HomeMy WebLinkAboutCL 03/00. ... . .. - . , . . 1•12 • ' � G\,�.( OF p�C� W ��p �'� REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Bruce Taylor, AMCT, CMM DATE: January 6, 2000 City Clerk REPORT NUMBER: CL 3/00 SUBJECT: 'IRCA Tesk Force on Duffins and Carruthers Creek Watersheds RECOMMENDATION: That the letter from the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority dated December 23, 1999, regarding the initiation of two Task Forces to develop a strategy on each of thc Duffins and Carruthers Creek Watersheds be received; and That the sum of $20,000.00 ba allocated in the Year 2000 Current Budget to support the work required to accomplish a comprehensive watershed strategy; and That Councillor _ be appointed to the Duffins Creek Wetershed Task Force and that be appointed as tha altemate; and That Councillor bc appointed to the Carruthcrs Creek Watershed Task Force and that be appointed as the altemate; and 7�hat lhe following persons be recommended as representatives of the notcd community group to sit on the Duffins Creek or Cartuthers Creek Watershed Task Force: REPRESENTATIVE COMMUNITY GROUP ORIGIN: Letter from TRCA dated necember 23, 1999 AUTHORITY: Section 102,1(1) of the Municipal Act FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Not appliceble EXECUTIVE SUMMARY; As a result of a resolution passed on November 26, 1999, tha TRCA has established two Task Forces to devclop a strategy for each of the Duffins Creek and Cartuthers Creek Watersheds. The TRCA is asking Council to provide funding for these Task Forces and to appoint Members of Council to them, +�t; � . ,-A Report to Council CL 3/99 Subject: Du�ins & Certutherq Crceka Weterahed Strategy BACKGROUND: Date: Jenuary 6, 2000 Page 2 Please find attached to this Report a letter dated Decembcr 23, 1999 from the Chief Administrativa Officer of the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority adviaing of a rewlution passed by the TRCA on November 26, 1999 to establish two Task Forcea to develop a strategy for each of the Duffins Creek and Cartuthers Creek Wateraheds. The TRCA resolutian also requests that: 1. Council appoint one elected representative to each of these Task Forces along with an altemate who can be an elected or appointed officiel. 2. Council provide contribute $20,000.00 to support the work of the Task Forces. 3. Council recommend representatives of community groups to be considered for appointment to these Task Forces by the TRCA. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Letter from the TRCA dated December 23, 1999 Prepared By: � Bruce Taylor, AMCT, CMM City Clerk Attachments Recammended for the consideration af Pickering Ciry Council � �j� , 7.9GU�� Tho as J. uin ief Ad nistrat� tiicer `� 113 �, - - __._. .. .___ _.--�•-- � , � :,— . . � ,t ,� 6 . ; � . . . • �: • r� r +,� . . , . , . . ' '�;��J� �` . . ��. : � , R6CE111ED � � CITY OF PICKERIN(i , � i � � �.,� . � : � , , • . , . ,. �°'�, �THE TORONTO AND REaION CONSERVATION AUTHORITY JAN 0 5 20b0 �, •. '': � esna�n.man..Dovnwi�50mrbMaNtB� NieJealeeao FN�ae��eece hnP:IM�waua�.0 . . . , j ' .' ' '� . � . , . , , CLERK'8 DIVISION � ; , + !': � December 23� 1998 , . . � , Y, l� � � � n n � U U ' ; Mr. eruce Teylor . . ' JAN �� 2000 D ': Clerk . � � � Town of Pickering - ' � ` • OneTheEsplanade ` • . . . • TOWf���I�1��R NQ ' :.;� P�kering� ON : Mla N , , ';�j" L1VBK7.. , . . . , , , Dear Mr. Taylor. ' , � 1•!' "' `, pe: Dullins and Cartulhers Creek Wetarahed� Strategy Task Force INUe11on — •' `' ;' At Meetlng #11/99, held on November 28,1899 (staB reporl enclosed), the Aulhority edapted � �., ;• Res. #A290/89: �' (' '., ._ � 'THAT the Authority direct staH to request lunding Irom local and regional municipelitiea and provincia� and tederai agenciCa wilhin lhe DuHins end Carrtdhers Watersheds to support the work ' - '•' � required to accomplieh e eomproheneivo watershed etretegy; � � �. THAT the draft work plan, membership selecUon, reportfng procedures, budget requirements end , �` y.; !;.' , dreri terms ol relerence lor the DuMns and Carruthera Creek Watershed Task Forcos, es ' , ; described in lhe report daled Oclober,1999 (atlached), be received; THAT two membera ol the Walershed Menagemenl Advisory Board be selecled to essist on a ' �� • r ' , selectlon committee to review wetershed resident applications; ' ' ' , THAT the Autharity diroct statl to conlirm with local and reglonel municlpelities withln 1he DuHfns end Carruthara watersheds, e council member, and an eltemelo to represent Iheir municipelity on . the Task Forces end to requost nemes ol those community groups and Individuals who Councll feels should be considered when Interviewing watershed residents lor lhe Tesk Forces; , '' ��� THAT the Aulhority dlrect steH to request selected lederal end provinclel agencles �o appoint a • ' senlor empioyee end an altemete to the Task Forcea by March 1, 2000; , , �'�; �i ,';, '' � THAT lhe Authority euthodze statt to take all other necessery ectionn, Including the prepereNon ol ' . a Stete of the Watershed Report, to achieve a DuNins end Cerrulhere Creek Weterehed Slrategy; . ' THAT stafl report beck to the Authority on the proposed work plen and membership ol the Task ' , Forces lor endarsemenl end farmal eppolntment in the spring of 2000; •. AND FURTHEH THAT Councillor Jfm McMester and Mayor Gerrl Lynn O'Connor be selected to essist on e seleclion commiriee to review watershed residenl eppllcelions' ' � , : AMENDMENTHES.A299189: , , , ' • "' `THAT lhe Iollowing name bo included as a member of the selection committee In the last ` parograph of lhe main motlon: Counallor poug Dickerson'. � ' �. ' • , ' ../2 � , �' � . , . . . � .. • j�" . . ; . _ . ' . , . . � � � . � � . . . � ' � � • . '. WOHKINO TOGETHER FOR TOMORROW'3 GREENSPACE � • f " . � ' � , , � ��i, Ja � . i � +•���� . . . �(•.�.. ., ;� . � , --�;, ��..