HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAO 09/99. � �NOFp� ,`O � FROM: REPORT TO COUNCIL Thomns J. Quinn DATE: Octobcr 12,1999 Chief Administrntivo Officer REPORT NUMDER: CAO 09-99 SUBJECT: Tender Approvad by the Chief Administrntivc Otticer - 1999 Summer Cowcil Recess - Filc; TFl 100 RECOMMENDATION: A resolution should be mude receiving the Chief Administmtive Ofiiccr's Report CAO 09/99 nnd mtifying the approvul of certain Tenders by thc Chicf Adminislmtive Oflicer during Council's summer 1999 rceess. ORIGIN: 1999 Summer Rccess (i.c., from Junc 29 to July 30, 1999 and from August 4, 1999 to Septcmbcr 10, 1999). AUTHORITY: Council Resolution 122/99 FINANCIAL IMPUCATIONS: T-1-99 — Tender for various Roud Imnrovemcnts Rndom Strect, Rosebank Rond nnd w'ixon Strcct Approved Budgct Sourcc Punds Tendered Amount S G4,588.61 Tutnl Estimated Project Cost $127,750.59 Project Cosls Ovcr (Undcr) Approved Funds S 145,000.00 $ (17,249.41) T-3-99 — Tendcr for Storm Sewer Imorovemenls. Wntermnin Instnllation and Road Reconstruction on West Shore Boulevord Approved Budget Source FunJs S 34Q000.00 Tendered Amount 5380,210.56 Total Estimated Project Cost 5321,210.99 Project Cosis Ovcr (Under) Approved Funds S 18,789.01) T-4-99 — Stortn Sewer Imarovements and Rond Reconslruclion Balaton Avcnue and Willinm Street Approvcd Budgct Source Funds Tendcred Amount $116,820.51 ToWi Estimated Projcct Cost S 123,419.00 Project Costs Over (Under) Approved funds S 140,000.00 S (16,581.00) O �. ! , Report to Council CAO 09•99 �; � g Sabject: Tender Approval by the Chief Administmtive O�cer • 1999 Summer Council Recess EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Not Applicuble BACKaROUND: Dnte: Octobcr 12, 1999 Pagc 2 G: Mny 31, 1999 Council made Resolution 122/99 authorizing the Chief Administrntivc Officcr to npErove tenders during Council's summer 1999 rccess on condition that tha tenders arc within lhe b¢uget allocuted therefor by Council, and subject to a rcquirement thnt the Chief Administmtive Officer subsequently report ull sucfi approved tenders ta Council for its informntion and ratificution. Circumstnnces were such that 3 tendcrs were requircd to be approved by the Chief Administrntive Officer during Council's summer 1999 recess. It is recommended thnt Council mceive this Report for infortnution and mtify the approvnl oF thosc Tenders bcing Tenders T-I- 99; T-3-99; nnd T-4-99 nll of which conformcd to thc conditions as sct out in Resolution 122/99. ATTACHMENTS: Copy of Council Resolution 122/99 Copy of Repotts PW 16-99; PW 17-99; PWIS•99 Approved / Endorsed Dy, TlonasJ.Qi m , TJQ:jh; Copy: DirectorofPinancc Manuger, Supply and Serviccs Recommended for e considernlion of Pickering Town Council u �� � � � Th ]. Qu n, ' f A ' isuativc Oti' ;r � � � , � ATTACHM�ITM � 1b�ORfN����� EXCERPi' FROM THE MINUTE3 OF THE COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY O � 9 31ST.1999 � Re�olution Ni22l99 - Aaaendix Al, item �6 Moved by Councillor Holland , Seconded by Councillor Pickles That the Chief Administrntive Officer be nuthorized to approve Tenders during ` Council's Summer Recess period (i.e., Gom June 29 to July 30, 1999 nnd from August 4, 1999 to 5eptember 10, 1999), on condition thut, , a) ihe lowest acceptable Tender is approved, . b) the cost thereof is within the budget previously allocnted herefor by Council, and c) u repod respecting lhosc Tenders is subsequently submitted to Council. CARRIED ,. ,;, c , � ° i _ , � . t . .. . [ .:'.' - . . �." � � - .- '�.tt : . �.. V _ i k i . . �.:' 7E �,� l �Y � '� � ;i i ' � ( I. . ' . ' . . . . . . . ; . .: •i; , - i a `' � AttACHMENT# � TOREPORTM��� CAo � � AEC[IVED: � P _ 7199� O�� �NOFp fILFNO.: !. ti0 A[±F:YTO: � � r nvr.n f WD/COC� INOGiI REPORT TO U[Jl!V �,«,-�}}-- I'..��,�I.fRf, flllA�I�I: � I t' 'ii� WC•.f�K!'. I�II'frt�l 11:�1 _ .....:�.. _' .. __..._'_" _ •�'.� IC�liA�. !— � '' ��.Ii _� 1 IPr:�.l•l:i "�" . � r . � . . ..__.�._.__ ._ .... . � _..�..�_._.. ... : ..,; �. .��•�..