HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 05/00,� OF P��� • G� f� � � �� FROM: Janc Burlon City Solicitor REPORT TO COUNCIL SUDIECT: Grnnd Oak Homes (Eastem Division) Inc. - Lots I-68, inclusive and Block 69, inclusivc - Plnn 40M-1542, Pickering - Subdivision Completion and Assumption DATE: Fcbruary I5, 2000 REPORT NUMUGR: L OS•OU RECOMMENDATION: Dy-laws should bc enncteJ: I. to ussumc City ronds in Plun 40M-1542, Pickcring; 2. to nssume City serviccs instnllcJ in Ihc dcvelopmcn� of I'lun 40M•1542, Pickering; 3. lo amend Dy-Inw 1416/82 (pinccs of Amuscntenl); 4. to nmcnd Dy-luw 2359/87 (Parking); to rccognizc thc complction of thc projccl comprising Plan 40h1-1542, Pickcring. ORIGIN: I. Subdivision Agrccmcnt JutcJ April ? I, 1987. 2. Camplclionafprojccl. AUTI IORI'I'Y: I. l.and Tirles Acr, R.S.O. 1990, chuptcr L.S, scction 152. Alunicipul Ac1, R.S.O. 1990, chaptcr MAS, scctions 262, 263. Reglarut dfunicipulrr(es Acr, R.5.0. 1990, chnpter R.B, section 23. Si�n�eysAc�, R,S.O. 1990, chuptcr S.3D, section 57. ?. AfuniclpnlAcl, R.S.O. 1990, chapter M.45, scctions 263, 284, 286, 297, 31q,7, Pla�mingAcl, R.S.O. 199Q chapter P.13, sectian 51. RegionnlMm�tcipalirJes Acr, R.S.O. 1990,.chap�er R.B, sections 28, 72, 3. Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990 chupicr M.45, scclion 236.6, 4. Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, chnptcr M.45, sectians 210.52, 210.73, 210.124-126, 210.131, 310, 314.7, 314.8. PINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: There urc no finencinl implicntions reinting to the assumption of ronds and scrvices within this pinn. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: N/q, DACKGROUND: The completion of this project, being Plan 40M-1542, Pickcring, in accordance wilh ihe Subdivision Agrcement dated April 21, 1987 nnd other appliceble City policies, must bo acknowledgcd by thc cnactment of by-laws ussuming tha roads and essuming tho City scrvices instollcd. 37 , � 8 Report to Council L OS•00 Subject: Grand Oak Homes (Eastcm Division) Inc. - Subdivision Complction e�:d Assumption Dete: I�ebruary I5, 2000 Page 2 In addition, other by-Inws must be �� ac:ed to nllow thc vnrious City depnrtmcnis to closc thcir files and lo nmend existing municipul Iegislntion to rellect new circumstances crculed by this projcct's development. Consequently it is recommended thot thc five dmR by-Inws nttached hcrcto bc cnncted. ATTACHMENTS: 1. DreR byInw to nssumc roads. 2. Drafl by-luw to nssume services. 3. DrnR by-law to nmend By-luw 1416/82 (Places of Amusement). 4. Draft by-law to umend By-law 2359/87 (Parking). 5. Site Sketch/Location Map. Prepnrcd by: W Jody Pn s JEP:Ic Attnchmcnts Approvc�•� � � Y V lunc Uurton / 1 � Copy: ChicfAdminisirntivcOflicer Director, Plnnning nnJ Devclopment Rccommendcd (or Ihc considcration of Pickcring Ciry Council � �i .