HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD 30/00��, oF.,� �.13 � p REPORT Tfl COUNCIL FROM: FloraNiro DATE: Juno 1G, 2000 Secretary•Troasurer, Committee of Adjustment REPORT NUMBER: PD 30-00 SUBJECT: Minor Variance Application P/CA 20/00 A. O'Brien & J. Collins Lot 74, Pinn M-14 Aiso known as t329 Tatra Drive City of Pickering RECOMMENDATION: L T'hat Council considcr a request madc through a rcsolution passed by thc Commilt:c of Adjustment recommending that Council considcr the wuiving or reduction of an application fcc of 5350.00 with respect to minor variancc application P/CA 20/00, submitted by A. 0'Brien and J. Collins. ORIGIN: Direction fmm the Committce of Adjusiment nt their Mny 3, 2000 mccting, to Planning and Devclopment Staff, to provide a recommendation to Council for waiving or rcducing the epplication fee with respect lo P/CA 20/00, submittcd by A. 0'Bricn and J. Collins. AUTHORITY: The Plannrng Ac�, R.S.O. I990, chapter P.13 FINANCIAL IMPLICAT►ONS: A decision to refund the npplication fee would bring a reduclion in the Planning & Development Department revenue account #1461 oFS350.00. EXECUTNE SUMMARY: This report has been prepared to advise Council of a recent rcsolution passed by the Committcc of Adjustmrnt, recommending that Council consider the waiving or reduction oC an application fee of $350.00 respecting Minor Varience Application P/CA 20/00, submittcd by A. 0'Brien nnd J. Collins. Application fees Cor Committee of Adjustment applications arc estabiishcd by Council by bylaw, and essist to offset the processing costs incurrcd by the City, including stal� timc, materials and postaga Thc subject epplication is not unique, wmm�ting any special considerations respecting Poe adjustmente, waa processed in a typicai marmer, and was wnsidered and approved by thc Commilla of AdJustment. Through discuss�ons with the Director, Plenning'v �d Development, it was dctermined that thc Plunning and Developmcnt Depertment cennot find juatiflcetion to werrent, support for lhis rcfund request, and thcrcfurc recommcnd that it bo rotUsed. � , . ,. * ; : ;,� � "--'- ., - , , „ . ,. ;, .. - r : : _ , . . ,: ,, : '�.14 ' REPORT NtJMBER 30-00 Dalc: Junc 2, 20D0 SubJecti Minor Varianca Application P/CA 2N00 Pagc 2 BACKGROUND: ;jf . ;��� � � His o Mt 0'Brien submitted a minor varianr.e application for approval in order to obtain a building pcnnit to construct a deck attached to fhe rear of the existing dweliing on the subject propMy. Thc subjxt propcvty is Iceatr! oii the south side of Tutra Drivc (1329), and east of Naroch Boulevazd. A properry locatson map and plen identiCying thc subject property for which the variences werc requested arc enclosed (See Attachments Hl &#2 respectivcly), A repo�t was prepared by ihe Planning & Development Department recommending that the requcsted reduced rear yurd depth variance to allow n proposed deck structuro to be constructed was wnsidered minor in naturc•, desirable for the approprinte development of the land, and in keeping with the general purpose and intent of the Oflicial Plan and Zoning By-law, and thereforo recommended tha: the requested variance be npproved subjcet to conditions (See Attachment #3). Mr. 0'Brien noted, at thc Mey 3, 2000 Committec Meeting, that due to