HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 51/98�N OF p� W�O F REPORT TO � D THOMAB J. OUINN OENEML MANAaEN COUNCIL FROM: Penny L. Wyger DATE: April 24, 1998 Town Solicitor REPORT NUMBER: L 51/98 SUBJECT: OPB Reulty (Pickcring Centre) Inc. - Part of Lots 21 and 22, Concession I, Pickering - Development Agreement - Filc: D9803 RECOMMENDATION: A by-Inw shauld be enactcd to authoriu the exccution of a I`evelopment Agrcement rcspecting the devclopment of pads of Lols 21 utid 22, Concession l, Picl,eting. ORIGIN: I. Site Plan Applicution SS183 (R98). 2. 5ubmission by OPE3 Rcalty to procecd with sccond phasc of improvcments on cust sidc of mnll. AUTHORITY: PlanningAcl, R.S.O, 1990, chnpter P.13, section 51(6); Mwtictpal Ac�, R.S.O. 1990, chaptcr M.45, scction 191(1). FINANCIAL IMPL[CATIONS: Legel Fees/Disbursements for thc Devclopment Agrcement (53,100) heve been waived due to the benefits nrising to the Town through the proposed works. BACKGROUND: On December 3, 1997, OPB Renity (Pickering Centre) Inc., cntcrcd into u Sitc Plnn Agrcement with the Town for the expansion of the theatre ut tl�c Pickering Town Centre. This activity �s '. ropresonted the first phase of n broadcr site improvemcnt initiative for this scction of thc mnll �', site. �Z'�r �} At '' s` OPB Really now wishes to proceed with thc second phnsc of thc projcct which involvcs thc �' ; conveteion of ihe existing bus loop to additionnl purking, improvcmcnts to thc pcdcstriun '�� '' epproaches to ihe mall end to the dlenanna Rond boulevard, as well ns the cstablishment of n bus ,� g,Y ; ley by;ene elong the west eide of Cilenanna Road. Thc plans sclting aut thc rcJevclopment hnve ��, ��; lxen nviewed and recommended by tha Town's 5ite Plan Committec und urc acceplable to thc 107 .I �,.Inn , Report to Councll April ?4, 1998 L 51/98 Redevelopment of these lunds will providc edditional parking for the patrons using the thentre and mall, und include enhancements ulong the Town's rond nllowunce udjucent to Glenanna Rond. Works include enhancements to pedastrinn lighting, dccorntive sidcwulks, benches and Inndscaping. Enhancements within the road allownnce will be nt no cost to the Town end will serve to implement devclopment as set out in the Council approved Pickering Downtown Corc Development Guidelines. In nddition to thc standard provisions of tha Development Agreement, the following provisions wili ulso be included: (n) n prov;sion for OPB Reulry to contribute up to 530,000 toward thc cost of a c�mmissioned public art piece to be lacuted nt the north•west comer of Glcnunna Road nnd the theutre entrnnce to the Pickering Town Centrc. The final selectinn of the art piecc shnll require thejoint-Approval of the Town and OPE3 Realty; (b) a provision that will rcquire the owner to grant ihe Town a Liccnce to Gnter onto the owner's lands to complete nny unfinished works in thc evcnt such works ure not completed by August 31,1998; (c) the rcquircment for thc posting of additional sccurities will bc amcndcd Gom the standnrd fortn Cor this project in rcwgnition of thc fact that thc To�m will bc thc primury beneficiary of thc �vorks. Thc esisting sccurilies in pince for the theutre works will bc applicd to nlso sccurc ihc udditional on-sitc «�orks nnd thc roud/boulevnrd «�orks on Glcnanna Road. It should also be noted that provisions are bcing madc for the continuous operotion of thc tmnsit function in order thnt scrvice will not bc intcrruplcJ during Ihc redevclapmcnt of thcsc Innds. Enactment of the dmR by-law AQACIIC(I Ill'fClO will nuthorize thc execution of such n Developmcnt Agrcemcnt, to bc prepareJ in n form ncceplublc to thc Town Solicitor in consullntion with ihc Dircctor of Pinnning, Ihc Dircctor of Public Works nnd thc Gencrol Manager. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Locntion Map/Sitc Sketch 2. DraR by-law with proposed Dcvclopmcnt Agreemcnt attached ns Schcdule A. Prepared By: Approved fiy: � Denisa Bye D8: Attachments Copy: Gencml Munager Town Treasurer (Acting) Director of Pianning Dircctor of Public Works � PennyL L.�bGyso- � . � s v . . . . _ .. .�, . .. � . : �.. . . � . � - . . . .�. , . . r. �� �. � ATTACHMENT#L 70 REPOqTM�9b ATTACHMENT#.� rr�HEPORT#� � � : ' � :_: 1 � � 1, - � �► � : �� ��e�n�►r��� Being a by-law fo aufhorke !he cxecullat oj a Developmenl Agreemenl and relared documenlu�lon ►espec�ing fhe developmenl ojparls ojLals 2/ and 12, Concesston f, Pickerfng (OPB Realry (Ptckering Centre) /nc. J Wf1ERGAS a proposal by OPB Rcalty (Pickering Cenire) Inc, to redcvelop ccrtain parts of Lols 21 and 22, Concession I, Pickering is accepmble to lhe Council of the Corporation of the Town of Pickcring on ihe condilion that OPB Realty (Pickering Centre) Inc. enter into a satisfuctory Development Agreement with lhc corporation pursuant to the provisions of thc Plunriing Acl, R.S.O. 1990, chapicr P.13 seclion 51(6); NOW THEREFORE, ihc Council of The CorEwmtion of ihe Town of Pickering f l[:RIiDY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: l. The Mayor end Clcrk arc hcrcby uuthorizeJ to cscculc a Dcvclopmcnl AgrcemeN in o fortn sntisfactory fo Ihe Town Solicilor, in consulinlion �cilh the Dircctor of Planning, Ihe Direclor of Public Works and lhc Gcncrnl Managcr, bc���cen OPB Rcalty (1'ickcring Ccntrc) Inc. nnd Ihc of part of Lots 21 and 22, Concession I, Pickcring. BY-LAW rcad a firsl, sccond anJ IhirJ timc nnd finally passed Ihis 4th day af Mny,1998. tnto� T,,� , F!'�. t . i l. , ��� i.� : r. :`��:: ' Waync Arthurs, Muyor Druce Taylor, Clcrk