HomeMy WebLinkAboutCL 13/99. �� JO ��ppp . � .. � i.. � � ; ~ REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Bruce Taylor, AMCT, CMM DATE: March 1 G, 1999 Town Clerk REPORT NUMBER: CL 13/99 SUB)ECT: Advance Funding Progrnm RECOMMENDATION: That Report of the Allocations Committee dated March I5, 1999 which was established to revicw applications under the Advance Funding Program, as attached to Clerk's Report CL 13/99, be received; end That !he Charity Roster attached to Clerk's Report CL 13/99 be endorsed. ORIGIN: Resolution of Council dated Febniary I5, 1999 AUTHORITY: Gaming and Lotteries Act F►NANCIAL IMPUCATIONS: Not Applicable EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Ta endorse the Advance Funding Charity Roster as recommended by the Allocations Committee BACKGROUND: Please be advised that Council passed the following resolution at its regular meeting af February 15, 1999: That Couacil receive the Report of the Advance Funding Review Commiltee; and 1'hat Council endone the Selectfon Criteria aa propo�ed by the Advance Funding Review Committee; And ,..,/2 --Z-- �L Td�t CouacU eupport the creaHon ot �n Allocatiana Committee with A itaR raource from the Clerk'a Dep�rtment, ihree memben of the public to lnclude Ale: lloneyford, Terry J�mea and Ne�lher Gmcott; and 7'hAt the Alloatians Committee rcport buk to Council an their recommendrtione for adopUon at A Council Meeting no later Ihan March 22, 1999. Atleched to this Report is the following documentation: 1. The Report of the Allacations Committee dated March I5, 1999. 2. A list setting out the charities that epplied under the Advance Funding Program, the amount they applied for and lhe amount that is being recommended by the Allocations Committee. 3. A copy of the Advance Funding Program Charity Roster that will be sent to ihe Provincc upon Council's approval. 4. The Report of the Advance Funding Review Committee dated February 12, 1999. The deadline for submitting applications under the Advance Funding Program was November 30, 1998. Two applications were submitted aller that datc, ane from Hospice Durham datcd February 12, 1999 and another Gom the Breast Cancer Society datcd March 9, 1999. t3oth applications were considered by the A�locations Committee but were rejected because they were submitted after the deadline. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Thc Report of ihe Allacations Commiltee dated March I S, 1999. 2. A list setting out the charities Ihat applied under the Advance Funding Program, the amount they applied for and the amount that is being recommended by ihe Allocalions Commiltee. 3. A copy of the Advance Funding Program Cherity Roster that will be sent lo ihe Province upon Council's approval. 