HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD 42/00. .._....., . .. ! ,� � °�",� 053 ~ REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Neil Carroll DATE: September 12, 2000 Diroctor, Plnnning & Development RGPORT NUMBER: PD 42-00 SUBJEC7': Durham Planning System Revicw Delegation of Approval Authority for DraR Plans of Subdivision, Condominium and Part Lot Control Exemption By-lews Subdivision Delegation Working Group RECOMMENDATION: I. That City Council endorse thc rccommcndations of the Planning System Review Team and Subdivision Dclegation Working Group to Jclegatc approvnl nuthority for draR plans of subdivision, condominiums und part lot control exemption by-laws, from the Aegion of Durham to thc City of Pickcring. 2. Thnt the Dircctor, Plnnning & Devclopmcnt bc authorizcd to sign the Memorandum of Undersmnding/Agreemcnt bctwcen thc Rcgion of Durham and thc City of Pickering setting out the roles for revicw and thc proccss lo implement thc drn(t plan of subdivision, condominium and part lot control cxcmption by-law approval dcicgation process. 3. That the Rcgion of Durham und Provincc be rcqucsted to delegate thc approval authoriry for draR plans of subdivision, condominiums and pnrt lot control cxemption by-lews to the City of Pickering commencing July I, 2001, in accordancc with thc Memornndum of Undcrstanding/Agrccmcnt. 4. That City Council authorize thc Dircclor, Planning & Dcvelopment or designate, the administrativc responsibilitics curtently dcicgatcd to the Regional Commissioner of Planning including authorization to sign final plans of subdivision and condominium. 5. That the City of Pickering Tariff of Fecs By-law Number 5355/98 be amended, as of July 1, 2001 to include a fee of 51,000 for thc relcase oC a plan of subdivision or condominium for rcgistration. 6. That lhe Region of Durham Planning Department be fonvarded a copy of Council's recommendation. ORIGIN: Resolution of Pickering City Council May 3, 1999, endorsing the Durham Planning System Review Phase 1 Report. Subdivision Dclegation Working Group on behalf of thc Dutham Planning Systcm Review Team respccting Phase 1 of the Durham Planning System Review Report. AUTHORITY: The Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13 �' REPORT NUMBER PD 42-00 Dete: SePtember �2� 2000 �.r14 Subject: Durham Planning System Review Page 2 F[NANCIAL IMPL[CATIONS: No direct costs aro nnticipated to the City at thi� timc. However, additional staff'timc will be rcquired ro establish and update new local proccdures, train staff and carry out the cicarance and rcgisuation componenis of the review process. Any increase in staffing rcsources would be addressed at a broader level through the Depariment's annual budget submission process. It is recommended tbat e 51,000.00 fee be established for the work associntcd with the clearance and relcasc of e draR plen of subdivision or condaminium for regisuation. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Final approval of draR plans of subdivision, candominium and part lot control by-law exempUons arc curtcntly the responsibility of the Region of Durham. ln 1998, upon thc initiative of the Regional Pianning Dircctors, a Planning Systcm Review Twm was cstablished to considcr ways of improving the planning dclivcry systcm in thc Rcgion. Bascd on thc recommendations of thc rcview tcam, and Council's endorsement of thc tcam's rccommendations, thc dcicgation of approval authority for drafl pinns of subdivision, condominium and part lot control by-law cxcmptions has bccn rcvicwcd. It is recommendcd that thc City of Pickcriug assumc approvnl authority of draR plans of subdivision, condominium end part lot control by-laws cfYcctivc July l, 2001, subjcct to thc necessery implemcnlation da:umenwtion being cxccuted bctwecn the Rcgion of Durham and thc City of Pickering. It is recommended that the Dircctor, Plonning & Devclopmcnt bc nuthonud to sign thc Mcmorandum oC Understanding (MOU)/Agrcemcnt dcaling with thcse mattcrs and setting out the gouls and rolcs of dclegation nnd funhcr, that thc Dircctor, Planning & Devclopmcnt or designate, bc nuthorizcd to sign final pinns of subdivision and condominium and any rclated approvnl documcntation respccting part lot control by-laws. City SWff, including stnff of thc Lcgal Scrviccs Division nnd Clcrk's Division, will nced to rcvise thcir respcctivc procedurcs for proccssing !hcsc applications and thc fcc by-law will necd to bc adjusted to addrcss