HomeMy WebLinkAboutPF 06/98ss p�\t� �F p� � REPORT �O COTINCIL PROM: Everatt Ounlsmn DATE: June 16, 1998 Depnrtment of Parks and Facilities RBPORT NUMBER: PF 06•98 SUBJECI': Parks nnd Facilities - West Shore Community Centre - Gingerbread Caoperntive Nursery School (Pickering) Inc. -Fila LI000 RECOMMENDAT[ON: A 6y-luw should be enacted to authorize Ihe exccution of a Licence Agreament to pertnit Ihe Gingttbrcad Co-operotive Nurscry School (Pickcring) Inc. to continue to opernte a co•operativc nursery school in the �7est Shore Community Centrc from Septembcr 8, 1998 to Junc 25, 1999. ORIGIN: Approvul of Ihc Director of Parks und Facilities for renewal of thc Liccnce Agrecment. AU7'F{ORf7'Y: I. blunicipaf Acl, R.S,O. 1990, c.MAS, s.191 (1). 2. Commtmlry Rccrcutton Cemrrs Acf, R.S.O. 1990, c.C.22, s.2. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Revenues: 1998• 4 months Q 5280/month 51,120 1999 - 6 monlhs Q S280Imonth I.680 $2,800 BACKGROUND: For the past severnl ycars, Gingerbrcad Caoperative Nursery School (Pickering) Inc, have uscd the West Shnrc Community Centre for lhe purpose of operating a co-operativc nursery school. Each ycnr Council hnve authorized the execution of n Licrnce Agreemrnt for this purpose, for thc tertn Seplcmber to June (being the school season), with Ihc monthly Licence fee being determined on Ihe basis af a per child ratc end lhe number of children enrolled. The original premise of permitting ihe operetion of the Gingcrbrcad Co•opetutive Nursery School in Wcst Shorc Communiry Ccntre was that there would be no cosis bomc by thc Town. 'fhe Director of Parks & Facilities rccommrnds the renewal af this Licence Agrecmcnt subjcct to thc follawing: BCGONNendet10n9: I. 'Ihat the maximum cnroliment be 16 children; 2. That the rnte per month per studcnt be S I7.50; 3, Thnt the Gingerbrend Co•Operativc Nuracry School6e requircd to puy for 10 months which is ihe schoolscason; � 94 Report to Council PF 06-98 June 16, 1998 Enacdnent of ihe atteched draR by-law will euthuriu the execution of a rcnewel Agreement which forms Schedule A ihercto. The fortn of the agreement is substantielly in eccordance with pest agreements and rc0ects Recommrndetions 1, 2 and 3 outlined by the Dircctor of Parks end Facilities. ATTACHMENfS: DraR bylaw with proposed Agreemrnt attached as Schedule A. PREPARED BY: Leonard unttt Superintendant of Fncilities I DB:Ijm Almchmcnts Copy: General Manager % APP BY: Everctt Bunlsmu, � Director of Pnrks nnd Fecilities �ti ,.,.:, � � � a; A;,:,, : �� D.� � ,, ; ' s.,r � �_ � . � - � . - �'�"77��,7 � t � . -. � . .. . � � , :� j� � � � � .. # i� ,._ '..�.. , �y�5` a �"'3�� }x i��� . . �y } $; ��� �� � � � C ����� � t p? i i � - � � . . � E: t' ft� `3� �G� t- P 4����� �} 1 `�i�( 1-1=-Y,j' Ty . �. � . �,��>�.., 3 a . . j"IQt �� ��_��Ll�/{��t) �`� : � , . � . . . +��.''et� �'��1±. , _n a.. , .. . __ _ � . . . � . . •:'�: ��� • Y. � �/� � 1� BY-LAW NO. 5348/98 Betng a 6y-!aw �o authorize Jhe erecullon of o Llcence Agreement 6enveen The Carporatton of �he Town oj Pickering and fhe Gingerbread Co•operalive Nursery School (Ptckerin� /nc. respecling the use oj �he We.tt Shore Communiry Centre (Sepfember 8, l998 fo June 1S, /999). 93 WHEREAS, the Town owns and operetes a community centro known as the West Shore Community Centre in the Fairport Community in ihe Town of Pickering; and 1VEiEREAS, the Gingerbread Co-operative Nursery School (Pickering) Inc. operates a co-operative nursery school and wishes to use the West Shore Community Cenire, and associated facilities, for the purposes ofsuch operation; NOW 1'HEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Pickering HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: I, The Mayor and Clerk are hercby authorizcd to execute an Agrecment, in ihe fortn attachcd hcreto as Schedule A, bchvicen The Corporatian of the Town of Pickering and the Gingerbrcad Co- operative Nurscry School (Pickcring) Inc., respccting the use of Ihe West Shorc Communily Centre Cor the period Seplember 8,1998 to lunc 25, 1999. � .:B i . Y-LASY read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 29 th day of Jime, 1998. "� . :• Y � Wayne Arthurs, Mayar 4,�� � « t-. .. . . . ri�r � ` '�'��'�,� ` � Bruce Taylor, Clark .� � FSy7�� ;� ���� {:1 Y �� . { ��'kfi.:' � Mr � �i.� $; 4�ri r.r r �Si.��r�x t E..i � . - , � � . ��'v; t� � �+ e � � � . . •���,,� ' ,, 5 �� ���e v4,� .