4. The Report ofthe Advance Funding Review Committee daled February 12,1999. Prepared y: �. Bruce Teylor, AMCT, CMM Town Clerk Attachments Recommended for the consideration of Pickering Town Council ' �,� �y pY T o as 1. Quin , Chief Administrative Officcr , 52 � ATTACHMENT t� � TO REPORTN«<�' y 9 Man:h 15, 1999 • Unicc'ilrylur 'I'owu Clcrk 7'ho Coqwrulion uf llic 'Ibwn of I'ickering Pickcring Civic Complex Onu thu IisplunaJc Pickcring, ON LIV GK7 Ucar Mr,'faylor. As memlxrs uf q�c Allocnlion ComwiUce n:viewing applicntions undcr lhe Advanced fwiding Progrnm, wc a-e pleused w infomi you lhnl wc hnve complctcd our lasks anJ arc now forwarding our rosuUs lo you. 7'he inlbrniulion encloscd includes the following: I)acumcnt I 1'ickcrii � Advnnred I�undin� Allocnlions 'Phis document rccords vnrious ficlJs of infonunlion used lo delern�ine s�n;cific nllucaliuns. 'fhc lasl column "ApprovcJ IndiviJunl Orgunimtion Allotmenl", rcpresenls ihc amaunts Ihc conunillcc rccommends shoulJ bc awnrJcd to cach res�xctivc orguni�alion. bocwncnl 2 I'ickcrinl AJvanccJ I�undin� Allocnlimis - Revicw Proccss. I)ucwuenl 1 Pickerin� AdvnnreJ I�undinL Allocnlimis • Itevicw Critcrin. We Irusl Ihix informnlion is cicur mid mcels lhc Wuncil's cxpectuiions. I lowcver, shoulJ furU�cr clarilic�lion bc rcquircd uniUor adJilionnl iufonnnlion frum commiucc mcmbcrs, wc would bc plcased lo mcct wilh yau or athcrs as nccdcd. I'Icnsc fecl frcc to cautacl commitlec mcmbcrs ocwrdingly. Yours sinccrcly, L / ( il�,lYr�,,����l��r� � �, � �� . Ileulher Ciuscott Icx oneyfo J 'I'crry ]tmfes A:11'ICKLG'I'.WI'D � . . c, . , . . � .. .M1 ... � . t , � . . - . A,. � . . �. . � , . ' ,. .{ .. . . . . ,i (, � ' �;ti ;4: r ;�: �;:; , ' ,. ."; . � �. " 5 }`' 1 �. � :; � i , ;z. ; :, + � 1 '� ' '� : 03115I9911 c55 AM 5 3 AITACHMENT N � TU lEPORT ll«/ 3' 1 f hqar 15,1989 Pickering Advanced Funding Program TOTAL AVAILABLE FUNDS $291,747.00 TOTALSHARES 1179 PER SHARE VALUE $247.45 SECIOR.3ALLOTMENT.BASED ON_%_OET9_TALSNARES SFORT $42,190.23 CULTURAL $38,251.43 SERVICE CLUBS $15,218.18 HEAI.TH SERVICES $914,816.80 CHILDRENIYOUTH $81,491.33 ENVIRONMENTAL $21,775.80 Total S291,743.67 _ _ __ _ �.._._ _ .-- --- - - — __.._..- ---------_—_— - - SECTGR���ALLOTMEI�IT BASED ON %o I �s.zx� ps.�v.� �.;-- -- ---- �` �'1 �t4.5x) �SPORT i: �`.j� racuLTURn� ����` `�'�j%� �SERVICECLUBS '% F� �'. t : (98.4Y.) "'�°� s' x: ;;' t� HEALTH SERVICES M�i"; �+�:t � (�'S9') � CHILDREN/YOUTH t � � � &'�` r� ENVIRONMENTAL f .i� (Z �. � yi) �: ' . :T, . • �t 1 r � ' � 'j � ' • . ��� ' �.' . ' '�• � : j� 1� }� ,� 1 ' �'' . .� � � ' �'' . ' • ' i �i . . . � i ;� f �����:�5 `� ATTACNMENra � TOREPORTq«13-9 9 nunnenr. oticaawwmn er.� a�w�a oF secTOn BPCRT P�"AYq /61w�� %aEMrc6M'��MUFiIN0VlIX1077�1LOfME111 A►PPWEDp/01YI.Op7NALLAIY1Mf � �oaooav«snrq �N�w�+«MO.kM+ oi :s i��9x u.enns N,ou� 70uhrn8rrclroCld ]9 ppil.l] ]On1rbIWa0�1 ]! 11S 102% p.Oq.11 YqAMN401� �7 N.71U61 lPk1w`qMUEYM 71 l0 11.11% H.t01H N.Otll IVItl�Y�OHotlrjA�� I! 7 6 IIIE% b.p7.)o N�OOOlO 7nNwnpsHncw� x �s ��.Pox it.twa N�NUI �1KqRaP��G ]S 108 IIA/% b•�N 11,101.N NA757E {I,IUA7 e�eiow. tfa.i �oo.aox Ni.