� . �i �� �^!i� ' ' � ' - 1 - '���� .. � • • � : . . , . � �:,�.' � , ., .:. ; . •k �: � . , , � � ,; r� , r!; _ �, , � .I • r: , �. � � � :�� � .c:. S,, ��� , .a f � r t : } � ! � , r 1 Y� , . N • ' •3 �' +it i ' '� �t, ' � , `r4� • r ! ( , . , , �` � fl ' � i �1 � �� � i �. i � '� � �` . •{�� �,i �i f �,� � i : . �, . . .. . �kf �rl� r' : � ��� I�'� _, . . , � . . . :i . � �• l f Y. ' 1 . � � • �� � � /, . i � r �i:� �� ' ' ;r' � �, t ��t�a�� . � ., , �. . i . �c t� -� _._. _ _ � ,�} ,, , ,: 1 . .. .._. . . r ^ i + f q . t'� r� i��a''{ � ;' '' ; 1.]5ti a _r � y s �'� p ` � � � , ,' { � �' �aa�ti �' t" :< <': 1Y i,� i: r :�j',�i S • y •2 ' . + � � �u . � ,�y . ; � 5: .; ,• . : '�.., ;•,' ,, • . ..• , ;• ': ,. ; � ; •� In Aupust 1899, the TRCA hoated a�sUatepy aesalon for munlcipeliqee, provincial repreaentnt;vee end '. �,: ,!ederal repreaentatives for the purpose ol aldng Iseues, developinp a work ptan and comlng lo consensus ,,�� ,, �; ,�.=,� on key atepa; sequencing end preliminary Nming for e DuKlns and Carruthers Creek weterelied eVategy. 7 FF .: ., . . � . . . � . .. . � : ' • '�' ��� Besed on ihe diHerences In weterehed elze, current land uaes, proposed deveiopment end Ihe emount ol �" ,�' � .;;,. ,�.: ,: ; inlormatbn and studioe conducled to dete on lhe DuHins Creek, N wea proposad that two fnak torcee be, . '.. j, �;� InlUated In the epdng of 2000; lb asslst In the development of a Dulflns and CamAhere Creek Weterehede `'� '•�%�: )'�i',�•'� SVetegy to achleve suslaineble, healthyweteraheda. Bolh Tesk Forcea wouid be euppoded by e;. , � S `, ; � • Technlcel Advisory Commfttee (TAC). � ' . . 4� °�. The Duftins Cteek Task Force wlll consisf of epprox(malely iwenlyIhree membere end CeMdhers Creek � ��• , Task Force will conslat of approximatery 1ouAeen membera. Memberahip wfll include eiecled munlclpal ... represenlaUvea, provinclal end federnl eyency steH, and repreaentetivea Irom buelneas end Induetry, ' �^ ' community groups, ratepayers essxleAqns and residents wilhin Ihe weterehede. Thfs crose aection of ' ' =;"';. .';. Interests, background and experlise will help to build lhe strong pertnerahlps needed for pinnning and. . ��' ImplemenHng the sUategy, . , . . , • In ihle regard, the Aulhodty requeste lhaL• , � • � , ' • � � � ' , ' � „. . . ;, ..' 1) , Local and reglonat munlclpallUes conlrl6ute the lollowing tunda irom lhelr 20U0 budget . ' ' . IncludMg, Ihe Region ol York (510,000), Reglon of Durham (525,000) and the InuNcipeOUes, ���' '�,. • 7 f' • : : � �. ' of A�ex (t2o,000), Plekedng (SY0,000), Markham (55,000), Whitchurch-Stoulhllle (55,000) ; � '� � ond lhe Townahlp ol Uxbridge (=5,000). , • ' , . . . , , , `.. ; ' . . ,.' ; �, 2) ,. The To�ehip ot Uxbddge, Town of Markham, Town ol Whitchurch•Stoulfvllle and York ,,� ;� Region ppoint one mambor ol Councll and one alternela lo participale on the Dufflns ;' :+•. � Creek Waterahed Task Porce. The altemale mey be a member oi councll or a munlclpai,• `� ':�:;.''. ' etall peraon. , , • ��: '� '� ;,;' 3) .. The Town ol A�ax, Town ol Pickerinp and Reglon of Durham eppoint two memhere ol, /. �. ;.J �; ,,; •. Counoll and two altemotea. The Ont Councll member wlll be eppolnted to the Dulllne '. '�" '� Creek Waterahed Taak Force end tha �econd Council member wlll be appolntad to lhe Cerruthero Creek Task Force. The eltemetes mey. be a mem6er ol councll or q, municlpal ;' i ' � staft pereon. i, . � , �` , . ' � ��� .� 4)'.�' The Iocai ond reglonoi munlclpetlUe� wllhin the Dulfine and Carruthen Creek walereheda ���. '.• ���.` recommend community group tepretentaUveo who should be considered lor an inleivlew : � ' '� { ,. tor ihe two Teek Forcea In Ihe epdnp o12000.:, • ,• �I , . , , �' If you have nny questions or require addlUonel Inlormatlon regarding the Task Forces or the etrelepy ' , �' development, plesse contect Jonnne Joffery, Wntershed Resources Planner at oxlension 6334. ;. ' . Yours truly, ' � ' : . � ' ' . .' : . , . • � ��.' • • . . „ ^ . . ��_ . . . ' � �-� �� ' . �. . � � J. Craig Malher • � Chtel Administrative Omcer ' ' � . .,'_•.,, ; ..r . ; � :� � ;. ; `, Enclosure ' ' • ' �•' , , • , ' :! ' , , ' • ' . ' � .. : . + `, t .� ; , J L � � ! +' ( , �', � � � t ' � '. � :' ` • r � ', �� !4,`r . . • � . � . � . . . r� ' `�;�.. ' � � " � ti ': � � � � f. � : i ' f, .� i� , ,;r , . � , � t�_ '� � � � ' � ! � '� � 5t' .;�' , {, �;: ;Z,'� r,. . .; „ ; .,; , ,�. � , ;� ,� ��� f � {� � � y +� �'. / 1 . ,� _ .: ' ' .s' —� _ � . ����rl� r, ��� � t . . i� � ` 'f, .. _ t��ji��;� ',� ; =S � , ,• ;� ,; . .,, 1J5"� r ;h�,;,P �' • ., ` .,,...;' t '+,. .���'�� �'i �t! It r� . . � . .. ..�� i s� ��� �� � �_._r , _i...... . . � ..."'_..i �.9 . _._ � � _ .� . � _ �. �'=F�� . �J r{�, • . . ,. .''' . ..,..;..' ... _ .. ... , � . • .y ';+; �� � � � �, ' ; � RE�CEIVED�� . ,� r ; Y, .,C` ' , , , . E ' CITY OF PICKBFiIN� , ' r �r�•.. �� �. , . . . .. . . . . , . . . . . • �•� ;'' ,;, �THE TORONTO AND RECiION CONSERVATION AUTHORIN JAN 0 5 20b0 �.' �� � ; ,�:,i..� 66horMwnGh4�'n+M�4QNrbWNIW (�IE)EEI•EOOOfA1IEE1�6A0EhupJMw.trcion.0 . . : i ' ••�4 � ' . , . � • ' � • • � CLE(iK'B DIVI810N ':,, ; : ' .. , . . .. . ; ' :� '.'� � :'. � Decembor 23, 1999 , ' �r � � 0 � � — __ ..�: . . _. . .�__ . . .�n� ���� , - Rcport to Council CL 3/99 Subject: Duflins & Carruthers Creeks Watershed Strategy BACKGROUND: Uate: lnnuary G, 2000 11.3 Page 2 Please find attaciieJ to this Report a letter deted December 23, 1999 Gom the Chief Administrntive O(ticer of the Toronto and Region Conservation Authorily ndvising of a resolution passed by the TRCA on November 2G, 1999 to establish two Task Forces to develup a strategy for cach af thc Dutlins Creek and Canuthcra Crcek Watcrshcds, 7'he TRCA resolution also requests that: I. Council appoint one clected representative to each of thesc '1'ask Forccs along with an alternnte wlio can be an electeJ or appointed o�icial. 2. Council provide wntribute S2U,OOO.00 lo support the work of tlie'I'ask Forces. 7. Council recommend representatives of community groups to be considered for � appointment to thesc Tesk Forces by ihe TRCA. AT7'ACHMENTS: L Letter from the TRCA dated December 23, 1999 Prepared By: ,� ,, Druce Taylor, AMCT, CMM Ciry Clcrk Attachments Reco�mended for the consideration ofPickering City Council J � �� 'r..7 e90 (/ � , Tho as . uinn fefAdi nietrati (Ticcr �, �. : . �116 ' . . 