HomeMy WebLinkAboutFIN 27-13 Cal/00 Resolution #150/13 Report to I Dated December 9, 2013 Executive Committee PI KERI G Report Number: FIN 27-13 Date: December 2, 2013 From: Paul Bigioni Director, Corporate Services & City Solicitor • Subject: 2014 Property and Liability Insurance Renewal Recommendation: 1. That Report FIN 27-13 of the Director, Corporate Services & City Solicitor regarding the 2014 property and liability insurance renewal be received; 2. That the proposal No RFP-13-2013 submitted by Jardine Lloyd Thompson Canada Inc. (JLT) for general insurance and risk management services for the period January 1, 2014 to December 31, 2014 in the amount of$624,503 (plus applicable taxes) be accepted; 3. That the insurance coverage through JLT be for a period of one (1) year with an option in favour of the City to extend the coverage on the same terms and conditions for four (4) consecutive one year renewal terms, each subject to Council approval; 4. That L.V. Walker & Associates be confirmed as the City's Adjuster of Record for property, liability and other insurance and related matters; 5. That the Division Head, Finance & Treasurer be authorized to settle any claims including any adjusting and legal fees, where it is in the City's interest to do so; 6. That the Division Head, Finance & Treasurer be authorized to purchase additional insurance, make changes to deductibles and existing coverages, and alter terms and conditions as becomes desirable or necessary to limit potential liability exposure and to protect the assets of the City and its elected officials and staff; and, 7. That the appropriate officials be authorized to take the necessary actions to give effect thereto. Executive Summary: Over the summer months, City staff interviewed and selected an insurance consultant. An insurance consultant was required to prepare the RFP and to analyze the various submissions and policy provisions. Report FIN 27-13 December 2, 2013 Liability Insurance Renewal Page 2 Subject: 2014 Property and y 9 the City issued an RFP for general insurance and risk On September 16, 2013, y g management services for the period January 1, 2014 to December 31, 2014, with an option to extend the coverage for an additional term of up to four(4) one year renewals. The RFP closing date was October 23, 2013 and a total of four proposals were received. An Evaluation Committee made up of City staff with the assistance of the insurance consultant reviewed all the proposals against the criteria outlined in the RFP. The proposal of JLT was the highest scoring proposal and also offered the lowest annual premium of the four proponents. JLT offered an annual insurance premium of$624,503 (before applicable taxes) for 2014, which is a cost savings of$180,885 compared to the annualized premium paid to the City's incumbent insurer in 2013. While the City has been very well served by its insurance incumbent, Frank Cowan Company, the recommendation to move to JLT as the new insurance provider, will provide significant cost savings over the next year. Although there are some notable differences in their policies, these are not significant enough to recommend against the lowest annual premium offered by JLT. It is therefore recommended that the proposal submitted by JLT be accepted. Financial Implications: The insurance premium will be provided for in the City's 2014 current budget to be approved by Council. The premium decrease is approximately 22% compared to the current year's annualized premium. Discussion: At the June 17, 2013 Council Meeting, Council approved the renewal of the City's property, liability and other insurance policies through the Frank Cowan Company for the period July 1, 2013 to January 1, 2014. The insurance renewal term was for six months in contrast to the City's traditional twelve month renewal period. A shorter renewal period was chosen to allow City staff to issue a request for proposal for its general insurance and risk management program. Informal quotations were requested from three industry insurance consultants to assist City staff in the preparation and evaluation of the insurance RFP. Interviews were undertaken with the consultants and after a thorough review of the scope of services and associated fees, the quotation submitted by Programmed Insurance Brokers Inc. was accepted. Programmed Insurance Brokers Inc. was engaged to assist with the RFP to ensure that the City would receive the best possible insurance program within its budget. The consultant also reviewed the various insurance policy terms, coverages, exclusions and conditions submitted by the proponents to ensure that the City is adequately protected. This was a crucial step in the RFP process due to the fact that the true value of an insurance program is reflected in the policy terms and conditions. Report FIN 27-13 December 2, 2013 Subject: 2014 Property and Liability Insurance Renewal Page 3 A Request for Proposal for Insurance and Risk Management Services was issued On September 16, 2013, the City issued a RFP for general insurance and risk management services. Seven insurance providers, including the Durham Municipal Insurance Pool, were invited to obtain the RFP Terms of Reference. An advertisement was placed on the City's website to generate additional interest and competition. Two addendums were issued in response to clarifying questions received from the various proponents and to extend the closing date by one week. The RFP closed on October 23, 2013. The RFP communicated the City's policy requirements regarding the type of coverage, limits, exclusions, deductibles so as to ensure that the City maintains or improves