HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 103/98. � ', O�� OF p� � REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Penny L. Wyger DATB: Octobcr 19, 1998 Town Salicitor REPORT NUMBER: L103/98 SUBJECT: Disposal of Lnnds -Biack 93 and Pnrt of Blocks 84, 94 and 96, Plon 40M-I515 being Parts 2, 3, 5, 6, 9,11, 12 and 13 on Plun 40R-XXXXX - Our File: RE9810 RECONIIvIENDATION: A by-law should be enncted decluring ns surplus thc lands described ns thnt part of Block 93 and ihose paris of Blocks 84, 94 and 96, Plan 40M-I515, Pickcring sct out as Parts 2, 3, 5, 6, 9, 1 I, l2 and 13, Pinn 40R•XXXXX und uuthorizing thc salc thcrcof to Mnrshull Homes, or its designate, in accordance wilh By-Luw 4592/95, subjcct to thc terms und condilions set out in lhis n;E ori. ORIGIN: Approval of DrnR Plan of Subdivision 18T-89117 (Rcviscd). AUTHORII'Y: I, Muntclpal Ac7, R.S.O. 1990, chnptcr M.45, scctions 191 anJ 193. 2. By-Law 4592/95. FMANCIAL IMPLICATIONS Proceeds of Snle 512,500.00 Cost lo conslruct future walkway (estimated) 2 500.00 Net proceeds Nil EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Council approved draR plan of subdivision 18T-89117 subject to several conditions, one of those conditions was that the Subdivision Agrcement respecting Plen 40M•1515 (lands abutting Drnft Plan 18T-89117) be amended to provide for: (u) iha conswction of a walkwuy on part of Black 84, Plnn 40M-1515 which welkway would extend from the southerly limit of Richardson Strect on Plan 40M•1515 and continue to thc north limit of Littleford Strcet, ihrough drnfl plan of subdivision I8T-89117 in order to providc a pcJest�ian linkoge through lhc t���o davelopmcnts; and (b) to provide udequate lot frontnge, servfcing und drivewey access to futurc development Blocks 79 nnd 80 on Plan 40M-1515. , Report to Cowcil L103/98 Subjcet: Disposal of Lands Dnte: Oclober 19, 1998 I'uge 2 (n order for Mershall Homes to be ablc to fulfill these conditions, the Town must convey lands in its ownership to Marshall Homes, being Block 93 and those parts oF Dlock 84, 94 ond 96, designated as Parts 2, 3, 5 6, 9, 1I, 12 end 13, Plan 40R-XXXXX, which lends werc originally ecquired by ihe Town for future road purposes through the rcgistration of Plan 40M-1515, Pickering. BACKGROUND: When Plan 40M•I515 wus rcgistered the Owner conveyed to the Town Block 84 for future road putposes and Dlocks 93, 94 and 96 es reserves. At Uwt time it wes anticipated that part of those Innds would evente�lly be required for the extension of Fawndale Rond when the Innds ta the wulh were developed. However, it has since been detertnined that Fawndale Rond will not extend through those lunds. Marshull Homes Corporation is proposing to devclop the southcrly nbutting property Ihrough Drnft Plan of Subdivision 18T-89117. Council npproved Dmft Plan of Subdivision 18T•89117 subject to several conditions, one of thosc condilions bcing thal thc Subdivision Agreement respecting Plan 40M-I515 (Innds nbutting DmR Plnn IST•89117) Ix amended to provide for: (u) the construction of n walkwny ou part of Block 84, Plan 40M•I515 which wulkway wouid exlend Prom the southerly limit of Richordson Strcct on Plan 40M-I515 nnd continue to the nonh limit oF Littleford Slrcct, through draft plan ofsubdivision 18T•89117 in order to providc u