the fec for cicarances and rclease for rcgistretion componcnt of thc rcvic•�v proccss. Staff endorse the dclegation oC thesc rcsponsibilities to lhc local Icvcl and thc implemcntation requircments necessary to cxecutc the process. We anticipatc thnt this action will bring significant improvemcnts to thc planning proc�ss in Durham. BACKGROUND: During 1998, a Planning System Review Team was esteblished to undertake a comprehcnsive roview of the planning syst�m in the Region of Durham. Pickering was rcpresented on thc team by the Director of Planning. Pickering Council passed a formal resolution requesting that discussion take place respecting various exemption and dclegation possibilities. The Durham Planning System Review Team produced a Phasc t Report in Febcuary, 1999. The ropoA primarily addresscd lhe issue of development control applications, indicating that willing host municipalities should be delegated full appn�val responsibility and authority for plans of subdivision, plans of condominium, part lot control excmption by-laws and local official plen amendments. Durham Region Planning Committee rcceived the Durham Planning Systcm Rcvicw Phasc 1 Report on March 16,1999. Pickering Council cndorscd the Repo►t on May 3, 1999. In early 1999, area municipal end Regional planning steff fortned a working group to develop a procedure for exempting ccrtein local official plan amendrients from Rcgional epproval, es noted in thc Phese 1 Rcport. Pickcring Council passed e resolution in Dcccmbcr, 1999, supporting thc exemption of local o�cial amendmcnts flvm Rcgionel approval, and thc process is now in placc. REPORT NUMBER PD 42-00 Datc: Septcmbtt 12, 2000 Subject: Durhem Planning Syetcm Review Page 3 Q rJ 5 In November, 1999, represantet:vas from lhe Region of Durham Plenning Department end pinnning staff from thc urban municipalities (City of Pickering, Town of Ajax, Town of Claringtou, City of Oshewa , and Town of Whitby) fortned a Subdivision Delegation Working Group. This group wac to develop a process to fulfili the recommendations of Ihe Phase 1 Report perlaining to the transfer of full approval responsibility and euthority for plans of subdivision, plans of condominium, end part lot control exemption by-laws from the Region to the local municipaliry. The work of the Subdivision Delegation Working Group has advanced to the point where implcmentation of delegation responsibilitics may now be undertaken by the City, subjcct to appropriete documentation and authorization. . The Working Group prepared a Memornndum of Understanding (MOU)/Agreement to be exccuted between the local municipnliry and thc Region prior to delegation of approval taking effect (see Attnchment N1). Attachcd to the MOU ure processing procedures for plans of subdivisions, condominium and part lot control excmption by-laws. There are scveral sets of procedures to nddress applications received prior to August l, 1983, between August l, 1983 and Murch 27, 1995, and those on or aftcr Mnrch 28, 1995. 'i'hese datcs and nssociated procedurcs cortespond to the time frames when the Planning Act was amcnded rclnting to the processing of draR plans of subdivision and condominium. A common application Cortn wns developcd for use by all municipalities. The procedures and common epplication fortn are not attached to this reporl due to their length, however they are uvailablc for vicwing in thc Planning & Development Dcpartment. l.0 iscussio l.l Subdivision Dcicgation Working Group The Subdivision Dclegation Working Group was eswblished to fulfill recommendations of thc Planning Systcm Rcvicw Tcam Phasc 1 rcport dcaling with thc dcicgntion of approval authority for plans of subdivision, condominium and part lot control cxemption by-laws from thc Rcgion to the Town of Ajax, thc Municipality of Clarington, thc City of Oshawa, the City of Pickering and the Town of Whitby. Approval authority for plans of subdivision, condominium and part lol control cxemption by-laws currently rests with the Region of Durham. The Working Group prepared a MOU/Agreement, processing procedures, common element application fortn, conducted an agency consultation strategy, anelysis of fees and review of other technical administrative matters lo address th�: transfer of approval responsibility. 