� w 3Y�' O ns 1. Q' n, Chic Adminis 'vc Offi r Recommcndation approved as it cffccts: Chicf Administralivc Officcr Ciry Clcrk Director, Operations and Emcrgency Services Direclor, Plnnning and Development Director, Corporate Services nnd Trcnsurer � ' ATTACHMENT tt_�„ 1'O �IEPORTfi,bpi•Cn , THE CORPORATION OR THL� CITY O� PICKf?RINO DY-I.AW NU. Being a 6y-law to assume Alpine Lane, Reesor Courf, Terracolla Cour� and Wlfdivoad Creacen�, Plan 40M-1542, Plckering, jor public use as pnbllc hlghways dnder thc jurlsdicflon oflhe City. 39 WHERGAS, Alpinc L,anc, Rcesor CouA, Tertacotlu Court nnJ Wildwood Crescent ure higl�wnys shown an a plan of subdivision nnd are ihereforo deemed, pursuant to theSurveys Ac1, R.S.O. 1990, chnpter S30, section 57, to be public highways; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the Munrcipnl Acf, R.S.O. 1990, chnpler M.45, scction 263, tlie Council of 7'he Corporotion of lhe City of Pickering has jurisdiction aver lhose highwuys (the Council of The Regional Municipality of Durham not hnving enacteJ a by-Inw pursunnt to the Reglonn! d4unfcipallrles Ac�, R.S.O. 1990, chnpler R.S, section 23, to add those highwnys to thc rcgionnl rand system); nnd WIiEREAS, pursuant lo ihc Munlclpa! Ac1, section 262, lhc soil und freehold of Ihos� highwnys is Ihercforc vesled in The Corporntion of the City of Pickering; NOW TIIERGPORE, the Council of 'tlic Cor�wralion of the Ciry af Pickerinq IIBREDY GNACTS AS FOLLOWS: I. Tho following higinvuys arc hcrcby assumed for public use as public higlnvnys undcr the jurisdictian of the Council ofTlic Corpomtion of Ihc Ciry of Pickcring: Alpine I.nne, Rcesor Court,'I'crrncottn CouA nnJ Wildwond Crescent nll nccarding lo Plnn 40M-1542, City of Pickcring, Rcgionnl Municipnliry of Durhnm. 2. 'ilie Ciry Solicitor is hereby nuthorized to npply to ihe Land Registrnr pursuant �o IheLand Tifles Acl, R.S.O. 1990, chnptcr L.S, section 152, to hnve thc Corparntion cntcrcJ ns thc owner of thc highways referrcd to in section I. F3Y-LAW read a first, second and third lime and finally passcd this l7th day of April, 2000. Wayne Arthurs, Mnyor I3ruce Taylar, Clerk IOM•1342 � A7TACHMENT A_a__ ro �tEPORT r�.�,p�-pp 4 O TFI[? CORPORATION OF THI? CI'1'Y OF PICKBRING DY-LAW N0. Being a by-!mv to assunie services under Ihe Jurlsdlclfon oJlhe C!ry !n Plan 40M-1S42, Plckertng, WHGREAS, pursuant to, whcre npplicnblc, theManlclpn/Ac1, R.S.O. 1990, chaptcr M.45, scctions 263, 284 28G, 297, nnd 314.7, Iha Planning Acl, R.S.O. 1990, clmptcr P.13, section S l, lhe Regionul Munfclpalltles Acl, R.S.O. 1990, chnpter R.B, sectians 28 and 72 and the Agrccment dnted Apri121, 1987 (Notice of wiiich was registered on June 23, 1988 us Instrument No. LT391253), bctwccn GranJ Oak Ilomes (Gnstem Division) Inc, nnJ T1ie Corporation of the Town of Pickering, nbovc ground und underground scrvices undcr the jurisdiction of the City in Plan 40M-1542, Pickering, have bcen completed to ils satisfaclion; NOW THEREFORE, the Cauncil of 7ha Corporation of thc City oF Pickcring HGRGDY GNACTS AS POLLOWS: I. The nbave ground services under tlie jurisdiction of thc City, that nre rcquired to be conslructed or instulled in the devclopment of Plnn 40M-1542, Pickcring, including the rouds, curbs nnd gutters, sidewulks, drivewny nprons, haulevards, strect signs, fencing nnJ grnding, IocnteJ on lands thnt arc both, (n) dcdicatcd lo or owncd by thc Cily, tha Rcgionnl Municipulity of Dud�um or thc Provincc of Ontario, ond (b) in Plnn AOM-154Z, Pickering, ar immediatcly odjaccnt Ihercto, nre hereby ncccptcd by ihc City nnd assumcd by it for mninlcnancc, as of Jnnuary I4, 1993. 