Iimitalians in his mobility, that the proposed deck would provide an accessible, uscable outdoor amenity arca for his personal use. Mr. 0'Brien strongly opposed thc necd for n variance and to the entire minor variance process, and asked the Committec if he could be reimbutsed for the application fee. M excerpt of the minutcs of thc May 3, 2000 Commiuec Mceling is encloxed (Sea Attnchmcnt H4). The Committee of Adjustment unanimously approved Mr. O'Brien's application, subject to condilions, and a furiher motion was subscquently cnrricd asking thnt Council consider the appropriatencss of waiving or reducing the upplication fce incurred by Mr. 0'Brien. A copy of tha Committee's decision respecting this application is enclosed (Sec Attachment NS). Discussion The S350.00 application fee charged to Mr. 0'Bricn is established by Council, nnd assists to ofiset the processing costs incurred by the Ciry in proccssing the npplicatian, including smff time, materials and postage. It is only in unique cireumstances (i.e, processing ertor, applications only partially processed) that refunds have been grnntcd in the past. Although some minor variance requests nppenr to be quite insignificant and straightConvard, all requests are required to be processed and considered in the same manner. 'Che subject npplication is not unique, warranting any special considerntions respecting fee adjustments, was processed in a rypical manner, and was considered and epprovecl by the Committee of Adjustmrnt. Tha Planning and Development Department cannot find justification to waRant suppart of the refund request, and thereforo recommends that the request to rcfund the 5350.00 applicatian fee Cor minor variance application P/CA 20/00 be rofused. ATTACHMENTS: i. PropertyLocationMap 2. Applicanta' Submilted Plen 3. Plenning & Developmcnt Department Report — P/CA 20/00 4. CopyofCommitteo'sAecision—P/CA20/00 5. 8xcerpt of Minutes — May 3, 2000 Cammittee of Adjustment Mating ;_ . 5� � ; 4 i f� r r y 1 � ,t _.t4 _ :tF„ �.-Y:i�.4 . n.�1t.� .. ..... �. _. ,.,., w...3�t .,. ., . . .. •��� � 1!5 •- RBPORT MJMHER 30-00 Datc: )una 2, 2000 �:' ; SubJect, Mtnor Varianca AppLcsUon�P/CA 10/00 �. '� Page 3 Prcparcd By: , APProved/Endorsed by: �Cdfti I U�t� , Flora Niro Neil C Sxnlary-Trcasurer ` Director, mg and Development Committee of Adjustment ic2 • Lynda Taylo Manager, Curtent Op tions Division RST/fn Atlachments Copy: ChiGf Administrative Of6cer Recommcnded for the considemtion oCPickering Ciry Council . �.7/ 0 0 �, m 1. Quinn, ief A inis ' e O[Tc , . � .4a. . � . � '+ . 't ^_ +t^* �"_ t4 x � 1 ° r i-' - F r t-'A �. zS Y i { 1 S k % 5 f ' 4 S ' {` k,�. ; , I, ,.. .., .._ ._�.. � ., n.��....r. ... .�' . . ., ....,. .�4 ... ,.. , . ,.., . ,.. t . , . .. . I � , ATTACHMENT/ � �TO 116` • RF�URT i PO `s0 -.00 "�'►�� -� �' � I° i� � =a► � ■�i����ii: � � - • , '�_ �1�III1111111 ■ -= - " � .. • �� �.: :IIII\ I� 1 � �11��� �111,������■ 1�:':� • ���� : ' .IIIIIII���IIG -� 111� .►\UII ������: . _� ���1��� � . ��ji�r��! ■11111111111�\+� =�'�+j�'.�� .�■ :.. ,��ti�. / _ - - . �: �. , : .: � . ' r.. "' '�'Y �� ��, V1 . � � J• . � y' _�n v� ' , . . . . . : , � � . . . . �. . � .� . . .. AiTAptldENT/��.-10 AEfyJRT / PD�.�� • . 117. • INFORINATION COINPILED FROM APPUCANTS' SUBN!