1 TO: Chelr and Memben of fha Watershed Manepemont Adviaory Boerd, 7RCA MeeUng �R8/88, November 18,1889 . FROM: Brian E, Denney, Director, Watershed Menapement Dlvislon RE: DUFFINS AND CAppUTHER3 CREEKS WATERSHED STRATEqy Report on the Work Plen, Membership SelecUon, Repo�inp Prxedurea, Budpet , Requtrementa, end Drafl Terma oi Relerence lor ihe Du1Ms end Carruthers Creek Watershed Tesk Forces KEYISSUE OlrecUon to proceed wilh the development of the Dul�ns end Cerruthers Creak Waleished SVslegy, HECOMMENDATION • � � "•'THE BOARD RECOMMENDS TO THE AUTHORIIY THAT lho Aulhorily dlroct otnlf to requeet � funding Irom Ixnl and reglonei munlclpellliea and provinclol and tederai ngenclea wlthln llie Duf(Ine, ond Carcuthcre Wolarehede lo aupport ihe work requlred lo accompliah a comprehonslve waterehed atrategy; � THATthe droR work plan, memberohlp aeiectlon, reporting proceduros, budgel requlremenla � nnd draftlerms ot roferonce forlhe Duf(Ina and Cartutliero Cruek Waterel�ed Task Forcea, aa . described In tho repotl dalod Oclobor,1999 (attached), be rocelved; THAT two mambere al tho Watorohed Managomont Advleory Board be eelecled to asalet on a ealecllon commlltoo lo revlow watorohed reeldent oppllcallona; � THAT tho Autha�ily direct etalf to conlirm wllh local and reglonel munlcipalltles wlthln the Dulflne ond Carruthere waterahede, a councll member, and an allemete to represent thelr munlclpolity on tho Taak Forcee and to requeet names of thoee communlly groupe and Indlvldueis who Councll toels ehauid be conaldered when Inlervlewing waterehed realdente tor the Tnak Forcos; THAT lhe Aulhorily direct etnlf lo roquest selecled tode�el end provinclal ogenoloe to appolnt n eonlo� amployeo and an allomute to ihe Teak Forcea by Morcli 1, 2000; THAT tho Aulhorlly aulhorizo etelf to toke atl olher neceesary acllone, Including ihe . propnraUon ot n Stuto ot the Waterehed Report, to achlove a Dufllne end Cerruthere Creek • Wa►orehed Sl�elegy; AND FURTHER THAT etaff �eport beck to the Aulhorlty on tha propoeed work pien and , memberahip ol tlie Toak•Forcae•forBndoreoment•and formql appoldtMent In the epring of 2000. . . i1:/, . �, , � � . . ,_ . � �' , � �: �` ; ' �' . !, �`. t r ;_ ' � , i' . , , � . r; :� , r '.� r, . .� , �, � % ; , � i., , . . : . . t f� . � ' Gk � . ��a � ' � 7 �,. � e; � � fr � : . '�� ' .:4 A ' � �. . . . � . � I f � f 71� � ;� � i 1 1 , �' . , �• , �. � � .;tl' �� ; ;. � � . �: . 3 . }. ,. f d, �t � . ;� ;, . . • • . '� • R r' ; � �t ,�} J � . 1 j ' • �' ( �}} li � �' r�.� �� � �� f � ,� r i �7�. .if. t f'>f. } . 117 BACKQROUND ' At Aupiotily meeling 4/Be, held on Aprll 30,1888, lhe Aulhatiry sdopled 9es. #A112/B9: TH�`I'atef/rt�quost O�e replwwl end looal munlolpel govemmenfa (Aegfon ol Uurhem, Aeglon ol Yorl� Plckering, �ya�y Merkltam, Uxbrldpe, WhlfohurclrSfoulfvllls); ma/or lend holdors; provinclal agoncfes fepresonled by (he Mlnlstry ol Envlronmenf, Mfnlsfry of Transpor4 end Mlnlsfry of Naturel Aesources; end lederal represontad�m lrom ErnAronment Canada; to parUclpate In fhe deveJopment of a work plen endlnvestlgete lund/ng opportuniUos lor fhe deve/opment of e wafershed manegement strafegyfor Dufllns Creek. �AMENDMENT ' Res. #A114/99 THAT Ure Canulhers Creek Wetershed Menagemenf Strntegy bo done s/mulmnoously wllh Ifie Duflfns Creek Wafershe� Manegement Sfrategy. In Augu"st 1699, the TRCA hosled a slretegy aesslon tor municlpallqes, ptovinclal �eptesentaqves nnd federai representallves. Tha stratepy sesslon was conducted by a professlonnl iacllltator who assisted pia group In airing Issuas, developing s work plen end coming to consensua on key steps, sequencinp end preliminazy tlming. Based on the dltlerances In walershed size, current land uses, proposed develnpment and the omount of Iniormation and studles conducted to date on the Dutiins Creek, It la proposed lhat iwo task lorcos be formod, one for the Duttins Creek end one for the Carruthers Croek. Both Task Forces would be supporlad by a Technlcal Advisory Commiltee (TACj. A Waleiehed F�cecutfve Commlttee wlil bo Iniliuted to provide Integralion end Inlormation shnring between tho two task forces end the TAC. In enqdpation ol devcloping awatershed strategy lor the Duttlns and Cerrulhers Cruek watersheds, the TRCA lormed a Teclinical Advisory Commlllee (TAC) repreaenting a 8roup ot "sclenUs4v/experts' who have conduded stUdles end rasearch In the weleteheds end/or ere lemlller with slete-oi-Ute-:ut walershod methods and�models. Tho TAC members represent loplcs such a9 ground wnter, surfaco water, terrestrlal tesoutce's, fisharles, climate change end leuid use pienning irom municipel, regiond end coneultont viewpolnla. TRCA thon conductod follow•up meetings with statf al each local and reglonal munlclps�lty withln the wateraheds to lutther teview the work plen and dlscuss opportunities for funcling. It became evident during these disc�ssions that ihere wav support for developinp a waterahed atrelegy end agreement to conlinue discusslons retated to tunding 1he process. During the ebove noted meetings, the valuea of developing s waterahed atrategy for the Dumna end Carrulhers Creek watershods were•perceived as follows: � • Il will not hold up development proposals. •� It wili provide 1he abllity to evaluete environmentel Impacts m a watershed besis rathar lhan a slle by s(te basls. • It wlll provido various growth scenarlos and the potenUal fmpscts ol each scenarlo on the environment. . • Crlteria will be aet In advance of development. ,. , . . .. 1;., ' . i', ... . .� . . R �j . � . �>• . � ' . . � ,�,` .i . . � . l ( � �' 1 . - . . . • ` . � .. . � ' _ � ��• ,,''�, `r ' . �l . . � . .. ti.. ... ).. � . , ,! � . , . .`; . r . � � , � � �,� , ' � i t . ... . . . . .. . . .. u� , � . . . . ; . � t ' ,J , 1�. . �, 1. • . 1'. . .