HomeMy WebLinkAboutPF 09/98!- .. �. . ,��..tr ' . ' , �� OF p� . . , �0 � REPURT TO COUNCIL FROM: Everett Buntsmn, N.P,D., C.M.M. DATE: Octobcr 5, 1998 Director of Parks nnd Facililies REPORT NUMBER: PF 09-98 SUHJECf: Repairs to Overhead Doors - Works Centrc Trunsit Bays, Gamge & Civic Complex RECOMMENDATION: Thut Council approve thc transfcr of funds from account 2315-6181 to 2315-6178 nnd 2124- 6178 for the purpose of reptiring thc ovcnc�ad doors nt thc Works Ccntrc und Civic Complex. ORIGW: S�nff rccommendation ns per attachcd documcnlntion A[TI'HORiTY: Council Rcsolution FINANCIAL IMPL[CATIONS: Trunsfer of funds nllocuted in account 2315•6181 for fencc repairs at the works centre: $6,000 to nccount 2315•6178 und 2124-6178 in ordcr to etfect limitcd rcpairs to overhend doars. TOTAL ESTIMA7'ED C05T (parls only) $5,980 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Stnff at the Works centre huve identified needed repairs to the existing doors, Portions of these doors requirc repincemcnt of key parts unforcseen by staff during the budgeting process and only faund by close inspcctioa by u rcpair company. Also, stnff have concems ovcr the sufety apparatus now in usa which requires replacement or repair. In reviewing their quotation it wns observed lubour charges nnd taxes nre extra, Since funding uvailable is limited as per our requests, only those doors thnt rcquiro necded safcty rcpairs for operaUonnl effectiveness will be rcpnirod up ro m m�ximum of a6,000. Q �; Report to Council PF 09-98 � Date: October 7, 1998 5 Q SubJeck Ropai�s to Overhead Doors ' - Works Centre Trunsit Bays, Garage & Civlc Complex puge 2 BACKGROUND: Presently at lhe Works Centrc lhere urc 26 overheud doors and 2 ut the Civic Complex. A company thnt specializes in the inspeciion and repnir lo ovcrheud doors in commercial npplicndons was contucted und asked to submit u quotation. Their quota is at�ached for refercnce putposes. This information has been reviewed and we concur with the findings. Tha informntion has been discussed with the Dircctor of Finunce and Treasurer who has advised that Council approval is requircd. ATTACHMENTS: I, Copy of E•muil (rom Superinlendent of Fucilities 2 2. Copy of quotntion fortn F.�stem Ontario Ovcnc�ad Doors (Oshawa) Ltd. Superintendent of Facilitics 2 Dircclor oF Pnrks & Fucililies JW;md Attnchments Capy; Geneml Manager Recommended for the consideration of Pickering Town Councii � ` ' Th mas J. ui , Gen nl Ma r �:;; ��� � �`= ,�. "' . ;, , r�i`l�r r . . . . .. . . �s 1 �t f = � � . .. . . . . . 1�siN�� . ,tt �. . , . . - . . ......... ....�.�.,�• ���.> , -• .. _ . � :. �Fa��ern OwxIH�dWwra IO���wal 110. - � � . . . � fC9 WMIMYrIh SI Fa.l: , � - . 1�'dinwi.Oir�I1K� ' � l IR JV0 PlKn�r, (90h�dit'0.473 Fbr WO51 •111 �17U . � ' ��'� 51 Eastern Overhead Doors (Oshawa) ltd. rwc. 2, lvye Pickering Civic Cpnplex One The Esplenade Yickering, Ont, Llv 6K7 Atteotion: Mr, A1 Lillie Pursuant to our recent inspection, I em pleesed to quote the follor+ing; Works ueoot Door lll ' 3- S" Rollers Long Stem $33.ti0 3 - Ilinges $34.47 20'2" Of Hottom Seal $g�.