(TTEO PLAN . ' : PIrA 20l00 � ' , A. n'BRIEN AND J. COLLINS ' TATRA DRIVE , , .� v � za U�" 0 0 � �� C ' ExisnNc o y 0 ovv��uNo ,� y� 0 � �p ^ , 6' %/�:G" /60�` ,r� PROPOSED • DECK • ��` , ' 0 �o o'1'ar.�r�sr�'� /Srfidio�l � . . • . , .�'o•O • v i�� , • PROPOSE� ESTABLI9HNENT OF A MIN�MUM 4.6 METRE • REAR YMD DEPT}I TO BE PROVIDED BY A PROP09ED • �ECK ATTACHE� TO THE REAR OF THE DOS71N0 DYVEWHO ON THE SUBJECT PROPEFiTY AT VAliIANCE ' ' , . ;_ qrYVMrunndiao�Yntanonc��me+on�awo avaawir on�maR nuNa �rawnw a�v omuoK wrn�owo xw� uctnK�ra t�eoaa • � , A7TACHMEHT/ `� TO , . � � � � REpORT / PU �-� �Apr1127, 2000 IN'I'ERDEPARTdiENTAL CORRESPONDENCE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENf T0: Membeta of t6e FROM: Ron Taylor , CommltteeofAdJattment Planuerl TtE: P/CA20/OD-A.0'DrleoandJ.CoWm Lot 74, Plao M-14 Also Icnown w 1329 Tatra Driva , Clty af Plckaing 1. Inhodnetion Applicaqoo: - to permlt We utabli�hment of p minimum 4S melre rear ynrd dept6 to be provided to a propoaed deck addlqon alhc6ed to t6e renr o[ tho eilsUng dwelltng oo tha �ubJect property, eLcrcu t6e mning by-law requUu a mL�imum rear yard depth of 7S metres; ' Parpo�e: - to allow tha appilnnt to o�talo a 6ullding permit to constrnct a propo�ed deck addillon, appro�mately 3.6 metree by 7.6 metra in ilze, fo t6e rear of lha e:bting dwelling on t6e aubJeM property. 2. Otliclal Plan and Zonin¢ Bwlan - DurLam Reglan Ofllelal Plan: - Llvtng Mea; - Pickering OfOclal Plan: - Urban Ruidcnllal - Low Denslty Area wilhin lho Boy Rldga Neig6boorhood; - Zoning By-Inn 4520, as amended; �' - "RMI"-Multiplc DxcWng RaideaUal Zooe " Cammenb: -' tha �ppllcation confornu to t6e policia o[ We Plckcrtne Oflicial Plan; - lhe Intent ot lha mlrJmom 7S meire rear yard depth requlrement In the zoNng by-law b to pravlde an adequale bafter apoce between dwell(nge on abatlin¢ lob; ond to emnre an adequate, aseable reereatloo spacels malntained on lhe snbJect property; - 16e proposed 4S metre rur yArd depth to tLe propoeed deek wonid �111t provide an adeqaate baller rpace between �bntting properttea, and in adeqaate, auable rccreaUoo apace ou tha iubject property; - the proposed deck � nnrnvered and anenclosed, aud 6wed on We drawtngi eabmltted wllh lhe applle�Uon, li �ppwn Wat l6e deck doc� not uead i hetght of 1.2 melres; - ihe intent of We zoning by-lae wnold be malntalned 3. MYEDIiqli!lIIIIADPI'OprlAllql130�AppIICliIOp . � - tLe propoRed vodance would allon the applicant to caoelrnct a deck addlUon lo the rar ot lhe e�eieHng dxeWng on lhe iabJect property, �hlch can be cowldered � poaldvc property Improvemenf, In � m�nncr that nould not negot[vdy Impoct on mtrouadln� propertles or lhe ufabWty af the inbJect properiy; - the propa�ed varlance an be conddered minor In nature �nd� dminblo for l40 �ppropdate developmeot ottho lande. '+ , ...conpnned , , �� _ . 119. P/CA 30l00—A. O'Brleu aad J. CoUini P�ge 2 4. 016er CommeaG ' . - - auy commeub trom the ioutherly-abulling property owmen �hould bo cowidercd W delarmine w6et6er or nof the propoatd decl� would aegatively Impaet on t6e pdvaey enJoycd in thc rear yards af t6osc properUes. 