coverage for its property and exposures through the RFP process. The City's existing insurance program consists of the following: • Property Insurance • Equipment Breakdown Insurance • General Municipal Liability • Errors and Omissions (E&O) Liability insurance • Non-Owned Automobile insurance • Environmental Liability Insurance • Crime Insurance • Councillors, Board Members Accident Insurance • Conflict of Interest Insurance • Legal Expense Insurance • Automobile Fleet Insurance • Garage Automobile Insurance The City received proposals from Frank Cowan Company; BFL Canada; Ontario and Municipal Insurance Exchange (OMEX); and Jardine Lloyd Thompson Canada Inc. (JLT). The RFP closing date was extended by one week to give all proponents additional preparation time. • RFP Evaluation Results On November 8, 2013, an Evaluation Committee consisting of Program Insurance Brokers Inc., the (Acting) Manager, Internal Audit & Budgets; the Manager, Supply & Services and the Senior Purchasing Analyst, reviewed the proposals against the criteria (see Attachment) outlined in the RFP. The proposal of JLT was the highest scoring proposal and offered the lowest premium of the four proponents. It is recommended that Council accept this proposal. JLT offered an annual insurance premium of$624,503 (before tax) for 2014 which is a cost savings of$180,885 as compared to the annualized premium paid to the City's incumbent insurer, Frank Cowan Company, in 2013. Report FIN 27-13 December 2, 2013 Subject: 2014 Property and Liability Insurance Renewal Page 4 The coverages and services offered by the City's incumbent insurer and JLT are similar in many respects, as are the qualifications of their staff. However, there are a number between the coverages offered by Frank Cowan Company and those of differences y p Y 9 offered by JLT. Below is a summary of the notable differences. Insurance Program Differences Highlights Frank Cowan Company JLT General.Municipal & E&O Liability There is no overall annual limit on the There is an overall annual limit of$25 million maximum amount of losses that the on the amount of losses that the insurer will insurer will cover. pay for Products and Completed Operations and E&O coverage. No premium guarantee. Three year premium guarantee subject to certain conditions. Environmental Liability The coverage for Environmental Insurance The coverage for Environmental Insurance liability is limited to $1 million per incident. liability is limited to $2.5 million per incident. There is an overall annual limit of$2 There is an overall annual limit of$5 million million on the amount of losses that the on the amount of losses that the insurer will insurer will pay for Environmental Liability pay for Environmental Liability coverage. coverage. Automobile Fleet Insurance In the event of a loss, the insurer will pay In the event of a loss, the insurer will pay replacement cost for vehicles up to 25 replacement cost for vehicles up to 20 years years old. old. For vehicles over 20 years old, any losses would be on the basis of actual cash value. For fire trucks between 20 and 25 Y ears old, the insurer will pay the purchase price or the appraised value. For vehicles over 25 years old, the insurer will pay actual cash value. Property Insurance (including Equipment Breakdown) No rate guarantee. Two year rate guarantee subject to certain conditions. Two separate policies are in force for The coverage for equipment breakdown is P p 9 Property (buildings, contents and combined with the property insurance equipment) and Boiler and Machinery exposures and has a limit of$184 million. (equipment breakdown). The property policy has a limit of $186 million and the equipment breakdown policy has a separate limit of$50 million. Report FIN 27-13 December 2, 2013 Subject: 2014 Property and Liability Insurance Renewal Page 5 For historical or unique buildings, For historical or unique buildings, replacement cost coverage is provided reconstruction coverage is available upon which rebuilds/replaces with similar receipt of independent appraisals. materials to preserve heritage value. General Municipal & Errors & Omissions (E&O) Liability General Municipal Liability provides the City with coverage for a broad range of exposures (e.g., trip and fall) and the majority of claims made against the City fall in this area. The E&O liability coverage protects the City for wrongful acts that cause financial loss to a third party (e.g., alleged building inspection error). With respect to municipal liability and E&O claims, the policies for both Frank Cowan Company and JLT provide the City coverage for losses to a limit of$25 million for each incident. JLT provides an overall annual limit of$25 million on the amount of losses that the insurer will pay for Products and Completed Operations and E&O coverages. This means that JLT's policy would pay out a maximum of$25 million for any one claim during the policy term and it would pay out a maximum of$25 million in total for all claims during the one year policy period. However, this overall annual limit is not a significant exposure based on the City's claims history and the nature of its claims. JLT's overall annual limit of$25 million on losses does not apply to the statutory responsibilities which the City has to perform for or on behalf of third parties including road maintenance, snow removal, tree maintenance, street cleaning and building inspections. Most of the insurance claims against the City fall within the City's statutory responsibilities and, therefore, the overall annual limit of$25 million would not apply to them. The City may be exposed if it goes outside