� SI�p7� Door p'l 4- 3" Long S[em Rollers 1 - Ninge 1 - Top Left F[xture Outside Of Bottan Section Damnged �22' Of Air Hose 7' Of 3" Track Right Side 1 - V Belt 4L-340 'Etight Side Traek Mgle Oeunaged "Adjust Brnkes Door 113 k - 3" Rollers 2 - liinges 'Reflector For Photocell '20'2" [bttom Polar Seal Seraighten Right Track Adjust Brekes $44.80 $11.49 524.20 $82.50 578.G0 $18.00 S�i�i3� 1 S44.80 $?2.98 $jG,OQ Stl0.00 S181.78 :t ATTACHMENTM ;����0� �� i . - -�N14`�� w .� �O! .. +JJ MJ! Ml:q . IVJ �. .�•J� . . � e.d�m w«n.,e 000r. (a�n.wq ua trt� wam�«m s�. eu�, , � thhane.OMnra � LiN]Va • ��� • Vhone� (9061 NSOS7J F�M. (�S) �J1�AtJ8 � • • .,i�� 52 Eastern O�erhead Doors (Oshawa) ltd. Pege 2 ibor If4 6- 3" Rollors Long Stem S67.20 1 - Hinge 511.49 � Secure Operator Hoan To Well $18.00 « Photocell Not Working $490.00 * 22' Of Air Hoye 82,50 1 - V - Helc 4L-340 � Adjust Brakes Ooor 05 5 - 7" Long Stem ' $56.00 20'2" Cable Trues Nea Cable S114.40 2 - Hinges S22.98 Right Nnnd 5pring 5tretched too Far * 22' Of Air Hose 582,50 20'2" Of Bottan Seal $80.00 " 7' Of 3" Track 578.40 Repair Track Mowt Adjust Brekea �� Door 116 2 - )" Rollers Long Stem $22.40 " ReFbir Lef[ Side Treck " Photo Cells Not Working $490.00 * 22' Of Air Hose S82.50 22' Bottan Trues $102.7U Ad�ust Brakes � ZQ � Door U7 7- 7" Lon3 Stem Rollers 578.4U 3 - Hinges 534,47 Repair Lefc Bottan Fixture Operetor Cover S.b.Oo * 15' Of Air Hose 56.25 $19 .12 ' ' !." ,. ._ , i>. � . �N�G�+� wcr��ari� �vJ•� . . �0.� • NJ-`N�-M�/J n1J r. .:•4� � . � . � �inbm OwrMM Doas IO�Mw�) Lld. - 67Y WunAVai� SI Ea��, , � Od�tww, WiY�r�i . LIl�7V8 ' �„� �� � PAOn�. (�' I �;�)•�57J � � � I'ac (90.5) �7}AI96 � • Eaatern O�erhead Doors (Oshawa) ltd. Page 3 Door tl8 4- 3" Long Stem Rollers 544.8U Centre eearing Right Spring 518.75 * 15' Of Air Hoae S56.25 $1T4.80 Door U9 4- 7" Long Stem Rollers S4G.8c� 2 - Hinges S22.98 Bottan Section Damaged . S384.00 _ "lY Of Air Noee • 556.25 14'S" Of Bottan Seal _ � Uoor Olo 6- 3° Long Stem Rollers 567.?0 *15' Of Air Hose S56.°_S S12J.45 Door I111 5- 3" Long Stem Rollers 55ti.W 1 - Hinge S11.49 •Repair Bo[[an Fixti¢e On Right Side Adjuat Brakes Rhoto Cell Not uorking $49(�•� Brake Solenoid S130.00 ��?:9 Door 1112 5- 3" Long Stem Rollers 556.00 1 - Hinge S11.49 Adjust Brekea .49 Adjuat Safety Fdge � t I 1 , ; . . .. — _' ' _" . . . � .... .. . � . r•� . :��:v.. � �Euum OvvMW Coa� (Osh�w�) I.tC. . � �9 Waidwprl� Rl EMI. . O�nnwa, Ou���n � LtHJV9 � .� � PMab; (005) �J9•OfiTJ . /�f� Faa: (90d1 n0J•A1J9 � jR.]i' • • r � � �. Eastern O�erhead Ooors (Oshawa) lid, Page 4 Door p13 7 - !" Long Stem Rollere $78.40 2 - Hi es Photo Cell Not Working 5490.00 " Airhose Required For Safety Fdge 15' S6.25 Adjust Brakes Ad�ust Open Limit Door U14 6 - 3" Long Scem . $67.20 3 - Hinges , 34.47 � ` Repair Lef[ Side 8earin8 S101. � Doocnls 5- 9" Long Stcm 556.00 Door A16 5- 7" Long Stem S56.00 Dooc Ull 'L - 3" Long Stem $22.40 1 - iltn8e 11.49 37. 