HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 47/980 �N OF p� � REPORT TO COUNCIL 0 FROM: Penny L. Wyger DATG: April 2, 1998 Town Solicilor REPORT NUMDGR: L 47/98 SUBJEC'f: Shrone View Holdings Inc. - Pnrt Ulock 10, Plan 40M•1887, Pickering • (Pan I, Plan 40R-XXXX) - Transfer of Gusement to Dell Cnnada - Filc: 40M-1887 RGCOMMENDATION: I. A by-law should bc cnactcd to uuthorizc thc cxccution of n Transfcr lo I3cll Cnnadn of nn eusemcnt over that part of Qlock 20, Plun 40M•1867, dcsignnted us Pnrt l, Plnn 40R- XXXX. 2. Council should pass n Itcs�ilution authori�ing 13c11 CnnaJa to cntcr onto thc subjcct lunds in ardcr to insinll Ihe reyuircJ scrvices ahile the Iegnl Jocumentalion is bcing processed. ORIGIN: Requcst from l)cll Canuda datcd April 2, 199R. AUTt10RITY: MuntclpalAcl, R.SO., chapler 301, secri�u,193. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: A onatime fee of S2,000 wiil be paid to the Town by Dell Cunndn for the grnntcd right of easemenG All survey cosu, legal fees and disbursements will be paid by Dell Canada. ;?` `. BACKdROUND: "' The Subdivision A �: grcement for the abovo-noted plan requircs that thc devcloper install ccrtnin �;; aervices. ln order to provide telephone service to the residents on Clcarside Court, Ocll Canada r<• x`.' Lav requested �het thr, Town gront un ensement in its favour, ncross Block 20 for thc purposc of �.ry� � instailing the underground cables rcquired to provide such n scrvicc. �� � 7 �',Tho Town's I7irector of Parks end Facilities hns no objcction to thesc scrviccs bcing instnllcd in �s �: the lands pteviously canveyed W the Town by thc dcvcloper for pnrkland. Thc cascmcnt will bc ��� tI�,3;appnoximetely 3.0 metres (n width, 43 metres long and will lic odjaccnt to thc cascmcnl prcscmly �. u.Iq fevour of the Regton, x -, i `, f'� � ,s �.�� ��„rt� ��te'! ` . . f ry f �, , . . . . . . . .. . -»�';.,�'f�er . �... ., � ' Reporl to Council 47/98 Subject: Shrone View Holdings lnc, Dule; April 2, 1998 Pngc 2 This is an urgent matter for E3eil Canada as thc homes in the subdivision will soon bc rendy for occupancy. Bell Canada has requested thut the Town grant it permission to enter the subject lends in order to inst�ll thc required underground services while the Icgal documcntution is being processed. Staff recommends such permission be gmnted provided Bcll Cnnnda provide written indemnificution to lhe Town and sntisfnctory avidence of insumnce. Ennctment of the draft by-Inw atmchcd will euthoriu thc execution of tha Transfer which forms Schcdule A to that by-law. ATTACHMENTS: I. Locntion map. 2. Site Skctch. 3. DmR by-Inw with proposed Transfcr attnched as Schedule A. Prcpured By: Approved / Gndorscd Dy: �. � �,� _ Dcnise By� I'enny Copy: Gencrai Manngcr Town Trensurcr (Acting) Dircclor of Pnrks nnd f�ncililics Dircctor of Plnnning Dircctor of Public Works D ' AP�' °t � pUINN ,i.} .. �{O u+��ER Q� M,i� i 3 � OENB ,// p 0 ,�4,*,�L� .. �,./ ��.,� �7 / i �.;1� 3 .'� � / oM �� . �: ;' � . . . a � ^ o^' ��} ' { r � y�.�}r tti ;. � . , %4 4 y� S' � i�} £ �, ( �,T� r t+ � Hi 7�: �'��T d . .. � r �iss�"t- t -�.x � . . . . �x� � rt qX .jc ,{, t: '�it`.�7�'�''h � , �^t f �� 4 iI i f�; �} . n ��y .�tsr�J! . .. � . � . . f#� r; ,;(�y,J�' � •'�N�e'*j Ax .. � +�L�^.�il �•j t - . _ wc�✓��:t:.� . . _ . . e � ATTACHMENT # a TO REPORT # �-K��g CLEARSIDE OQ COURT 0 � Y � U, �. 0 . �ZrI�,���, m � � J �, � �. FA4EMEHf TO���`� eEU.u""°" �l • 7.0 rtrtrM Block 20, 40M-1 BB7 ;. ; x'' -;, ,', , k� n,} ��° � � 'k£ ; c �fi�+��s z1i 3 w��,� i r r �Rk,� tr ' z.. `. � inp :.;. Nianning uepanmen HRONE V{EW HOLDINOS INC. - PLAN 40M-1887 � Eeeement In tavour of Hell Canada N Mli�. � i-' � C.: 1 � ► � 1� � � J► � � 1►i� E]'dlli\:'� Betng a 6y-law !o aulhortze fhe execullon oja Tiansjer oj Easemenf across Block 10, Plan 40M•1881, fiom The Corporatton ojlhe Town of Pfckeringlo Bell Canada. WFIEREAS, the Subdivision Agreemcnt herein requires that thc developer install certain scrvices; AND WEIEREAS, Bell Canada requircs un eazemcnt, for