HomeMy WebLinkAboutPF 14/99^ � ozi .. O�NOFP � . . . � � REPORT TO COUNCIL � FROM: Evcratt Buntsma DATE: September 30, 1999 Director of Parks & facilities REPORT NUMBE2: PF 14 - 99 SUBJECT: Waterfront Trail Wcst - T-9-99 RECOMMENDATION: That RepoR PF 14 - 99 regnrding thc tender for consttuction of a Waterfront Trnil (west section) be rcccived and ihat: I. Tender T-9-99 be upproved and awarded to Ccntrai Controcting Ltd. in the umount of $87,472.50. 2. Council npprove the Total Project Cost of 593,26G.50. 3. Thc npproprintc officinls of ihc Town of Pickcring bc givcn Ihc authority to give alTcct thcreto. ORIGIN; Depnrtmcnl of Parks & Facilitics AUTHORITY: 1999 Capital Budgcl FINANCiAL IMPLICATIONS: I. Tendered Amount: ��Construction � T'm'„��e1���V��.�.�H.•M f81,750.00� G.S.T.(7%) �����������R�5,722.50�•� O.S.T.rebate(4%) ������s��o-����� � �f (3,270.00)�M e��r Total Amount m�� 584,202.50 � 2. Approved Sourcc of Funds: �� ��T�F�� � Curtrnt Yean � Oudget 5600,000.00 � PriorYwr. 1997-1998(carry-overs)appx. E�� 5200,000.00 � ......e.�..,....�.,�.�,e,,.�...,...,., r....,.>.,,..s.,.a.A,.. Future Years: �Budget � Total Approved 5800,000.000 0.2 2' Report to Council PF 14-99 Date: Septembcr 30, 1799 SubjecL Tender for Watcrfront Trail page; Z FINANCIAL IMPLICAT[ONS: (ri ntinued) t;onswcnon f81.750.00 Professionnl Fees �"f�t�'��'�'y� u•����a�'"� 8,800.�OO�h k n,.:�......., s...:.,. ....,,,.>.,:_�..�.,,...,..,�:,,....., Testing & Contingency (included) .SubTolnl�g,._.��� �',.�.f90,550.00. .� G.S.T. .,.... .._ .,�. � .__,......,....�.,....6.338.50.r ,.. G.S.T.rebale .«__..M...�,.._-,..._..,,,.. ..(3�622.00.�, , Total Project �Cost � � �E93.266f 50 4. Pro)ec� Cosis (over) unJcr Appmvnl Funl� E706, 733. 00 The Direclor of Financc and Trcasurcr of thc Toam of Pickcring, in acconlnncc with Provincial Rcgulations, ccrtifics that cxpcnditures contained in thc rccommcndcJ approvals can bc financcd Gom thc foilowing sourccs ns containcJ in thc 1999 approveJ Capilal Budgcl: Pnrkland Rcscrve 5G00,000.00 An additional $200,000 in financing has bccn carticd ovcr from prior ycars' approvnls. EXECUTIVE SUMNIARY: Thc abovc projcct represcnls Phazc 1 of Ihc Watcrfronl Tmil Wesl Scctiuns. BACKGROUND; On Mny 3, 1999 Council dirccled thc Dcpartmcnt of Parks & Facilitics to procced with design and tendcring of the Wcst Sections uf thc Wutcrfront Trail. Thc Departmcnt presenled n trail routc nt u Public Mccting and Opcn Housc on Junc 23, 1999, Subsequcntly thcrc was some objcction to thc rccommended routc nround Pelticoat Creck and a fudhcr meeting hcld on July 7,1999 to aJdress this concem. Allcr this mceting ihe Departmcnt of Parks & Facilitics nnd thc Wnrd Councillors determined that tha section of trnil from Bellu Vista Drive lo Petticoat Creek would procced to detail design and tendec The project contained in the recommendntion rcpresents that section of trail und includes improved signagc nnd construction of u 3.5 mclre wide asphalt trnil in the Pctticoat Creck Conscrvution ercn. Morc castedy scctions of the truil, including n crossing of Petticoat Creck ure still unJcr rcvicw and will bc coming forth to Council at n futurc date with anticipatcd construction commencing in 2000. The contrnclor, Ccntrnl Contrneting Ltd. hns not car.ied out projecls with the Town of Pickcring, however, Victor Ford & Aasoc. havc conductccl a rcfercnce check und satisfactory responses huve bccn reccivcd. The cantrnctor has submitted thcir CAD 7, WS1B infortnation us wcll as their Health & Safcty alatements. (All original documents have bcen rotumcd to Supply & Services). ., ' Report to Council PF 14-99 Subject; Tender for Waterfront Tmil ATTACHMENTS: l. Locotion Mup 2. Tender Summary from Supply & Services � , � . . �r /1�- /.. ;�/%'�l/%/��' .