�...:. _.... � _ FROM: Richard W. Halbom •- DATE: August 26; 1999 Direcror of Public Works REPORTNUMBER: PW16/99 SUBJECT: Tender for Road Improvements Radom Street, Rosebank Road, Wixon Street Tender No. T-t-99 Completion of Warks from 1998 RECOMMENDATION: That Tender No. T-I-99 submitted by Hamden & King Constructian Inc. for road improvements on Radom Strcet, Rosebank Road and Wixon Street (for the completion of works Gom 1998) in the amount of $67,096.78 including 7% G.S.T. be accepted; and That a project cost of 5127,750,59 including the tender amount and other associaled costs, 6e approved;and That funding in the amount up to 5128,000.00 be aparoved. ORIG[N: Requested by Public Works Depanment AUTHORITY: 1999 Capital Budget - Account Numbcr - 2320-6181 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: � Tendered Amount: . Total Road Work 562,707.27 G.S.T. (7%) S 4,389.51 G.S.T. Rebate (4%) S 2 508.17 Total Amount 564,568.61 2. Approved Source of Funde: Current Yeaz 1999: 2320•6� '- � Redom Street 10,000.00 Rosebank Road 80,000.00 Wixon Street 55 000.00 ToUT A roved Bud et 145 000.00 ,y, . , .. �.,.. -• .. . . , . . `,' ' , Report to Council PW 16/99 Subject: Tender for Road Improvements Radom Streef, Rosebank Road, Wixon Street TenderNo. T-I-99 Financiel [mplications (cont'd) Radom Sireet - Job N 9901-2 Portion T-1-99 Testing Sub Total G.S.T. G.S.T. Rebate Total 1999 Approved BudRet - 23?0•6181 Amount (over)under Rosebank Road - Job H 9901-3 . Portion T- I-99 Roads Division (grading/wood retaining walUboulevard work) (completed) Unilock Retaining Wall System - Q-4-99 (completed) Gas Main relocalion (completed) Testing Sub Total G.S.T. G.S.T. Rebate Total 1999 Approved Budaet - 2320-6181 , Amount (over)under �Vixon Sireet- Job N 9901-5 . Portion T-I•99 Tree Service (preservation/fertilization) (completed) Well Manitoring ( Oza Inspections ) (completed) Roads Division (grading & boulevard works) (completed) Testing Sub Total G.S.T. G.S.T. Rebate Total 1999 Approved Badget-2320•6181 Amount (over)under Summarv Radom Street - Job # 9901•2 Rosebank Road -!ob # 9901-3 . Wixan Street - Job # 9901-5 Total Project Coet Total Budget , Date: August 26, 1999 Page 2 �2,� (Est) $8,767.03 300.00 9,OG7.03 634.69 5660.94 I $39,166.57 7,9?9.98 ?8,314.08 13,000.00 300.00 88,710.63 6,209.74 l,( 548.?5) 91,372J2 j 80,000.00 ($11,372.1?) 519,163.18 1,800.00 1,800.00 3,188.62 300.00 26,251.80 1,837.63 1,050.02 27,039.41 55,000.00 527,960.59 9,339.06 91,372.12 27 039.41 5127,750.59 5145,000.00 � '�� �Report to Council PWl6/99 Date: August 26, 1999 � Subject: Tender for Road Improvements Page 3 �� � Radom Street, Rosebank Road, Wixon Street Tender No. T-I-99 E.KECUTIVE SUMMARY: Although the Rosebank Road component of these Capitai Works is over budget in the amount of $11,372.12, the project total will be under thc approved budget for these specific jobs, by approximately 817,000.00. Some contingencies that wera allowed for during tha budget preparation are no longer d�emed necessary, and savings have been realized, especially ihe Wixon Road project. The work contained in Tender T-1-99 consists of: • Catchbasin adjustmenls • Manhole adjustments • Concrete curb infills • Grinding • Misccllaneaus HL-8 base repairs • Asphalt overlay HL-3 The total approved budget of 5240,000.00 for the project will not be required at this time as two components - Dunbanon Road - 570,000.00 and Sheppard Avenue - 525,000.00 have bcen deemed unfeasible for the 1999 constructian year due to addiuonal service and utility trenching, and settlements requiring exlensive base asphalt repairs. These funds will be requesled to be carcied over to lhe year 2000. BACKGROUND: The following tenders for this project were opened on Wednesday, August I1, 1999. An estimated 14 companies were invited ta participate of ��hich 10 picked up tendenug documents for a non•refundable fee ofS10.00 per set. Purchasing Policies and Procedures Item 9.??