the municipality and sells products or services to others, but we are not aware of any exposure in this area. Regarding E&O claims, the City has experienced only seven E&O claims in the last 10 years of which six incidents were investigated and no claims payment made. JLT coverage provides E&O protection to an overall annual limit of$25 million while the Frank Cowan Company has no such limit, and allows multiple incidents of up to $24 million each. On the basis of the City's history or even that of other Ontario municipalities, the chance of this occurring is extremely remote and if it did occur, the City would be able to purchase replacement coverage at an additional cost for any future claims. Auto Fleet Insurance The automobile fleet insurance coverage offered by JLT is comparable to the City's existing coverage with the exception of replacement cost. In the event of losses, Frank Cowan Company pays the cost to replace vehicles up to 25 years old with no deduction for depreciation. JLT will only pay replacement cost for vehicles less than 20 years. For vehicles over 20 years old, any losses would be paid • Report FIN 27-13 December 2, 2013 Subject: 2014 Property and Liability Insurance Renewal Page 6 on the basis of actual cash value. For fire trucks between 20 and 25 years old, JLT will pay the purchase price or the appraised value. For vehicles over 25 years old, JLT will pay actual cash value. This coverage restriction would not likely impact the City as it typically replaces vehicles before they reach 20 years of age. This restriction may apply in the case of some fire trucks, however, fire trucks are usually taken out of service before this date. Environmental Liability Environmental liability coverage protects the City from claims because of bodily injury, property damage and the prevention, control, repair, clean-up or restoration of environmental contamination. JLT is offering greater protection from losses from environmental liability claims by increasing the City's current limits. The City's coverage is increased from $1 million to $2.5 million for each incident and the overall annual limit on the amount of losses paid by the insurer is increased from $2 million to $5 million. Property Insurance (including equipment breakdown) Currently, the City is insured for protection of its own assets valued at approximately $185,732,900. The key points to consider when evaluating property insurance coverage include: • Blanket Limit (all losses insured up to policy limit) • Replacement cost protection (new for old) • No Co-insurance (no shortfall if property is under insured) • Newly acquired (automatic coverage for new property to a limit) The property coverage provided by both Frank Cowan Company and JLT include the above requirements to protect the City's assets. JLT provides the City with greater protection for losses from equipment breakdown by increasing the current limit from $50 million to $184 million. This is possible because JLT has combined its Property insurance and Equipment Breakdown insurance into one policy. For historical or unique buildings, the City's current replacement cost coverage is to rebuild/replace with similar materials to preserve heritage value. JLT will also provide similar coverage for historical or unique buildings, but the City must provide independent appraisals. Report FIN 27-13 December 2, 2013 Subject: 2014 Property and Liability Insurance Renewal Page 7 Future Premium Increases Please find below a percentage breakdown of the City's insurance premium by major categories. Insurance Premium Breakdown (%) by Major Categories 25% 63% ❑Liability ®Automobile ❑Property As the above chart indicates, the liability insurance policy is the largest premium cost component. Future premium increases will be based on the City's claim history (ten years) and satisfactory resolution of open claims. The 2015 premium increase will be based on nine years experience with the Frank Cowan Company and one year with JLT. The City can, to some degree, limit future premium increases by being pro-active in reducing its high risk areas. The 2011 to 2013 budgets included every year an investment of$200,000 for sidewalk and curb replacements to reduce slip and fall claims. The proposed 2014 budget will only require $75,000 for sidewalk replacements as the sidewalk repair backlog has been substantially reduced. The City has also invested in a "GPS" system for its vehicles and snow removal equipment to assist in providing valuable information to defend insurance claims. The City will have to continue to invest in insurance risk mitigation strategies to keep future insurance premium increases to a minimum. The property insurance premium will increase over time as the City adds new assets such as the indoor soccer dome. Recommendation While the City has been very well served by its insurance incumbent, Frank Cowan Company, the recommendation to move to JLT as the new insurance provider will provide significant cost savings over the next year. Although there are some notable differences in the coverages provided, these are not significant enough to recommend against the lowest annual premium offered by JLT. It is therefore recommended that Council accept the proposal submitted by JLT for general insurance and risk management services for the period January 1, 2014 to December 31, 2014 in the amount of$624,503 (plus applicable taxes). • Report FIN 27-13 December 2, 2013 Subject: 2014 Property and Liability Insurance Renewal Page 8 Attachments: 1. Memorandum dated October 24, 2013 from the Manager, Supply & Services regarding Request for Proposal No. RFP-13-2013 2. Memorandum dated November 8, 2013 from the Manager, Supply & Services 1 regarding Request for Proposal No. RFP-13-2013 3. Summary of Coverage, Limits and Deductibles Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: Aft"( )kzatr.6, James Halsall Stan Karwowski (Acting) Manager, Budgets & Division - --•, Finance & Treasurer Internal Audit Paul Bigioni `■ Director, Co po ate ,ervices & City Solicitor Recommended for the consideration of Pickering Ci Council iljet,-. 