9 Door I118 1- 3" Long Stem Rolle[ $11.20 I.evel Uoar In Opening Door 1119 1 - A1 HinBe $11.49 i �, � �a/«,J . - �•'e..nri� a.,n.,a 000n (o�A.w.) l�a. � 529 WMIWMh SI. E�11, . (7itYw1. W�IArq IIHJV! ' , � t�i.a�usr� , Fac (905� dJ]•�1]fl � p��µil f:AU U �oR , Eastern Oderhead Doors (Oshawa) Ltd. Page 5 Door I120 2- 3" Long Stem Rollera 4 - Ninges 1 - Top Right Fixture DooC n21 9 - 7" Rollers 4 - tlinges 522.40 S4S.96 52��4.r2�o SB9,G0 S45.96 _ 5135.56 Door 1122 5- 3" Long Stem Rollers S56.00 S - Hingea 57.45 113. Door ll'13 7 - 3" Rollern $78.40 4 - Ninge� S45.96 $1 �.76 Door p24 10 - 3" Long Stem Rollere �:lZ 00 S - Ningea $ 57.45 1- Top Left Fi:cture 24.Y0 � 193.6� Doora U25 d ll2�r Not Currently In Use b Kemain In Upen Position. !- � 'i. 3x � _ t . 1 � � } y..t �, it��. . : ^§T �.�r �i :� ti � . _�� {¢ �F S' � .� ' � ', � �-�i ��,� ��'� f �vt+t7' +-� .. � . "� ir„:i.' ¢''F ,, „ ., �s'�-*.' :�";Y 1!f f _ �. � � ��ra��y,' � .-. � � - � . � � J ,.• � �,k� �*: W 1 �� . � � . . � . , . {y�tJ,x F �' �l�j F: l .. �y{.' t . PsA �-4*1�rd�� j . . .. , , � . . . .. , _ vu�v.n u�uru+u wlra . -.raA� :. :+rr4;;-41,{G.� � H1q .V. �ldW•, ' - '1� • �Erdan OwrMW Ooon (O�h�wp Ud. �. 1�'�' G19 Wunlwalh 91. Mul. , • Oanawa� OpmiW � � UN �VO I � � ai Plronr. (9051 �vos7a � � Fati (908) �:I:I��I�E � • � • �. , �l s � Eastern O�erhead Doors (Oshawa) lid. Page ti Pickerina Yorm Hall Pover poor 6 - 3" P,ollers � - Hinges �19' Of Air Nase •1 - V Belt CerbaRe Uoor 3 - �" Rollera ' �Left Dnm 400-12 Tit;hten All Nuta d levell Door In Opening Totel Matnriel $67.2U S3G.47 S7L 25 1�90.9 $)1.6U $30.00 3. 0 S5,9tl1.Y1 Applicable C.S.T. 6 Labour Are Excra. Noping the quocation meets vich your epprov;�l. sliould you have any questions, do not hceitata•to contact uur office. Yours Ttvly / ,�i� 4n ftead LR/w ,.<; � �; t, �,i: . �,�:r _ 't . � .. . _ )�i!: t , S.'.`� 3 �:..• ' .. : '" . . . iTR { �lt'� .-tt.'..- . . . . . . .. � . .. . .. �! Waik�r, Jim From: 4Valker; Jkn s�nk Seqember2e,16Batt:22 AM To: Bunfsme, Everop Ce: SmAh, Orent; McKeam, Tkn SubJ�c� Ovefieaddoorropaks Grant and Tim have sent me a quotation on repalrs that are needed for the earage doors. In particular, doors 1 to 8, plus 1 7 and 13 are in need ot the most repair. I have a written quote In from Eastern Ovarhaad door. The cost of doinp all the doors as quoted is $6981.27. The cost of doing just the bus bay doors Is $3,726.03. I have in the budget under account 2316-6181 $6,000. Since the garape doors are important I would recommend we pay for the repairs needed under the above allocation for the fencine. We will try and repair the fencing with materials avallable. ,.,., ATTACNMENT /1 TO R6PORT/ PF09-98 PaOe 1 i �- 1,