(h) provides that where there are incorcect extensions or misplaced decimals, the bid may be corrected. Unit prices shall be used to correct extensions. Purchasing Policies and Procedures Item 917(a) permits ihat all deposils other Qian the low three bidders sliall bc returned. Item # 18 - The Town rescrves the right to: (b) reject any or all tenders -(c) not accept any or all tenders - if in doing so the best interest of the Town will be served. Item �20 - My opinion of the Toum in regard to a bidders' qualification and/or ability to perform tha work of this tender will be final. Item k22 - tn the receipt of tenders, no obligation is incurted by the Town to accept the lowest or any tender. Summary (P5T included, GSY included) Cumpany .,� � ;Totei Teadered Amount S' After CalculaBon ClKCk Harnden & King Construction Co. i67,096.76 S67,096.78 Furfari Construction Co. S66,351.60 568,351.60 D. Crupi & Sons Limited S73,218.61 S7J,218.61 Miller Paving Limited S74,222.99 S74,222.99 A. Wesley Paving Ltd, 589,232.65 589,232.65 Hard Co Constniction UTB '.; Report to Council PW 16/99 Subject: Tcnder for Road Improvements Radom Street, Rnsebank Road, �Vixon Street Tender No. T-I-99 BACKGROUNG ('ON'T: Date: August 26, 1999 Page 4 023 Hamden & King Construction Co. have performed pisvious work for tha Town per Q-19•98, asphalt paving of various locations within the Town of Pic;•ering The Heallh and Safety Policy, the Confined Spaca Entry Procedurc document lo be used on this project, a list of personnel trained, and the CAD 7 fomi issued by Workplace Safcty and Insurance Board, as submitted by Hamden & King Construction Co. have been revicwed by the Municipal Works Supervisor and are decmed to be acceptable. Upon careful exemination of all tenders received and relevant documents (Heaith and Safety Policy, CAD 7 form, Workplace Safely and Insuranca 9oard clearance, etc.), [ recommend the bid by Hamden & King Consiruction Co. in the amount of 567,096.78 and a project cost of 5128,000.00, including the tender amount and oiher associated costs be approved. ATTACHMENTS: I. Supply and Services M1temorandum dated August 1 I, 1999 2. Record ofTenders Opened and Checked 3. Location Map Prepared Eiy: 8 Kuzma � Administrati Supervisor Appro�•ed / Gndorscd By: �_� �-- Ri ard W. Hal m rector of Public Works . Paterson Direcwr of Finance and Treasurer RWH;bk: Attachments Copy; �'rhomasl. Quinn, Chief Administrative OfBcer Pickering Town 'l'homes J. Quinn i� pU�N�n� 1� ry{ A '(�{ON,MiN� P� Gy ;M� �D ./ � 7' "1 1 •� /��ti � , � . _ .. �p� . �_� .. � . ' � �$ Attachment For Tender: T-1-99 �� RADOM STREET, ROSEBANK ROAD and WIXON STREET PUBWC WORKS DEPARTMENT 029 ,�. _ = _ _ I :o ,� :!-== �� , ., �--- � ` � � '.�-��r 4A � -`'- +... I`�;-, _ � � . _ ',��^—�_ I I�.I�L� - �rEt � �� ' ` _ _: _ -YII ' �� r r-co�� 4 , � .:� f°_ � -�I i � ' I�� �' 'i� - �-i� �'��T_Jf [ I � - . . . . �i ._ :�..J ��v�I( ��---� I� ��� (� iI � . ', � � ` �(1-' / Su `.'��— I ;� I� I�I H i, ,.) t ' '�� y ' � eue.�cr �, � �� �!d I� �� rJ i �� ,w� � � i �.: �a (��_ / —J.- 7I ik cji�? i� � -- , . �1 -._—,' � I'1-� �� .I 1 I� � � � � (,. � I �� � " i= � � � ir I ' 't'; �� ' � -, '�� � '--'� � �i. �-� -�'! !' �1 _ __ :.�.. , _ - j;=' �4 � i =- _ :f-'— ��,' � i . 41A,ECT - • � �11EA I �' 1 Ii,. _ '_.._ .'... ... I� � I I II ^ • �� � � � - -F � i r _ c� i..� �' � � ; ,. �; ;; , � , _, , � --�� 9UBJECT - . 3.� ( APFA j -� i . � r, � 1�I � �� i . � ' s,.,o �' I '�,.sc_,. °._.� u� � � I � � / i�❑L :�i ��^' - I ��E,.a. � ; L ;�a«. �; ' - ,,l � � � ��,,.>.� a Q Da� ;, «. ` i ` �l� �� -J� � �� u • E�l 'tG�� Si Y �� I^1 � I LOCATION MAPS PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION INCLUDES: Road Improvemenb (�ap �phell) • , • on Redom Street behveen Livcrpoal Road end wesledy for 130m. . on Rosebenk Road between Kfngston Roed end Sheppazd Avenue, and 60m north of Sheppard, • on Wixon Street between Central Strcet end Lene Sueet nrerrornsutr.�rrarMe_a ma " �. , �, : � / Supply and Services 025 To: Richard Holborn DerroU Salsky ��� `� �I E� D'veclor of Public Worka h(unicipal Worke Supervisor Drte: IlAuguetl£�J ��'�� �21�99 ' ': �'� PICKcR�NG 1 .!uG �IORKS DEPT. Sub)ecL Tender [or Road Improvementa Teuder No. T-1- 99 Tendere have been received [or the ebove pmjecl M eetimated l4 rnmpenies were inviled to perticipete of which ten (I� picked up teudering documente far a non•refundeble fee of SI0.00 per aet. A copy ot tho Record of Tandere Opened and Checked ueed at the londer opening is attached. Pumhaeing Policiea nnd Procedurea Item 0.22(h) provides thnt where thera nro incorrect exteneions or mieplaced decimols, tho bid muy bo correcled. Unit prices ahnll be used lo correct oxteneiona. Purchneing Policic9 end Procaduree Itom 0.27.