7'he MOU/Agreement is required to defin- u�e roles and respo��sibilities of lhe Region of Durham and the local municipality following delegation, and to establish the processing procedures to be used by the locel municipality in exercising approval authoriry. The MOU is signed independently by each participating municipality, and the timing for siguatum will vary depending on the preferted implementation schedule for each municipnlity. 1.2 Currcnt Process Under the current process, all applications for development by draR plen oE subdivision or condominium, for lands within the Region of Durhnm, ere submitted to the Rcgional Planning Department for proccssing end approval. For applications within Pickering, thc City holds thc Statulory Public InCortnetion Mecting in accorclancc with thc Plenning Act provisions, end maintains the record of persons attending the mceting, on bchalf of the Rcgion. Ciry Planning & Development statT prepare n rccommcndation, including rccommended conditions of eppmval, for Council's consideration. Council's recommendation is fonverded to the Region as local input into thc rcview and decision making ptoceas. The City doea not grant draR approval to a subdivision or wndominium plan, Tha �egional Planning Commissioncr, or dcsignate, has becn dcicgnted thc authurity by Regional �.ouncil, to dreR epprove plans and grant finel approvals. .' REPORT NUMBBR PD 42-00 Date; September 12, 2000 �56 Subject: Durham Pianning System Revicw pBB� q Part Lot Control Bylaws (Io establish lot lines betwcen semi-detachcd or Wwnhouse unita) are passed by City Council then fonvardcd to the Region of Durham for approval. Regional Stuft'review the by-law and, iCeppropriate, epprove the by-law and edvisc the City. 1.3 Proposed Process In accordance with lhe new process, the Ciry will be the approval authority and the Region will provide commenis to the City. In esscnce, the rales for commcnting and processing are revcrsed from thc current process. The Region will comment to the City regarding matters of Regional nnd Provincial intcresl, in addition to providing recommended conditions of approval. City Staff will continuc to fonvurd reports and recommendations on draR plens of subdivision and condominium to Pickering Executivc Committee and Council, in nccordnnce with the currcnt reporting process. This process will ensure thet Council wntinues ro consider cvery draR plan and establish a City position and conditions or approvnl, The Ciry wi!! be responsiblc for both draR and final approval of pinns of subdivision und condominium. Thc Ciry will also bc rcsponsiblc for providing thc Region with nn annunl statisticnl report respecting development and approval activity. The City will no longer bc rcquired to fonvard a part lot control exemption by-law to the Region for approvnl, l.4 Delegation of Approvnl Authority lo the Dircctor, Plnnning & Development Currently, Regional Council has delcgntcd thc uuthority to undertake thc ndministrative mutters rclnted to approvals of subdivision and condominiums to thc Commissioner of Planning. To implcmcnt the rcvised npproval authority powers, it is recommended that the Director, Planning & Devclopmcnt or dcsignnte for thc Ciry of Pickering be delcgated the administrative responsibilities curtently dclegetcd to thc Commissioner of Planning, P.egion of Durham. As slnted earlier in this rcport, Ciry Council will continue to consider all plans of subdivision and condominium and bc providcd thc opportunily to csWblish conditions of dmft approval, beforc thc Dircctor, Planning & Devclopment would be ublc to initinte the administmtivic epproval process. The Director, Planning & Develapment should be authorized by Council to execute thc MOU/Agreement on behalf of the City and, to implement the delcgation of epproval authority within the Ciry of Pickering. Any future technical amendments to the MOU would be dealt with at a staff level to recognize any changes to the Plenning Act. I.5 Financiel The Region of Durham currently charges a 54,000.00 application processing fce for dtaR plans of subdivision and condominiums, plus a$1,000.00 fce for the clearance of any plan for registration. Upon acceptance of delegetion, the Regian will no longer be charging thc $1,000.00 tee since it will be Ihe City's responsibility to clear plans for registration. It is recommended that a S1,000.00 registration clearance fee should now be churged by the City, as the City will now be responsible for the work associeted with the clearance and releasc of every draR plan of subdivision and condominium (see Tariff of Fee By-lew Amendment, Attachment #2). The Region's S4,000.00 application