2. Thc undcrgrounJ services unJcr ihc jurisdiction nf Ihc Ciry that are rcquircd to be constructcd or instnlled in tlie develapment of Plan 40M-1542, Pickering, incluJing Aie slorm dminage system and relnlcd oppuAcnances, locatcd on lands thnt urc both, (n) dcdicateJ ro or owncJ by the Cily, Ihc Rcgionnl Municipality of Durhnm or q�c Province of Ontnrio, nnJ (b) in Plan 40M-1542, Pickcring, or immcdialcly nJjncent thcrcto, arc hcrcby nccepted by thc City und assumed by il for mnintennnce ns oflnnunry 12, 1993. 3. In sections I and 2, thc phmse "lands that ure...o�mcd by the Town" includes Innds that ure subject to nn easement tr�nsferred to the City, 6ut only with respect to the specific service or services referred to in lhe casement Imnsfcr documenl. UY-LA W rcad a first, second ond third timc nnd finally pessed Ihis 17th day of April, 2000. 40M•1141 Wnync Arlhurs, Muyor 13ruce Tnylor, Clerk ' Al'TACHMENT It 3__. +c_� ;;E� Of�T �t_�.o5_at� . �1 THL� CORPORATION OF'fHC CITY OF P1CKf�R1NC BY-LAW NO. IJeing a by-!mv �o amend Qy-!aw 1416/81 provldLig jor Ilie regulafion and llceruing ojplaces ojamusen�enr. WHGRGAS, pursunnt to the Munlclpal Act, R.S.O. 1970, chopter M.45, section 236.6, ihe Council af The Corporation of lhe City of Pickcring enncted f3y-Inw 1416/82 providing for ihc regulntion nnd licensing of places of amuscment; NOW THF.REFORE, Ihc Council of Thc Corporntion af lhc Ciry of Pickcring HCRGUY F.NACTS AS FOLLOWS: l. ScheJulc A to E3y-Inw 1416/82, ns nmendcd, is hereby furtlicr amcnded by adding thcrclo the following itcm: Alpine Lnne, Rccsor Court, Terrawttn CouA and Wildwood Crescent E3Y-LAW reud a first, secand nnd thirJ limc anJ finally possed tliis 17t1i dny of April, 2000. 40M•154LCI20J Wnync AAhurs, Mnyar Iirucc Tuybq Cicrk M� � . . . . �. . 4 2 ATTACHMEN'f �r _!i __ i U i1EPOfiT ll�p$_a� TH6 CORPORATION Or THE CI'fl' OR PICKCRINC; UY-LAW NO. Detng a by-law to amend Oy-Imv 1359/87 regu/attng parking, sfanding and sfopping on hlghivays and ori privnle and munlcipa! p�operry. Wf1EREAS, pursuant to thc MunJcipal Acl, R.S.O. 1990, chnpter M.45, sectians 210.52, 210.73, 210.124-126, 210.131, 310, 3 t4.7 and 314.8, the Council of Thc Corparation of thc City of Pickcring enacted By-law 2359/87 reguleting parking, standing and slopping on highwuys and on private nnd municipnl property; NOW TIiERErORF., the Council of The Corpomtion of the Ciry of Pickering 1IEREBY GNAC7'S AS FOLLOWS: I. Schedulc I to By-law 2359/87, as nmended, is hcrcby fuAher amcndeJ by ndding thereto ihe following items: Alpine I.ane Recsor Court Tercncottu Court Wildwood Crescent 2. This Dylaw shali not comc into forcc unless it is npprovcd by thc Council af Tlte Regionnl Municipaliry of Durham pursunnt to Ihc Rcgionnl Municipnlilics Act, R.S.O. 1990, chupter R.B, scction 34. BY-LAW rcad a first, seconJ and third time nnd finally passed tliis 17th Jay ofApril, 2000. Waync Atthurs, Mayor Bruce Tnylor, Clcrk