(0) permila thut all depoeita other thnn tha low threu biddere ehnll bo returned, Summnrv (PST includod, OST includod� Compauy Tot�ITenderod AllaeCdeul�Hon _ Amount 1 Chealt Horndon & liing Canstruction S67,OD6.7B 3G7,0�6.78 Furfori Can�truclion Co. UJ SG8,351.G0 $fi8,851.G0 D. Crupi & Sons Lfmitod $7�,21tl.61 379,218.61 �lillor Povig Limited S7d :22.OD 37d,2:2.f19 A. 1Vicelay Pnving Ud. &19,2J"..GS $8� :8?.G5 Ilanl Co Conetructlon unnLlo m bid Pureuant to Informotion to Diddore Ucm 24, the fallmvinq nra being requcsled nf tha Inw bidder far yrour rnviaw during the evaluation atage uf thix tendar cnll: (a) n copy o[tha Health nnd Snfeq• policy to 6e usecl an Ihis �irojecl; oncl (b) n wpy of tho current CAD 7 form iasued by 1Yorkcr e Compenanlion fbord. Pleaso rnviaw originel tondere nnd relurn. Include Ihe fallaw�ing ilems in your Reporl lo Council: (a) if iteme (a) and (b) noted iilwve, nre ucceptnble; (b) any pest e•ork axpurience N•ilh Ifnmden & King Conetruction, including work Icention; (c) without paet e�ork e!cperienca, if referenco informntion ie ncceptnblo; (d) a work location map; ' (e) tho eppropriata account num6or(e) to which lhis work ie W be charged; (Q thn budget amount(e) aseigned thorolo; (g) 1'reaeure�'s conCamatton of funding; (h) rnlated depertmantnl approvels; (i) eny reaeon(e) why the low bid of Harnden & King Canetruction is not acceptable; and �) related commonte epecilic,W lhe projecL I[you quire further inCormation, pleneo [eel free to rnntact me. � Vera A Felgemechor Jod'rey Menager ot 3upply & Services c� z a W � U d W Q Z 3 0 � �`�` �': � ,,. �g'44 a� E ,l�„ 0 t�'. a ;;�� � '� , N . b � E v F � := ; � ; �o � - aa J � H , H ii � O � 'O 6 '0 � U � � O � yi � C u � ,� .� i Q �� �° � 0 z `e it c Eo ~ %r:���« ,:�;;:Q��. �.. �o 6 �S` � ";.,.� . . � � 0 � t 4 u E � _ �� �� � � � � � � i . �; ��: �,, � , � � � � a1 ��: � ;� r � � � � � y � � v 3 � � • ,pI �, � � � �..i rN � C,'� tlO I. :1., J ,. , � �,r � ': . _ -• � : 1', . ��OF� . . . � REPORT TO FROM: Richard W. Holborn Director of Public Works AECEIVED:� SE j 4 �Q�A I n�� FIIF� � � er10;�1 �__�-� , , {: -. SUBIECT: Tender for Storm Sewer Improvements, Watermain Installation and Road Reconstruction on West Shore Boulevard Tender No. T-3-99 RECOMMENDATION: That Tender No. T-3-99 submitted by Bishop Construction for Storm Sewer Improvements, Walermein Insta�lation and Road Reconstruction on West Shore Boulevard, in the amount of $394,975.25 including 7% G.S.T. be accepted; and That a project cost of $321,210.99 (Town Share) including ihe lender amount and other associated costs, be approved; and That funding in the amount up to 5321,500.00 be approved. ORIGIN: Requested by Public Works Ucpartment AUTHORITY: 1999 Capital Budget - Account Number -?320-6181 FINANCIAL IMPL(CATIONS: I. Tendered Amount: Road Work Watermain and Appurtenances G.S.T. (7%) Sub Total G.S.T. Rebate (4%) Total Amount $291,983.75 77,152.00 25 839.50 394,975.?5 14,764.69 5380,210.56 � • �Report to Council PW IS/99 Date; Srptember 9, 1999 ��g Subject: Tender for Storm Sewcr Improvements, Watermain Instellation and Road c. Reconstruction on West Shore Boulevard. Tender No. T-3-99 Page 2 Financial Implications (cont'd) 2. T-d-99 Storm Sewer Improvements, Watermain Installatian and Road Reconstruction Testing Boulevard Works and Street Signs ' Region of Durham - Survey - (completed) Pians Preparation and Advenising - (completed) Less cost sharing - Region of Durham portion • Watermain and Appurtenances Sub Total G.S.T. G.S.T. Rebate Total S169,135.75 s,00u.00 io,uon.00 4,123.15 747.82 311,854.72 21,829.83 3. Approved Source of Funds: Current Year 1999: 2320-6181 West Shore Boulevard - Job N 9904 J40,000.00 Total A roved Bud et 5340,000.00 4. Estimated Pro'ect Costs over under A rovcd Funds $18,789.01 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The work contained in Tender T-3-99 consists of: • Catchbasin adjustments o Manhole adjustments • Watermain and Appurteoances • Concrete curb infills • Grinding • Miscellaneous FIL,-8 base repairs • Asphalt overiay FQ.