HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 91/98r ,, _- _ ,. 8� �p'd��fp'ry.� ' �/ � REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Penny Wygcr DATE; June I5, 1998 Town Solicitor REPORTNUMUER: L91/98 SUBJEC7': Sale of Various Surplus Lands - Clarcmont - Filcs : RG9618/RE9619/RE96:0/RE9621 RECOMMENDATION: Parceu I and 2, Former I.ibrary anJ ubulling �•ecant property: Council should pass a resolution to: I. Deem Porcels I and Z surplus to �he needs of the Corpomlion; and 2. Requirc Pnrcels 1 nnd ? to fn: consolidateJ for the purpose of disposal; and 3. Dircct stnU lo consult with Ihc Rcgion of Durham and provide them with all nccessary backgrounJ survcys, nnd information (incluJing soil tcsts if ncccssary) in ordcr lo dctcrmine whelhcr e privntc wcll nnJ xpiic systcm is availablc prior lo Ihe Town Solicitor o((ering the lands for salc; nnJ 4. Oncc thc issuc of Ihc scptic systcm is resalvcJ, lo ndvcnisc Ihc lands for salc (subjcct to all necessnry cascmcnts) in �hc local nc«spa�r in nccordancc with Dylaw 4592/95; nnd 5. To pravidc copics of thc aJvchiscment to oll inJividuals on filc who prcviously contactcd the Town rcgurding pnssihlc acyuisitinn of tlm IanJ; anJ 6. Report back to Council prior �a accepting nny nffers to scll (subjcct to all nccessary cnsements). Parceis J anJ 4, Formcr Cnmmunit�• Cenlrc anJ Firc Ilnll; Council should pass u resolution lo: 1. Consolidatc Parccls 3 anJ 4 for thc purposc of fmurc dcalings with thc lands; and 2. Direct Pianning staff to initiate n rczoning far church, school. Jaycare and commcrcial uses. Parcd S, formcrScnion' Cenlrc: Council should pass n rcsolution to: I. Deem Parccl 5 surplus lo �hc necJs of the Corporation in accordance with Uyluw 4592/95; and 2. Direct the Town Solicitor lo advertise the subjcct londs for sale in the local newspuper, end ]. To provide copics of tlw ndvcrtiscmait lo all individuals on filc who previausly contacted Ihe Town regarding �ssible acquisilian ofihe land; end 4. Rcport bnck to Council, prior to entering into nny binding agrcemenis to sell (subject m all necessary easements). ORIOIN: Rcport P/F 009196, P/FOS/97, RcsN 342/97. AUTHORITY: Afunfclpnf Acl, R,S.O. 1990, c. M45, seclion 193. Repart to Council L91N8 4� `�. �'� Date: June 15,1998 Subject: Sale of Various Surplus Lands Pagc 2 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Advertising Cosls (Unknown) Proceeds of Salc (Unknown) Surveys (Estimatcd Cost) (S I,000) E3ACKGROUND: When Council first approved the design and construction of Ihe new Clarcmont Community Facility, it agrecd Ihat thc municipal ponion of land acquisitions and conslruclion cosls (5989,726), would bc parlinlly offset by Ihe disposal of Ihc various facilitics being rcplaced 6y thc new slructure. On August 6, 1996, Council passcd Resolution 250196 to recognizc the Library, Firc Ilnll. Community Ccntre and Scnior Centre in Clnremont lo bc surplus to Ihe "immediate needs" of Ihc Carporelion and dircctcd the Town Solicilor to obtain thc neccssary appraisals and report back to Council. Resolution 250196 did not decm the lands surplus in accordancc wiih �hc Town's disposal of lands Iiy- law N459L95. The Town Managcr, at �hat limc, wamcd ta mnimain Ilexibili�y so that thc Town, aflcr reviewing the appraisals, would be able to kcep some of ihc propertics for Tmvn usc, if considercd appropriatc. Appraisals havc now been complctcJ for thc subject lands. 7he Town has rcccivcd numerous unsolicited inquiries from various panics rcgnrJing �wssihlc Icosing, acquisition nnd land cxchanges. Thosc inquirics havc bcen rcccivcd dircclly tn staff Jcpanmcnis anJ Ihrough Council. Individuuls mnking inquirics werc adviscd by staff Ihat Ihc To��n eou1J lx Jcaling ai�h t6c IanJs in ihc futurc and thnt advcrtiscmcnls µould bc going inlo Ihc lacal ncaspapers prinr to thc'fawn dcaling with thc sale of thc lands. This rcport is prcparcJ for Ihc pur�isc of proviJing Council wi�h an u�imc of Ihc slatus of cach parccl and for thc purposc of sccking clnrifica�ion nf Council's inlcmions rcgurJing �hc lands. Council