pcdcstriun linkugc through thc two developments; and (b) lo provide ndequute lot frontngc, servicing und drivewuy nccess lo fulure devclopment Dlocks 79 and 80 on Plun 40M-I515. [n ordcr for Marshall Homes to bc ublc to fulfill thcsc condilions, thc Tawn must canvcy a portion of the Innds in its owncrship bcing Dlock 93 and thosc parts of Block 84, 94 and 96, designnted av Parts 2, 3, 5 6, 9, 11, 12 und 13, Plan 40R-XXXXX to Mnrshull Flomes (or its designate). An epprnisal of the subjcct Innds was obwined and indicatcs the vuluc of thc lands to bc 512,500.00. Marshall Homes has agreed to pay Ihe cost of constructing Ihc extcnsion of the proposed wnikwuy an lhe Pnrt 4 and Part 10 portian of the lands at no cost to thc 1'uwn. The eslimuted cost of conswcting lhe walkway will be set off against the cost to ucyuire the lands Gom the Town. The Lends lying west of the walkwny extension (Peris 5, 6 and 9) will be conveyed to the owncr of Lot 78, Plen 40M-1515, Pickering. The cost of those lands are included in the SI2,500 appmised value. Notification of this was published in the News Advertiscr on October 20, 1998. No objections heve been rcceived. It is recammendcd that lhe subject lands be dcclarcd surplus and conveycd to tvlershall Homes Corporation, or its designate, far thc totnl sum of 512,500.00, providcd Murshell Homes agrees to conswct thc walkwny at na cost to the Town. Enectmcnt of lhe ettached by-la��� will declerc thc lands surplus to the Corporntion nnd nuthoriu the sala thercof in eccordanca with the Town's procedurcs to regulate the sulc of municipal rcnl property as set out in Bylaw 4592/95. • Report to Council L103/98 Subject: Disposel of Lnnds ATTACHMENTS: 1. Site sketch. 2. Location map. 3. Draft bylaw. Prepared By: Date: Octobcr 19,1998 Page i Approved / Endorsed By: ��V• •� l%�.(/ Denise Bye' Penny WG�;� � j� DB: Attachments Copy: General Manager Recommended for the considerntion of Pickering Town Council , %�.i� , ns J. Qu , 0 erni ngcr ,�_ =�— I BLGGK 9? �.��. � � ATTApN�IfNP'��'"' 1lEPpRTN6L4iH � � gLnCK 57— ; � er nu�� ty( i � � � ,so ,l� � � e�:cK ��l bLOCK Au � o0 { L:f: r..4�J •uJVU PNi J0000 •lv00 4�t � ! ---- --"---'- \�\� � . ' ��W �� r � 2 : �Nr•E ?, � A� I ° � . a�n.oc�c. I �� roi-i� �- PART 13 j BLOCK �a�� PART 12 � F- � i. s��. ��'1 ��0� .C'JJJ� i. I 2 . jlb:C`_�I:��;-� � kL i.n . p � ' :'�� �= � ' �•' yt,� . r ,. ,,.� I 4�q ' �� .� , ,. : 1• �� YNO �• � N�q - µ•, �' i W' 1T ' + � � g�� ��:i't I :t � j� . u j��° o��` �;. \` CL � n: PART I-'—��� PART 2 PART 3 ' :K• aF:, <�. � o� n�.o., g r1� __- ,1 �i ', r+' 9• a J F_4 ii•�����1,i' ; , �� � . j ' li. K 4 � � � �.�YTr 1 '� � a,ti B�c,:;.., �+npp � GoJ a. ��1 ._ �roo ��W� . . � -A,° „ I, 4,. , .,r+' , .w , 14� � - I o', °'r � vn M I �M'0� PART 8 � __--"=T � ~w .eou. onr-� � — _ �� ; ..,., ,,. �� � PART 4 ..�� o+ j �:n . a i °' �yQ � ° � I I • �iY 1 �� ��i i« 6I Q � �C� � ._.- ..yro+ ' nr� -_. i� a Y . � -\ � � -. - ru�c __. � � � ' i '"'� i �. �P.'4�,II " 1 I ' L f.i h . ' �. . � _: '�.�. r�..�� I� p� ; . _ � PART 7- PART 6. PART 5- �= I _ ---- � i[E t i: ci. „ ' ... 1 a, V I � ,. .� .. �. I ar �, 7° �. c i � � _ _"�� - -� .. i . i�T , --- —'-- - � �i:: � ._ ........._� . _. .. _ - 1 �---�� The Town of Pickerin disPooai of Lands B E31ock 93 and Part of Dlocks 84,94 a 9 LEGAL SERVICFS DEPARTMENT Plan_40I,t-1515, boing_Parta_2,3,5,G,9, �R 1 I ��������������7���������� J wyn Rivers Oriv��ACHMENTq.