HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 03/004 4 ��� oF a��,� � ��� � �� FROM: lnne BuAon City Solicitor REPORT TO COUNCIL SUDJECT: Grand Oak Homes (Eastcm Division) Inc. - Lots I-39, inclusive und Blocks 40•51, inclusivc - Plnn 40M-I510, Pickcring - Subdivision Completion nnd Assumption DATE: February I5, 2000 REPORT NUMDER: I.03•00 RECOMMENDATION: Dy-laws should bc cnucted: I. lo assumc City roads in Plan 40M-I510, 1'ickering; 2. to nssumc City serviccs insinllcd in Ihc dcvclopmcnt af Plan 40M-I510,1'ickcring; 3. to umcnd fiy-law 1416/82 (Pluces af Amusement); 4. to nmcnd DyInw 2359/87 (1'nrking); to recognizc thc completion ofthc projcct comprising I'Inn 40M-I510, pickcring. ORIGIN: I. SubJivision Agrcemcnt datcd April ? I, 1987. 2. Camplction of projcct. AUTlIORITY: i. Land Tidra Acr, R.S.O. 1990, chaptcr I..S, scction 152. Aftuiicipul Ac�, R.S.O. 1990, chaptcr M,45, scclions 262, 263. Regionu/ Municipnli�ies Acr, R.S.O. 1990, chapler R.B, section 23. Surveys Acl, R.5.0. 1990, chaptcr 5,30, scction 57. 2. hkuiJcipal Acr, R.S.O. 1990, chnpler M.45, sectians 263, 28q, 286, 297, 314.7. PlunningAcr, R.S.O. 199D, chapter P.13, scctian 51. Regiouuf Afw�lcipu!iiies AN, R.S.O. 199D, chnpter R.8, sections 28, 72, 3. Munic(puf Ac�, R.S.O. 1990, chaptcr M.45, section 236.6, 4. MunlclpalAcf, R.S.O. 1990, chnptcr M.45, scctions 210.52, 210.73, 210.124-126, 210.131, 310,314.7, 314.8. Regionul MunicipuliJfes Acl, R.S.U. 1990, chaptcr R.8, section 34. PINANCIAL 1MPLICATIONS: There are no finnncial implications reluting to ihe assumption of roads and serviccs within this pian. EXGCUTIVE SUMMARY: N/A BACKGROUND: Thc completion of this proj:ct, bcing Pian 40M•I510, Pickcring, in accordance with thc Subdivision Agreement dated April 21, 1987 and othcr appiicable City policies, must bc acknowledged by thc enectment of by-lewa essuming the ronds, assuming ihe Cily scrvices tnstelled and rcleasing �hat Agreement. . RepoA to Council L03-00 Subject: Grand Oak Homes (Eastcm Division) ►nc. - Subdivision Completion and Assumption Fobrunry I5, 2000 4 rj Pagc 2 In addition, olhcr bylaws muct be cnacted to oilow thc vnrious Cily depnrtmcnts to closc Ihcir files and to nmend existing municipul Icgislation to rcilcct new circumstanccs created by this project's devclopmenL ConsequenQy it is rccommended thnt the faur draR by-laws nttuched hereto be enacted. ATTACHMENTS: I. DroR by-Imv �o nssumc rouds 2. Druft by-Inw to assume services. 3. DraD by-luw lo nmend By-law 1416I82 (Placcs of Amusemcnt). 4. Drafl by-Inw to nmend By-Inw 2359I87 (Parking). 5. Silc Sketch/Locntion Mapping. Prcparcd 8y: , c�nh Ja1y re.ons 1EP :Ic Attnchmcnts Approvcd / Endorsed Dy: ' vi..! /2� j � Janc Durton Copy: ChicfAdminislmtivcOfticcr Dircclor, Plonning unJ 1)c�clopmcnt RecommendcJ for thc considerntion of Pickcring Ciry Cowuil .i , vr� 8 ,�Gl�(i w '17 om s J. Qui Chicf A ministmt�� �ccr RecommenJntiun approved us it effects: Chicf Adminislrntivc Officcr City Clcrk Dircctor, Operations and Emcrgcncy Serviccs Dircctor, Planning nnd Dcvclopmcnt Dircctor, Corporotc Scrvices nnd Trcnsurcr i/ ./._�� .