• , . �' �. , �. • �t .t 1 .r . ` 118 � � 3 • The wwk plana for the Dumna end Carruthera Creeks wlll be seperate, , • �The leck of Intormetion, availeble on lhe Carrulhera wlll nol deteln the DuIMe Irom proceeding. � The process will move to Implementaqon es soon a9 posslbte, Devetopment and implomenteqon of TRCA watershed menapement aUategles normally prxeeds . lhrough three phases: Phase 1: The producUon of a State ot lhe Watershed Repott (SOYV�hat Identlfles lasues end desctibes key emdronmontal, socld, and economlo condltlons oi lha watershed, wtlh ihe prlmary focus being environmental. Phase 2: The stretegy developmenL A mulU•atakehoider watershed tesk force Is estebllahed to oversee development of the stretepy, The 80W Report wid community cronsullNlons provlde'a knowledge base tor the Tesk Force to develup the aUategy, � Tho slrulegy recommenda acdone necesanry to protoct, regenereto end celebrate lhe wa(erahed. Ph�se 3: The Implementnqon ot tho waterohed strategy and moniloring piogress toward reganerallon whlch Is gulded by a committee of watorahed stekeholdera. It Is suggested ihat the DuMns and Carruthers Creek Watetahed SUategy develop aver a petlod of 18 months as described In tho raport dated Octobar, 1888 (attached). The Dutlins Croek Task Force wlll consiet ol approxlmately twantylhreo members end Carruthera Creek Taslt Force wfll consist ol epprwdmately fourteen membera, Membership will (nclude elected rnuniclpal representalives, provinclal ond lederal apency etalf, and rapresontallves from business nnd industry, community groups, ratopayera u�sociatlone, educetlon, and resldents wllhln the , watersheds, Thle cross saclion ol lntereste, backpround ar,d exportlse will help to bulid the stronD partnershlpa needed for plonning and Implementing the etrntegy. DETAILS OF WORK TO BE DONE • Request funding as ou111nod In tlie Onancid details, , Request tliat hvo membera ol the Watershed Menegement Advlsory Boerd end one senior Authorlty slall mertiber form a seiection commlttee to revlew waterehed residonts app;icatlons. Request that local and reglonal munlcipal(ties w(thln lhe Dullins and Carrulhers Creek watersheds conlirm a Councll raprosenloUve md recomMend community group represenlativee who should be consldered for an Intervlew lor ll�e Task Force. Forwnrd requesM to eppropriale federal and'provinclel egencles for the nemea of their , represenlatives. . . Prep�re advert(semenls for local papers inviting watershed residents interested In aerving on the ' Task Force to submit appllcaUons, Conduct public Intormnqon sesslons to launch the developmenl of the DuNins and Cerruthera Walershode Strategy and provide informatlon ebout becoming a Dultlns and Qerruthere Creek Wutershads Tssk Force representaGvo. . �` ' �' � �` �,� : , �r A' ,�jt : , � � �,i � � ' , ' �, �� .' , ', ,',, � r � . - ; �� • , �; . � :, f� •',� ; , • t,. ,-,;, � ,�,r.,� �� ��t�� '''j `� `��� : ��'�� . , � ;,{; r{ �i ..� � ' � �•+ '�'' . , , r ��, ti; a � ', f1' ! � ' ���r '� � .�� ' � . � �1i' . . .r�: �.;�t+ . � I ,I � - -il /liy �'� l�� . 1�f�1+ � �,�' `t ����; , .. tuii; s�� �y�� .: .. �,:,y� ��� I� ' . . � y� . . _ 1 _ �!;•, , , ,� : ��Z _ �� _ . �� ' .a ' � r. • ��� ' i, • �: 3; . � _ . ... , � \ i � � .,, . f19� , 4 , ,, Prepere eppllcaUone end Inlotmallon klts tor disUibutlon to those residente intereeled In epplying to becomo a tssk fotce membet. AateH repatwlil be prepared recommending to the Aulhority the work plen end membershlp of the Task Force und subsequenUy, the persona eelected to 1he poslUons ol Chelr end Vice Chelr. FINANCIAL QETAll3 Watershed aUelegy deveiopment has Uaditlonnily been tunded lhrough progrema such as lhe Taonto Remadlal Actlon Plen (RAP). The Dutlins and Cerruthera Creek walerahedo ore outside ot the RAP Area oi Concern end ere therefore not elipible tor lhls type ollundfnp. Alternative iunding sources have'been pursued. Authorlly stefl have met wilh locel end reglonal governmonts as well os provincial end federal agenctes to discuas fundinp. Those dlacusslons locused on lunds requlred lor sUalepy developmant. In determining 1he level o( lunding requosted, lend base end lha extent of urbm development was taken Into eccountlw each munlcipdiry and reglon. The cosl ol the strategy development has been esUmaled et epproximntely 5340,o001or 2000, Local and reglonel munlclpelilles are being asked to conUlbule a combinod sum ot 5140,000 and tederd ond provincial agencles are being requesled lo conlribute a canbined aum al 5200,000. The slralegy cennot proceed without the conlrlbutlons — af boqi munlcipal iu�d agency funds. � Local md regiond munldpaliUes are being asked to contrlbute a combined sum ol $140,000 which Includea the Reglona oi York (510,000) and Durham (526,000) end the munlalpalltlsa ol AJex (E20,000), Plcker(nq (520,000), Mnrkhem (55,000), WhltchurchSloullvllle (56,000) the Township ol Uxbridge (55,000) and the TRCA (550,000). Some o( ihe slrategy componenls aasocialed wllli the 5140,000 wlll Include: . Completlon ol a Stnte ot the Watershad Raporl (SOV1� • Publlc Oulreach ' . Support ior ifie Watetshad Task Forco Federal md provincid egency funding ol 5200,000 Is being discussed wilh lhe Department of Fisheries ond Oceens (DFO), Ernironment Cenado, Minlslry of the Environment, Minislry o1 Natural Fiesources end Transport Cennda These funds would he used to underteke proJect epecl0o work such as 1he development ol a tlsh menagemant plen, s water budgel lor iha wateraheds, e Nalurel Hedtage Strategy, end a Culturel Heritage Proprarn. It would e�so ailow pdoriry pruJecla, Idenlltled as the atralegy (s devoloped, to be Implemented In a more Umely fashion, Report prepared by: Joanne Jolfery, extenalon 6334�t For Inlamtnllon contnct:•Nancy Geliney,•exle�slon�b313 and Dave Dyce, extenelon 5250 Duto: Oclober 12,1999 , • . Attaclimonla (1) • . . , . , . �1 . . j ± . � � '; h • � : 't ., �: / • ''�' ��' ,i ; �;/'� ;j , ? � , t• �, jl � t�� � 1.. S ,, � f ., d.. i I, , } � i �f �.}' _ 1 . � A . jl � ! .� � � �. �I . 1- i r ,{'+ ` d . t , {4 ' 4 ' � `` � f a t � � :? y� , � , "�. ' ° a _. �i,'., . - - — - - � i izo' • ' cJ . Attachment 1 ' f THE DUFFINS AND CARRUTHERS CREEK WATERSHEDS TASK FORCE . - DRAFT - � MEMBEHSHIP SELECTION, WORK PLAN REPORTING PROCEDURES AND TERMS OF REFERENCE � • 1 � � 7he Toronto and Region Conservation Authority October,1999 , . , :; . ty. "�' _ ,f� � , '�. • ' 'R'; � � � � a ��� : �; t � '< <'��i � ' � < ; �i�''rc+�' � ; yi' �' i� '� t' , ' �. ,T�j,; � � ��! i � h�,� � ' �. . ' '1, tif �i�� 1 � ji ? ,',` t � �'ai �� • �v� + t� �4. � � a , t R : � 5 : �f i� j i i f°, j. ±i a +s , l , 1, r � � .sP : � Y� � �� ti � �+� �l :�� r i� � � ; ti � � � , � �: ?ti�,�r�c�� a ���`, ' �; � t: ' � ;r � t ifq , i� i/ � , t �. ��. Y y ` 1�Q . j �! � ` „ f � 1 �, �� t.E-t.