�TOREPORTIr� eppord A ve, C=� -------------------------.,,, t BLOCK 84, �� � 40M-1515 ��• _ _ _ � I '�,�' � 1 � ----�1 i ---I i - -i��"r�--t-r�-r�-r�-r�-r- �. ----,j r � � � I I I I I I I I I 1 I �� I � � � i I I I I I I I I I I �� 1 J�yyJ-�_1_LJ_L1_l.J_l.1 T., _ 1 oi..ti..-'�-° °' � -�` � r�Ii I I I I I I 1 I�:�'{.�i � .�o �e�� j..r.'�:=:.. ----� � I I I� I r�l I I I I s��.� I ._ � � ; a r-tiL- {,� �„ u u u u�e �� i y � �� p _ � �• •� � 1 � � �1• �II MI •� �� 4i +.1� � .__J I �• ' ( I „ "' Lilflelad Slreel ° "' --�--�-- �e I „� M � . m s • n— n ' .a ,� i �, ---1- I- � � �� , ,�r � ,.� -- � I 1 -''' �� t -"�� � g I -7 ir a - - - 1---i'-- t - '} rn ;^�" _a� � � 1 --1. , � .,,., � . ,,, T�� � ��--- . }-='--r+ --�o�l----I l.__ :: ;;� �,:r.:, . JDLmCK-30-�I `tL.l--- � I I I, I I I I�� � I I t. I r--� I I I I I'--y`�0�1•1609--�I __�r-- L-__t_�_��_�._i_._Ju L-_-�i -- ���'1 Slover Cres. bb - -;I r-r-r�-r�-r-i--r-�rlco�---�i � �� � i i i i i i i i i 3� i► --� � I I I I I I I I 1 I�4 �---11 �__ J--LJ-1-�-1_LJ_L_I_.�-----�I r-------� I ' I I I I I 1 i N i I I 1 I � LkNDS Tp �GE CONVEYED �. BLOCK 79 6 � 80, AOM•1515 I � i i � �-------- Rovgemounl �rIV@ �------- i �� FUTURE wni,x►•mY mhe To�vn of Pickering Diaposa .of Lands LEGAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT nlock,�� and Part of Ulocks 84,94 Deing Parte 2,3,S,G,9,11,12 and 13 • " A1TAdIMBVTN�rp�Epp�k�l" �r? cORPORA710N OF TF� TOWN OF PIG��Q j3i'd11.�';I:G� Befng a 6y-law to detla�e as surplus and authaize fhe salc ojmunlcfpal lands being tha� pat of Block 93 and lhare pa�a oj Blockr 8�, 9/, and 96 Plan 40M-ISIS Ptckering, de.rtgnofed as Pats ?, 3, S, 6, 9, 1/, lI and 13, Plan 40R-XK1xY, !n accordance wlth By-Law 4591/95. WHEREAS, 'The Town of Pickering on April 3, 1995 pazud By-Law 4592/95 to establish procedures to regulete the sale of Municipal Real PropeAy pursuant to section 193(2) of lhe bfunlcipal AN, R.S.O. 1990 c.M.45, as amended; AND WFIEREAS'The Corporalion of the Town of Pickering desires lo deem surplus nnd sell part of the surplus lands to the owner of the aburiing lands; NOW THEREFORE, the Council of 71�e Corporntion of the Town of Pickering FIEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1, Those lands lying end being in the Town of Pickering, in the Rcgionai Municipality of Durham legally described ar Block 93 nnd thou parts of Dlocks 84, 94 nnd 96, Plan 40M-1515, Pickcring, designatcd as Paris 2, 3, 5, 6, 9, I1, 12 and 1J on Plan 40R-XXXXX are hereby daignatcd es surplus Innd for Ihe purposes oCThe Corporati�m of the To��n of Pickering; 2, 71wse Innds lying and bcing in the ToWn of Pickering, in the Rcgional Municipality of Durham Icgally dcscribcd n4 Ulcek 93 and thosc parts of Dlocks 84, 94 nnd 96, Plnn 40M-I515, Pickering, ut out as Parts �, 3, 5, 6, 9, 11, 12 and 13 on Plnn 40R-XXXXX shall be soid to Marshull Homcs Corporai�on, or its designatc, for the aalc price of 512,500.00, subject to uny easements in favour of the Rcgion of Durhnm, in nccordonce wilh IiyLaw 4592/95. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time nnd finally passed this 2nd dny of Novcmber, 1998. Wayne Arthurs, Mayor Bruce Taylor, Clerk TowN oF PICYEPIft3 �+��. r �� � .� t� ��e �r. Renw