HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 25/00:}3„� , �� 3� ii-j g u � i � r � x < ) ` , � S` qr 4'1 � f f + � s �'I _; 5 1° O.L'4 . � t-�' t ��#� �� . � �REPORT TO COUNGIL ` FROM: ;, John Rcble DATE; Septemtxr 27, 2(100 Solicftor far City - REPORT NUMBER: L25/00 SUHJECI': Danlu Holdfngs LimIted/Perdenco lioldings LtdJinperdel Holdings Limited - Lots 1— 7 and Blocka A6 end 47, Plnn 40M-1507, Pickering - Cestialoch Development Inc: - Lots 36113, Plea 40M•1507 - Subdivision Compledon nnd AssumpUon ' RECOMMENDI�T[ON: A By-law ahoult! be enacicd tu assume City services instailed in ihe development of Lots I-7, Lots 38-43 end Dlceka 46 and 47, Plen 40M-1507, Plckering, and to rccogaizo the compleUon of ihe project wmprising Plen 40M•1507, Pickering, , ORIdiN: 1. Subdlvision Agreement dated August 4, 1987 end Amending Agreements dnted August 3, t993 end June 27,1994. 2. CompleUonofprojecG AUTHORITY: ' bfunlclpal Act, R.S,O. 1990, chaptcr M.45, sections 263, 284, 286, 29T, 31A.7, Planning Acr R.S.0.1990, chnpter F,13, sation 51 and ReglonalMuntclpadlies Acl, RS.0.1990, chapter RB, sections 28, 72. FINANCIAL IP,t£LICATIONS: There are no new financial implications to the Ciry as s result of this recommendaUoa. F.XECUT[VE SUMMARY: N/A BACK(3ROUND: ` On March 18,1996, Council enacted By-luw M47S7196 w assume all the roads wiUiln Plan 40M- ' 1507 es well es Bylew N4753/96 to essumc tho seivIces foi 1ho dpvelopmont of Lots 8-3%, : lan 40M-1507: It in now aeccssary W assuu►e sc�vices for tho rcmeinJng lots and blocks withln Pleu ' 4oM-1507. r - v,' r: r. i +y '1 t } J� �i . 1 �..a.� �av i _n � .j...._ r,/ _, i��. . ';1 . . „�.. _ , .... . _ ., _.r.. . - .. .. , �uK Tiu� ��, t.s . i -� 7.. t '} {.�` *��l! i � t j� ) �`".} ���'� � 1 + :,:1 �� : : r ;., �x` , ;. �. � ; � r , � RepotttoCounci) L2,S�tl0 _ � �Seplember�27,�2000. ' ' ��'Sub�xt. `3ubdrvialon:Completion end As.+uinption Page 2 • ' - The compledon of;this project;' being. Plen 40M-15G7, Pickering, in accordonce with Ihe SutidiYision`Agrc�ement dated,August 4, 1967 as emended and other applica6k City qolicied must be acknowledged by tho �nactmrnt of by-laws assuming the services for the rcmeining 104+ ' and blocks within this Plen. " i. ` It is therefore recommanded that the dreft bylaw attached hereW be enacted. . ATTACHMENTS: L Drafi by-law to essume services. 2. Site Sketch/Lccation Mnp, Prepared BYt ' APPtcved / o y, �P�� . ' ,oa Pnl�dns �ohn . — l JEP: Attachments Copy; Chief AdminisUative Otfiar , ` Dircctor, Planning and Developmrnt Ciry Council � I u I h i• '/ l�rd.�n � T�o�]. Quinn, hiafA inistrnu Officei Recommendation approved a� it effects: . Chief Administrative 0fiicer City Clerk . Direcror, OperaUons and Emergency Srnices _ ' , Direcmr, Pianning nnd Development , . . , — - �,, Diroctor, Corporate Services and Treasurer . '=—, ,`, ,. ���, ' E, ' ` i. ��01`}Y � ti• � ` � C Y 15 5� ... . . � , _ . , J- _ " . 7..�.. . .. . ,. . . � :�� .., . . ,.l .. .. . .. , ... ��.'{.',��tl t:�� �F '� t�S t�5� F! �,� i'�-3G-�� y _' 1 � . 1 � :v � <� :g ' � . � �rrA�'HMENT#._I._.