-- , � — /J�� �� ' �`„�I / �' � //i � r�� -- , 46 AIiACHMLNI rr ..I _.. i U �tEpORT 11 j03_� TIiB CORPORATION OF TH[? CITY OF PICKERING DY-LAW NO. 1lefng a 6y-/mv !o asaume MnJor Oaks Road, Creemm�u�M Streef and Denvale Drlve, Plan 40M-ISIO, Plckering, far public use as pubpc liiglnvay under �lie jurlsdlc�lon oJ�be Clty. WIIEREAS, Major Oaks RoaJ, Greenmount Street und Denvnle Drive, are highways shown on a plan of subdivision and is iherefore deemed, pursuant to Ihe Surveys Act, R.S.O. 1990, clinptcr 5.30, scction 57, to bc public highwuy; nnd WHCREAS, pursuant to the M�mtcJpal Acl, R.S.O. 1990, clmptcr M.45, seclion 263, tlie Council of 'llic Corpomtion of �he Cily of Pickering has jurisdiction ovcr thnt highway (ihe Council of 77ie Izegional Municipulity of Durham not huving enacted a byInw pursuunt to the Reglam! MuriiclpnlirJes Ac�, R.S.O. 1990, chaptcr R.8, section 23, to ndd thot liighway to thc rcgionnl rond systcm); anJ WHGREAS, pursunnt to ihe Municipnl Acl, scction 262, thc soil nnd frcehold of lhnt highwny is thercfore vestcd in The Corporation of thc City of Pickering; NOW 7NLRGfORB, tho Council of Thc Coqwrotion of ihe Cily of Pickcring IIGRGfiY GNAC7'S AS fOLLOWS: 1. 'llie following highwny is hereby assumcJ for public usc ns public highwny under thc jurisdiclion of Ihe Council of'flic Corpomtion of thc City of Pickcring: Mnjor Onks Rond Grccnmount Strcet Denvale Drive according to 1'Inn 40M-I510, City nf I'ickcring, Rcgional Municipnlily of Durhnm. 2. 'llie City Solicitor is hereby nWhe•�xcd to npply to t6c I,ond Regislror pursuont to Ihe Lattd Ti!!es Ac1, R.S.O. 1990, chnpter L.S, section I i:. lo hnve ihe Corporation enlcred ns ihe owncr of ihc highwny rcfertcd to in seclion I. UY-I.AW rcad a first, seconJ and third time end finally pnssed this 171h day of April, 2000. 40M•ISIOIW2710 Wayne Arthurs, Mayor Drucc Teylor, Clerk _a AITACHMENT ti.1 _ TU (iEPOR7 tJ.I•p}_oo 4 rf 7'FIE CORPORATION OF'['�I� CI7Y OF PICKI:RING [�Y-LAW NO. Deing a by-/aw !o assun�e servlcea under!lieJurlsdJctfon ojd�e Clryln Plan 40M-IS10, Plcker6ig. WHEREAS, pursuant to, where applicabic, �hc Mur,tcipal Acr, R.S.O. 1990, chaptcr M.45, sections 2G3, 284 286, 297, end 314.7, the P/nnntngAcl, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13, section S l, lhe Reg(onaf Muntclpnllrles Act, IL.S.O. 1990, chapter R.B, sections 28 and 72 and the Agreement daled April 21, 1987 (Notice ofwhich was regislcrcd on December 22, 1987 as instrument No. LT365113) between Grand Onk Flomes (Eastcm Division) Inc, and 71ie Corporntion of the Town of Pickering, nbove grounJ and underground services under lhe jurisdiction of Ilie City in Plen 40M-I510, Pickering, have been completed to its satisfaction; NOW TIiEREFORG, thc Council of The Coqwration of the Ciry of Pickcring HtiREUY C:NACTS AS �OLLOWS: 1. Thc abovc ground services under thc jurisdiction of the Ciry, thnt are required to bc constructed or inslulled in lhe development of Plan 40M-1510, Pickcring, including ihe roads, curbs and guttcrs, sidawalks, drivcway nprons, boulevards, strcet signs, fencing zmd gr�ding, located on innds that arc bo1h, (n) dcdicntcd lo or owncd by ihe Ciry, the Itcgionnl Municipnliry of Durhnm or the Province of Ontario, anJ (b) in Plan 40M•1510, Pickering, or immcdiately ndjaceut thcreto, are hereby ncccpted by Ihe Ciry nnd assumcd by it for maintenance ns of Octobcr 27, 1992. 