-3 BACKGROUND: Tenders for this project were open^d on September 8, 1999. Tho lowest bid was received from Bishop Construction. Tl�c Direewr of Public Works and the Municipal Works Supervisor have reviewcd the low bid and have deemed it to be acceptable. The department of Supply and Services have confirmecl that securities and documentation have been requested during the evaluation of this tender and that the bid is in confortnance to Purchasing Policy end Procedures. A mdmo from Supply anJ Services and a summery of bids is attached. Bishop Construction huve performed previous work for the Town per tender #T-6•98, Road Reconstruction on Wixon Street and have been curtently awarded tender kT-4-99, Road Reconstruction on Belaton Avenue end William Street. The Health and Safery Policy, the Confined Spaca Entry Procedure document to be used an this project, a list of peroonnel trained, end the CAD 7 form iuued by Workplace Sefery end Insurance Boerd, a� submitted by Bishop Canstructian Co. have ban reviewed by the Municipal Worke Supervisor and aro deemed to be acceptable. ;. -- t 'Report to Council PR;'�.8/99 Date, September 9, 1999 Subject: Tender for Stortn Sewer Improvements, Watermain Installetion and Road 029 Reconstruction on West Shore Boulevard. Tender No. T-3-99 Page 3 BACKGROUND CON'T: Upon careful examination of all tenders raceived and relevant documents ([iealth and Safety Policy, CAD 7 form, Workplace Safety and Insurance Baard clearance, etc.), I recommend the bid by Bishop Construction in the amount of $394,975.25 and a project cost of 5321,210.99 (Town Share) including the tender amuunt and other associated costs be approved. There is a t0% Supervision and Administration charge to the Region of Durham to be credited to Public Works account number 2290-1429 in the amount of $7,715Z0. ATTACl�Ilb[ENTS: I. Supply and Services Memorandum dated September 9, 1999 2. Record oPTenders Opened and Checked 3. Location Map Prepared By: , ��.,� ob Kuzma AdministraU n Supervisor Approved / EndorseJ By: r�—�-- �� //%i�.7 �.h%�J Y'f'%' r�� �hard W. olbom �recror o ublic Works � G. Paterson Director of Finance and Treasurer RWH:bk: Attachments Copy: Thamas J. Quinn, Chief Administrative Officer Rec iended for the consider� Pickering wn Council Thoma . uinn C ' Administrative O�icer P �D pP , �oMAB au�oN FP ,, ��N�st �mg «� � ,�� �� A� / ' ."� .� ��. . -�. ..� , . . : . .. . . . . . . . - . �, �par� _ . '�.,. � „� �.� - . �� � - - � . r g Attachment For Tender: T-3-99 �'� WEST SHORE BOULEVARD PUBL[C WORKS DEPART�IENT 030 ' i �,. - , I , � I, .� � \��I � � y�� ��.�' I _.� � 1. '.� �". � ��\' ` % � .t� � L �_. [r r.� i u?"._II . . . ('� ,". `'O. ^_ I — � i �, �, ��{ �� � �� I�^ 1 �,l L ��, ; ,r ..�.:,;,. � ' I �� ' f i /�� ,�Fro�� . I.I. �_u�.y' ' � �� _���i. i� rrNr.�nn � - , j � � -� •—. rvi 1 . ��n� ;11 '<' ( 1�. � , ! l , � ♦ 4 � � U 1 fD� - I. �� � � / , � / '1I �.r� � I � � ( //� I I . . /`�� (�Ilnlil- _���II �I ' `� I.. I� � � / � - / I � I SUBJECT �� -/�' I I��in?�1 � �'__Ileu_'c. AREA� `� � ��„� � � ... I �:�����i �...��Si.�� �� _� L • ` �,���h.,,U.�N�.� � ��i11LDV�� S y _ � _ '�'i. I . ( �7'�1 <�� �w, i �.—�a� ;��) � � __ ., ' 11 � S�OnCOnne;C N�,�,, y� �_ : �W r��„-.;,._<<.� .. � . � � e•o j < ( '�� ' \ � I� i , , � - . ° I �-- ------� �ocn�rioN n�ni� PROPOSGD CONSTRUCT[ON INCLUDCS: `,' Slami Sewer Improvcments `a' • Wcst Shorc DoulevarJ • from Oklahoma Drivc, north to Viswla Drivc. �. Road Rewnstruction (granular bnsc, nsphalt and curb/guucr) . West Shore �oulevard - from Oklahoma Drive, north to Viswla Drive. Complete Lundscape Restoration (grading and sodding wherc required) • to ull nreas nffected. �.r lf^:� 3�' �{ , ' . '.� ( . . . . .. � . �� IIR1lOENSNiI�ifl/ai�+R71Ap... . � . . . . � � Supply and Services 031 Inter-Office To: ltichnrd Holburu Dnrroll Soleky Director of Public 1Vorke Municipnl Worka Supa�C t I�IE D Date: U9 Septum6er 19J9 Str-;193y Subject: Storm Sewer Improvementa, Nutermain Installntlon and Rond �^� �f F;G;c_.= ': , ReconstrucNon on 1Vestshore Boulevnrd, Tender No. T-3 - 98 �� .:�tC �Y:"rrC3 ��E?* Tondera havo beon recuived for 6he iiLove project. Cifteon wmpnnies woro invited lo ��articipate of which 14 picked up tendm•ing documenle for a nomrofwidnblo feo of S35.00 por set. A copy of lho Record of'I'onJerd Opunod nnd Checkud used nt the tender opnning is ntlnclied. Purchnsing Policiey aml Procudw•es Item J.8'l(h) provide� Q�i�t whero there nro incorrect oxtensiony ur misplaced decimnl�, lh� bid miiy bo wrrrcted. Unit prices shall be used to correct oxten�ions, k'urchnainq l'olicies nnd Procedw•es Item J:17.