613r 2013 Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer ATTACHMENT# 1 TO REPORT# 21'13 Citii 00 • Memo PICKERING To: James Halsall October 24, 2013 Manager, Budgets & Internal Audit From: Vera A. Felgemacher. Manager, Supply & Services Copy: Division Head, Finance & Treasurer Senior Purchasing Analyst Consultant Subject: Request for Proposal No. RFP-13-2013 General Insurance and Risk Management Services File: F-5300-001 Request for Proposals were invited from four (4) companies and was posted on the City website. Four(4) companies responded by the official submission date and time. Two (2) addenda were issued. Evaluation of proposals is performed in four (4) stages. Reference: Part 3, Evaluation of Proposals 3.3 Stage I — Mandatory Requirements, Submission and Rectification 3.3.1 Submission and Rectification Date Other than inserting the information requested on the mandatory submission forms set out in the RFP, a proponent may not make any changes'to any of the forms. Proponents submitting proposals that do not meet the mandatory requirements will be provided an opportunity prior to the Rectification Date to rectify any deficiencies. 3.4 Stage II — Evaluation of Rated Criteria Proponents should refer to Appendix D — RFP Particulars— Section D. Rated Criteria for a breakdown of the Rated Criteria. 3.5 Stage Ill— Evaluation of Pricing Proponents should refer to the Rate Bid Form at Appendix C and Appendix D — RFP Particulars — Section E. Pricing. . 3.6 Cumulative Score and Selection of Highest Scoring Proponent At the conclusion of Stage III, all scores from Stage II and Stage III will be added together and the r` . highest ranked proponent will be selected for negotiations in accordance with Part 4 —Terms and Conditions of the RFP process. 3.7. Tie Score In the event of a tie score, the selected proponent willbe determined in accordance with the City's , Purchasing Procedures. All four (4) proposals will proceed to Stage II. The following documentation is included to proceed with evaluation: 1. Evaluation Form — Stage I , 2. Evaluation Form — Stage II (to be used by Evaluation Committee Members) 3. Evaluation Form — Stage II Rating Criteria 4. Copies of Proposals Please co-ordinate an appropriate date and time for a meeting of the evaluation committee. Each member should review the submissions carefully according to the rating criteria before the meeting time. In accordance with Purchasing Policy Item 06.12, where the compliant quotation or tender meeting specification and offering best value to the City is acceptable•or where the highest scoring proposal is recommended and the estimated total purchase price is over$125,000.00, the Manager, may approve the award, subject to the approval of the Director, Treasurer, CAO and Council. Please prepare a Report to Council to include the following items: (a) the appropriate account number(s) to which this work is to be charged; (b) the budget amount(s) assigned thereto; (c) Treasurer's confirmation of funding; • (d) related departmental approvals; and (e) related comments specific to the project. - , Please do not disclose any information to enquiring proponents during this time -they will be advised of the outcome in due course. Please direct inquiries to Supply & Services. If yo require further information, please feel free to contact me or a member of Supply & Services. VAF/bk Attachments:Evaluation Form -Stage I . Evaluation Form —'Stage II Evaluation Form —Stage II Rating Criteria . Copies of Proposals _ . October 24, 2013 Page 2 of 2 Request for Proposal No. RFP-13-2013 ., General Insurance and RisI( anagement Services - (( Request for Proposal General Insurance and Risk Management Services No. RFP-13-2013 Stage 1 — Evaluation Form Stage I will consist of a review to determine which proposals comply with all of the mandatory failing to satisfy the mandatory requirements as of the Submission Date will be provided an opportunity to rectify any deficiencies. Proposals failing to satisfy the mandatory requirements as of the Rectification Date will be excluded from further consideration. Proposals are to include the following mandatory requirements: • A. The Proponent shall submit one (1) original signed by an authorized official, and five (5) copies of the proposal by the closing date and time in a sealed package (Part 3 - Item 3.1.2) B. Acknowledge Addendum (Part 4 - Item 4.2.2) C. Submission Form (Appendix B) D. Rate Bid Form (Appendix C) E. Table of Contents (Appendix D - Item C) Company , Item A Item B Item C Item D Item E Ontario Municipal ' ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Insurance Exchange Frank Cowan ✓ ✓ ✓ Company BFL Canada ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Jardine Lloyd ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 1.Thompson Canada Request for Proposal General Insurance and Risk Management Services • No. RFP-13-2013 D. Rated Criteria The following is an overview of the categories and weighting for the rated criteria of the • RFP. Rated Criteria Category Weighting (Points) Qualifications 15 Insurance Coverage 20 Service Requirements 25 Pricing 40 Total Points 100 Qualifications (15 points) Proponent Experience