�rari�POai i� �I�5 f Ob: _ , `� �� � � coRro��noN oF rxg ciri�r eF e���x�rra 0�.3 i5'' i 1 � t V�� t �1 ' BY•LAW N0. � - ' ,� �. Being a 6y-law lo , rusume aervteea under !he Jwladlctton ajfhe Clry►e�ctlng7he davelopment of Lora 1-7, 3E-43 and Bloc�s 96 and 47 !n Plan - �OM-l507, Plchering: • WHEREAS; pursuant to, where applicable, the Mimlclpal Acl, RS.O, t990, chepter M.45, scclions 263, 284 286, 297, and 314.7, tho Plannfng Acl, RS.O. 1990, chepter P.13, section 51, ihe Reglanal MunfejoaHtfes Act, R.5.0. ! 990, chapter R8, sections 28 and 72 end the Agreement "dated August 4,1487 (Notice of whic� wa.+ agistered on December 22, 1987 as Inswment Na LT36S116) betwcen Danlu Holdings Limfted, Perdanco Holdings Ltd., Inperdei Holdings Limited and The Corporadon of the City of Pickering and Amrnding Agreemenls resgxting Bloek 46 deted August 3, 1993 (Notice of which wes ngistercd on December 23, 1997 as Instnpnent No. LT664812 and LT664813), and fiulher Amending Agreement bctween Cestleloch Developments Ine. end The Cotporetion of 1he City of Pickering respecting lots 38-43 dated 7une 27, 1994 (No4ce of which was tegistered on November 1, 1994) above grcund end undorgrourid services ur.der the jurisdiction of the City in Plan 40M-1 �07, Pickering, hnve been completed to its satisfaction; NOW TI�RLFOTiE, thc Council of Tlie Corporadon of the City of Pickering HL�ZEBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Tha abovo 6rcound servias under tho jurisdiction of the City, thnt nre aquired to bc conshucted or instelled in the deve)opment ofLots 1•7, 38-43 nnd Blocks 46 und 47, Plan 40M�1507, Pickering, including thc roads, cur6s and gutter�, aidcwalka, drivowny aprons, boulevards, sUeet signs, frncing and greding, locnted on lands thnt are both, (a) dcdicatcd W or owned by 1hc City, the Regionnl Municipality of Durham or the Provtncc of Onterio, and (b) in Plen 40M-1507, Pickering, or immcdiately ndjnant thereto, are heroby accepted by the City and assumul by it for maintenance, as or January 16, 1998 for Blocks 46 and 47, es of Jan�nry 19, 1998 for Lots 1-7 and ns of Janunry l0, 2000 for Lots 38-43. 2, The undergrowd services under the jurisdiclion of ihe City Uwt nre required m be conskucted ar Instelled in ihe developmrnt of Plnn 40M•1507, Pickoring, including the storm drninage system and related eppurtenances, locatcd on lends that arc both, (a) dcdicated to or owned by the Ciry, the Regional Municipality of Dwham or the Provincc of Ontario, end (b) in Plan 40M-1507, Picka•ing, or immediately adjacent thereto, aro hercby eccepted by the Ciry and assumed by it for maintenance ns of May 29,1995. 3. In sections 1 and 2, the phrase `'iunds that ere...owned by the City" includes lends that are , subject to en easement transfemd to ihe City, but only with respect ro the specific scrvice or services rcferted to in thc easement transfer document BY•LAW rcad a first, second and th(rcl time end finally passed ihis 20th day of Noyembcr, 2000. . Weyne Aithut�, Mayor `Dtuce Taylor, Cle�ic � �y k �.� . .. .,., .. ..�.� ... .., �±`? . , .. . �i., _. ,. . �1 ` `