proccssing fce will be reduced to 52,000,00 for subdivisions and S I,000.00 for condominium plans. With the additional 51,000.00 registration cicamnce fce noted above, it is rccommendcd thut the current subdivieion/condominium appllcation fees remain unchangcd at this point in t3me. Staff will monitor the new process to essess thc impact nn stnff resources/costs, and ropoA back to Council should en increase in thc City'e application fec bc rcquircd, '.. •' REPORT NUMBER PD 42-00 Date: Septemlxr 12, 2000 057 Subject: Dufiam Planning System Revicw Page S 1.6 Development Industry and Agency Consultation The Subdivision Delegation Working Group met with representetives from the Urban Development Institute, thc Homc Builders Associetion and various agcncies (CLOCA, Canada Post) to obinin their comments and input. The development industry supports the delegatian of the approval authority end the elimination of duplication within the planning process. 1.7 Treining and Staffing The Region of Durham Planning Department will be providing training and support to City statl: Training will be undertaken in the Fall of 2000. All municipalities accepting approvnl authority delegation will participate in the training to ensure a consistent approach and to sharc issucs end concems. Standard form lettcrs will be provided in digital format from the Region. These fortn letters will need to be revised to refleccthe City's infortnntion (crest, names, eddress, etc.). There wiU be n leaming curvc and problems or concerns will arise. The Working Group have committed to mcet on a continuing 'as-nccd' basis to track progress and deal with issues. Additional work wili be rcquircd for muintaining accurate records, checking plans, checking conditions oC npproval nnd final approval, circulntion of plans, notices and preparation of an annunl rcport. Mos► af thcsc tasks will bc perfortncd by Plenning & Developmcnt statt; howcver Clcrk's Division and Legal Serviccs Division may need to revisc their respective Dcparimcnt procedures. It is anticipated that thc additional steps and responsiuility involved in the processing will be undcrtaken by the Planning & Devclopment Department without additional staft'at this time. However, thc incrcased wurkload on staff to uccommodate the ncw system will bc monitorcd to dctcrminc thc impacl. 1.8 Rcgional Stcps The Region of Durham Planning Committee npproved the Regional Delcgation Report on August 29, 2000. It is anticipatcd that Regional Council will authorizc staff to fonvard notices to applicants having subdivision and condominium applications with the Rcgion, end advertise in the local newspapers advising that the Region is intending to delegate approval authoriry to the City. Councils of the City of Oshawa and the Town of Whitby have rcccntly adopted resolutions requesting defegating of approval authority November 1, 2000, and January 1, 2001, rcspectively. [t is anticipated that the Councils of the Town of Ajax and Municipality of Clarington will adopt similar resolutions in the near Poture, with effective datcs of January l, 2001, and July I, 2001, respectively. The July 1, 2001, ellective date for the Ciry of Pickering was chosen in order to provide the time necessary for staff to establish en efficient procedural system. Plans will continue to be processed under the current system until July I, 2001. [t is further expected that Regional Council will pass a by-law authorizing the delegation of subdivision and condominium approval to the City effective July 1, 2001, and that the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing will sign an order delegating the approval of applications received prior to March 28, 1995, to the City, effective Iuly 1, 2001. ' ' REPORT NUMBER PD 42-00 dJ�g Subjecl: Durhem Planning Systcm Rcview ATTACHMBNTS; l. MOU/Agrcement 2. TariffofFecBy-IawAmendment Prepared By: ��' Lyn�a Taylor Manager, Current Operations LT/pr Attachmenls Copy: Chief Administretivc Ofticer City Clerk Director, Operations & Emergency Services Managcr, Lcgal Scrvices Rccommended for the considcration of Pickering Ci!y Coun i /� " mas J. Quinn, ief Administrative Officer Date: Septcmber 12, 2000 Page 6 Approved / Endorsed by: � Nei Carto , P, Director, Pln ' Development . ATTACHIAEIJT I � TO .