��o.t� Ntdroa� cUltURrl • �A �imanw.eqtam n t�a � �e.7tx uaexsl NRR.a 1GklwYpRolryMutl 7S IE.11I./0 7Pk1�M1pTa+n4Jp1Y 7 ]! 7/31% �.�� N,Ii1.N IPk4mOV4Wmn ! ]e 7/.SM 31.00770 H.11tq ! FtlMM NkY IY W JO 7/ 1l.7E% i5./7E 10 1l,OSOAO Iu07ohl� 1N./ 100A0% plaS1.0 IH,711.N SEAVICE CIUBS I CbrnoM Lbm C1e �I 10./1] 70 �PoWYt1AdFIriM C ]S! 6/:7% 3l.1l111 N.q1.fa N,�N.N 6u0ToYl� ��,� 100�y sis.�ie.ie t�eRn.0 FEALiMSERNCE3 IAM•AklaYqlMW� 1 10 f9.19l00 7NPtNIJ�/uwn.l N 77S / M fl.te95! ,II.f11.N ]AYbKnerSaM�d S 70S )!)% t9.07�97 �iunw�.owrauro u a eern �a.weoa t�.o�i.0 lC6tLyi4f4otMF :e w een� �9.eoero ii0000.o�a ecm.owx��awc : us �iex tio.siee� nt.�woo r cnow� cnaaa, ea » ss.oH eo �°'°^u"^s�'Po^^^N ie �ee ei�K tr.m:» iioiiii ootiwuc.w.aw t u 9�ex �ioenea tu,i0000 town.mnnbncam ro rs ei�x �r.os:» itoewu.qN�a. n a.o�t.» iroM.buw�au �t �o sc°" te�uro u.�».io �em w.weoo tf.0000e 178WE4ibNINM o ws n�x �io.mi.n u.000.ao �uhToYl� � �ppp� tw�ieeo Nudu.�o cHILDREWfWIII �Bq&olt��/uwGd �I 75S 1/7Y4 b.re��e {I.il/�l tBqBblanA�w[.M 17 715 11!!% f/.S11D7 (1.11I.01 oa.m�n.wwa.�r. is u ueex u.oiuo a,���.w � a.YU�nrr.m.� a n �e a� ro e�wcnn�v.mry �r w iioix li.a�.n f r.�i� w ear�.r�oMabr H m6 eisx tso�:n Ir.�»eo 76aWOrnbpnw�IC 17 1lS7I07 N,01S.J1 �9odYD�nkpnenlC �0 ]36 t17V% 1l.I/l�e t1,f1/u IuOTotab 1u.1 toO.WA bI.�11i7 {H,IilA7 ENVIRONAIEN�AL 1CAn.ppnl[qb�.Tr /0 t7.10171 ]FtkwYqNn4ryR� ! 1E7 �t e% 17,tOlU y0���ry,fwkw 70 {9.U1107 ]R 7/ ]I�i% b.011W {I0.l10J7 16�mtltJU�wYAM4 71 IS 1105% i{.100.00 l7.11�,75 11.11L11 � T°� 11 100.001� ui.rrssa �».fnm o�.�atow tin �»iaasr tmda.00 PICI(FW 1 . .'., � . . ..._•1 � ... . . ti .. . _ .. . . .,1 . . . . .. . p. �. � r ATTACNMEN7 a � rc, �;r�o.zv u« is -� 9 5 � Documenl 2 Pickerin¢ A �vnnse I p�n IinQ p�� ��cntiona • Review Proceca. I Commiucc JNcnnincd critcriu by which lo scon: (Scurc is synunymous wilh lhc Icnn `Shares") cucl� applicalion. (Sce DoaUlncnl 1- I!ickcriuy A Ivnn I I�im li„�Ilncations - Revicw CrilcrinJ 2 Cach committee member independenlly scorcd ench nppliculion bused on criterin. . 3 Where a JiITcrcncc of grcnler lhan qirce poinls in scorcs occurrcJ lxlwccn cotnmiticc membcrs for u spccific upplica�ion, ihc npplication was revicwcJ by Ihc cnlirc cummillcc uud scorcs ndjusteJ �f opproprintc. 4 Scorcs of each committce mcmber werc aJdcJ logethcr lo cstablish un tolnl scordsharc lor cach npplication. S All npplicnlions vmrc mteJ uccording lo Ilicir tomi scordsimrcs, i.c., thc orgoniwliun �vith lhc highesl scorc wus m�cd 11 I: lowesl scurc was ratcJ N 40. G AO IIIfI1V1(IUAI SIItIfC AIIOCAl10I1 VUIUI' wns JelcrmincJ by dividing Ihc wtal of thc scorcs for nll Ihc applicatinns inlo Ihc lolul avuilnblc fuuds. 