thc purpose of installing the cnbles necessnry to provide telephonc urvia to the residents, across Block 20, Plan 40M-1887, which block is owned by the Town; NOW THERBFORE, the Council of The Coqwmtion of thc Tow�n of Pickering HCREBY ENACTS AS FOI.LOWS: I. The Mayor and Clcrk arc hercby authorireJ to cxcwtc n'fransfcr of Isascmcnt in the fortn aitoched hereto as Schedule A from 71�e Corpor�tion of thc Town of Pickering to Dell Cnnada over �hot part af [llock 2Q, Pinn a0M-I887, Pickcring, dcsignated us Pae I, Plan 40R-XXXX. BY-LAW rcod a first, scconJ anJ �hird timc and finuliy passcd �his 20�h day of Apri1,1998. Wnyne Arlhurs, Mnyor Bruce Tnylor, Clcrk l '' � i r �.�,��.�_��� �ro v,a,nc� CN ULE A a,,,,e,rwov,im .•��� Trans er�eed of Land A Onlvb Form 1— Land Rp4V�lbn R�form Act (�) Aq�Y ❑ L�nd TItlM � (t) P�pe 1 0l ppn w a � W U 0 New Properly Identilien ¢ Ma�wri � Sr &�MOuN ❑ E��eWWb�p ACEi�qMl ScMai� ❑ wnun��q �wannrW- SM ScfrOub OIM�d�fN1011 TWO pollert f Z.00 MMptlon T�I� i� s� ProperlY PropeAy Omsion ❑ Conwlqation ❑ Part Pnrcel Plan-1 Section 40M-1887, being Part Biock 20, Plan 40M-1887 designuted as Pnrt I, Plun 40R-XXXX Town of Pickcring Regional Municipality of Durhnm Ca WM � New Euement � AEOmonei I Fee SImDb PIeNSkett� � ! Defc�lqqn � PWef � Othm � �ement (!) Tnmhra(Q The trenalera hereDy truqlen tM land to IM Inmkree �n0 cMdiea Uet IOe Irenflemr b el leesl aphteon yeen otd anA ttul ............................................................................................ Date of Spiulure ............................................................................... Y M D Name171 $qruWre�71 , � THE CORPORATION OF TIiC: TOWN � � 99g ? � ............................................ , . .Wu �nc Artliiirs. Mu �or . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .:. . . � . . . , . , OF PICKGRING y Y � : � .............................. ................................ I ... ............... 1998; ......................... ............. ................. ..........I... f3rucc'Pnylor, Clcrk E j ; i �i) 8pouw(�) ol Tnnderoq�) 1 ne�e0y conxm to Ihu Iransnctwn Oata ol Slgnalure Namep) SqneNrel�l v M o ........................................... i � I . .................................l......:...i... Y M D ' � i ... BELL.CANADA ............................................................ ... � .. ; ; .�. .,. ...................................................... � ' ' ........................�......�...i... ..............................................................................�..........,... (11) Traafnor(�) The Uansle�a veriM1es Nat M the bost ol ihe translaor'a krw»ledge end bd�el, Uxs Iransler daK ro1 wntravora satan 50 W 1he Ramuq M. Date ol Spnature Dale ol Signaturo V M 1 O! , Y � M� D $�un ....................... .I......I...1...t Spn�luro. .... ... ... ..... i . tWkMa for TnnN�roK�) I have eapleired tM enect ol sectan 50 0l C�e Rannnp Nct W tt�e Irenslera aM I hava matlo irq�ur�es ol Iha iranslera io ... CllMmna NaI Ihis harWer does not contrevene Uiet secOm end baSOA on Ihe inlormaEOn auppied by tl�e Vanslera, to Iha bos� ol my knowlMqe and befef, thb Verislor doe� nd conVavene Ihat saclqn. I em en Ontarq sdic�w n pood standirp. Dete ol Siqnetun Hyiq �ry � Y , M� 0 ACdeu ol Sqneturo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . .�. . . �. . . sd�a�a S�`(U) BolkHw lo� TnnH�rn��) I heve hvesGpatod Ihe Irtle lo Ihs land end to abutlmp Wnd where roloven� end I nm satrsfrod Ihnt IM �tlo rocords � reveal no ConUavenlion sf sq ou1 �n subcfeuse 50 (22) cl Gi) ol Ihe Plennrcg Ad and Ihet lo iha basl ol my knewtodpo antl bebl Ihn trnnslm fE,a ao�r�a�ae�+e�sodu�a�na iaa augm�aa�«moo-�raap�,�ai��,o�o�a��n�a �pr Nrns uW D�te ol SpnNuro �xe AAdflN d Y , M D �{! SWkna ' ( � XSpnalun ...........................�.........t... � t _tl�) MuYe4r �miw. a vroy«ry (11) oocum�o� vnp.na ey: Penny L. Wy ger Town Solicltor Plckedng Civic Complex One The Faplanede Plckedng, Onlarlo LIV6K7 FIIe:40Md887 iq „ Rphlntlm F�a LonA Tnrolx T�a To1Y