• • ' ' HEPORI / VD H�i� 059 P�� ,� THIS AGREEMENT (s made as of the O' day of , 2000 Between: � THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM - and - THE CORPORATIONS OF THE TOWN OF AJAX, MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON, CITY OF OSHAWA, CITY OF PICKERING, AND TOWN OF WHITBY 1. Interpretat(on In this Agreoment, 'area munfcipalities' mean� the corporatlons of the Town of A)ax, the Municipality of Clarington, City of Oshawa, the City of Pickering, ar�d the Town of Whitby; 'Planning Act" moans the Planning Act, R.S.0.1990, c.P.13, as amended from time to time and the Re�ulellons thereunder, and "Reg(on" means The Regional Munic(paliry of Durham act(ng as a body corporate. 2. Purposo The purpose of this Agreement �s f:a, �� � aj e§tatilish � frariiework for the Region to delegate the approval authority for all plans of subdiv(sions, candomin(um descriptions, and part-lot control exemption by-laws to the ar� a municfpaliNes; and b) deftne the roles and responsibilities of the Reg(on and area munictpalities In relalion to all matters delsgated to the area munic(palitfes for approval. 3. (3oals The Reglon and area munic�pe;itles ahare the followinp goals in respect of the delegation of approval aulhority: a) to provide the erea municipelitles with the authority to make decislons respecting plens of aubdivislone, condominium deacript(ons and part-lot °µateeMFrovd�-�l 1 ATTACHMENT/ � TO • REPORT I PD �_ osa 0 �t PF � control exemption by-laws in recognition of tho area municfpalities' capabililies and familiarity with local circumstances; b) to provide an adequate level of Regional support to the area municipalities, (n order to ensure effeclive fmplementation of the approval . . .. . process; . c) to make more effective use of I(mited planning resources; and d) to clarify the roles and responsibilitles of the Reg(on and area munfcipaliQes fn order to avofd duplicaAon and to improve the quality and efficiency of service delivery to the public, development proponents and all agencies and public bodies. 4. Roles and Responsibilities 4,1 In order to implement this Agreement effeclively, the Reg(on shall, a) undertake all necessary steps to delegate approval authority for plans of subdivision, condominfum descriptions and part-lot control exemption by- laws to the area munic(palities within the timeframes set out in this Agreement; b) use its best effortc to obtain any required Provincial approval for the delegation of approval authority for pians of subdivision and condominium descriptions submitted prior to March 28, 1995; c) provlde the area munic(palitfes with adequate trainfng and advice respecttng operatlonal practices and regulatory requfrements; d) provide the area municipalities with fnformation in its possession that relates to matters delegated pursuant to this Agreement (ncluding, but not Iimited to, all files that are delegated, form letters, circulation Iists and technfcal data; and • e) provide comments, fn a timely manner, to the area munfcfpalit(es on matters of Regfonal and Provinc(al (nterest, and Poflcy Statements fssued under Sectfon 3 of the Planning Act (n respect of all matters detegated pursuant to this Agreement. 4.2 In order to (mplement this Agreement eNeclfvely, the Area Munfcipalities shall, a) procesa ail applics�tlona in accordance the procedures contafned (n ••• - APPENDICES'A','B' and'C' to thla Agreement and the relevant provisions of the Planning Act; � GNWtedApprovUAuNa�b'N��� 2 AT7ACHMENT 0_LTO , . ' � REPORT/ PD— /� Osl i ...... . .. .. ... .._. D�A�T b) require applicanls to submit an application fomi substant(ally in the form attached as APPENDIX'D' to this Agreement; c) wllect and deliver to the Region all of the Reglon's application fees in a manner acceptable to the Region and area municipal staff; d) ensure that all matters of Regional and Provincfal interest as (dentified by the Reglon's Commissfoner af Planning are addressed (n all decis(ons; e) ensure conformity with Reglonal Official Plan pollcles on the basis of the . opinfon of the Region's Commissloner of Planning; � shall not Impose conditions different from the Repion's submitted conditions of draft approval that address Regional and Provincial planning review interests, without the consent of the Region. "' '' g) revlew and evaluate delegatfon at the end of one year of the delegatfon in conJunction wilh lho Region; h) provfde the Regfon wilh an annual statistfcal report by March of each year • on the number and stalus of plans of subdiv(sion and condomfnium descriptions, and the number and rype of units approved fn the previous calendar year, i) inform the Reg(on if the authority to approve applications has been further delegated to a comm(ttee or an appointed officer; J} provide the Region wilh notice of all applications; k) circulate all appilcations together with cop(es of all supporting documents to the Region for review and comment; and I) provfde the Region with aii drafUfinal approval decislons and appealslreferrals on a timely basfs. 