5. SumroAry The Ptanning and bevelopment Dcpartment comiders the proposed minimam 4S metre rear yard deRth, prodded by the propoeed deck addittoo nttached to the rear of l6e esieting dweWng on l6e inbJect property lo be a minor varlance that Is desirable for t6e appropriate devetopment of t6e Innd, and In keeping with the gencral intent and purpase of the Otliclal Plan Aud the Zoning Sy-law, and thcrefore recommends ihe approval of the proposed variancq aubJeet to t6e following condlQoos: . 1. . T6at thc minimum 4S metre rear yarJ deptd variancc apply only to the proposed rear dec� addlUon, not aceeding 13 aquare melres in alze, as generally altcd aud ouUlued la the applicaal'� plma anbmltted with thls applicallon. 2. That lhe applicant obtain a buildtng permit, aud construct, the propoaed rear deck addition wGhfo two yean of the dale of t6u declsion, or this decislon ahalt become nul! aud void. � �/!o . Ron Taylo Encioeurc f , •i. .;:; � . - � ej vt�_ �, r[ .r v i',' .. -. . 5�.. . . .... .. - • . .. � � ' , ATTAdOkNT� � TO , i1�i11 PO ���� Cfl1' OF PICI�RING— COMMI7TE& OF ADNSITSEN'f VARGNCE APPLiCA7'ION P/CA 20/l000 IIV TIIE MATTER OF Sxtion 45 of'ILe Planninp, Act, RS.O. 1990, clieptcr P.13, and !he City of Piclraing Zoning Bydaw Number 2520, ns amended: IN Tf� MATTER OF land lmown es: which land ts wnai ae: end owned by: Lot 74, Plen M-14 Also ]mown es 1329 Tatre Drive "RMl"_MulHple Dwelling Itesidential Zane A. 0'Brien & J. Collins 11�e applicant requests relief from Section 7.23 0[ Zoning Dy-law 2520, as emrnded, W permit the utaaliahmrnt of a minimum 4.5 metre ttar yard depth to be provided ro e proposed deck addition attached to tho rear oCihe exiating dwelling on lhe subject property, wherens the wning by-lnw requires ¢ minimum nar yerd depth o[7.5 metres. . Tho epplicant roquests epproval of this veriance in order to obtain a building pertnit m consWct a proposed deck eddition, ep��rozimelely 3,6 metrea by 3.6 melrcs in siu, to the ttnr of lhe existing dweliing on lhe subject property, '[his eppiicatlon was heard by the Cily of Pickering Cammitta otAdjustrnent on May 3, 2000 duc nodce oFsuch Hearing having been eml u required by the Committee of Adjustmrnt. IT WA3 THE DECLSION OF THE COMhfITfEE OF AD3USTMENf TfIAT: thia epplicallon P/CA 20/00, by A. 0'Brirn .@ J, Collins, as autlined, bc APPROVED on the gmunds that lhe proposcd minimum 4.5 mehe rear yard depU�, provided by the proposed deck eddilion atmched to lhe rear of the enisdng dwelting on the subject property ia e minor variana that ia da'vable for the eppropriato developmrnt oC lhe lend, and in keeping with the grnttal intrnt and purpose of the Ofticial Plnn end t�e Zoning Bylaw, subjecl lo Ihe following conditione: Tlwt the minimum A.5 metre rear yerd depth veri4ncc apply only W lhc proposed rear dxk eddilion, not acading 13 square metres in etu, es grnerally eited end outlined in lhe epplicenCe pinne submitted with this epplicetion. That lhe epplicant obtain e building permit, and conaWct, the proposed rear deck addidon within lwo yeare of the date of this dxision, or ihie dxision ehell become null end void SIf3NHD thia 3rd day of May, 2000, by all mcmbers present end concurting ia ihia Deciaion. �!