and Amberlea Creek Wutcrsheds which arc locatcd in the City of Pickering. The Pine Crcek wutershcd drains nn azca of npproximatcly 8 km2. Thc wntcrshed boundaries are gencrally formcd by Fnirport Road in the wcst nnd Livcrpool Roud in thc east. The northem limit of the watcrshcd is formed by thc 3rd Conccssion Road nnd the watcrshcd extends southcrly to its outlet lo Frcnchman's Bay immediatcly west of Douglas Purk. Thc Ambcrlea Creek wntcrshcd is locatcd to thc west of Pinc Creck is similar in size, draining nn area of upproximately 4 km�. The watershcd cxtcnds Gom approximatcly Finch Avenue, south to Frcnchmnn's Bny and bctwecn Roscbank Road to thc west anJ Nhitcs Road to the east. Dunbarton Crcek drnins outlets on the wcst sidc of Frenchmun's Bny. The wutershed is npproximntely 2 km� and is oricnted from northwest to southcast. The northem portion of thc watershed extends to thc 3rd Conccssion Road and east and wcst limits gencrally follaw Fariport Road to tha east and Spruce Hill Road/Wl�ites Road to the wcst. 4.0 013JECTIVES The Terms of Reference ouUine the study objcctives which involve the production of floodlincs in uccordunce with the provincial, technical standazds. Specifically, this study will: D Review existing informntion, including past studies; ➢ Davelop hydrologic models to determine design flows for two development scenazios (Existing Conditions und Future Conditions) at rclevent locations in cach of the thrce wntersheda; ➢ Complcte field surveys to characterize stream end hydraulic structures; ➢ Develop hydraulic models to detertnine design water levcls; ➢ Prepare (loodline maps with suppurting documentation. 5.0 TASK3 The following provides n detuiled broakdown of lesk ccquirements. ' � ATTACHMENT#�Tp�ppRT#�S 015-ao . 70 ��3 Start-uo Meedoe: Prior to commencement of the work, u sturt-up meeting with TRCA and City of Pickering staff will be held to revicw, in further detail, the work �equired. The consultant shall: 1. Collec! and review all existing background inCormation avnilnble for the study nrca. 2. Carry out an assessment of various design stortns to determinc thc most appropriate duration and distribution for use within the watershed. 3. Prepure a Visual OTTHYMO computcr moJcl to dctcrminc existing hydrologic "bnseline" indices of tha study nrca (existing und future land use conditir,.,�s) for the 2, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100 year and Regional stortn cvents. 4. Undertake un impact usscssmcnt to comparc design tlows betwcen the cxisting conditions end future dcvclopmcnt scenarios for all rctum period cvcnts including the Regional Storm. The consultant will providc summary tnblcs of pcak flows for both development scenarios at cach (low nodc for thc rcgional and Gcquency based cvcnts. (Thc tnbles should be structurcd for casy comparison of pcak Oows for cacl� sccnario.) 5. Conduct field surveys ns r��quircd to iJentify particular locations rcquiring the survey of a special cross•section and to collect informution regurcfing channcl type, mnterial and roughncss; overbank roughncss; hydraulic structures nnd control points; and, vcgctation and lund usc charactcristics. 6. Calculute (lood cicvations using Ihc most currcnt vcrsion of thc U.S. Artny Corps oC Enginecr's IIEC-RAS computcr modcl. FIooJ Icvcls will bc gcncratcd far thc 2, 5, 10, 25, 50,100 ycar und Regional stortn cvcnts. 7. Idcntify uny nrcas nfTectcd by changcs in flow conditions, including (lood vulnerablc sites, flood vulncrablc roads, active vallcy land usc and any crilical areas as idenlified by TRCA. 8. 9. t0. Allow for two meetings with TRCA anJ City staff(including sturt-up meeting). Producc 3 copies of the rcport and modelling data, following written approval of the finalized rcport, in hard and digital fortnats (report should bc produccd using Corcl WardPerfect). Complete this project by no later that ]anuary 31, 2001. An upset limit of 540,000 (inclusive of G.S.T.) has been set for this project. The TRCA aod t6e Clty of Pickeriog ehall: 1. Providc consultant supervision. 