should bc uwarc that similar lo �hc Rougcmoum Library� IanJs, Cauncil should not dcem lands to bc surplus nor cNCr inlo ngrccmcnts to scll �hc lands condilional on Ihc rczonings of thc lands bccausc of thc passibility of n �ercci�•cd conllict of imcrest by Ihc municipalily whcn dceling with rezoning of thcsc Innds. If Council fccls it is in Ihc Town's bcst imcrest to rczonc those lands for highcr und bettcr uscs, such rczoning should bc donc hcforc commitmcnts lo scll arc madc. PARCGI.S I AND 2. FORMF:R I.IfINARY AND VACANT PROPF.R7'Y A search of the litle rcvcnlcd Ihnt Pnrccl 2 aas acquircd by Ihc ToHn in 1984 far SI5,150 from Karsten Smith. Thc Pnrcel was part of n lurger lot. Thc conveynnce to the Town of I'arccl 2 crcated a natural severance of thosc lunds from thc abutting lands ahich cnablcd Ihc remaining parccl to bc devclopcd by Karstcn Smith without rcquiring a land scvcrance. As therc is na record of any convcyancing to ihc Town of Purcei I, it thercfore appenrs to have bcen ncquircd Ihraugh advcrsc possession. Thc approisal of Ihe lands indicaled ihat due �o thc small sizc of Parcel I, on which is situntcd n onc storcy brick building, formerly used as the library in Clarcmont, would be esscntially unmarketablc. Taken together with thc adjacent vacnnt purcel (Parcel 2), howevcr, it wauld form a lot size that is markcla6lc (74.15' frontagc nnd 196.51' depth) end bcing npproximatcly 034 acrcs in arca. The exisling building is not serviced by plumbing facilities, shows signs of defcrrcd maintcnnnce and represenls a significant undcr•improvement of Ihe sile. The appreisnl identificd thnt Ihe highest und bcst use of the subject property would be for dcvclopment with a singlc family dctnchcd dwelling, providcd Ihnt saniia�y scwage facililics arc permitted on lhe site. (The cxisting sltuclum could be rclixated on Ihc consolidated parcel end serve as en accessory structurc or a gamgc to any ncw building). Thc issuc of whclhcr sanitary sewagc fecililics would bc portnitled on Ihc silc cnnnot bc dctcrmincd without further invcstigotion including soii tcsu, and a review of sur. �_�s uf the surrounding propcnics tn identify Ihc locations of thc cxisting walls end scptic systcm� by thc Rcgian's Ileal�h DcpaAment. Thc apprniscd market value af �he subjcct lands rangcs up l0 560,000 depcnding on whcthcr seplic systems arc permiltcd. I . Report to Council L91/98 Date: June I5, 1998 Subject: Sale of Various Surplus Lands Page 3 Recommendations; . Council should deem Parcels I end 2 surplus to thc needs of ihe Corporotion; and • Parccls I and 2 should 6e consolidaled for thc purpose of disposal; and • StnlTshould consult with the Region of Durham and provide all necessary background survcys, and information (including soil tests if nccessary) in ordcr to detcrmine whelhcr a privatc well and uptic system is viable prior to ihe Town dealing fuAher with a possible disposal subjecl IanJs; and • Oncc the issuc of septic system is resolved, ihe lands should be adveAi,ed for salc, subject lo all necessary casements, in Ihe local newspaper, and • all individunls Ihut approach thc Town with proposals for leasc or purchasc should bc providcd with copies of the advertiscmenu; and • Staff should report back to Council prior to nccepling any olTcrs to sell; and • Notificalion of Ihe date of the Coancil meeting should bc advertiscd in the locnl pnper, in accordancc wilh Dylaw 4592/95. PARCELS 3 AND 4. FORMER COMMUNITY CF.NTRE AND FIRG HAI.I. Thc former Community Cemrc and the Firc Ilull have a combincJ aren of 0.39 acres. The pnrccl was ecquircd in 1927 for S?,500 from thc Trustees of the existing church. Thc hvo buildings sharc scrvices including a wcll, storm drninagc systcros and sanitary sc��agc facilitics. Thc consolidated propcny is a reasonnblc sizc for murkcting puqwses. If thc propeny �eas sevcrcd nnJ ihe hro struclurcs dcall �vith individually, cascmcros wauld bc required to proviJe for ihe wnter nnd snnilnry scwuge to euch site. Such casemcnts would rcduce the values of thc respcclivc parcals and may rcstrict indepcndcnt underinkings on thc lands in thc (uturc. Thc appraisal idcnlificd possi6lc fmurc uscs fi�r Ihc silc lo incluJc: n church, u privntc school or day curc ccmrc or Montcssori School with thc firc hall building proviJing nn ncccssory swcturc for stomgc purposcs. Thc highcst nnJ bcst usc aas iJcNificJ to hc ins�itutional. 