� . � Recommendcd for thc consideration of Pickering Town Council � ,.�f' n�s J. Qu n, Chi Admi ' tiv Officcr Dala Septembcr 30,1999 Pagc: 3 Reviewcd by: Gillis Patcrson Director of Finnnce nnd Treusurcr 023 ATTACHMENr ��. � . TO REPORT#IE:i�+ �I� Supply and Services 025 To: �orott Duntsma From: Vcro �olgnmechnr Jaffroy Director o[ Parke & Fncilities Managor af Supply & Sarvices Dde: Ib Septembar 1£I;MJ BubJaoR Tender for Waterhopt Treil - Sell Vieta Drive to Rodd Avenue, PorUon o[Patticout Cree� Coneorvallon Area Tendure hnve been recoived fur tho alwve projecl. An eslimated 18 compenioe wnra invited W porlicipata of which 10 pickod up tanduring documente for e non•refundablo [eo ot $26.00 par eat A copy of tho Record of Tendors Opened and Checked used at tho lender opening ia attached. Pumhesing Policies ond Procedurce Ilom '3.22(h) providea thet wharo tt�nro aro incorrcet axteneione or mieplaced decimels, tho bid may bu corrected. Unit prices shull be used lo correct axlaneions. Purchasing Policiee and Procedures Item 0.27.(a) permile that a0 depoeila ather lhen tho low threa biddare shall ba retumed. Summary (P5f incluJod, OS'1' Includod) Comp�ay Totd Tendered A(ler Cdoul�tioq Amoun! i Cheul� Control Controcting 87,J72.60 H7,-072.60 Wyndelo Peving D8,2J6.06 f18,246.06 Servo Canelruction 9A,�57,BA f1B,36T,88 Ruthorfonl Cantrocting 107,2d0.T6 107,240.T6 Mopel Canetruction I16,:4�0.00 I IG,3�6.00 Mafia Conntruction 120,851.16 120,861.16 R& M Conetruction 11�1,G91.60 IaJ,G9LG0 Ron Ro6inxun Limitod 148,I�Id.IG 143,I4J.16 LOC Pavo unnLlo ta Lid Elirpe Conetruction unnLle lo bid Pureuant to Informnlion to Uiddere Item 2A (e) a copy af lho Ileallh nnJ Sufely palicy �o Lo uxed on lhie project; nnd (b) a copy o[ lhu current CAD 7 fnrm iewued by Workpinco Sufely & Ineurnnca I3onrd, ie W bn requeeted a[ tho law Lidder Uy the coneuluml, VicWr ForJ & Aseacialca, for revie«' during thn evdustiou etage o[ thix lender rnli. Tha coneultanl ie lo edvieo if ncceptnblo in wriling W you, along wilh other roleted commonte and n rccommnndnlinn, if nnq, on this project. 1 hnvo oeked if lhorn a nend to viow tho low bidJe�s Confined Spnca Enlry 1'nxeduro nnJ I.iet of Pereunnel Trained in tho proceduro nnd Victor Fard hee conGrmed it ie not required ne thero ix no rnnfinecl epnca work in Ihix projecl. Should lho coneultnnt nolico any infrnctione or misaing informntion during tho evnluation, plenao mnlnct mo ne soon ue posaiblo. Ploeeo rnviow originnl tendere und relum. I � responece lo thn follo�ving items in your Report ta Council (e) 1 itome (n) nnJ (b) nuted alwva, nro ncceptnble; (b) eny pest work oxpnrionca with Cenlral Contrncting induding work localion; (c) without past work oxperienco, if referonco information ie ucceptable; (d) e work locolion map; (e) thn approprioto nccounL numbar(s) to which lhis work ie w bo chnrged; (Q tha budget mm�unl(s) aseigned thereto; (g) Treaeuror'sconfrmnlionoffunding; (h) rolnled departmonlal npprovals; (i) any ronson(e) why tho low bid of Cenlral Conlrncting. is not accepinhlo; ond �) relaled commenls xpecific !o lhu project. Hocp in mind during lhn ovnluation procoae'tondare ehnll bo irrwocablo for li0 Je)•e nflor tho afficial clreing dato and timo' ae por Tendoring Specificnliana Item I�, nnd tho �id Dond hae n W dey nccepinnco cluusa eleo. I[y u requiro furthor informnlion, plcesn fccl Gao W conlact mo. R EIVED a�► to � y�pp ppqp IlND I1$Sl?pATES ING