� . . . .. d �ly � r.. ,. . .. . . . i'� j 4 "�l : � � . . . . _ , j� t r.. �i �THIS AG(tEEMENT BET�VEBN: 96 Tli� CORPORATION OR THE T01VN OF PICKERMO hemin callad the "7'nwn" OF THE FIRST PART, - and - GMGERBREAD CO.OPERATIVE NURSERY SCHOOL (PICKERMGI INC hcrcin called thc'Town" OF THE SECOND PART. W}�REAS, the Town oµns and operates � communiry ccntre kno«n u Ihc West Shorc Communiry Crntrc in thc Fairport Community in ihe Town of Pickcring; and WHEREAS, ihe School operates a w-0pera6ve nursery school and is desirous of using Ihe West Shoro Communiry Centrc and associated facilities, for the purpasc of such opemtion; �nd WHEREAS,1he To�n is prcpared to grant a licrnce to Ihc schaol to permit it to usc Ihe West Share Community Crnvc and associattd facilitics, far such purpose pursuant to certain wndiuom hcrcinafter s�K out; NOW THEREFORE, THIS AGR6EMENT W17NESSETH that in considcration of othcr good and valuablc considcmtion and the sum of Two Thousand, Eight Hundred dollus (52,600) (bascd on S 17.50 per child for 16 children) payablc by thc School to the Town in ten paymrnts of T�r•o Hundred and Eighty dollars (5280), one payTncnt bcing duc on the Ist day of cach of September, October, November and Dcccmber, 1998 and of January, Fe6niary, March, April, May and June, 1999, the Parties hottKo covenant, promise and agrec wch �eith thc othcr m follo��s: 'ILe School shall bc allo«cd to usc thc Wat Shorc Community Ccntrc and usociatcd facilitics, for thc purposc of operating a co-oper�pve nurscry school ac follo�cs: Monday to Friday, inclusive - 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., laal timc, from Scptcmbcr S, 1998 to Junc 25, 1999, inciwive, � 2. 7iie School shall: (a) provide and pay for all personncl, cquipmcnt and supplics for thc purposc of its operation of thc co- operadve nursery scheol; (b) kap thc Toti�n free from nny wsu originating from thc operation of thc co-opcmtivc nurscry school; (c) ensure tfwt ilt,operatiom wnclude by 12:30 p.m., local timc, daily, to facilitatc the usc of the Community Crntrc and associatcd facilitics, for othcr purposcs; (d) indemnify the Town for any costs, claims or dutwges resulling from any loss, damagc or injun� (including 7`-; '' ; los� of life) to any person or property at any time on lhc premises or comprising thc prcmises used by thc , School, hoµrover such loss, damagc or injury may acur; (e) provide at its acpease, and kap in force during Ihe tertn hereof, for the benefit af the School and the To��n, �'�,, .. � ir+. (a) gerurel liability insurance in respcct of injury to or dcath of onc or morc persons, or propcn}• "�' t damage, in m amount not Icss tlun S I,000,000; and �� �"��,� j 1K (b) , uwrana against loss or damagc by firc in rcspcct of all Ta��n-o�mcd propert}• comprising the �sY a. }, Wat Shoro Communiry Ccnuc and msociatcd facilitic� in the amount of SI,OU0,000 and ��, r� ' containing the standard extrndcd perila endoncmcnW, naming thc Toan as cainsurcd; and �� j�4 ��+' provide ten pori�dattd chequc�, payablc to thc Totm, in thc amount sct out a6o��c, �rith thc �d i� �` �; f � t acavted wpies af this Agrccmrnt. . �Aki j . . .. � Y � }¢ 7f�; J r i . , . . � y_x i � i Ef �4 � . � . 3'; � r � t � � � r� �7 6:,;>�_.t. ._... . _ . , � � . - . � . � 3. � � '!lb Tawn �helL• 97r (a) nllaw tlu School to uee thc Wcst Shoro Community Crntrc and a�soci�ted fuiliaoa, for tho purpose of operating a co-operative nursery school as followr Monday to Friday, inclulivc - 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., local time, from September S, 1998 to lune 23, 1999. (b) provide the nceessary electrical po«er, heat and other uGlitia, subject W the provisiom of section S, hercof; (c) provide the Schaol with equipment storagc cupboards oFadequatc siu; (d) provide the School «ith a kitchenette faciliry for the purpose of providing light snacks for School suff and childrrn; and (c) havc the powxr, through the Toan's stafi; to dircct U�e School's staff whrn a situadon may causc damige to thc Cammunity CrnVe premiscs. 4. (a) The tcrm of this Agreement slull bc from Septembcr 8, 1998 to lune 25, 1999. (b) Either Party to this Agrecmcnt may tcrminate Ihis Agrccmcnt at any time during the tecm hcrcoF upon 30 days writtrn notice W the other. 5. 'Ihe Town's obligations pursu�nt to this Agrccmcnt shall be depcndcnt upon the availability of satisfactory facilities during the tcrtn hereof. 'llie School shall not hold the To«n responsible for, and thc Toan shall not bc liable to the School in any �:r for, Ihe lack of satisfactory facilitias resulting from thc Tann's inability to providc samc as a result of acts of God, mcchanical failurc or othcr circumstanca bcy�ond thc To��n's control. 6. This Agrumrnt and everylhing conWincd hcrcin shall nat bc usignablc by cithcr party �nd shall cnurc ta 1hc brnefit of and be binding upon Ihc Putics hcrcto. M WITNESS WHEREOF, thc Partia hcrcin ha�c hcrcunto �flixcd thcir carpor�le scals, aticst��d to by thcir ofliccrs duly authorized in that behalf. SIGNED, SEALED & DELIVERED Fdr RIbI THE CORPORATION OF THE TO�VN OF PICKERING W�ync Arlhurs, Alayror Brucc Ta}ior, Clcrk GfNGERBREAD CO.OPERATNE NURSERY SCHOOL (PICKERMG) INC. . � � . .. . . .. . 2 . . . . . . . . .