'fhc lands arc curccntly zoncd residcntiol, however, ihe builJings have bccn useJ for institwiannl uscs in thc past. The Planning Dcpnrtmenl is of Ihc opinion that commcrcial uscs should ulso he cnnsidcred. 11u appraiseJ valuc of Ihe land is 5215,000. Rccommenda�ions; . Council shoulJ cansolidulc pnrccls 3 anJ d for �he purposc of futurc dispnsition; anJ • Council shauld aulhorizc thc Planning Dcpanment lo initiatc a rczoning for church, school, daycarc nnd commcrcinl uscs on thc Innds: anJ • Once thc rczoning has bccn complcicd, Council shoulJ cansidor ahcthcr thc Innds are surplus to its necds. If so, thc subjcct lands should bc advcrtised for salc in thc locnl ncwspaper, and all individuals that havc made inquiries regarding potcntial Ieascs und purchasc should bc providcd with copies of Ihe advertisement. PARCEI, 5. FORMER SENIORS' CENTRF. Purt of thc lands wcrc acquircd in 1975 Gom Ihc Clarcmont Lawn Eiowling Club for SI0,000. In 1991, lhe balance of Ihe lands were ncquircJ by Ihe Town fram Claremont Eslntcs Ontnrio Inc, as parkland dcdication und in addition 16 credits for cash•in•lieu of parkland dedication wcrc givcn to Ihe Vendor (applicablc to futurc developments undcrtakcn by D. Dennett and K. Smilh, or their rclatcd companics, wilhin the hamlet ofClurcmont). Parccl 5 is an irregulnrly sheped parcel of land having 108 feet of fronlagc on lhc wcst side of Old Orock Road and a deplh of epproximutcly 300 fect. Thc lands have been used as a lawn howling grccn. A single storcy 930 sq, foot structure is located on Ihe land which has bcen prcviously used ns n scnior's ceNre. 7'he lands havic en existing wcll and seplic syslcm. 71ie Durham Region Flcullh DcpaAmcnt adviscs that Ihose services may not be suitablc for rcsidentinl usa Nthough ihe nppraisnl suggests thut a purchoses mey find salvage vnluc or an intcrim usc for Ihc cxisting 6uilding end considcr n rcsidcntial usc lo bc the highcst und 6cst use of the subjcct propeny, Planning stoff arc of Ihe opinion that Ihe londs may be appropriele for somc fortns of commereinl use. Thc Appreiscd valuc of thc su6jcct lends as n1 1986 bascd on rcsidcntiol usc wns S84,SOD. � , � ��port ro Council $ J L91N8 Date: June I5, 1998 SubJecr. Sele of Varioua Surplus Lands Page 4 Recommendalions: • Council should decm Parcel 5 surplus to the necds af the Carporation; and • Dircct the Town Solicitor to edvertise thc subject lands for sale in ihe locel newspaper, and • Provide copies of ihe advcrtisement to ell indiviJuals on file who prcviausly inquired rcgerding possible loase or purchese of Ihe lands; and • Report back to Council prior to entering into eny binding egreemenls to ull (subject to all necessary easements); and • Advertise the date of ihe meeling at which Councii will deal with ihe disposition in eccordance with Bylaw 4592/95. ATTACHMENTS: I. Site Sketch/Location Map. 2. Review of Town Owned Properties. Prcpared By: �����' Penny Wyger PLW:Ijm Atlachmcnts Copy: Gcncral Manugcr :i ' 3; r,: a �k� � a il ��! � f� � F°r�` fi*-' r r � � , . . . - . . . . . � i, �.i> �� ' i ���L � : ,' � 8� � ATTACHMENI'ItJ_TO RF.POIiT tt I�q� �Q�3 -i 1--�i� m of i �y�aa ��o � � �■ I � �•�� I ��3 � �� � I 7r� :1 1 5 0 Q 0 � LAN NGT Y2P �O �V � > J SURPLUS LANDS - CLAREMONT STREET • ?��PO / ^ �0 j � � � I� � � � W� � ��Q� � � L�J � . ,. �::r N m m a 0 a c 0 � � � U 'O d 3 O � H w 0 3 m .� � �� �� � ��� ��� fi� ��� g � � �s 90 � A � � � � � 8 � ��� � � �� .a�� ��� � � � � � �'��� ��� �� � ��� ��� �'��� � ��'����� 5 � � 2 � ��.�� F 8 ��� �� �����F .. . . . E � � ai u N �. mwg�=�� �s���o = �����°�s� ��� � �' o � �����90�� � � � a _;�•• _�y�, ;�{ ��,. . . Cfi';� ",. � �. J�� . _ M � ATTACHMENT N.S�. 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