Team Expertise Insurance Coverage(20 points) Meeting the Request for Proposal Specifications Scope of Coverage & Enhancements Financial Stability of Insurers Service Requirements (25 points) Minimum Service Requirements Risk Management Claims Management Pricing Pricing will be scored based on a relative pricing formula using the Total All Coverages — Annual Premium price as set out in the Rate Bid Form. Each proponent will receive a percentage of the total possible pointsiallocated by dividing that proponent's price into the lowest bid price. For example, if a proponent bids . $120.00 and that is the lowest bid price, that proponent receives 100% of the possible points (120/120 = 100%). A proponent who bids $150.00 receives 80% of the possible points (120/150 = 80%), and a proponent who bids $240.00 receives 50% of the possible points (120/240 = 50%). Lowest rate x Total available points = Score for proposal with second- lowest rate Second-lowest rate Lowest rate x Total available points = Score for proposal with third-lowest rate • Third-lowest rate And so on, for each proposal. - • • /I ,' f • 0 • E ` E 0 U' a) as is c 0 . I-- N a) • - ___. G) Cl) o) 1 .f+ _ 0) � E •D , •O Cl) as MLL - - ._ _ .® _ O cC N O • • c co a M O O d v) `1 r 7 o E d C i d • tt c' 0Z d _ O i d1 . N O _ ca L al ;I ` . > N' i c G CO O a) c U. _ • - 0 1~ 0 W , . = i O 1 - I as V N 1 E •� a) C'J c • � c a as a) as a) • >. !, cac(a 'o CU .0 O o. , -.0-.0 U C E Q ' d. 1 .2 X 2 iI !I � E U c E ca co c J . E' I-1-. • . . • ; O E LL CO -, H • 0 1 1 ATTACHMENT#_PTO REPORT# 4I4 a)-13 cal 00 ytq N�!_ li[11113. .�1 , . Lei Memo To: James Halsall November 8, 2013 Manager, Budgets & Internal Audits From: Vera A. Felgemacher Manager, Supply & Services Copy: Division Head, Corporate Services &Treasurer Subject: Request for Proposal No. RFP-13-2013 General Insurance & Risk Management Services File: F-5300-001 Further to memo dated October 23, 2013, four proposals proceeded to Stage II of the evaluation process. Each member of the Evaluation Committee has completed evaluating the four proposals, completing Stage II of the evaluation process. An Evaluation Committee meeting was held Friday, November 8, 2013 at 9:30 a.m. and a combined average score for the proposals received was determined. The combined average score of the proposal then proceeded to Stage III of the evaluation process. Stage III consists of a scoring of the price submitted. At the conclusion of Stage III, all scores from Stage II and Stage III of each proposal have been added together, for an overall score for each proposal. , During Stage IV, Cumulative Score, and in accordance with Part 3, Evaluation of Proposals, Item 3.2.4, at the'conclusion of Stage III, all scores from Stage II and Stage III were added together, providing a highest ranking proponent. The highest ranking proponent selected is Jardine Lloyd Thompson Canada Inc. with a price of $624,503.00 (HST extra)for the provision of General Insurance & Risk Management services. In accordance with Purchasing Policy Item 06.12, where the compliant quotation meeting specification and offering best value to the City is acceptable or where the highest scoring proposal is recommended and the estimated total purchase price is over $125,000.00, the Manager, may approve the award, subject to the approval of the Director, Treasurer, CAO and Council. Please include the following items in the Report to Council: (a) the appropriate account number(s) to which this work is to be charged; - (b) the budget amount(s) assigned thereto; ' confirmation of - (c) Treasurer's funding; (d) c g, ( ) related departmental approvals; and (e) related comments specific to the project. Please do not disclose any information,to proponents. Enquiries may be redirected to Supply &, Services. VAF/bk . Attachments: Evaluation Committee Summary of Average Total Scores — Stage II Evaluation.Committee Summary of Average Scores — Stage II (blank) Evaluation Committee Summary Total Score (blank) • P • • • November 8, 2013 Page 2 Request for Proposal No RFP-13-2013 General Insurance and Risk Management Services ..1 1 S . c 0 E E 0 (..) . a) . . , a To • Q' ' a 0 I— ' N 0 o I' . .E t _..�_.._ T, . ___ ., . d Cl) 0) - c E E 7.-- - O O G co r c 2 O 2.N O Cl -= O a) O • • CL ..v ° E4, a)I a) cc 3 N w 0 to c c as no) 61, . • = > U) N O a) EU: c • O .� . N c F i3O—_. a) .s as a L. z . A •c c CL • to. � U) a) >, E ca cu o U -O c ' -a - 2-� U . c E U U 0 C 06 a) E t = U-I ca D oU 2 O r V O •c J 0 a) O c U 'O ca a) N . C fB V as I . • • E O .. 11_ CO I- 0 i ) °.c ;.o.. ,1= ,o ar.�... 'CD a :m 0 a? o = � 1 `� a + Ca) d Cl) aol a: 0 Pc 0 E 00-= as 0 � ' . ea Cl)M c E C''� . s •E 0) a. nl Cl) LCD '`� >'$:'g , L. M -. v N i <N. ••••• — G. 2 0 ';'.>r- d u' co N M d p' 0 = � '•, a) co Co = .o - _. . i— of E i N. . a) � i C .r-.. - I iii O ! C E * 1 t9 o u) v i . ; ' * .C c a) a) . 4 E E o c as 0 a) -a o. C 0 X U o as d H m m LL 0 ii w' ATTACHMENT#. 