2. 'Ilic undcrground scrvices under thejurisJiclion of Ihe Ciry thul are requircJ b bc conslnicleJ or instnllcd in the devclopmcnt of Plun 40M-IS10, Pickcring, including Ihe slonn drninnge syslem and relatcd nppurlenances, locutcd on IunJs thnt nre Moth, (n) dedicated to or owncJ by thc Ciry, the Rcgional Municipality of Durham or Ihe Province of Onlnrio, onJ (b) in Plnn 40M•1510, Pickering, or immediatcly nJjucenl thereto, ure I�crcby nccepted by Ihe City nnd nssumed by il for meintennnce us of December 17, 1991. 3. In sections 1 nnd 2, the phrose "Innds that nrc owned by the Town" includes Innds that nre subject to an casement tronsferted to the City, but only with respect to the specific service or scrvices referred to in the ensement transfer document. I3Y-LA W read n first, second and third lime nnd finally pnssed this 17th day of April, 2000. Wnyne Arlhurs, Mayor Brucc Tuylor, Clcrk 40M•I3�0/W270� , � 8 ATTACHMEN7 #.�._ TO �tEPORT It,bp�� THE CORPORA'1'ION OF THC CITY O� PICKI?RING BY-LAW NO. Iicing a by!aw fo umriid By-Imv l416/81 providing jor fhe regulallan and Ilcensing ojplaces oJnmusemenl. (MaJor Oaks Road, Creenmowit Slreef nrid Denvafe Drive, Plan 40M-15/OJ WHGRGAS, pureuant to thc Munlcipa! Acf, R.S.O. 1990, chopter M.45, section 236.6, Ihe Council of Tlie Carpomtion of the City of Fickering ennctcd Dy-law 1416J82 providing for lhe reguletion und licensing of places of umusemenh NOW THGRBFORE, the Council of Thc CorEwrotion of thc Ciry of Pickcring Hf:RGBY GNACTS AS FOLLOWS: I. Schcdule A to [3y-lew 1416/82, ns amended, is hereby furlher mnended by ndding lherelo thc following ilcm: Mnjor Ouks RonJ Crecnmounl Slrcct Dcnvnlc Drivc RY-I.AW rend a first, sccond and third timc nnd finnlly pusscd Ihis � 7th dny af April, 2000. Waync Arthurs, Mayor Dnice Tnylor, Clcrk cizo� I , ATTACHMENT #�_ TU ItEPORT ll�� W I THE CORPORA7'ION O� THG CI'fY OF PICKBRING 4� DY-LAW NO. Being n 6y-law to amend !ly-Imv 2359/N7 regnfa�L�g pnr,king, sfanding and slopping on hlghw�rys nnd an prlvale and mc�nJclpal properry. W}IEREAS, pursuunt to thc Muntcipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, chnpter M.45, scctions 210.52, 210.7J, 210.124•126, 210.131, 310, 31A.7 and 314.8, the Cauncil of Thc Corporation of the City of Pickcring enactcd Dy-law 2359187 regulating pnrking, stnnding and stopping on highways and on privalc nnd municipnl property; NOW THEItGPORG, the Council of Tl�e Corporation of thc City of Pickcring HGRL'DY ENAC'I'S AS FOLLOWS: 1. Schedule 1 to Ily-law 2�59/A7, as nmcnded, is hercby furlher nmended hyadding Ihcrcto Ihc following items: Major Ouks Roud Grcenmaunt Strect n���Ai� n���� 2. This Dy-law shnll not comc into forcc unlcss it is npprovcd hy thc Council of 71ic Regionnl Municipality of Durlium pursuant to thc Regionol Municipnlitics Act, IZ.S.O. 1990, chnplcr R.8, scction 34. QY-LAW read a first, sccond und third time nnd finally pnsscJ lhis 171h dny of April, 2000. cuo7 Wnyne AAhurs, Meyor Druce Tnylor, Clerk tl