¢nt� K. ASHE Sfened C. YOUNO, CHAIItMAN Slmred M.HOLLAND _ Slened R JOHNSON P. WfIlTB LASf DAY FOR APPAAL OF TfiIS DF.CISION — M�y 23, 3000 ' , NOTB: Tho Decieton of the Committec, becortwa Gnel 2G deye nRa ihe date of tho Jeciaion, unless wit66� such 20 daye Nodce of Appeei ie givrn. ,; TAI3 iS f1(Yf A Bt1iL.DING PE M�'1' � �,�. .. . . . . . , , . i... . _ ., ... . .. . , �. , nn�►r� ' S , � --- � � r�. Pu -'�0-�,6 EXTAA+T FAOM COM411TTEE OF . , AUIUSTMEkT MIHJTES OF NAY� 3 2000 4. PICA 20/QO •� A. O'IIrien and J, ColUwr I.ot74,P7anM-14 ( . �,.w��,.�_..��„_, Alio Imown n 1329 T�tr� Drive ��� Clty oJPlckedng The �ppllcant reqaeifa nUet hom SceUon 7.23 of Zonlag By-Iaw 2520, iu ameadwl, to permit lde est�6Whment ot a minlmum 4S mutre rear yord depth to ba provided to a proposed deek addltlon attuhed to We rwr ot the e:islir,g dweIDng on the an6)ect property, wdereas lhe wnfng 6y-law reqolrp � minlmum rear yard drpt6 of 7S meher. The ipppc�nt requaG approvrd ot t6� vadince In order fo o6taln a buildiag perailt to construct a propoted deck addlHon, App•roslmatcly 3.6 metres by 3.6 me�ee in cize, to t6e rear of the e:Lsting dwelling ou tde mbJeet property. T4e Au�tant Seeretxry-Treuarer ouWaed commenfs recetved from Ihe City of Pickering PlAnning & Development Depertmeaf. Ma 0'Bdea �nd Mn. J. CaWm, onaety, were praeat to repreaent thc appllccUon. No further _ repraent�tion ns preunt In favaor otor lu obJeeUon to tde appll¢stlon. ' Mr. O'Drlen advised t6e Commlttee tdat he h�s Ilmlted moblilty and thAt the deck would enhence the qoallty of hl� Ufa Mr. O'Orlen nited Idit he klt torecd lo apply for a varlanee aod atroagly obJected to p�ying 5350.00. IIe wu very apset wI1L tha w6ole proces� cailing tt a°dog and pony �how" �nd wiced thit tt 6e reeordrd In the minutn. T6e Appilcant aeked if hc eonld be refundcd t6e 5350.00 appliatlon fee. Mr. YoanQ my,�uted ihat de eont�ct Ab loal Counclllor. Mr. A�de commendtd t6e �pplicant for foilowing the correct procedure by appiying for a building permll and minor varinaea Mr. Aede utced if there � An opportnnity for a retond tor the �ppllc�af. . Mr. IIoll�ud �tated Ihat hc apprecltta tde appllanl'� commente and t6at therc It thc ablllty !o _ milce � retommeadadon to Coancil for the coniidention of n rebata DECISION: Moved 6y Mr. IiollAnd, ucouded by IVIr. Aahe and caMed onanimooely that- thL �ppUption P/CA� 20/00, by A. O'Bdeo & J. CoWay �a ontlined, be APPROVED on t6e groondi W�t the propoied mialmnm 4S mehe rar yard depth, provtded by t6e propoted deck addlQon �Hached to t6e rear of t6e e:isdnQ dndliag on the ia6Ject property b a minor vprfance fhri b datnbic tor l4e approprlate developmeat of the laud, and in keeping pith tLe general Intent �nd parpose af t6e Ottictal Pl�n and the Zoning Dy-law, mbJect ta tde following condldow: 1. Th�t l6e minlmnm 4S metre rear yud dept4 verlanee �pply only lo the proposed reu deck addlAon, not ueecding 13 �quare metra la rize, w geperally sited aud outiloed In t6e �ppAnnth plam �obmitted,with t6b appUadoa. 2. T6�t t6e appliunt obtdn � 6allding permit, �nd conrirart, ihe propoted nar dak addlHoa witdln Mo ye�rt of the dote of l6b daisioo, or thb dalsion ih�ll become • nu0 �nd votd. . MC170Ni Moved 6y Mr.IIollind, �aoaded by Mr. A�be td�t– , . PUnning k DevelopmenC ma�e a recammendedoa to Coapcp for mnddentlon ot �nirlag or •� redudng t6e �pppcaUoo fea wilh remeet to P/CA 10/00 by A.O'Bdeo wd J. CotWu, MOTtON CARRIED ` • , 11ir, White; oppoud _ 23 � i'� — . . . �.