3 TO REPORT# Fit J 1 - 13 4JLT Jardine Lloyd Thompson Canada Inc. SUMMARY OF COVERAGE, LIMITS AND DEDUCTIBLES Name of Insured: Corporation of the City of Pickering Policy Period: January 1, 2014 to January 1, 2015 12:01 a.m. local time at the mailing address of the Named Insured CANADIAN COUNCILS LIABILITY General Liability: $ 5,000,000 any one Occurrence and LIMIT OF LIABILITY in the Annual Aggregate for Products and Completed Operations during the Policy Period Extension Limit EXTENSIONS Employers' Liability $ 5,000,000 any one Claim OF COVERAGE Tenant Legal Liability $ 5,000,000 any one Occurrence Employee Benefit Liability $ 5,000,000 .any one Claim Incidental Medical Malpractice $ 5,000,000 any one Claim Retro Date: November 15, 1993 Voluntary Medical Payments $ 50,000 any one Claim and in the Annual Aggregate during the Policy Period Forest Fire Fighting Expense $ 1,000,000 any one Occurrence and in the Annual Aggregate during the Policy Period Voluntary Payment for Property $ 50,000 any one Occurrence Damage and in the Annual Aggregate during the Policy Period Incidental Garage Operations $ 250,000 any one Occurrence and in the Annual Aggregate during the Policy Period Municipal Marina Legal Liability $ 100,000 any one Pleasure Craft $ 1,000,000 in the Annual Aggregate for Legal Liability for Property Damage during the Policy Period Wrongful Dismissal (Legal $ 250,000 any one Claim Expense) and in the Annual Aggregate during the Policy Period Conflict of Interest and Legal $ 100;000 any one Claim and Expense Reimbursement : $ 500,000 in the Annual • Aggregate during the Policy Period Non-Owned Automobile (including $ 5,000,000 any one Occurrence Contractual Liability for Hired . Autos) Legal Liability for Damage to $ 250,000 any one Occurrence Hired Autos 1 -� J LT Jardine Lloyd Thompson Canada Inc. • Endorsement Limit ENDORSEMENTS Municipal Errors and Omissions $ 5,000,000 any one Claim and in Liability the Annual Aggregate during the Policy Retroactive Date: Unlimited Period subject to completed questionnaire Environmental Impairment Liability $ 2,500,000 any one Claim and Retroactive Date: $ 5,000,000 in the Annual November 15, 1993 Aggregate during the Policy Period Abuse /Molestation Liability $ 250,000 any one Claim and Retroactive Date: January 1, 2014 $ 500,000 in the Annual Aggregate during the Policy Period Voluntary Compensation As per Endorsement No. 4—Schedule of Benefits Applicable Coverage - Deductible DEDUCTIBLE(S) Public Entity General Liability $ 100,000 per Occurrence except per Claimant in respect of Sewer Backup Extensions of Coverage $ 100,000 per Occurrence/per Claimant for all Extensions of Coverage except: $NIL with respect to Non- Owned Automobile Liability, Conflict of Interest and Legal Expense Reimbursement, and Voluntary • Compensation; $ 1,000 with respect to Legal • Liability for Damage to Hired Autos $ 5,000 with respect to Wrongful Dismissal (Legal Expense) Municipal Errors and Omissions $ 100,000 per Claim Liability Environmental Impairment Liability $ 100,000 per.Claim Abuse /Molestation Liability $ 100,000 per Claim Ai LT Jardine Lloyd Thompson Canada Inc. �� Checkroom Liability Endorsement—Included 3 Year Long Term Agreement Primary CAD 5,000,000 / CAD 100,000 Deductible The policy will be renewed annually for a period of two years expiring on 01 January 2017 on the existing terms and conditions with the premiums paid annually in advance, as follows:- 01 January 2014 to 01 January 2015 CAD 325,000(Gross) 01 January 2015 to 01 January 2016 CAD 325,000(Gross) 01 January 2016 to 01 January 2017 CAD 325,000 (Gross) • However terms and conditions may be reviewed 60 days prior to annual renewal if any of the following apply: • Pertinent changes in reinsurance cover ENDORSEMENTS • there is an increase of 15%or more in population numbers • there are legislative changes that may impact upon the value or frequency of claims against the policy • there is a change in the exposure of the insured (as per the business description)or; • the value of Incurred Claims exceeds 40% of net premium (excluding Taxes)for any one Period of Insurance to which this agreement relates. • there has been significant adverse development on historical loss record in any of the prior 7 policy years whereby Incurred Claims exceed 50% of the Net Premium. The term"Incurred Claims"means the total cost of claims including actual claim payments(including medical, legal and other costs and expenses)and reserves set by the Insurers on outstanding claims(also including such costs and expenses). "Net Premium"means the premium received by the Insurers net of tax and any commissions or other deductions. All other terms and conditions remain unaltered. POLICY FORM PK1302509000 (2013) UMR B0753PK1302509000 INSURER(S)AND, PROPORTION OF Certain Lloyd's Underwriters (Syndicate 1886)—100% PARTICIPATION(S) 1 LT . . Jardine Lloyd Thompson Canada Inc. 1. Environmental Impairment Liability—coverage is available for underground storage tanks approved by the insurer. A list of tanks is required along with evidence of appropriate test results and will be SUBJECT TO endorsed onto the policy. 2.Abuse & Molestation—background checks in place for employees implemented into hiring process 3. Completion of Casualty Questionnaire 4. Terms will remain as indicated subject to no claims deterioration as of January 1, 2014 • • • • f ' 1 LT Jardine Lloyd Thompson Canada Inc. • CANADIAN COUNCILS UMBRELLA LIABILITY $20,000,000 any one Occurrence $20,000,000 in the Annual Aggregate in respect of Products&Completed Operations LIMITS OF LIABILITY $20,000,000 in the Annual Aggregate in respect of Municipal Errors and Omissions Liability $20,000,000 in the Annual Aggregate in respect of Employee Benefits Liability EXCESS OF Underlying Coverage Underlying Limit UNDERLYING General Liability $ 5;000,000 any one Occurrence COVERAGE(S) AND Incidental Medical $ 5,000,000 any one Claim LIMIT(S) Malpractice Non-Owned Automobile $ 5,000,000 any one Occurrence Liability Municipal Errors & $ 5,000,000 any one Claim Omissions Liability Owned Automobile Liability $ 5,000,000 any one Occurrence Garage Automobile Liability $5,000,000 any one Occurrence Employee Benefits Liability $ 5,000,000 any one Claim RETAINED LIMIT $ Nil ENDORSEMENTS Endorsement#1 -Standard Excess Automobile Liability Policy SPF No. 7 Follow Form Named