�� N,�...:54 ' .. +j ?.. ..`.. .°i,s....{ A�.'. � .., '' ....;. .dl.. .:. �. , , ,": . ..S'�.. .. , .. . � 6 � . izi THE DUFFINS AND CARRUTHERS CREEK • WATER3HED TASK FORCE3 1.0 DRAFT TEHMS OF REFERENCB Tho goal ol the Authority ihrough the Duftlns end Cazruthera Creek WsteraheJs'1'aak Force Is to develop a managemonl etrategy for the Duftlns and Cerruthere Creek walershecla whlch will be understood and ondorsed by munlcipal end agency polillclana nnd etefl; community groups; businoss end Induslry; walershod resldenls; end lhe generel publlc. The watarahed atralogy must provlde a venue tor everyone to become acUvely Involved In welets(�ed menagement, stewerdship and community aclfviUes. The development and Implementalion ol acomprohensh�e communicetlons plan will ydse publla ewaenoss ol waterahed lasuea end provido a better understandlnp o} proactive environmentelly aenalUvo planninp. 2.0 TASK FOFICE MANDATE The taslt force mandate is to focus on developing awaterahed menagemenl atrategy. This mendete doas not Include commenUng on development proposals In 1he watersheds, � � Develop awetershed management stretepy to help ensure a suslalnnbie and healttiy Dulllns Creek end Certulhors Creok wetersheds. Il is anticipeled that the Task Force wlll recommend policies, criterls end guldelines related to the tollowing toplcs a�id others As they erise; ,� • land • Iifo . , • water . �� . • recreatlon • horitage , To accomplish thia lask each task iorce wlll: , • consult md fnvolvo Individuals, technicel �xperts, lnterest proups, business end Industry; • dovelop a vislon lor the waletshed; • discuss, retlne, and prlorilize key watershed Issues; . • sel goals lo nchleve the Vlslon; ' ' � � • sat measurable, deBneble obJecUves to adileve goals and provide benchmevks tor success; • , eslabifsh specHic actlons that are tequlred to achleve lhese obJectives; � r� ; � � ' � �C � . . �f . J i: ,a .. � 1; , � . a; ,r; � � '�t ; �., �{ : Y, ,�. i; ' � J! ' � , '} ' t�i . ... i; . i ' � f �� ' , �t t� �l � i'a: C [ . �y ' � . } �.,`l�� ' � i � t.. ` . �� }� ' � � ?'�'; `,/� ' ' � ' , 1 '' ` .. A� � � . n 1 ti �r + 1 ,�t '° i+ ' { t t ' ' � ' 4 }, i � �. � � +.^t ! � � 1 t! �. . � � s � 1 �t ;' r;� � �Y � 't � .�� � ;, . ts` � } }' � � t� � r � r�}; i'� ' �1( ! 1} � txt'�F, 5�1'. _ , . �.��..i'.. , �. ,.. .. .. . .....tC �..,. :. . r,.. � . . .�... _A..... _. r. ti � .. .. . ,..., S•. _ f. . ;�' „• ,: •: . . .. . i%.��� � 1` . . . ' �f, : ., ' . �� _ ti , }f , ' ; t :t:. . ;: i .1� ,;; t• i� . ;'� s , . •?; . . . ,�, / ,:r '. , j; ' ; t• ;_�; •t . A � �� . � . . . j' � • ii ! ; Fj �'. ;t �` • + • j�, �; ��1 �r �'. ' • ' . _ �. ') . ,. .. .. eeet+�qiuoaao + aeet+�m�.t�s . . � �m , � � ' ' � .-�o • • , � ' � $ � � �� ge ae � � � . . �� ��� � � � �� ��� ��� �� � � � � � � � e� ��� . � � s � .��. Z . � i� � � � �3 m . . . � � � �� �� �� , � ��� � >� .��i] � a �] � ����_ �p � . . . ��.�..� ��. . � . . .��� �� �� � � �� ��� �.� ��� � . � :. . . � ,.���������.� .. � � �. � � . . ����� ��� ��� ��� � � ��� ����� � � . . - �� � � � � � � . � � � o . � � �� �� �� � �� � $ � �� � � � . t � �� � �� � ,- � . . ' � �F � . �q � � . . . ' � � ' ' �a ' . �- tox,yy, . �� �� ,�� ' �� ��� ' � � � , � ~ _ . .� �L ; z�t . ,. ��. :- . ._ � : 8 . . review ar►d commant on drelt Tesk Force dxumenta Including thls Uratt Terms ol Relerenco; ' Aitend canmunity group/service dub meeUnga wllh TRCA slelf end meke presentatlona on behall oT the Task Forca; , follow tho Authorlty's Pollcles end Procedurea wlth tespect to purchasing, hiring of consultants and ell other matters; , sel ptlorftles ior protectlon, enhancoment, end regeneratlon; and pravide a drafl strategy documont to the Authorlty by June 30, 2001, fl � - ,� : � ,� t t, 1 {'� ` � + �. , �'. ; ,.�,5' �; � , , � ;,�;. • • 12 3 �' 3.0 TASK FORCE MEMBERSHIP SELECTION Members a1 each Task Force will be eppolnted by the Authorily 1or a term ending September 28, 2001, A.0 TASK FORCE STRUC1l1RE (see eriached dlegrem) Based on the dffforences in walershed size, curtent land uses, proposed development and lhe cunount ot Inlormalion and sludlas conducted to dete on lhe Duillns Creek It Is pruposed lhat two task forces 6e famed, one tor ihe Dutiins Creek end one for the Carruthera Creek, Bc�th Task Forces would be supported by aTechnicd Ndvlsory Commfllee (TAC). A Walerahed ExecuGve Commltlee will be Iniqated to provlde integrntlon end Intormatlon shering between the two task forces and the TAC. ' 4.1 Duttlns Creok Task Fotco • The Duf(ins Creek Task Force ahdl consist ol approximstely twenty-three (23) membera representing: Ono electad reprosenletive from each of tho tive locel end two teglonal munlclpNllles withln lhe Dullins Creek wutorshed whlch Includo: • Town ol Markhem (1) , • Tawn of Whitchurch•StouINllie (1) • Township ol Uxbrldge (1) . • Town ot AJax (1) • Town of Pfckering (1) • YorkReglon(1) , . • Durhem R�glon (�t) - • � , . , j�. , .., � , . r . �} , . � � ' ��` � s � "� ' 4� � �- 1 �� , �: � � a .I. �h t • �; � z • a . � � <.� � , ;�y , �' _ ' � _ �� , .. ,. ,� � . .,. 124 ' : . ' , � � � TRCA Board Z • Watershed Executive Cammittee ' Co-chelra, Oumns 3 Cartulharo Tesk Force (2 � Vlco.chalro pulflna 8 Cartulhets Task Farce (2; � ' • Waterehed8Peddlat(7) TAC Co-chelro (2) , DFO, Envlronmenl Canede, Trenspat Cenade (3) , ' . � . ' , State of the Watershed Report (SOW) Duffins Crock .. .Task Force ' TRCAV1laterehedSpe��alist(i) Markham (1) WItII�Jturch •SloufNllle (1) . l)xbtidpe (1) York Replon (1 � Durhnm Roglon 1) N� (1) • �,. Plckerine (�) Roslden4a (8) Trenspat Cannda (1) AgdculWre RoP (1) EducuOon Rep (1) Agpropeto Rop (1) BuslnossllndualryNDl (3) Technical Advisory Committne (TRCA sleff, MNR, MOE, MTO, ••° Envlronmant CenedA Ynrk U, 'U of T Olc � Du�ins & Cemrfhore Creek Walershed Strategy .9 � ' . Cnrzuthers Creak Task Forco TRCA Wnlarehed Spodalisl (1) Uurhem Rnplcx� (1) � Plcakott B�I�) Resldents �6) Apriallure Rop (1) Educellon Rap (1) Uuslnesallndy�stryN�l (3) r l ,. . ,� �. . _��: >i��. ! . ' � . .. � { . � � ; •• �: . ,.I �c. � -i .. � . i�� , .. :E�. I � � C'' �if . . �! !