(n) purmils lhnt nll deposits olher lhnn tha low three biddcry yhnll bo returned. Summary (PS'C included, CiS'P included) Compuny Totol A[ter Tendered � Culculation Amount Check Ilishop Cunnlruclion SJf)4 Jifi2fi SJJ4,07fi26 Ilarnd�n & King Cun�n•ucliun S48d,20d.80 5�114,1;)4.80 Ili�rd Co Conntrucliun Sd6(l,:),iri,;1L Sa55,u96.05 [ton Rubinwn Limiiud g,IH'?.iHd.Y7 S.IH2,7N4.'l7 IIollingwurlhConrlruclionCo. 3�IX).HIH,�i:S 5500,711.6a Crpa�:itu liros, Ccn�u•uciion Idd. S(i0LY4�i.84 $Ii01,'L4fi.Hd Nurtl� ltock Cruup I In�i61c lo Liid Dngnuv Ccrostruciiun Unnblu lo llid Puraunnt to Inlurm=�tion to 1liddere Item'L,I: (a) �� copy uf lhe Cunlin��J Sp�icu Gnlry l'ra:ediui+ document lo be usod on lhia pruject; (U) n liyt of empluycu+ lruiucd in llio Conlined 5paco lintry Prcecduro who will bc working on thia ��rojec6 (c) n cupy of U�u i lcullh nnd Snfaty policy lo bc uecd on thia project; nntl (d) n wpy of lho curront CAD 7 form iasu�d by Workars Compm�snlion [3oard. hoa been roquestotl oC lho low bidder far your reviow during tha evnluntion stage of this tonder cnll. Ploaso mviow original tm�dors and return. Includo responsos W tha following itema in your Roport to Council; (n) lf itoms (a) through (J) noted a6ovo, ura ncceptable; (b) nny paet work oxporionco with Diahop Construction including work locution; (c) wilhout pnst work exporionw, if roforonw information ie ucceptable; (d) o work Iceotion map; (e) tho oppropriuW nccount number(e) to which this work ie to 6o chargad; (Q tho budgot amount(s) assignod thoreto; (g) Troaeurar's cmifirmution of funding; (h) relutsd dopurtmontnl approvals; (i) any rouson(a) why lho low bid of Diahop Conatruction ie not nccoptable; and (j) rolnted wmmants specific to tho piroject. If you re uiro furth�r informntion, plcasa fcol freo lo contnct ma. V V Vern A, Fol amuchor Jcl�roy Manager of Supply & Scrvicue nZ� c � � � � � � � Z 2 a ' � W Y. Z ^ U W a, °- O � +- O o Z C i � W � O ~ C � d n r 4 �i�� � �� �� �� �� vFi z � ti �` � V � ' V I C � � I� � ti � . m � . \ ',` �, � V ' ; �"1 1�/� y. � /� ^ 7 9 Ll. ^� �\'� Ci �o`i � ''� r. j- �` �� t ;; +�- � O Y , � � '� � � ? ^ 'r, � � `. 0 C � 9 � `c � c $ > > � ) i � �� < � �J , �I � � ti ' � ? � � � � � � � 3 � v , a �. NI L C � � 1 � �. m AO�N OFPT � � REPORT TO FROM: Richard W, Holbom Director of Public Works A�CEIVED: ! __.-._ �;'�°:,�:,�F� - -- -����'.:� � � = �__, ����h,,,,�•�„ � _.-�- ,..__ _ , • . I.. DATE: August27 1999�'-rv REPORT NUMBER: PWI7/99 SUBIECT: Tender for Storm Sewer [mprovements and Road Reconstruction on Balaton Avenue and William Street Tender No. T-4-99 RECOMMENDATION: That Tender No. T-4-9$'submittcd by 8ishop CanstNCtion r Storm Sewer Improvemenls and Road Recanstruction/on Balaton Ave2e and Wi ' treet, in the amount of $121,627.17 including 7% G.S.T.bc accepted;and Thet a project cost o 123,419.00 including tha tendcr amount and other associated costs, be approved; and That funding in the amount up to 5123,500.00 be epproved. OR[GIN: ReGuested by Public 1Vorks Departmenl AUTHORITY: 1999 Capital Budget - rlccaunt Number • 2320-6181 FINANCiAL QvIl'LICATIONS: 1. Tendered Amount: Totai Road Work SI 13,417.75 G.S.T. (7%) S 7,939.24 G.S.T. Rebate (4%) S 4 536.48 Totil Amount Sl 16 820.51 Z. Approved Source of Funda: ' Curtent Year 1999; 2320•6t81 . William Street - Job � 9903 70,000.00 Belaton Avenue - Job # 9907 70 000.00 Tatrl A roved Bud et 140 000,00 33 ' � , ,�_1,. •' Report to Council PW l7/99 Date: August 27, 1999 Subject: Tender for Stomi Sewer Improvements end Road Reconstruction on Page 2 �:?{ Balaton Avenue and William Street. Tender No. Y-4-99 Financial Implications (cont'd) a William Street - ]ob # 9903 Portion T-4-99 Testing Region of Durhem Survey (completed) Drawiag Reproduction and Advertising (completed) , 1999 Aooroved Budgel - 2320-6181 560,224.00 500.00 2,918.85 297.48 Sub Total 63,940.33 G.S.T. 4,475.82 G.S.T. Rebate 2,557.48 Totel $65,858.67 $70,000.00 Amount (over) under 4,141.33 Balaton Avenue - )ob N 9907 Portion T-A-99 Testing Region of Durham Survey (completed) Drawing Reproduction and Advenising (completed) Sub Tota) G.S.T. G.S.T. Rebate Total � 1999 Approved Budget - 2320-6181 Amount (over) under Total Projecl Co�t Tatal Budgct $53,193.75 500.00 1,892.48 297.48 55,883.71 3,911.86 (2,235.24 