2. Provide access to background infortnation including base mnpping. Basc mapping will be prepnred by an outsidc consultant at 1:2000 scule using 1999 - 2000 aerinl photography, Cross-aections shall bc detertninal directly from transformed digital infortnution. Floodlinc maps will bc preparcd depicting thc regulatory Ooodplain for thc study arca. Floodline maps will bo compiled in 3D digital filc fortnat. Costs involved will includc ground control survey, compilation and production. A digitul and hard copy of each floodplein map will bc provided. 3. Arrange and be actively involvcd in etecring committcc mectinge, r �, . ATTACHMENT#_Z TOREPORT#_QL=,SoIS-a� 'rI I�� , FRENCHMAN' S BAY �HARACTER.ISTIC MODELING TERMS OF REFERENCE The City of Pickerin� in cooperntion with The University of Toronto and The Toronto and Region Conservation Authority _ `� . _ . , .,:� .�;_ ,- � . . w , : � . , � � . ,�' 1.0 ATTACHMENT# 2 TOREPORTt�.FlF�OIS-Oo INTRODUCTiON ��� Thc City of Pickcring has idcntified the nccd to wllect background characterietic data regarding Frenchman's Bay and to creatc a model of thc circuletion in the bay and it's effects on water quality. Thesc Terms of Referencc have becn prepared to outiine the requiremcnls of data collection. It is recommended that the infortnation presented in this sludy be used to assist in the development of the Stormwater Management Strategy for Frenchman's Bay, and as baseline inCormation to measurc the effects of environmentnl enhancements nnd improvements that will bc undertakcn. 2.0 PURPOSE The purpose of the study is to collect characteristic informntion und data regarding Frenchmun's Bay nnd to create a model of water circulation in Frenchman's Bay to determine impacts on water quality. 3.0 STUDY AREA The study area is the limits of Frenchman's Bay, including the inlets of Krosno Creek, Pine Creek, Dunbarton Creek and Amberlea Creek, various storm sewer outfalls into the bay, and the channel enttance/outlet of Frenchman's Bay into Lake Ontario. 4.0 OBJEC7'IVES Thc Tcrtns of Rcfcrcncc outlinc thc study objcctivcs, which involve thc production of a computerized model of Frcnchman's Bay, based on datu colleclion throughout the study period. SpeclJTcalh•, I/rls sfudy wJp: • Revicw existing infortnation, data and characteristics that huve bccn recorded, including pust studics. • Mnp out the bottom scdimcnt using grid sizc and depth accuracy to stnndards requircd for modeling. � Study currents nnd wave action within Frenchman's Hay to determine it's impact on sedimentation movcment and crosion. • Analyze the hydraulic chazacteristics of thc channel opening and present findings and recommendations. • Measure characteristics of water quality in Frenchman's Bay pertinent to the model, such as temperature, ph, suspended solids, dissolved solids, Biological Oxygen Demand, ete. • Sample sediment throughout the bay and anal}ze samples for soils characteristics and composition. • Create n database and computerizcd model of the data collected . Prepare u rcFwrt summarizing all findings and recommendations. 5.0 MEETINGS Prior fo commencemcnt of lhe work, a stnrt up meeting with Cily of Pickering StaCf and TRCA will be held to rcview tt;e work requircd, During the work progrnm, mcetings will be hcld on u monthly busis for thrce months, then as requircd, for the duretion of lhe data collection stnge. 6A PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS �: Produce three (3) copice of thc report and modeling datu following writtcn approvnl of thc finalized report in paper and digital format (report should be produccd using MicrosoR Word , and/or ExceVAccess)