� �� la� � . ;j �� � . t �. . �}�.�' , . 1�: y 9 � � � � �} .. ��.� � � - `� .n.r � � .�� , . � 1 . ! ��� I I •' � � � �1 • .,:f., � ��ti {� i � i..� � !. . . _ L . � � ir+lf , i - �F'' '... .. �� fi I � �, 1 � J� d r {�'• " • . �•' � . ��f� i � � • , � . . , }? t i c r , �r ,, ;' � � r �'f f � .;�" s ire. Hn''�� �� ,��ti 1, ' ,; i ���. r1 � � �y .�e t}�e � �` .. . 1 t7 -���.����t �+ ��. � S � - {Y. T�F�. �'�'1 d� i I ` - i � . { )� n � f � i � � .�.' i�t/1Y fj, 1 1 - • - 11 , � 1 {,_� �3,� 1 S I 1'� �S -�,� ' �� { l� � � � . r 7�S��t� 1� � i� _ . : �'t , . . � � 4 i � �, '�, . .. . � O. . ; i�5. OlhoF representaUves Include: . TRCA Watetahed Speclallat (1) • Trenspo�t Canada (t) . Agdcullure (t) . EducaUon (1) . Aggregales (1) . BuslnessnndustryNDl (3) • Rosldenls (9) The Cheir and Vlce Chair ot the Duttlns Creek Task Farce will be etecled lrom among Ils members. q.2 Corruthera Croek Task Forco The Cerruthera Creek Task Force ahall consist ol approxlmately laurleen (14) membera represenling: , One oiected representative from each of the two IoceJ and one reglonal municl��ality within lhe Carrulhets Creek which Include; � • Town olAJax (1) • Town ol Pickering (1) • Durham Rogion (i) Olher representulives include: • TIiCA Watorshed Speclallsl (t) ,. • Agriculluro (1) • Education (i) ` • Businesapndustry/Urban Devetopmenl Institute (3) • Rosldents (5) The Cheir and Vice Cheir of the Cerruthers Creek Tssk Force wlll be elected Irom emong Its . members. 4.3 Watorehed Execuliva Commitlaa The Watorshed Executive Commlttee wlll meel on as requlred basls to provide the umbreila for Inlegrnllan and Intormatlon sharing between lhe lwo Task Faces and the TAC, This commltlee shell consist ol epproximately ton (10) members Inciudinp; • The co-chalrs of the DuIMs and Carrulhers Creek T�sk Forces (2) ; � The vice-cholrs ol the•Duilins and•CazrulhersOreek 1'ask Forces (2) • The TRCA Dutlins end Cazrulhers Creeks Watershad Speclalist (t) • The cachairs ot lhe Technical Advisory Committee (2) • A representallve irom Environment Canada (i) • A representat(ve Irom Depariment of Flsherles end Oceans (1) • ' /1 representalive from Transport Cenada (1) , t �l �`' } _ , � , '' s: • � • ,.i i �� �:i , . � � . I , . .. ''�.. . . . .. . ' _ . jA . .� i ' t` ly i �}�, •� ���' � .. . � '+{'• � � ! ''( � 1��;'.. . 1 • ' +'' ✓ �� .+J '� . � � . �' 1 L� � i . :�. _ � � � �y t �, 1 P� �� `. � �>y i 1�: . t" t � . ` i � P ,� � i: ,,�.� t , , `,i .. _f f 1k. ._ .. .� ,_ �. ..3.. . . , . , .., ... .. , . , , , . .'�'. •.•f 1�6 r .11 A.4 Technlcel Advisory Commltteo (TAC) ' In enUclpallon ol devetoping awale�shed strategy tor Ihe Dufllns end Cerruthers Croek wetersheda ihe TRCA tormed a Technicel Advisory Commlttee (TAC) repreaenUnp a eroup o1 'sdenUsta/exNerls" who havocq�ducted studles and reaeeuch In lho wateraheds encl/or ere iamlller w(lh state-ol•1he-ert wetershed rflbthoda end models. The TAC membera repreaenl topica such as ground wnter, su►iace water, lerrestriel resources, tisherles, ciimste chenge end land use planning trom municipal, regionel and consultent vlewpolnts. The TAC work plen Indudes wrltlng secllons ot the Slnle ol lhe Walerahed Reporl based on exlsUng Inlormntion, identi(ying gaps in inlormetion, anelysing end integrating InformaUon end produdnp a aet of prefarred managemant scenarlos auch aa pollcy, crilerle, guldelines and proJecle to be tonvarded to 6oth Task Forces. TAC members wlll 6e aaked to make presentaUons and provide technlcal guldence to each Task Fojce, 4.5 Reporling RclaUonahlp The Task Forces wlll communicate to the Aulhority through lhe Watershad Managamant Advisory Board. The Task Force Chalrs wiil be requlred to coordinate communicalions to thla Board wilh the asslstence olAuthority slell. '6.0 TASK FORCE MEMBERSHIP Task Force memberahlp will be solidted through correspondence to Ixal and regionel governments and federnl agencles and publ�c Intormation sesslons. 6,1 Federal Atiency Hopreaontallvea Selecfod fedoral aponcles wlll be requosted by lho Aulhoriry to appolnt a senlor etnployea and en dternnte to 1he Task Force. Ailemete members wiil havo votlng privlleges on ell mariets ol buslness, Perllclpation by federd agoncy represontntives doas nol signity endorsement ol the 11nai slralegy docunient. 6.2 Provinclnl Agoncy Ropresenlalivoa Selecled pravincid egenctes ere currently represented on the Tachnical Advisory committee Including the Mlnlstry ol Natural Resources end ihe Mlnistry ol the Environment. The Ontario Minislry ol Agrlcullure end Food wlll be requested by the Authority to nppolnl a senlor employeo and ari aiternate to each Task Force. Allernate members wlll have voting privlleges on eil matters ol business. � 'i� , + 'r � r ;•,��- , � 1�� . ,,,� , � 41 1� {l > 1 j (1 • � ��Y J � �:� y�t-!{�� ! , i � f1 � '� ; u 5�r ' tr . ; ' i ;ar i 7rM -_ �i � i � :; i t i �, ��i . . .r .1 _ ...<t . f'"��. . .. � . �I i� . , . ;. '. `��` � � , , ,,,, �. ,� � f� 1 �� ' i. �'. . r, .. �... . a i. n r�� l ,. , , 12� � ��7�. 6.3 Locel and Ruglonal Municlpelity Repreeentaqves ' � The Iocei and regionat munlclpeiltles wlll he requeated by the Aulhprity to contlrm lhe perUcipeUon ol a cour.cll member(s), and en altarnate to the Te�sk Forces. A munlcipality may appolnt a current Authorily member. Alternate munlcipel Task Force members will have votirlp privllegee on el� mattera of business. ' 6.4 Waterahod Realdenta M ndvertisement will be placed In local papers requesting inlerasted resldenta wllhin the Dultlns and Cnrrulhers Croak watersheds to eppiy for eppolnlment to ellher Task Force, The solecllon of rosidonts Irom oac�t watershed wlll be carrled out by a three pe�son committee comprised ol two members ol the Watetshed Menegement Advlsory Board, end one eenlor Authorily atell. During the solecUon procass there wlll be a conscloua efforl to belence the represontation ol Individuals, sctive Inleresl groupa end rstepayer assoclutlon on each Tesk Forca, To ensure a broad range ol representetlon irom koy