HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 90/98(� SDy1� OF p� .. ti � REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Penny Wyger DATG: October 1,1998 Town Solicitor REPORTNUMDER: L90/98 SUBJECT: Transfer of Storm Scwer Easement - Pert Lot 6, Plan 282, Pickering (Part I, Plan 40R-18291); and Part Lot 6, Plan 282, Pickering (Part 6, Plan 40R-18274) - File: W0000 RECOMMENDATION: A by-law should be enacted authorizing thc execution of a Transfer of Easement Gom Tomasino and Junc I.eveto end Marshall Homes to the Town ovcr ihnt part of Lot 6, Plan 282, Pickering, being Part I, Plan 40R-18291 and that part of Lot 6, Plan 282, Pickcring, bcing Part 6, Plnn -0OR-18274. ORIGIN: Request Gom Public Works. AUTHORI'IY: Munidpuldcr,scction 19l(I). FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Nonc. CXBCUTIVE SUMMARY: N/A BACKGROUND: In order to providc for the insinllation and mninlenance of the required rcar ynrd cnlch basins on thc subject propeAies, casemenis arc rcquircd from Tomesino ¢nd June Lcvato and Mnrshnll Homes, thc owncrs af thc subject lois. Ennclment of the attached by-Iaw will uulhorize the execution of such Trnnsfers of Gascment Gom the respectiva owncrs, in lhe fortn usunlly providcd. ATTACHMENTS: I. DraR byInw with Tmnsfers attached as Schedule A and Schedule B. 2. Location Map. Prepared By: Approved / Gndorsed By: �Q�Q� ' / —�C11 Denise B e Penny Wyger % DB:ijm Attnchmenls Copy: Generel Mnnager Recammended for the conslderotlon of Pickering Town Council � , _ v .,t v � m. Quinn, 0 erel Mmiagcr ATTACHMENTit_I_. ;;)'•� ,. THE CORPOIUTION OP THE TOWN OF PICKERIN4 Rg ,• Being a bylaw to authoriu the execut(on of e Transfer of Easemcnt to The Corporation of the Tawn of Pickering Gom Tomesino Bruno Levato end lune Leveto and Marshall Homos Corporation over thet part of Lot 6, Plen 262, Pickering� dC91BI18lCA 6f P9R I, Plen 40R-1829I end thet peA of Lot 6, Plen 282, Pickering, designated aa Part 6, Plan 40R•18274. WHEREAS The Corporation of ihe Town of Pickering requiros an easement for stortn dreinage purposes over that part of Lot 6, Plen 282, Pickering, being Peri I, Plen 40R•18291 end that part of Lot 6, Plen 282, Pickering, being Part 6, Plen 40R•18274; AND WHEREAS pursuant to Ihe provisions of section 193(I) of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1980, chaptcr 302, the Council of a Corporation may pass by-laws for acquiring intcrcst in lands; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCfL OF TIiE CORPORATION OF TIiE TOWN OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 71ic PAayor and Clerk ere hereby nuthorized to cxccutc a Transfcr of Easement in the form ettechcd hareto ac Schedule A, Gom Tamasino Oruno Lcvato and June Lcvalo to The Corporation of lhe To�m of Pickcring over that purt ot Lat 6, Plan 282, Pickering, being Pert I, Plan 40R-16291. The Mnyor and Clcrk are hercby euthoriud to executc e Transfcr of Enscmcnt in thc form nttac4:d h:relo as Schcdule D, from Marshall Nomes Corporation to The Corporation of Ute