Insured POLICY FORM PK1302510000 (2013) UMR B0753PK1302510000 INSURER(S)AND PROPORTION OF Certain Lloyd's Underwriters (Syndicate 1886)— 100% PARTICIPATION(S) SUBJECT TO Terms will remain as indicated subject to no claims deterioration as of January 1, 2014 • • 1 LT Jardine Lloyd Thompson Canada Inc. • • • COMBINED PHYSICAL DAMAGE & MACHINERY BREAKDOWN COVERAGE Property Of Every Description—All Risks of Direct Physical Loss or Damage (Subject to Policy Exclusions) $184,070,900 Limit of Loss on Blanket Property of Every Description including Machinery Breakdown $ 1,659,90.0 Computer/Electronic Data Processing (Included in Blanket Limit) LIMITS $ 794,500 Business Interruption—Profits (Included in Blanket Limit) $ 1,562,400 Mobile Unlicensed Equipment(Included in Blanket Limit) $ 2,180,000 Bridges (Not Included in Blanket Limit) EXTENSIONS The Limits shown below are included in the Blanket Limit shown above: OF COVERAGE Extension Limit Valuable Papers $ 500,000 Extra Expense $ 1,000,000 Accounts Receivable $ 500,000 Gross Rentals $ 500,000 Computer Media $ 500,000 Fine Arts (Agreed Value) $ 25,000 Ammonia Contamination $ 500,000 Water Escape $ 500,000 The Limits shown below are in addition to the Blanket Limit shown above: Extension Limit Newly Acquired Property $ 1,000,000 Buildings in the Course of Construction $' 1,000,000 Property in Transit $ 500,000 Unnamed Locations • $ 1,000,000 Expediting Expense $ 500,000 Contingent Business Interruption $ 1,000,000 Fire Extinguishing Materials and Fire Fighting Expense $ 100,000 Professional Fees $ 500,000 Hacking Event or Computer Virus attack -any one Random Attack or Any One Specific Attack, any one event_or total $ 100,000 loss in a policy year for the combined total loss or damage Jardine Lloyd Thompson Canada Inc. 4JLT . EXTENSIONS The Limits shown below are in addition to the Blanket Limit shown above: OF COVERAGE Extension Limit CONTINUED Master Key $ 10,000 Land and Water Pollution Clean Up $ 100,000 Expense Stock Spoilage $ 100,000 Consequential Damage $ 100,000 Off Premises Service Interruption $ 1,000,000 Exhibition Floater $ 100,000 Hazardous Substance $ 500,000 Property of Councillors', Board $ 5,000 any one loss Members' and Employees' ($25,000 maximum annual policy limit) TWO(2)YEAR TERM RATE GUARANTEE ENDORSEMENT ENDORSEMENTS It is understood and agreed that: 1. Upon the expiry date of the policy to which this Agreement is attached, the Insurer shall submit to the Insured a statement showing loss ratio produced for the account for the 12 month period preceding the anniversary date. The rate increase on the above policy, excluding reinsurance costs, shall beheld to 0%subject to the following: a. Providing the loss ratio on the account is less than or equal to 40% b. No material change in risk 2. The term"loss ratio"as used herein shall mean the ratio of losses incurred to premiums earned under all policies expressed as a percentage. 3. The term"loss occurred"as used herein shall mean actual paid losses, allocated loss adjustment expenses, legal expenses, as well as loss reserves as estimated by the Insurer for unpaid losses, including losses reported and reserved after each expiry date. The Insurer's loss runs shall be considered accurate for this purpose. Except as otherwise provided in this endorsement all limits, terms, conditions, provisions, definitions and exclusions shall have full force and effect. 4JLT •Jardine Lloyd Thompson Canada Inc. DEDUCTIBLE(S) $ 10,000 each Occurrence for All Losses except: $ 25,000 each Flood Loss 5% of total loss or$100,000 minimum,whichever is greater, each Earthquake occurrence. $ 2,500 each Fine Arts&Mobile Unlicensed Equipment loss POLICY FORM Municipal Insurance Program -Master Policy (July 2013) Physical Damage: Aviva Insurance Company of Canada —70% The Sovereign General Insurance Company— 12.2% INSURER(S)AND PROPORTION OF Certain Lloyd's Underwriters - 17.8% UMR B753PG1300907000 PARTICIPATION(S) (Participation of Lloyd's Underwriter is based on Blanket Limit and Limits in Addition to the Blanket Limit) Machinery Breakdown: Aviva Insurance Company of Canada — 100% 1. Schedule of Locations including breakdown of values, construction, protection and occupancy. 2. Schedule of Miscellaneous Tools and Contractors Unlicensed Equipment. 3. All cooking facilities are ULC wet chemical compliant with semi-annual maintenance contract and Class K portable extinguisher. SUBJECT TO 4. Unless specifically agreed, all heritage properties are covered for Replacement Cost only. For Heritage Replacement Cost, a professional appraisal must be provided for approval by the insurer. 5. All locations may be subject to Engineering Inspection. 6. Terms will remain as indicated subject to no claims deterioration as of January 1, 2014 $ JLT Jardine Lloyd Thompson Canada Inc. COMPREHENSIVE CRIME $ 1,000,000 Employee Dishonesty-Form A $ 200,000 Broad Form Loss of Money(Inside Premises) $ 200,000 Broad Form Loss of Money(Outside Premises) LIMITS $ 200,000 Money Orders&Counterfeit Paper Currency $ 1,000,000 Depositors Forgery $ 200,000 Professional Fees/Audit Expenses $ 200,000 Computer Fraud or Funds Transfer Fraud DEDUCTIBLE $Nil per Loss POLICY FORM Master Crime Wording (Apr. 2012) INSURER(S)AND PROPORTION OF Aviva Insurance Company of Canada — 100% PARTICIPATION(S) Important: 1. Bank Accounts NOT being reconciled by the same person(s) authorized to deposit and withdraw funds. SUBJECT TO 2. All cheque requisitions and issued cheques containing dual signatures. If the above is not part of your internal Financial controls, please provide explanation(s). `3. Completed Crime application. '4. Terms will