7 Applicnliuns wcrc grau�mJ by lhcir scctor (i.c., S�wh, Culluml, Scrvicc Clubs, I Icullh Scrvices, ChiWrci✓Youth, GnvirunmcNnl) und c;icli scctnr assigncJ nn nllocntion from Ihc lotal dollnrs avuilablc bascJ on Ihc scclor's �xrceningc of tl�c combiucJ shurcs ufull Ihe arguni�nlions nnd lhc per share enluc. R InJiviJual uppliculions a�crc aesigncJ nn ullolmcul buscd on Ilicir �xrccnlagc of tlicir scclor's total shon�s. � �I71051' Of61101%t111Utl3I14V1tl6 tl1C11I11` •Monlc Carlo" fCl�Ulfl`IllClll 1YCfl• pU�O�IlI111CAIIj' nssigncd s6nrc cqu;d lo tlm highcst ruting wiihin thcir res�xciivc scclur. IU All nlloqncnls wcrc rcvicwcJ su as to insurc Ihcy Jid nol cxcced Ihcir rcqucsled umount. When this occurced (i,e., Ihrccs inslunces nnly). Ilie respective organi�ntion's allotmonl was rcduccJ lo thcir rcyucst��l amount nnJ Ihc rcmaining dollars applicd to Ihc olhcr nrgnnimtions within Ihcir scclor in cunsiJemtion of ihc nuings. i ;. - G . t � � 4 �' ' {. %; t 1 } � 5� ,. �� ,�'. ��; ,i A�k.LTOREPORT# �,��3-9 y l)ocumcnl3 Pick�rine Advnnc��l I�un lin Alluuili nw - Revicw Crilcrin In sciccling Ihc critcria, lhe commiucc incoqwratc� Ihc rccummcnJ�itions of Council us wcll ns incluJing iiddiliunul crilcriu. laich crilcriri tivns ussigncJ u mngc ol'scoring.'I'lic lolnl scures anJ mngc cslnblislicd fur ciich crileriu wiis wcighteJ to recagniu Uic priurity ufthe crilerin. Crilcrin includeJ Ihe folluwing; Ilirect Community Oencfit - Rnnge O Io 4 7'his addresses the potcnlinl mm�bcr nf Pickering citizcns who woulJ be cligiblc and/or fit inlo thc lypc of persons (c.g., scniors, youth, disablcJ, cic.) who could expecl lo be served by qw scrvice/aclivities Jescribed in Ihe specific propusal. I'ickcring Itesidenls Only - liange 0 lu 4 Addmsscs proposal scrving I'ickcring rcsidents only vcrsus idso scrving residcnls from other municipalities and Ihe Jegree lo which this woulJ occur. Safc Community - Itmigc 0 l0 3 AdJrcsses Jcgrcc to which prnpusal ��•ouW contributc lo Ihc ovcrnll snlcly ul'Ihc annmunily nncUor inJi��iJunls scr�rd by Ihc proposnl. Gcogmphy - Itangc 0 l0 3 AdJresses degrcc lo �ahich thc pro�x�wil scn�cs nll of Uic lu�an ol'I'ickcring in nn cquilahlc wciy vcrsus limiting scrviccs lo only ccrinin nrc�is of Ihc lown. liisk & VulncrnUility - Itnngc O Io : AdJresses dngrcc lo which puqwsc of Ihc proposal/xrvices lo bc providcd adJresscs (i.c., reducing) Ihc risk nnJ/or �•ulnembilily ol'individuals nnd/or Ihc(r fimillics tu personal lifc situalions. Susl+�innbililY - li;mgc 0 l0 2 AJJrcsscs Ihc dcgrcc to which Ihc invcxlmcnls nprescnlcd hy nny nllucniio;; �nm Ihc AdvunccJ fm�Jing wuulJ lx IcsscncJ lhrough Ihc orgrminUiun nccding lu Jc�mnJ on Ihc acquisilion othcr IunJing, pct undcicrmincd, lo cnsurc Iliiy allacntion mects its rensonoblc polcnli�l. ; � � r . � ' ' r ' . � � . o' . -;. � � �. . . . . . . � �' , . .. . � . �.' . . .. . . . . . �.I � . � . � . . . 