Town of Pickering ovor Ihat part of Lot 6, Plen 282, Pickcring, bcing Part 6, Plan 40R-18274, BY•LAW rcad a first, second end third time and finally passeJ Ihis 2nd day of Novemtxr, 1998. Waync Arthurs, Mayor Bruce Teylor, Clcrk TOYVN OF pICKERIN6 �P? V AS l� �� Gti: DEPL wa000 � � / �/ • Q�b 9� �eauarc e.. �n.ar IO�M�1� lrrmw❑'PI ►�� a 2 pqr m ha�M.N e� n°pn/ �erew i a.,.r, ATTACHMF.NTN1_TOREPORT#�) wsr � -: Nlcon��on No Conaide��tion•NlLoawt __� (q W�a jUon TtiN Y r. �ProMprly ❑�role�an ❑ Pui LM 6, Pl�u 282 Bdn� Tvt 1 oa Piw IOR-18291 Towu of Piekcriaf Re�iocil Municip�lity ofDurh�m EiKUUOfN Ad�lu�! QtAnAi� � m� a�R� ro�s�,.w� m l�.,,«.�w3ur�m�w ��� N«rew«nr� �� EA�EM�T awvs►ra, � o.K,pw�, � v.n. ❑ ouwr fx� m Tm�Morp) TM trwN�d Mriby trwhn tM Ynd b tlr hrrf� rd aNIW INI IM tr�rrf�rar k �I NM MpfMn yan dd uvi CW ' We �rc tpousa of one.�nothcr. ...._._..___ ................_...._. .......__.__...___._..._. .._.�_.___._...__.__..._........_..__.........._.__._._._............� ........................._............._.......__..._.__......_.......__._ o,uas�.ar� LF�YA'[Q�_T.nmatiuo.B.�na._...__.__.._....._.____�..._. S���T�!!!. . .. . .._._.___.__ _192A._ .41.. . ��.. '�.A l j'��� a s� .!!. 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D PickerinQ Civit Compla, One Ihe E�plin�de, Pitkerin�, Ont�rio, LI V 6K7 MAn NI b IM GM d M OwNroh�w.f�e� W MM/� OY� trvuM doM nd wktNm uctla� 50 D+1� d y�M Ma oY � d �qnru� LEVATO, Juae r u� o . � , + � � l.i�a...�u�l.��..1 '�i.�....1�.�4��'- ....l..a�a....l�..l.�c �..._...... . �a�o...__._.. ._ _ ___�.._........_.. m..maa�eawnsoaervrn++o�aann r«orwinmm.a� dn»w�r.«aaaa,ow n.nw..caonr,aa«amm.wm�wwnwppoweym. .ra,a,m.ewamr .naera,w.wwr m n OrWb u1c:1a N pooC Wr�p. Wb d S�v� �ff ,wfid^f c.�,A� sw+r�,.---..... . . �.14q$_�.�Y.�.f( ...... _. _. _._ _._._ ............._ out In�+�c4w (� (c) pj oi � P�wn�tq �nw a n�bat d my�q lad�idp��n0 b w k�twrw�oon�iwt 1 tlw PIr�Jna Ad. I�d Ydepwd�Ml d IM �olc4a ta IM tr�mfwrp) nd I rn n OMub �oCC1a h pood �tridYip. � � NOTASSIGNED �aunM►nPrnA bY� 6161•MM v ySlor� AB-14008�ylySfrat Y JRi Ooudo ,.......�...,..,,_. M. �..,....« orasqmn.. Y .Y ,D � � � T�s_ Eo �� B ��nd r,�""" avtieoM.eab..us • p��mr+�� /ik 6�6� �+�� � ��. o w ►�.+ d : �. 91 ����p ATTACHMENT#�TOftEPORT# � � N�o C� oo�iid�eidoo - NIL Do4n 1 N1�4� TIbYC� N❑ � ❑ Put ot Lol 6, Plau 2A2 BeinQ Put S on Plan 4oR-IS171 � P� �� Towv of W •::•ria� �� Rettonil Mun'cipdity of Dur6am �.ar ❑ �� �eamrc a° n.ar � m�o,,.� (n n.da«a�on (D) sa»a6 ror m M�a4lEan. rr.�.a�r.a eontaM """PWBkMeh � p,K,p� ❑ P�r�w ❑ Ww � EASE`�` m Tr.ns�r«p)m.e.w«a nrwya.rr«. un w un,� o-wr«.. w wroa. mw ure.�a.a 4 r wr.qM«n �, aa w mr .�________._._......___.__.. _ .............._......................_..........._...__. ._....... . ...»_............_.._�_____..__• D�dS ►�!q sqrwau�. r � MARS�HALLHQMFS.CQRA.QRAT.LQd ................................... pe�:.. ... ._.._ . ... . . 194A....R9..f�� Nune: C`ni�N�'inti�il_._ ...................._...... 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