HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS 12/00�S� � ��1roFn��� � � � ��� REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Gillis A. Pnterson DA7'G: May 16, 2000 Director, Corporate Services & Treasurcr REPORT NUMBER: CS 12-00 SUBJECT: Authority for the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer to Recommend Project Financing Approval During Recesses of Counci) RECOMMENDATION: Thut the Exccutive Committce recommend to Council thuC I, tha Director, Corporate Services & Trcasurcr be authorized to recommend nnd upprove project finnncing to the Muyor and Chicf Administrativc Officer for projects cantained in the nnnual cnpitul budgct or current buJgct, during rccesses of City Council; and 2. thnt uppropriute o(ficiuls of thc City of Pickering be nuthorized to qive effect thcreto. ORIGIN: Dircctor, Corporutc Scrviccs & Treasurcr AUTHORITY: 2000 Currcnt and Capital Budgcts F[NANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Not Applicablc EXECUfIVE SUMMARY: Nat Applicuble BACKGROUND: Project Finuncing Approvnls nre preparcd nt the time of the awnrcl of the tender for the project und nre npproved by the T�easurer. Project Financing Approvul Fortns will bc prepnrcd for nll capitul expenditure projects thut arc finunced by ali sources othcr thnn frum current rcvenues. 'fhese sources of financing include development chnrges, rcservc funds und the issuunccs of debentures. Recommendntion No. 1 of this rcport is to give the Dircctcr, Comornte Services 8c Trorsurcr authority to issue Projecl Financing Approvals for those projccts for which the Muyor nnd Chief .•� Repart ro Council CS 12-00 : Dntc: Mey 16, 2000 8� Subject: Authority fot the Director, Corpornte Services & Trensurer Page 2 to Recommend Project Approval During Recesaes of Council Administrntive Officer will be awurding constructian contrncts during recesses of Council, for cxnmple Christmns, New Yenrs, nnd this yenr, during the recess for the civic clection. This recommendation is consistent with the policy upproved for the summer recess period unter Report No. CAO 10-00 of the Chief Administrative Officer granting him approval to awazd tenders under certnin specific conditions. This recommendation provides for thc npprovzl of finuncing for any tenders so uwnrded. ATTACfiMENTS: Not Applicnble Approved / Endorsed By: L� Giilis A. Putcrson Dircctor, Corporale Services & Trcnsurer GP:vw Copy: T.J. Quinn, ChieF Administrative OiCccr Recommended for thc considcrution of Pickering City Council /0//'�\ ��// 1 \ N�/, ..L %AAiI '/ . . . i. . . . .. . . . ... . . .