HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAO 07-004`,�.� oF Pi�� 095 � F 4� REPORT TO COUNCIL PROM: Thomas J, Quinn DATG: Murch 13, 2000 Chief Administretive O�cer REPORT NUMBER: CAO 07-00 SUBIECT: Agriculturnl Asscmbly — Ontario Re�lty Corporntion - Modificntion to Revised Conceptual Lot Plan - File: IG 3150 RECOMMENDATION: 1. Thnt Report to Councii CAO 07-00, conceming the Revised Conccptual Lot Plan for the Agriculturel Assembly be received. 2. Thnt Council support a modificnlion to the Novcmber 1999 Rcvised Conceptual Lot Plan for the Agricultural Assembly, to aliow the crea►ion of a new lot Gom Properly G5, ns shown as "ORC's Altemativc Scverancc" on Attachment No, I to Report to Council CAO 07-00. 3. Thut a copy of this Report bc fonvardeJ to the Onwrio ReaUy Corporation nnd the Region of Durhum. ORIG[N: Meeting on Februnry 29, 2000 wilh staff of the Ontnrio Rculty Corpomtion. AUTEIORITY: The Municipal Act, It.S.O. 1990 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Not opplicable EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: ORC is proposing u moJificution to the Revised Conceptunl Lot Plan far the Agriculturnl Assembly in order to ullow n current te�wnt the opportunity to purchase thc family farmstead. ORC's proposal would create approximntely u 6-hectnrc (15 acre) lot in the soulhcast comer of Property 65. In November 1999, Council hud endorscd n Revised Conceptuol Lot P1an thAt divided Property 65 into n different conligurntion. It is rccommended that Council support ORC's "Altemntive Severancc" for Properly 65, so thnt smff cnn approve the creation of this new lot should it be submitled for Crown Right scvcmnce ut n futurc Technicul Slnff Committee meeting. BACKdROUND: ln May 1999, n Memorandum of Understunding (MOU) was signed bctwecn Uu '1'o�m of Pickcring, the Regton of Durham, und the Ontnrio Realty Corporntion (ORC), Among othcr things, the MOU requires that ORC cstnblish agricullurnl ensemcnts in fnvour of Pickcring, for all lots to be conveyed into private owncrship lhat arc zoned agricullurnl mid arc grcutcr than 2 hectnres in sizc. Lots would be conveyeJ Uvouyh the Crown Right proccss, gei�crully in conformity with a Conceptual Lat Plan attached to thc MOU. • . '� q�', Report to Council CAO 07-00 Date: March 13, 2000 ' Subjcct: Agricultural Assembly Modification to Revised Conceptual Lot Plan Page 2 In November 1999, in response to concems mised by tenants, Pickering Council endorsed a Revi�ed Conceptual Lot Plan as the basis for crenting lots in the tvea. The Revised Plan nllowed for the creution of six additional lots in the Agriculturnl Assembly. The Region of Durham subsequently accepted the revisions. However, in Junuary, ORC udvised that it was prepared to support only three of!he six additionnl lots shown on the Revised Plan. Propcny 65 wus not among those being considered at that time. ORC slaff has since re-examined Propetty 65. They are now prepared to consider a severancc on Property 65 in order to allow an existing tenant the opportunity to purchase the family farmstead, al'ueit on a smaller lot than initiully requested by Pickering (see Atwchment No. I). Pickering's initial request wus to divide Property 65 so that approximately 12 hectares (30 acres) of land in the noRheast comer would be severed from the fatnily farmstead, which would take in the remaining 25 hectares (62 acres) of land. ORC's altemative is to sever approximately 6 hectares (15 acres) in the southes�st comer as the fumily farmstead. Although ORC's ultemative does not totally satisfy the nffected tenants, it does appear to provide a solution to a di�cult situation conceming the o�mership of the family farmstead. It is recommended that Council support a modification to the Revised Conceptuul Lot Plan of November 1999, to allow thc crcation of a new lot from Property 65, ns shown us ORC's "Altemative Severance" on Attachment No. 1 to lhis Report. A7'I'ACHMENTS; 1. Property 65 — Pickering's Initinl Requcst nnd ORC's Altcmative Severance 2. Revised Conceptual Lot Plan (November 1�99) Prepared By: Approved / Endorsed E3y: . Thomas E. Me as . Quinn Division Head Chicf Administrativc Officc� Corporate Projects and Policy TM: Copy: Director, Planning and Development City Solicitor Recommended for the considerntion of Pickering City Council . ,, NrL / �� (/ ,• 'p on as J. Q i�n, C uef Admm tive O icer f:trcpon�k�o07�00.da Attachment No. I Q 97 Rcport to Council CAU U7-00 ('ROPERTY 65 L07'S 31 & 32, CONCESSION 2 PICKGRING'S INITIAL REQUES7' ORC's ALTERNA'1'IVG tiGVGRANCI's �• �� .�n9s 10 s ,�,� �: 9 14 15 13 is r,�"'1 is zi : Zs 33 30 :: 31 ....•.... .. � Atlachrtynt No. Z Reporl W Cpunul CAO 67- o 0 BEVISED CONCEPTUAL LOT PLAN 25 27 � LEGEND � NON GOVERNMENT OWNED UNOS � WETLANDTOBECONVEYED �'�� LANDSTOBEDEDICATED � CONSERVATIONEASEMENT � PROPOSEOLOTS �........j POTEHTIALADDITIONAI.LOTS ��� ROA�ALLOWANCETOBECONVEYED TO THE REGION � ROAOAL�OWANCESTOBECOI'�i YED TOTHETOWN � WHITEVALE IIIIIIII FUTURE�07ROUTE ITEVALE RD �N� o� � yN C� ��' pmF : 'F ��� ��4f�'• AQREEMEM u a�}.E � G Z' . � �yr�� � _ � 39 '13 y1E�` W ! Q cYj 41 �o� 51 � a � . 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