HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD 35/000 ��OFP/� � . REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Neil Carroll DATE: July 17, 2000 Director, Planning & Development REPORT NUMBER: PD 35-00 SUBJECT: Request for Counci!'s Pertnission to Develop I,ands by I.and Severence Donald Spring Part of Lot 6, Plan 282 (East side of Pine Grove Avenuc, directly cast of Valley Ridge Crescent and directly west of the Rockwood Drive tcmporary tertninus) City of Pickering RECOMMENDATION: 1. That the requcst made by Mr. David McKay, on bchnlf of thc property owner, Mr. Donald Spring, to pecmit the division of the subject lands, being Part of Lot 6, Plan 282 (identificd as Part 9, Plun 40R-1G978 nnd known ns 1839 Pine Grove Avenue), to create one new residential building lot through [.and Sevcrance Application LD l99/00, rather than by dra(t plan of subdivision, be APPROVED. ORIGIN: Land Severancc Appiication LD 199/00, submitted to the Durhnm Region Lnnd Division Comrhiltee ¢nd circuluted to the City of Pickering for comment, and u writtcn rcquest made by Mr. Dnvid MeKuy on behalf of the owncr to thc City of Pickering requesting that Council authorize the development of thc subject Innds by land severance rather thnn by plan of subdivision. AUTHORITY: The PlanningAct, R.5.0. 1990, chaptcr P.13 and Section 15.25(b) of the Pickering Official Pian. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS; No direct costs to the City nre anticipated es a result of the proposed development. EXECUTNE SUMMARY: Land Severance Application LD 199/00 wos submilted to the Region of Durham Land Division Committee proposing the creation of one new residenlial building lot, fronting onto Pine Grove Avenue, from the applicant's total lund holdings. This application wns labled by thc Land Division Committee at their July 17, 2000 mceting, nt the rcquest of Planning & Development Steff, to allow the applicunt time to obtnin pertnission from Ciry Council to develop the subject lands through thc land severence process rather than by drofl plan of subdivision. Section 15,25(b) of tha Pickering Officiel Plan rcquires nny ownership of lnnd that is capable oP being divided into mura then threc additional lots to be developed by a plan of subdivision, except where it is demonstratcd to CounciPa satisfnction that a plen of au6division is neither appropriate nor necessary, in which coso Council tnay nuthorizc thc dcvclopment to procced by land severenca 65 6 6 REPORT NUMBER 35-00 Subjxt: Rcquest for Council's Permission to Develap by Land Severence Donald Spring, Pert of Lot 6, Plan 282 Date: )uly 17, 2000 Page 2 It is considorod appropriate to allow one new lot to be created from the subjcet property through the land severance process. The applicant's proposed severance will not prejudice the viabilily of future development on the subject lands, and accommodates Cor the potential for a future east- west road connecting Rockwood Drive to Pine Grove Avenue, if desirable. The subject propeAy is zoned to pemiit the lot sizes proposed by the applicant, and only one new lot would be created. Both the proposed severed and retained lot would front onto Pine Grove Avenue. This street is built to full urban slandards and is pre-serviced to support additional development. All requircments of the City can be appropriately addressed as conditions of severance approval. BACKGROUND: The applicant submitted Land Severance Application LD 199/00 to the Region of Dud�am Land Division Committee, proposing the creation of one new residential building lot from the applicant's total land holdings. A property location map is included as Attachment #1 to this Report. Thc proposed severed lot would provide approximntely 30 metres of lot frontage on Pinc Grove Avenue, and would bc approximately 900 squarc metres in size. Thc proposed retained parccl would provide approximatcly 48.7 mctres of lot frontage on Pine Grove Avenue, would be approximately .94 of a hectare in size and would support one detached dwelling. A site plan illustrsting thc applicant's proposed sevcrance is included as Attuchmcnt N2 to this Report. Lnnd Severancc Application LD 199/00 wns lablcd by thc Durham Rcgion Land Division Committee nt their July 17, 2000 meeting, at thc requcst of thc Planning & Development Department, to nllow thc applicant time to obtnin permission from City Council to dcvelop the subject lands through the land severance process rother than by dra(t plan of subdivision. The application was tnbled to the Septembcr 18, 2000 tand Division Committee meeting. Scction 15.25(b) of the Pickering Official Plan rcquires uny owncrship of land that is capablc of being divided into more than three additional lots to be dcvelopcd by u plan of subdivision, cxcept where it is demonstmtcd to Council's satisfaction that n plan of subdivision is neither appropriate nor necessary, in which case Council may authorize the development to proceed by land severance. The subject lands arc capable of being divided into more than thrce additional lots, nnd therefore pertnission is rcquired from Council to allow any dcvelopment of these lands to procced through the land severance process. The Pickering Oflicial Plan dcsignates the subject lands as being within an "Urban Residential — Low Density Area" in the Highbush Neighbourhood. As ouUined in specific neighbourhood policies for lhe Highbush