557,560.33 12,4)9.G7 $1I3,419.00 stao,000.00 4. Estimated Project Costs (over) under Approved Funds 516,581.00 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The work wntained in Tender T-4-99 consists of: • Catchbasin adjustments • Manhole adjustments • Concrete curb infilis • Crrinding • [vfiscellaneous HL-8 bese ropeirs • Asphalt oveday HL-3 BACKGROUND: The following tenders for thie projecl wero opened on Wednesdey, August 25, 1999. M estimated 20 companiea wero invited to perticipate of which 12 picked up tendering documents for a non•ref�ndable fee of S35.00 per aet. � �'' Report lo Council PW 17/99 Date: August 27, 1999 035 Subject: Tender for Srorm Sewer Improvements and Road Reconstruclion on Page 3 Belaton Avenue and William Street. Tender No. T-4-99 BACKGROUND CON'T: Purchasing Policies and Procedures Item 9.22(h) provides that where there are incorcect rxtensions or misplaced decimels, the bid may be corrected. Unit prices shall be used to correct exte��� ans. Purchasing Policies and Procedures Item 9.27(a) permits that all deposits other Ihan the low three bidders shall be relumed. [tem k18 - The Town reserves Ihe right to: (b) reject any or all tenders -(c) not accept any or all tenders - if in doing so the best interest of the Town will be served. Item N20 - My opinion of the Town in regard to a bidders' qualification and/or ability to perform the work of this tender will be final. ltem #22 - In the receipt of tenders, no obligation is incurred by the Town to accept the lowest or any tender. Company Bishop Construction . Hamden & King Construction Ron Robinson Limited Miwel Construction Miller Paving Ltd. Hard Co Construction Grascan Construction Hollingwarth Construction B.N. Fenton Conslruction Calder Hill Comracting North Rock Group Summary (PST included, GST included) Tendered Amount S 5121,627.17 $I?8,9q8.45 5140,184.93 5164,999.95 SI58,747.95 5167,805.96 5178,690.00 Rejected Rejected UTB lation Check 5121,356.99 $128,948.45 $140,1B4.93 $164,999.95 SI58,347.95 $167,805.96 5178,690.00 Bishop Construction have performed previous work for the Town per T-6-98, Wixon Street. The Health and Safety Policy, the Confined Space Entry Procedure document to be used on this project, a list of personnel trained, and the CAD 7 form issued by Workplace Safety and Insurance Board, as submitted by Bishop Construction Co, have been reviewed by the Municipal Works Supervisor and are deemed to be acceptable. Upon careful examinetion of all tenders received and relevant dauments (Health and Safety Policy, CAD 7 form, Workplace Safety and Insurance Board clearance, etc.), I recommend the bid by Bishop Construction in the amount of S121,356.99 and a project :ost of 5123,Sb0,00, including the tender amowit and other associated costs be approved. �' .• " Report to Council PW 17/99 Date: August 27, 1999 Subject: Tender for Storm Sewer Improvements and Road Reconstruction on Pago 4 � i� Balaton Avenue and William Street. Tender No. T-4-99 ATTACHMENTS: I. Supply end Services Memorandum dated August 25 , 1999 2. Recard of Tenders Opened and Checked 3. Location Map Prepared By: .w- ob Kuzma , Administrat n Supervisor Approved / Endorsed By: .- � ' �.- �� � Rich d W. Holb m Di clor of Public Works • �— i �— � � G. Paterson r Direclor of Financc and Trcasurer RWH:bk: Attachmsnts Copy:vl'homas J. Quinn, Chief Administrativc OHicer ��r � � ��N��nE ��8 � Attachment For Tender: T-4-99 WILLIAM STREET and BALATON AVENUC f'UBLiC WORKS DEPARTMBNT I �,�„ ,` ,i .��; i� �—.�,�, (_J � ., �, �lor1.1 o r(t cLOrC W 1I jI r�.r�5���nM I�� !1 � t dp������—� �vC11UC � ,` p V{.. � 1� f�APY. V1 ; �:.���.. , ; r, , � _`�1, � �a., � � ; W I RVA _� [ � w�\.�L l) , � ^1 . f,�:A��J[n��.�f. �, , 1� �� (�. 1I 1 ! � 1 ^` . mcn o � Ir_� I _' ^.,��r.0 � � 1 ^ I. _ nnnnn�_�r.v l : ; ' ' —��;,,, �---_ \' �'J LJ ��5�a�e� -- � 't � ' ,.� � ��.,�-, I�:-- �,�' .. i �. j, ' inu.uin �=—�n[[r �� � ^ �`�� � � ',.� .� - �in�.iqn w.,,,.� s,��4�� 9��� _ IJ �,,.. � . ARE� � .... � .'.. ___'"._�._ I f � � � ' � ii a� �� _ � �. --� . 