groups on each lavk force, locel and regiorsel municipa! councils will be asked to recommend groups that shouid be conlacted (or an Inlervlew. In the Spring ol 2000 a number ot public Inlormatlon sesslons will ba acheduled to launch the development of the Duflfns and Cerruthers Watersheds Strategy, These intormatlon sessions wiil ' provide general InfamnUon to resldents inleresled In knowing more nboul the Aulhnrlty, wntershed strategy deveiopmont or becoming a member ol ellher the Duttlns or Cerrulhers Creek Walershed Task Force. The Dullins Creek Task Force wlll Inciude olght resldonls and the Qerruthers Creek Task Force wlli Includa Ilva resldenls. � 5.6 Olher Roprcaenlnllvaa The lormal educallon seclor will bo invited to have representallon on each Tesk Force. Watershed businesses, Industry and the Urban Development Inslllute (UDI) wlll be requested by the Authorlly to confirm lha participatlon oi a ropresentetive end an allernate to ench Task Force. 6.0 SELECTION CRITERIA In recommend(ng dttzens lor appdntmont, the SelecUon Commiltee will teke Into conslderaUon the follow(ng: • domonsVeted Interest and/or active pertidpeUon in watershed mnnegement, community end herflage Issues; ,• Aie abllity of the applfcant to meet the potentlal time commilments; , � representaqon of rurai, ur6an, environmentel, recreaUon, educaAon, heriteye end business Interests. ' . il ;''� . . . j . . . 8 : � � .. �� � 'i ';f . � �� �; � ��j, t � � • �� . , t . 1 ti 4 0 5S' � . . rt • . • . ``. . .. , , ' 4' .ti;` �. , f , .. ';q . � r��' .l ,p . � ;6, ,;� •� �.� • �t � y;� � �' . . . �� : ' 1 i f , � �.'� , . � � , .. . �� . � � 'i� . �. .! ��+�,I�{� �� y � ' d . � .. ..�. . � . i` r, �� ��i � j� � j; 'It' '� '}� f� i� i t k. '�rl.�`'J�fLt � r �/�� �i',, 'i �� . �2� �,,. �;�V�:J.`3 �, . . .. . }' - . . .. . i'� . .., . , ,� . m. _ _ _ _ . . . .. .. . �'.128 , . ' 13 The Seleclion Commlttee wlll teke Into sccount almllar crilerla for reprosentslfvea ol communlry groups and resldenls assoclatlons, 7.0 TA9K FORCE MEETINGS Members wlll be required to attend on a regular besis. It Is enticipated thal evenind meetinga will be held epproxlmately every six weeke far each Tesk Force. Mombera unable to fultll thla • commllment wlll be teplaced efter missing lhree consecuUve meeUngs to enaure broed and eHecUve representaqon an watershad issues. � ' � � (t is mticlpnted that the �Iirst 3-4 maeUngs will be conducled as �oint meetings ol tho Duftlns Creek Tesk Forco and the Carruthers Creek Tesk Force wlth presentatlons trom the Tecltnical Advisory Commlttee, Speclal proJect working groups wili bo tequlred to deal w(th speci(Ic Issues. Addlllonni meeling time will be requlred In ihese cases. • ' e 8.0 RESOURCES AVAILABLE TO THE TASK FORCE _ +I � The Tesk Forces are charged with creot(tig a Watershed Stratagy document by June o12001. In order to meet this nmbftious deadllne the foilowing resources are avellable to assist. � 8.1 TRCA Secrelnrint � Thesecrelerintwllllnclude; - Wetershed Speciallst; - Watershed Rosources Planner; -Administrntivo Assistont Support. The aocrotatlat's role wfll be to nttend all meelings and to asslst the Task Forces In all ectivllles telaled to the development of tho Dufllna end Ca�ruthere Creek Watnrsheds Slralogy, 9.0 FUNDINO Welerahed stratagy development has tradiqonally been funded through progra�ns such as the Toronto Hamedin� Actlon Plan (RAP). The Duifins end Cerruthers Craek watershode are oulslde ol the RAP Area of Concorn end aze thern(ore not eliglble lor this rype of tunding. . s � Alternative funding sources have been pursued. Authorlry atett heve met wlth local tvtd reglonal governments as well es provinclal end lederal agencles to dfscuss funding. Th��se dlscusslons focuse:; on funds required tor strategy development. . �� � I • � . , ;. . . ;. ; ;� i t ,'; r . � . , 'i ,�r, '� , :%, _ ,' ; ; � ;;� :�. r�� ,, � �. � � :' � � ',� i �� ,; .' '� ,: , ,. , � � � ' 1 , r �' y ,�, . . . ! . . .. ,. . .. . �r . . . . .. ; .. . . _. . �. . . . , � , ,. �, ; ,, . 1�3. . 14�� �� ��� �' � In datermining tho lavel ol fundinn requoated, (end base end the exlent ol urban development wes taken into accounl tor each munlclpaiity md reglon. Tho cost ot tho sUNegy development has been eaUmated at epproxlmately S34o,000 tor 2000. Local and replone�, munlcipelipea are belnp esked ta conlribute a combinod sum ot S1A0,0o0 and lederd end provinclai ngencies ere being requeated to coniribule a combined sum ot 3200,000. The strategy cennot procoed wllhout the conlrlbuGons of both municlpel and agency lunds. Local and reglonai munlclpaliUes ore being aqked to conUlbule a combined sum ot S1A0,000 whlch Includes the Regions ot York (310,000) and Durhem (526,000) and the munlclpelipes ot AJex ' (S20,000), Pidce�tng ($20,000), Mazkhem (55,000), WhllchurchStoul(ville ($6,000) the Township ot • Ux6ridgc (36,000) end the TRCA (360,000). • � • � . Some ot the stralegy components ossoclated wilh the 5140,000 wlll Include: . Completion of a Stule of ihe Wntershed Report (SOV1q • Public Outreach . Support for the Watershed Task Force Federal and provinclal egoncy funding of 3200,000 is being discussed with the Depertment of Fisheries and Oceons (OFO), Environment Canada, Ministry of the Environment, Minlslry ot Natural , Resources and Transport Cenada These ttinds would ba used to underteke pro)ect specitic work such as ihe development of e tish menngement plan, a watar budget lor the waternheds, a Naturel Nerilege Stralegy, and a Cullural Heritage Rrogram', Il would aiso ellow prloriry pruJects, Idenllfled as the strategy is cleveloped, to be Implert�ented In.a more tlmely lashlon. �� ' 10.0 COMPEN.�,ATION OF TASK FORCE MEMBERS � For regulpr Task Force meolings, members will bo eliglble for Usvel expenses accorclinp to Aulhorily policy. 11.0 RULES FOR THE CONDUCT OF THE TASK FORCE The Task Force wlll lo�low the Rules ot Conducl of the Aulhorlty (Tho Metropolllan Toronto and Reglon ConsorvaUon Authairy), a9 adopted by Resoiullon #3 ot the 1luthorlry Meeting #2/88, or as may be amended, 11 quorum wlll conslstot a maJority ol lhe members of the Taslc Force. R . ' ...ji � .• . , • � . 