HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 82/98ib9� �µ OF p� h� � REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Penny L. Wyger DATE: Junc 24,1998 Town Solicitor REPORT NUMBER: L �2i98 SUBJECT: loints'N Things lnc. - Licence Agreement - Filc: L9802 RECOMMENDATION: A byluw should be cnactcd lo authoriu thc execution of u Liccncc Agrcemcnt bchvecn Ihc Town nnd Joints'N Things Inc. to construct und Icasc a wcliness clinic �t thc Pickcring Rccrcation Complex. ORIGIN: i. Rr•Pa•9s. 2. Resolution 106198, Itcm 7. AUTHORITY: Municipuf.fcr, R.S.O. 1990, chuptcr M.302, scction 191. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Revenue genernlcd Gom renl (533,600 per annum) S 168,000 over proposed fivc-ycat lertn. BACKGROl1ND: On June 15, 1998, Council passcd Resolution 106198, ilcm 7 of which accepteJ the proposal to RFP 4-98 submitted by Joinls'N Things Inc, for construction and Iease of spacc At the Pickcring Recreation Complex for a wellness clinic. That resolution nlso provided for the requirement af o Licence Agrcement to bc entercd iNo between Joints'N Things Inc, nnd the Town. Enactment of the dm(t byluw ntlached hercto will nuthorize thc execulion of sucli nn Agrccmcnt, to be preparcd in a form ncccptuble to the Town Solicitor in consultntion with thc appropriale Town deparimcnts and in conjunction with the tcrtns of rcfcrcncc set out in RI'P 4•98 nnd existing Town pmctices. �;; . fS'i I y i .�� y�� ��K�Lv 5 -. . � 4 fs 7�i�� 4� 1 . . �i �r}l�. .�.. , . .. _ . ' . . . . , ' � Q l��ort lo Council L 62/98 Dalc: lunc 24,1998 Subject: loints'N'Chings ]nc. - Licanco Agrccment I'agc 2 ATTACHMENTS: 1. DrnD bylaw. Prepnrcd By: Approved Iiy: . Dcnisc Eiy Pcnny L. W DD:Ic Attachmcnt Copy: Geneml Mannger Director of Culwrc and Recrcation � `�: � f �.A ., . , .. . .. . . . . . . t f•�' � : - . .. . :� :�% l ' . .. � _ .. � � . Yj ,� y`�# . ., � � . .. . . . . . . � . . � � � � � . . . . �. . . � . .�.l � ; : .-. . .. ., t�F}�Y , . . . . .� . . .. ... _ ___._ _ . - � �•... • THE CORPORATION OF TFI TOWN OF PI KFRIN EiY•LAW N0. 5350/98 defng a by-law lo aulhorize the executlan oja Llcence dgreement jor the cons�rtrc!!on und lease ojspuce ut fhe Pfckering Recreatlon Complex jor u wellness c/lnlc. ill� WHEREAS on June I5, 1998, Council passed Resolution 106/98, item 7 of which accepted ihe proposal � to RFP 5-98 submitted by Joints'N Things Inc. for construction nnd lease of space nt thc Pickering � Recreation Complex for n weliness clini�; AND WHEREAS thut resolutian also provided for the requircment of n Licence Agrccment to be I� entered into between loints'N Things Inc. and the Town; j i NOW THEREFQRE, the Council of The Corporation of the Town of Pickering HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. The Mayor and Clerk arc hcrcby authorized lo executc a Liccnce Agrecment preparcd in a form � satisfactory to the Town Solicitor, in consultation with thc nppropriate Toan deparlments anJ in conjunction with the terms of rcfcrcnce set out in RPP d•98 as approvcd by Council and in acwrdanec with existing Town prnctices. , ;t 8Y•LAW rend u first, second nnd third lime and finally passed this 291h Jay of 1une, 1998. Wnync Arthurs, Mayor i � Druce Taylor, Clerk ' L9D02 T���;�, - � PI�'4e::�;:;1 .j_ '.a h'� ' i '..i �r/ �:: �a=;.�. � ,£ (Ri . ; ,� I �I :i