0 - _,,, � ,.,o�., PROPOSGD CONSTRUCTION WILLIAM STRCLT INCLUDES: Slorm Sewer (mprovmnenls • William Strcet - Gom Centrol Slrcet, to 45m narth of David Slreet. Road ReconslrucNon (grunular base, aspliall and curb/gutter) • Willium Street - Gom Cenlral Slreet, to 45m north of Duvid Slreet, Sidewelk Replecemrnt • William Strat - from CeNml Street, l0 45m north of DeviJ Strcet. Complete Lundscape Restoration (greding and sodding where required) • to all ercas afkcled. PROPOSCD CONSTRUCTION DALATON AVR,NUIs INCLUDGS; Storm Sewcr improvemenb • Baleton Avenue • from Colmat Avenue, to sauth Iimit. • Roed Reconetruction (esphelt and curb/gutter) � Belaton Avenue • from Colmar Avenue, ta south limit. Completa Landscape Ratoralion (grading end sodding whero rcquircd) • lo eli erea� afRcted. IITINOfIItNR fENq�(Np 17.ppQ 037 i�� Richard Holborn Dartell SeCsky Direclor ot Public Works Munlcipal Works Superv(sor Supply & Services Dal�: 25 August 1999 Sub)ech T��der lor Slorm Sewer Improvement� and Road R�eo��ttuellon on lalofon Avenus and WIIIIam Streel TenderNo.T•4•99 Tenders have been received tor the above proJect. An estimated 20 companies were invifed to participate of which 12 picked up tendering documents tor a non-refundable fee ot a35.00 per set. A copy of thp �ecord of Tenders Opened and Checked used at ihe tender openfng Is attached. Purchasfng Policfes and Procedures Item 9.22�h) provides that where there are inconecf exfensions or misplaced decfmals, the b(d may be cortected. Unit prfces shall be used to cortect extenstons. Purehasfng Policies and Procedures Item 9.27.�a) permits that all deposlts olher than the low three bldders shall be returned. Summary �PST included, GST included) Company iotal After Tendered Caleulatlon Amounl S Cheek 8(shop Conslruction 121.621.I7 121,356.99 Harnden & Kfng Conslruction 128,948.45 128,948.45 Ron Robfnson limited 140,184.93 140,184.93 M(wel Construction 164,999.95 164,999.95 Miller Pavfng Lfmifed 158.341.95 158,341.95 Hard Co Conslruction 167.805.96 167.805.96 Grascan Construction 178,690,00 178.690.00 Hollingworth Deemed improper and rejected • Reference Conslruction Summary nol provided • 15•7. IB-4, 5 and 11. PP&P 9.13 and 9.19�h) B.N. Fenlon Deemed improper and rejected • Reference Construclion $ummary not provided • iS•1. IB•4. 5 and II, PPBP 9.13 ond 9.19�h� Catder Hill Conlracting unable lo bid North Rock Group unable to bid Pursuant to Information to Bidders Ifem 24: �a� o copy of the Health and Salety polfcy to be used on this pro�ect; �b� a copy of the current CAD 7 form issued by Worker's Compensation Board; and fuAher information such as: (c) copy of the Confined Space Enfry Procedure and (d) a list of employees trafned in conlined space has been requesled of the low bfdder for your review durnq Ihe evalvalion �tape oI this fender call. Please rev(ew orlelnal low three tenden and return to Supply & Services for retenfion. Include responses fo Ihe lolloviing (lems In your Report to Council (o) if items (a�, �b�, (c� and �d�� noted above, are acceptabte; �b) any past work experience wfth Blshop Construction limited fncludinp work locatton; (c) without past work experience, il reference Intormation (s accepfable; (d� a work location map; (e� ihe oppropr(ate account number�s� to which this work is to be charped; �Q Ihe budgef amount�sJ assig�ed Iherelo; (g� Treasurer's confirmatfon of lunding; �h) related deparimenfal approvals; (I) any reason�s) why ihe low bfd of Bfshop Conshuct(on (n the amount ot $121,356.99 (s not • acceptoble; and u) related commenis speci((c to Ihe proJect. If you requ(re luriher informalion, lease feel free to conlacl me. Vera A. Felgemacher Jelfrey Manaper of Supply & Service� c� z � W Y U n. O z 3 0 6£0 NI � R 0 a a E K � C V ,^ � < 0 c � V I � C 2 � 9 � H ... S. f "A :..i� � ��J'fi�� t} � ��.�c�c r � � �x�� ,� ��� �� ,nt �� fx. ✓ 'C y t� ¢i� �s : l� x"� ���qr;� ��� 1 � .- .0 a' �: U ; � ;: '; � � � ° �� -Z� ��� � � � F ��d v , m � �� .'' ; \ i ': \ • J �9 � � �I � � � � �` •` � a v . D� N�` ' a� � � °i � � � � crl `9 O N ; ` .�'c ~ �0 � 00 d0 . 6'" � �: OI '�,i� �� w I w ��" s� 2 � � M � a � �>>>>>> >>> :$e �a '0 � a U Q � � � .� .� � � � � � � •> � � O � f ,V . r ,,'➢. z �� � � > > > > >> �� .. �� � o �, x Y s 3 S s, ��� � � �°�3 ? d;s , � � � � Z f �'c' ] 7 � � N �� � �? a � f t Z � � � ? � J � &' � rt�1`'M o Z v j u:� Z z z} :� � `I Yc � = CL J 7 � V F L � N� O C J W �f�� � � e�i � �dg � � � N T Q� C ��r $ � � � � �z � ; OC � f V 0 ��' �. -. + - ` , �. 0