1 �� �; . � � �, t � � . � v. ' �,. � � . .� • � . . . . �. , . .. �+. � ` .�'_ � . �. � { . , � � . � . ��� . . , i. :(' • �J ,; � � � , ji �' ,4 , . � ;` . ; ; ,� 'ir i ,�+� , . i� : •; ,{ �� n' i � � `� .. . ^; . � �! �`� ! ti � . . � � . i�. `� ' �` ( , ' ( � (! j , � '7' 4 ''t � ; 1} .. � � .-H' ��; ,� ;l�. �� ;,k �. , a �, , ' i", � ' �=t ` � �` � i i 11 � �' � E��'; ; a �3 +r,t _ { , ��` ; . � �i1�}✓4' t C• ;��� r-��.t�l Ati��17') .... . , . ... . _-_ _-` .Y� � � The Heglond Moniawiny 01 DurMm Gerk's Depermient 805 flosslend Rd. Eaet • P.O. Bar 823 c�'�N� � �eos� eeam� Fez: (BOS) 88&9983 P.M. Yidlll, ��ac Repional Clerk � Apri18, 2000 F3���IVED CITY OF PICKERINCi Nr'�t U % 2��� CLERK'S DIVISION G Ontadosummergames 2000 ,WGUS'1 IU•U Mr, B. Taylor, Cierk ' City of Pickering • 1 The Eaptanade � Pickering, Ontario ' ' L1V 8K7 • Regional Councll Appointments to the Car►uthera Creek ancl Duffin Creek Waterahed Task Forces Ta►onia.and R�qion Conaervatlon -.. AuM�r�lY:;r--�� . ... ;:1 . { �,.;r. �� . -..��:� . , y �ur fflef� C12-01 8 Q07-00 Mr. Taylor, the Planning Committee of Regional Council considered the above maiter and, at a meeUng held on April 5, 2000, Council adopted the foilowing recommendationa of the Committee: "a) THAT Counci�lors Parish and Oickerson be appointed as the Regional represenlatives to the Cartuthere Creek Watershed Task � Force and to the Duffin Creek Watershed Task Force, respectively; and b) THAT a copy oi Report #2000-P-28 of the Commissioner of Planning be forwarded to the City of Pickering, Town of Ajax and the Toronto and Region Conserva{Ion Aulhority." Enclosed for your fnformation is a copy of Report #2000-P-26 of Mr. A.L. Geo►giett, Commisaloner of Planning. • P.M. btadill, A.M;C.T. Regional Clerk • PMNUdab Encl. � � cc � Mr., M. de Rond, Clerk; Town of Ajax • Mayor Steve Pariah, Town of Ajax , . Councillor poug Dickerson, City oi Pldcedng . Mr. J. Crafg Mather, CA.O., Toronto and Region ConServatbn Authority Mr, A.L. Georgieff, Commiss(oner of Planning . �. . , � . • ,oan.o��con��.�w . Planning Department Comm(ssioners Report to Planning Comm(ttee Report No. 2000-P-28 Date: March 28, 2000 UBJECT Regionel Councii Appolntments to the Canuthers Creek and Duffin Creek Watershed Task Forces — Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, File: 4,2.52 RECOMMENDATIONS 1. THAT Councillors Parish and Dickerson be appofnted as the Regional representatives to the Carruthers Creek Watershed Task Force and to the Duffin Creek Watershed Task Force, respectively; and 2, THAT a copy ot Commissioner's Report No. 2000-P-28 be forwarded to the City Qf Pickering, Town of AJax and the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority. 1. REPORT 1.1. On February 15, 2000, Planning Committee considered a report from the Toronto and Region Conservation Authoriry requesting that the Region appofnt Regional Councillor(s) and alternative(s)1or both the Duffins and Carruthers Watershed Task Forces. 1.2. On February 23, 2000, Regional Council adopted a recommendation from Planning Committee (see Attachment 1) requesting, in�part, that the Town oi Ajax and the City of Pickering recommend nominees (rom their respective Council's to ropresent the Region on the Carruthers Creek Watershed Task Force and the Dutfin Creek Watershed Task Force. 1.3, The Town of Ajax has responded by nominating Mayor Parish to the Carruthers Creek Watershed Task Force, The City oi Pickering has responded by nominating Councillor Dickerson to the Du�in Creek Watershed Task Force. .. 27 Commissloners Report No. 2000-P-28 P88e 2 ' 1.4. The following summa�izes the appointments from the local munic(paiities within the Durham Region. 1,5. It is, therefore, recommended that Regional Council appoint Councillor Parish and Councillor D(ckerson to represent the Region on the Carruthers Creek and Duffln Creek Watershed Task Forces, respectively. � A.L. Georg , M,C.I.P., R,P.P. Commissioner of Planning Attachment: 1. Councii Resolution RECOMMENDED FOR PRESENTATION TO COMMITTEE .H. bitt, M. .W., C.A,O. N:la�naf�d�,mns.ax 28 U Attachment 1 THIRD REPORT OF THE PLANNING COMMITTEE 1. DUFFINS AND CARRUTHERS WATERSHEDS STRATEGY— TORONTO AND REGION CONSERVATION AUTHORITY, FILE: 4.2,5,2, COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE #2000-003 (#2000-P-141 RECOMMENDATIONS TO COUNCIL a) THAT the preparation of a Duffins and CarNihers Watersheds Strategy by the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority be supported in principle, subject to ihe Year 2000 Budget deliboration; b) THAT two members of Council be appointed to represent the Region - one on the Duttins Walershed Task Force and the other on the Carruthers Watershed Task Force; and further that this matter be referred to the Town of Ajax and the City of Pickerfng for their recommended nominees; c) THAT the Commissioner of Planning, or his designate, be appo(nted as an alternate member to both Task Forces; d) THAT members of Council recommend directiy to TRCA, communiry group representatives to be interviewed (or participation on the Task Forces; and e) THAT a copy of Report q2000-P-14 be forwarded to the Town ot Ajax, City of Pickering, Township of Uxbridge, and the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority. 29 RECEIVED CITY OF PICKERIN(i �, JAN 3 1 2000 �THE TORONTO AND RE(iION CONSERVATION AUTHORIN CLERK'S DIVISION 6ShaMiYnOrlw.Opwntvl�w,p�WbAqN�B� (/I�BEI-0800 FA%E81�8BBB �ttp:Mvww.trcaon.0 : o���o��� danuary 24, 2000 JAN 3 1 2000 CITY OF PICKERINQ Mr. BfUC6 T9yI0f PICKERINO, orrrr�io Town Cierk Town oi Pickering One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario L1 V 6K7 Dear Mr. Taylor. � Re: Oak Ridges Moraine Last week, we torwarded copies of the above Backgrounder under separate cover. We would eppreciate it it you could prov(de thfs fnformat(on to your Members of Council and senior staff as deemed appropriate. We appreciate your assistance in this matter. Best Regards, � �.�+�*�..� . Adele Freema� DoNHighland Watershed Specialfst � Wate�shed Management Division AF/md D � `�� � ��--�-w�� /,ly-�."°' � ��" � �cw�r�Y d WORKINa TOGETHER FOR TOMORROW'S GREENSPACE