1 r' � / '; � � ti, '�� . ;� . ;; ., � A� , : - � �i . . . .. . . � . . AITAGIMENTq � TOREPORT# °L /1-99 57 Over Lupping ('unding - Runge 0 to I � ; Whclhcr or nol rcqucst far funJing to oUicr fundcrs (c.g., utl�cr AJvunc¢d I�unJing rcquesls to othcr muuicipalilics) in effcct duplicules thc funJing rcqucsts Ucing � rcvicwcd by thc committcc. Oulpuls - Range 0 lo I AdJrcsses proposals intenlion to incrcase/broaden service owpuls (e,g., incrcaseJ clienis servcd) versus simply muinlaining un�/or dccrcnsing servicc oulputs. � � i� i' '_ r. �' � � � �; ` , :� i. j . . . �� � . # }, 1� ' ' . i • �;i , 5 S ATTACHMENT i! a TO REPORT #�c i5- ! y ADVANCE FUNDING PROGRAM COMPARISON OF AMOUNT OR GRANT �PPI.IED FOR AND AMOUNT OF GRANT BEING RECOMMENDED �a °a� a� � Q°a G4 � U�z > a A��M�Tq�TUREPORTtt �. ` /1-99 � 0 w � v 0 0 � � o 0 0 w r�'i, � v°°i ^ °o v � o 0 U °` o 'p �` o 0 Z � N O � � vMi O o0 d �n � 06 a� ° o0 od � •: �q vi y� vi w y^� w vi w in a �w �i z o � � eW{�� ° �� M �`° �� r� r� �° �'` �"E� a.� �r��r+ �rn �'a u�� �oo ��n U � �Nq wg�Q`i �oo''o opN v� �n����gc°�v °va'aarn mrn >v Oo°� zrn�rn�nv � � � tn � � V y � r� .. � b" � � �i 3 � 3 ���3 � �:a¢� �� 3 aA �¢ N�°—' o'� va C9 �q°zv�vi� �' z.d Ny� o.�y pgaoa N zo og ��,a�z„z � ,��,n,o ai � c0 $� �G �O aO °N � M $ �NO�O ;3 •' E � a�x��� ai��y��pxo���w�O��a N M 'C vl . V 00 • �O '� � .7 '� 7 O �O .3 00 � �O N 00 M Vl Q f�l Q V tA �•+ V1 {:i N Vl Q^' Q^' O� � ..�� a T �2 � � � � � �C5 O �u �7 oa o � ' .'� F�Q�x �� �, �U '° •� y;,,��p�q � � "a ,� °° °g°w •o ,°�1, E � y+ •� � o •�a � ,o �c�a�o d'i o &u a�UcLl �� u° u•a° u•a �oG u�a ra'a' �j ��.� �x U� w�,��" '� �.� � � �°'� G�.� �7 ��du°.4��6� d7� �o" °-4i� ° � fL o CUQ Ut+. U 8 � $ � � � y� � o q � � M � $ O n i M t� � g o a g ���� � � g g � � � oxo o� 53 GO ATTACHMEN7 tt.�TO REPORTN�` �� � 9 � � 0 � � 0 0 w w M 0�0 n M O M ^ N V l� V O M M VN1 � VN1 O� W � M '�G O� 7 O O O�n N Q� �f ; y � f�9 � � � Vi w � V�/ Q d Ot�� p� � a UW °M v � �°v rn crn �� �oo a O� �1 N �j � p o �O w r :L �/1 0 o D�n {aj fV C M P U Vl 'O 0o Vl u O �["� V m ��O OM p M � P 00 EqoO � O �yl� O O �,00 �Sd v��'q' N �� �i� u' � � °; vt� �:� U a""�4 WY� "q uq W� q ��4 aoo o�n `��d ��, E�n ��`� ;,� �J,,`� �, �u� �J, �v, ov, �rn �rn �Lvxrn Zrn WS F-rn W a xrnf]rn C � � `� °5 �N a � m� ��M „��;�3z G1 > Ci K oo >' ,o c, � �� �j r� > ° 3'° x y� a"'1 °0"'1 oz p°G g`J a3 a o`d �'� a,:].NLy..1 o ¢ � p �p �0 o cp,�'yZ ` Z�pv°'�p•5Z a2 � pCb O p�l C C� O t� y� Mv1 ��C Of •� � pj � O C O �4 1l.� o�OY �� p 7.� �L �,«F � Y W N." p.0 OL o^ � �_ o o �� �.. 3�. �.3 o� n•� o �� n � pqa `c�'a —UvoLa".NOv�nO�oa�000.�00000 x OC ° o � 2 � O w � � o � � � � � a ° ' z Q � ? •a° y o itl ,'L .� c V o o e o T� � �' o �a �����o � � g.� .� �� � �. o���WUV�� � o v�a�� � � 2 �.�'�a ��:�'�� �•� o ° � o�� � � b�a� �o �o � � �' 2 �, a'2� �F�Ut�c v',U C Ll c]� wU �w°ti o �� � � �N � � g � � � � � g � � � � M � O pp O ATTACHMENT ri 3 TO REPORT q �=� 3'%`� w y 0 � 0 a 0 w v°, v00i �°�, °o n v'^i, U Vn' MM V: O O ��{ � W b9 N N f�A 69 � z� �a o {�.� o�o �a°�poo � °v�i OaF oM 3�nan `�M�F�� a uo. xv' �°° v'�x�'o U a � '��a� �� o,y �v xaala av�� . o�o °v o00j � b t��f � � � � � GOn �n �„Q Q^ �v�"i � ' n' � � i U �� � �M �j Q� O. M O = b Q 0�0 �� �00 � N J, J, J, '� v � � ¢F�a°a..