azea, Council shnll, • in established residential areas, encourage, nnd where possible, require development to be compatible with the character oFexisting developmenh and, • lhrough the review of development proposals and in consultation with landowners and surrounding residents, endeavour to provide a new locul road connection between Woodview Avenue und Pine Grove Avenue. ' The Planning & Development Depnrtmcnt has reviewcd the implications of thc proposed severance in detail, particularly cegnrding the viabilily of n future east-west road connection tivougt► the subject property, and lhc compatibility of the proposed severcd lot in rcletion to thc character of other sucrounding lots i�n the neighbourhood. Through this teview, Staff havc detem�ined that a revised lot configuration for the severed lot, that encourages the alignment of a potential future road connection through the subject propeRy directly with Valley Ridge Crcscent to the west, and increaaes the depth of tho proposed severed lot in kecping with the depth of other recenUy severod lots within thc surtounding neighbourhood, is more appropriete. A site plan illuatrating tha rcvised plan recommended by 3tnfi' is included es Attachment #3 to this Reoort. � REPORT NLiMBER 35-00 natc: July 17, 2000 Subjxt: Request for Council's Pcrtnission to Develop by Land Scvcrance s.� Donald Spring, Part of Lot 6, Plan 282 Pagc 3 The recommended revised configuretion of the proposed severed lot would be a minimum lot frontage of approximately 25 metres (to be accurateiy determined through a detailed aurvey and review of the existing Valiey Ridgc Crescent road profile), and a minimum lot depth oC approximately 36.0 metres. The applicant has been made awara of the proposed rerisions to this proposal recommended by Planning & Development Staff, nnd concurs with these recommended changes. The applicant's proposal, as revised, would conform to the policies of the Pickering Official Plan. The resultant severed pazcel, as revised, would provide a frontage and depth in character with surrounding lots, and could support a new detached dwelling sited in a manner similaz to other dwellings along Pine Grove Avenue. Thc resultant retnined lands are configured such that future lotting anticipated along Pine Grove Avenue can be accommodated. The proposed development, as revised, retains potentiul for the future introduction of an east- west road connecting Rockwood Drive to Pine Grove Avenue, if desirable. The applicant has provided a conceptual lotting plan thnt iliustrates how the configuration of the proposed severed lot will not preclude tha introduction of a future intemal road, and additional lots on lhe retained pnrcel, by plan of subdivision. Conversely, approprinte lotting could be oricnted towards Pine Grove Avenue and Rockwood Drivc (should Rockwood Drive only bc extcndcd southwnrd), without thc need for a ncw intemal road connecting thcse slreets. Thc conceptual lotting plans submitted by the npplicnnt are included us Attachments N4 and NS to this Report. The subjcct lands are currently zoncd "R4" — Detached Dwelling Zone, by Zoning By-law 303G, as a►nended. Both thc proposed sevcrcd and retained parcels would comply with the minimum lot areu nnd lot frontagc requircments of lhc Zoning By-law. The proposed retaincd lands, as revised, would maintain an approprinte nrea ensuring that a vinbla dmR plan of subdivision could still bc accomrnodated for in the future. Pine Grove Avenue is an existing road that is built to full urbnn stundards and is pre-serviced to support additional development along it. The majority of infill dcvelopment that has occurred along the cast side of Pine Grove Avenue hus been devcloped through the land severance process. All interests of the City have beeri appropriately addresscd and protected for through conditions of land severance approval for development along Pine Grove Avenuc, and would continue to be protected and accommodated for through conditions afapproval imposed through Land Severance Application LD l99/00. REPORT NiJNIBBR 35•00 Datt: July 17, 2000 6 8 Subjxt: R�qucst for Council's Pecmission to Develop by Land Severance Donald Spring, Pert of Lot 6, Plan 282 Page 4 ATTACHMENTS: 1. Property Location Map 2. Applicant's Submitted Plan 3, Staff Recommended Plan 4. Applicant's Conceptual Lotting Plan — Proposed East-West Road Connection 5. Applicant's Conceptual Lotting Plan — No New Intemal Road Connection Prepared By: Approved / Endorsed by: � r Ron Taylo Ne�l C , CIP RPP Planner 1 Director, PI ' g& Development ���Ll�� ��— ynda Taylor Manager, Curtent Operations RST/pr Altachmcnts Copy: Chief Administrativc O�cer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council . � i ,. N ..? Il� omas J, Qu , Chief Adm ' rv fficer 4 ,.. .., u . ,. . .. ..rF.., ,. , ., ... , . ,. . . . .. , .. ., � ATTACNMENT / 10 ' flEPORT / PD. ' r- j,�_._ 1� INFORMATION COMPILED FROM APPUCANTS SUBMIITED PLAN LD 1DO�00 DONALD SPRINO . � R�a, o a"�nna�an�nn°�.airi � AttACHldENT � 3 TO REPORi I PD �'�� STAFF RECOMMENDED PLAN LD 1DD/00 DONALD BPRING !� , � rHr w' �u nwa,cm ir mr av a' �an�w . nnw� �v�o maa+ar cowrnat aer u xou ' �r. , (2 ATTACh;f.4E�JT / TO REPORIM PD APPUCANT'S CONCEPTUAL PLAN PROPOSED EAST-WEST ROAD CONNECTION LD 199/OD DONALD SPR�NO PROPOSEDBEVEREDIAT,ASRENSED � � wAM�M � �on rr1eM�+ti ta�ioaa � ' . 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