5. Applications SubJect to Delegation 5.1 Provided the neces'sary regional by-law has been passed, the authoriry for approving plans of subdivisian and approv(ng or exempUng condominium descriptions submitted after March 27,1995 shall be delegated to the area munfcipality (n Column 1, effective on the date set out In Column 2, with respect to lands situated in such area munfcipality: Column 1 Column 2 City of Oshawa November 1, Z000 p R�� T C{ty of Pickering Jenuery 1, 2001 . . �. . � . � � wbwba'Appror.�Autnorib-AOn.m�nt 3 AttACNMENT / � TO �•, Oc n' REPOflT I PD ,.�d�/T_ V4 DRAFT Town of Ajax January 1, 2001 Town of Whitby January 1, 2001 Mun(cipality of Clarington July 1, 2001 5.2 The authority for approving plans of subdivision and approving or exempting condomfn(um descriptions submitted prior to March 28, 1995 shall be delegated to the area municipalities effective on the date lhe Provfncial regulation delegating such authority comes into force. B. Mlacellaneous 6.1 It is anticipated that cfrcumstances pertaining to implementation of this Agreement may change from tfine to time for any number of reasons. Any party may at any tfine propose amendments to this Agreement for acceptance by the other parties. No amendmenls shall be binding unless all partfes have agreed fn writing to such amendment. 6.2 Notwithslanding Section 6.1, the Appendfces attached to this Agreement may be rev(sed at any time without amendment to this Agreement, to reflect changes fn the Plann(ng Act and/or the regulations thereunder, ' 6.3 Th(s Agreement shall ensure to the bonefit of and shall be b(nding upon the parties and lheir respective successors and assigns. 6.4 This Agreement may be executed in countorparts. .... . . . . . . Dated: , 2000. THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM Per. A. L. Georgieff, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Commissioner of Planning THE CORPORATION OF THE,�OWN OF AJAX ` ` Per. O Per. wawaaMwowi�who�qr-�a«m.�+� 4 , . ATTACHMENT/ TO •.. , .• REPORT I PD y►b O B 3 °- � THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Per. Per. THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING Per. , ��� �� i'�-`- Per. THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA ... _ .. . �� Per i � Per. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF WHITBY Per. Per. -•• •• ••Appendfces: 'A' - Proceasing Procedures for Filee Recelved On w�After March 28;1995 'B' - Procesaing Procedures for Flles Recelved Behveen Aupuat 1,1983 8 March 27,1995 'C' - Processing Proceduren for Files Recelved Prior to August 1,1983 'D' - AppllcaUon Form N9pimVcYfsvrppleubd�delpaehnlDalapa�MDocaLLate�IM0U18uCDelApree�n4doa atin:udMwov.i�wnanr-!�!aMn� 6 � ,' . . THE CORPORATION OF THF CITY OF PICKFRING BY-LAW NUMBF.R Being a by-inw to prescribe a tariff of fces for thc processing of planning upplications received nRcr July 1, 2001. WHEREAS pursuant to the provisions of Scction 69(1) of thc Plunning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13, as nmcnded, thc council of a municipality, by by-law, muy prescribe a tariff of fecs for the processing of applications made in respect of planning matters, which tariff shall be dcsigned to meet only the nnticipated cost to lhe municipality or to a committee of adjustment of the processing of cach typc of applicution providcd for in thc tariff; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF TNE CITY OF P(CKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: l. Every application rcccived by thc City of Pickcring for the processing of n planning matter described in Column 1 of Scl�edule "A" utmchcJ, hereto shall be nccompanied by thc fec prescribed for such mattcr in Column 1[ thcrcof, without which fec thc npplication shall bc dccmcJ to bc incomplctc. 2. By-law Numbcr 5355/98 is hcrcby rcpcalcd. 3. This By-law shall tnke cffcct as of July I, 2001. BY-LAW rcad n first, sccond and third timc and finally passed this duy of , 2000. Wayne Arihurs, Mayor Thomas J. Quinn, Acling Clcrk : ATTACFdulENT / �^ TO • ,�. ,. REPORT I PD_._'��_ � f1 1 ��HEDULE "A" TO BY I.AW NUMBER