remain as indicated subject to no claims deterioration as of January 1, 2014 • 1 LT Jardine Lloyd Thompson Canada Inc. EXCESS CRIME $ 1,000,000 Employee Dishonesty—Form A LIMITS excess of Aviva's $1,000,000 primary limit ENDORSEMENTS T3DE.014 Excess over Underlying Indemnity Rider T3DE.018 Fixed Term Rider • DEDUCTIBLE $Nil per Loss POLICY FORM Comprehensive Dishonesty, Disappearance & Destruction Bond T3DE.001 (03/06) INSURER(S)AND PROPORTION OF Trisura General Insurance Company— 100% PARTICIPATION(S) Minimum Retained Premium — 10% of annual premium SUBJECT TO Terms will remain as indicated subject to no claims deterioration as of, January 1, 2014 • 4JLT Jardine Lloyd Thompson Canada Inca AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE (ONTARIO) Liability—Bodily Injury/Property Damage Limit: $5,000,000 Deductible: $10,000 Accident Benefits—Basic Benefits Limit as stated in Policy COVERAGE APPLICABLE Uninsured Automobile Limit as stated in Policy Direct Compensation —Property Damage Limit as stated in Policy Deductible: $10,000 Loss or Damage—All Perils Deductible: $10,000 Notice of Cancellation Ninety(90) Days Replacement Cost Endorsement on all vehicles 20 Years and newer unless otherwise agreed Fire Trucks-over 20 years, up to and including 25 years old—Guaranteed Amount (purchase price to be used unless professional appraisal provided) - over 25 years old—Actual Cash Value OPCF 20 Loss Of Use—Applicable to Fifty-seven (57) Light Units OPCF 21 B Blanket Fleet Endorsement—No Annual Adjustment OPCF 31 Non-Owned Equipment • OPCF 24 Freezing of Fire-Fighting Apparatus. ENDORSEMENTS OPCF 44 Family Protection Endorsement: (Applicable only to Private Passenger Vehicles, Light Commercial Vehicles, Skidoos and All Terrain Vehicles, and Police Vehicles) Additional Endorsements: OPCF 3 Drive Government Automobiles OPCF 4A Permission to Carry Explosives OPCF 4B Permission to Carry Radioactive Material OPCF 5 Permission to Rent or Lease OPCF 32 Use of Recreational Vehicles by Unlicensed Drivers Tarmac Exclusion POLICY,FORM Provincial Statutory Owner's Policy INSURER(S)AND PROPORTION OF Aviva Insurance Company of Canada— 100%. PARTICIPATION(S) Provision of updated vehicles and drivers list to insurer SUBJECT TO Completed Automobile application Terms will remain as indicated subject to no claims deterioration as of ( January 1, 2014 • 4JLT Jardine Lloyd Thompson Canada Inc. GARAGE AUTOMOBILE (ONTARIO) Section 1 $3,000,000 Third Party Liability Inclusive Limit Section 2 Accident Benefits—Included Section 3 Uninsured Automobile—Included • Section 4 Direct Compensation Property Damage—Included LIMITS OF Section 5 Liability Damage to Customer's Automobile COVERAGE Collision-Limit any One Automobile $200,000 • Deductible: $500 Specified Perils —Limit of Liability-Any One Occurrence $300,000 Deductible: $500 OEF 71 Excluding Owned Automobiles Endorsement ENDORSEMENTS OEF 77 Comprehensive Damage to Customer's Automobiles including Open Lot Theft OEF 81 Garage Family Protection Endorsement POLICY FORM Provincial Statutory Garage Automobile Policy OAP 4 INSURER(S) AND PROPORTION OF Aviva Insurance Company of Canada— 100% PARTICIPATION(S) SUBJECT TO Terms will remain as indicated subject to no claims deterioration as of January 1, 2014 • 4JLT Jardine Lloyd Thompson Canada Inc. COUNCILLORS' ACCIDENT COVERAGE LIMITS OF $ 250,000 Principal Sum COVERAGE Number of Councillors: Seventeen (17) Persons INCLUDED COVERAGE 24 Hour Coverage POLICY FORM Insurer's Standard Form • INSURER(S)AND PROPORTION OF AIG Insurance Company of Canada — 100% PARTICIPATION(S) $2,500,000 Aggregate Limit of Indemnity Per Accident SUBJECT TO Terms will remain as indicated subject to no claims deterioration as of January 1, 2014 • • Ai. Jardine Lloyd Thompson Canada Inc. LT RISK MANAGEMENT ELECTED OFFICIAL, DIRECTORS AND Included DEPARTMENTAL SEMINARS AUTOMOBILE Risk and Driver Assessment included FLEET SERVICES • PREMIUM SUMMARY TOTAL ANNUAL PREMIUM (OPTIONS NOT . $624,503 plus any applicable provincial sales tax INCLUDED) • TFA eSCRIBE eSCRIBE Workflow Status: eSCRIBE Approval Workflow MEETIOGS,EVOLVED Workflow Information Initiator: Webster,Valerie Document: FIN 27-13 Property and Liability Insurance Renewal Started: 11/15/2013 3:10 PM Status: Approved Last run: 11/18/2013 3:21 PM Tasks The following tasks have been assigned to the participants in this workflow.Click a task to edit It.You can also view these tasks in the list Tasks. `?Assigned To Title Due Date Status Related Content Outcome Bigioni,Paul FIN 27-13 Property and Liability Insurance Renewal.docx Review 11/17/2013 Completed FIN 27-13 Property and Liability Insurance Renewal Approved Prevedel,Tony FIN 27-13 Property and Liability Insurance Renewal.docx Review 11/19/2013 Completed FIN 27-13 Property and Liability Insurance Renewal Approved Workflow History The following events have occurred in this workflow. E Date Occurred Event Type User ID Description Outcome 11/15/2013 3:10 PM Workflow Initiated Webster,Valerie eScribe Approval Started 11/15/2013 3:10 PM Task Created Bigioni,Paul Approval Task Assigned 11/15/2013 3:24 PM Task Completed Bigioni,Paul Document Approved 11/15/2013 3:24 PM Task Created Prevedel,Tony Approval Task Assigned 11/17/2013 3:25 PM Comment System Account Task Overdue Reminder Sent Task Overdue 11/18/2013 3:21 PM Task Modified Donaldson,Margaret Task Changed Task Assignments Changed Task assigned to Prevedel,Tony had a delegate added Donaldson,Margaret 11/18/2013 3:21 PM Task Completed Donaldson,Margaret Document Approved Approved By Delegate:Donaldson,Margaret 11/18/2013 3:21 PM Workflow Completed System Account Document was Approved •