�i°a�rnArn N e� ly Q� � N Q � ::� � `�'i �� u ik a� t%'�1 y� � � � � � Tf N N � U � �j � C N � � � Q � � a3 xy� ou �,� a.>� ; o- c7 �g' z,.z � axa � �^d Q �a � � U �'^� � OyO �O �� °O �`O �O �O �,O C� �o. oq,yp5qo �,d °e�cFc�'e•°c�e � A ��� �J4� �� �a 3 ���U������°��°������ �•�o0ua��o��� ouNUOUOU,'�u�� �vrnAa'av�nO..0ao0 —a�oa1� a�'a—'a—'a C � p i i � � � � � p�� � � a�W� x a,� �.1�Y� o,�o � ��� �� � �� � � � .. � � � no a ^ N � U � � � a � 7 A �, D0 � ��g y'�, � U a a'° 5 �� d o o'� „� a aom xga � o �E � � ��a � ,5 ,� ,� c g E�._S• � @� 6 U � U ii �� ii �'a' c;: 'n. s �. 62 z� �z 0 a� dW O a . rn °a °o v IV fV C �f � � O 1� � � w w ATTACHMENT 1i 3 TO REPORTN � c l3 - f� $ � v o a`^o c vi o r �c O •^ CC M N o � ; r v; �n w w v00i w w � • � � � � u� �� �� Uv° 'y� QM � �D VIM 6.Vn1 ��7 �aoo �5 r� �oo G� �a �o°�waNrn Uo°� v�i°a ug o� �� CI N yl ' 1 � 0 i � u G v�i u �n � �b tA°a �°a¢5v '^+, d � ,�h 3 m� � � ar, � � € v °'�b >> �ui � 3¢�,a'� Q �3 3 � �a �'+a�za° � Q z� z�a';ax `"x C9 c�oZrnz u� o zE �vi '-�N2 �y b�n � _�''����' � �"+�� �.o p'2� �`� F�`a� d �,c � c t° °°o c oN o �o o � oz oz a v• �2 o:�—•C o �r+ 6CC�� UO�jUO�Jm � N x � � 00 � V�1 �ti � N �7 � O 7 • � � a .id ^7 .id O o� a�'a' M VI .+ Vl f1. .+ N Vl N V1 � 00 6. .• Q�- '�. S a 0 Fe OQG O � c � � u � e .a V ,:: o a o u� C ��i ,'� � .o V�i V u U � � � ,�.� a u°. � � c. ? a � O yw3 � � � y � �� �ac� .� E�� v u � o Q� q'� a° � e E � �cG�o�c a� '�`� �y � �yu3 ��o _7 � M M � � � � N O •+ � M 00 � � .+ � O Q ATTACHMEN'i���TOREPORTq�c �3^fq ��N�Fp� �� F � REPORT TO COUNCIL �IIOM: Councillor Urenncr DATE: february 12, 1999 Councillor I lollend Councillar I'ickles SUUIEC'P: CRl7'GRIA fOR REVIEWING APPLICATIONS FOR ADVANCE FUNUING RIiCOMMENDA'f10N: 'I'I�at Council rcceive Ilw Rcport of the Advance runding Review Commilice; enJ Tliut Council endorsc the Selcction Crileria as proposed by thc Advance Funding Review Cummittcc; and That Council support thc creation of nn Allocations Commiucc wit;i a ste(f resourcc from Ihe Clcrks Ucparlment , consisling of Ihrce membcrs of Ihe public; and That the Allocations Cummittee report back to Cauncil on their recommendalions for edoption at tho Council Mceting of Merch 22, 1999. OItIGIN: Council Itcsolutionl1244/98, Itcm 10 AUTNORITY: Gaming nnJ Lottcrics Acl �I NANCIAI. IMI�LICATIONS: No financial implications for thc municipaliry UACKGltOUND: Councii pnsscd the following resolution et its regular meeting of December 21, 1998; 7'hal Clerk'e Report CL 58/98 reg�rding the Advance Funding Progr�m be rcceived; and 'I'linl n commillee be formed compriseJ of Counciltor Ilrenner, Counciilor Ilollnnd nnd Councillor Plcklea as well aa addillonol ala(f inemben th�t may bc rcquired in orJer lo review Ihe application for Adv�nce Funding AnJ reporl ite rrcommendetione lo Councfl no laler lhan the (inl E:ecultvc Meel(ng of BeUruary. ...,/2 s� ATTACHMENi i��?U REPORTq �=/ �' q i --2-- Tiw Commiticc hus rcviewcd thc applications for Advanco runding and has cstabliehed crileria for cnnsidering Ihese applications. As noted below, it is being recommended that a citiun's commiuee comprised of three persons ba established to review the applicetions in the wntexl of thu critcria tliat has bcen esteblished, A strict deadline of March 22, 1999 hes becn given for thie cummiltcc to report ro Council or, their recommendations in orJer to meet ihe March 31, 1999 dcadline given by tlie I'rovince for aubmitting the Rosler of approved applicetions. EslaUluhine Crileria: • 7'hc committee rcviewcd the submitted lists and established six categories; Sports, Cuitural, Service Clubs, Heallh Services, Children/ Youth/Senior Services, Environmentel (appendix i) • The committca further felt thet es part oF the review process all applications should be revicwed lo delermine if therc was overlapping or duplicate requesls in othcr perts of Durham (uppcnJix 2) • In uddition the CommiUee fcit that any funding requcsts must meet the following criteria for considcralion: • Must have a direct community bcnefit to Pickcring • Organizations should bc located within Pickering or must dcmonstrete how its service will bc utilired Uy clicnts who reside in Pickering • Must dcmonstralc fulure sustainability • Capilal expendilures woulJ be considered excluding o(lice equipmenl or ilems for personn�ndiviJunl usc • Program promotion and education would be considered, excluding costs, pertaining to agency eJvcrlisiug anJ promotions • It wns further detcrmincd that requcsls should also take into consiJcratiun if thcrc ere other funJing alTilietions for ulternate sources of funding such as the United Way. � In rcwgnizing thc Jiliicultics Pickering faces in dcicrmining how to allol 5291,747 with requcsts tolaling S99I,95S from various groups, the wmmiltce fclt that it was cssenliel thet a proccss be developcd tliat woulJ be fair and tolally lransparent. With this in mind the committec is rccommendiug the formatiun of an Allocations Committee af three membcrs of lhe pnblic to rcvicw Ilw submissions using thc rccommenJcd criteria that is outlincd in this report. A'CI'ACI IMIiNT5: 1• Appendix 1 selling out six categories of funding rcquesta 2. Appendix 2 setting out duplicate requests made to other municipelities Prepnrcd y: ' I iI Cuuncilar Drc Councillor liolland Councillor Pickics � a�a C7 �°a � � ! � .�� � ��� � a a ma `z +� � o 'o � S� o � L�° � o � « pa,� � � s m � 0° � .o `� o ° '" °� � � O Cy q� W � �g� � � C a a� a a f� ��p� $� C��� � � '3 8 �g� � ,� o �� d �D Fi ,a.g S � 'a � ' �v w-itl � O t+� ��' o °,� � � $�� s ��H fi b�" ��« � u o'c "� v vW, �i u� � pOO � ���5� u3o."E�o°u°a,�"oa� � �. � a �Q� �� o QQ�.�e �y�,;° �'���� ����'�g�? �� PO �°n v� {� � �`,$wt��P�C �.� �U�v�'i a� pt�Ua'Na:i <� � � �� � $ S 8 � ��� �,a � . � 7 U � N V�1 IMA VI V1 x �. 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