HomeMy WebLinkAboutPF 13/99..�24 _ O��OFp �' � REPORT TO COUI`+1CIL FROM: Everett Buntsma DATE: September,17,1999 Dircctor of Parks & Facilitics REPORT NUMBER: PF 13-99 SUB]EC1': WoodsmerePark—T-11-99 RECOMMENDATION: Thal Report PF 13-99 regarding the tender for construction of Woodsmerc Pnrk 6c received nnd thaL• 1, Tendcr T-11-99 be approvcd and nwnrded to P. Gabricllc & Sons in Ihe amounl of 5390,8G3.67. 2. Council approve thc Total Projcct Cosl of $420,8G4.G7. 3. The approprintc olTicinls of thc Town of Pickcring hc givcn Ihc outhority to givc thcreto. ORIGIN: Departmenl of Purks & Fncililies AU'fHOR11'Y: 1999 Capital Budget FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: I. Tendered Amount: «� Construction �.,Y4�., .f.��������,�����gF 5446.106.50� G.S.T.(7%) .,�.1�A,.,.�,.s»..�...........,....�.�....31,217.46... G,S.T. rebate (4%) �• (11,844.26) � v��~���TotalAmountx� a 5459,489.70 � 2. AppN�ro ro�qAved Source of Fwids: ��� Currrnt Year:u� Budget 2718-6129 ��� � 5425,000.00 M� Prior Year �1998 Hudget 2718•6129 ��w� � S 25.000.00 FuturcYwrs: Budget Y���������� f� 0� ����� Totel Approvcd f450�,000.00 RepoA to Council PF 13A9 Subject; Tendcr for Woodsmere Park EINANCIAL 1MPLICATIONS; (continued) Professional Fees Tcsting Deletion of Electricnl Contingency (edd dectricel mornliry lights) Canshuction Contingcncy G.S.T. G,S.T, rebate Dntc; Septcmber 17,199 025 Pagc: 2 106.50 �..,�,z..��..,..,..�.,.....,M_,. z,500.00� ,I (105,OOD.00)� 20,000,00 15.000.00 .Su6Totn1 f408,606.50 ,_,.__.,...w,., ,,_t.> ............._,:.-2A.602.39"m.., _....�..........,...,,._.:._,,,.. .:,,:.,,_ _.,-_,.:,,..,. • (16,344.P2) d.,., ....:<... .,,_,..,..._.. .....: .,,.,..,,..,,,..__.._ Total Project Cost f420,864.67 4. ProJrc� Costs (over) unler A�mvcJ f°unis S 29.135.33 Thc Dircctar of Financc and Trcasurcr of thc Town of Pickcring,in ucwninncc with Provinciul Regulalions, ccrtifics that expcndilures conlaincd in Ihc recommendcJ approvals cnn be financeJ from Ihc following sourccs as cantaineJ in the 1999 npproved Cnpitnl Budget: Dcvclopment Charges ParklanJ Dcvclopmcnt $3G4.500 Parkland Rcscrvc 85.500 5450,000 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Thc Woodsmerc Park conslruction will camplcte Ihc developmcnt of u ncighbourhood park in this new community within Wurd 3 and adjocent to hvo elcmcntary schools. BACKGROUND: The Deparlment af Parks & Fncilities was aulhorized to design lhc subjcct pazk in 1998. The design was subsequently initiated from previous concept plans prepazcd by CosburtJGiberson on behalf of tha fortner landowners. From this concept fnal pinns wero prepazed. A public meeting wus hcld on Iuly 5, 1999 and Councillor Pickles has since becn working with the immcdiatc ncighbourhood to mitigate somc Iocal concems regarding tha park design. As part of lhe proccss the Departmcnt has deleted the ball diamond lighling from lhc project but is slill rcquesting some funding allowunces for security lighling. The pntk will contain n bascball diamond auitablc for use by the Pickcring Bascball Associntion for youth sporis. No ndull organizcd aporls will bc pertnitted on thc fucility, This will resolve thc majority of thc neighbourhaod conccros rcgarding thc purk dcsign. Note, a reccnt lettcr from Councillor Pickles to nenrby residenls resultal in Ihc rcccipt of npproximately 5 responses (2 negativc, I for morc infortnntion and 2 vcry posilive). � 026: �' `�� Report to Council PF t3•99 Subjcet: Tender for Woodsmerc Pnrk Dnte: Septcmber 17,199 Pagc: 4 _ BACKGROUND: (continued) P. Gubrielle has completed satisCactory work for the Town previously and hnve submittcd their CAD 7, WSIB infocmation as well as their Heulth & Safety Policy, which is to our sutisfaction. (All original documents havc bcen retumcd to Supply & Services). l�l1l1�LK� IuL��In�'A 1. Loculion Mup 2. Tender Summnry from Supply & Serviccs Prepar Approved • erett Buntsmn Director of Parks & Fucilitics Reviewal by; „.�'� Gillis Patcrson Dircctor of Einancc and Trcasurcr Recommendcd For the considcmtion of PickeringTownC ncil ,� r � � ��� om ]. Qu , C' f A 'n' trativc �ccr ��o ._.. `/Glt.l�� '�' •�'Id..�l,.�s�.ii�. Supply and Services To: I:vorull Uuntemn rrom; Vnrn h'algemnchar Joffroy Diractor of Pnrke 6� CnciliUne M�mngar o(Supply & Sorvicae Dale: 08 Saplembur IOO�J 5ubJecls '. Teudar Cor V�oodemore Pnrk, Tendor No. T• 11- BB. 'funilara hnvo bem� rocaivod fur lhu alwva projecl, An celimelotl 17 rnmpanias waro invilad lo parlicipnlo af wldch :1 picknd up lundnrinq dceumanle for n non•rufundabla faa of E3G.QO par ant, A cnpy nf llm Hecord of 'I'andere Upanad nnd Ch�wkod usod nt lho londor opaning ie atlncimQ. Purchneing Policios nnil Proceduros Ilom 0.22Qi) providen pinbwharo lharo nrn incorrect azloneione or miepinced �iccimnls, Iho bid mny bu corroclad. Unil pricce ehnll Im uecd lo currect oalaneicne. Purchneing Policica nnJ Procodurus Ilmn 0.'LT.(n) pnrmile lhnl iJl dnpoeile othur thon lho low tl�roa biddore ehull bo rolurnaJ. Summnry crs�r i��i�aad, asr ���i�aoa� Compmy , � � "� " : � Tol�l Tendarod �� ' � Aller Caloul�tion � �Amount Cl�enit � P. On6riullu & Sune 5494,8�9.90 34U4,899.06 ConLrulConlraclinglAd. Sb10,718.6�1 SLI0,718.G4 . I.oc•pavu Cannlruclion Limilnd Z611,201.00 5674,201.00 . RutharforJ Canlrnclfng Uil. 366.7,20J.20 5559,60J.09 - Oaloman-Alilloy Ina. 5670,7W.67 SM170,700.62 Mopol Conelruclion Ibomad liopro�wr & Agroamnnl lo [�md iorm Jous nul fncluJo Itujuclod lho 1 W%I.oLaur & hinlarioln pnymont oLligel ian. IU 1, 6, 1 I, I'1'A�I' D.la. 0.10 (6), (h) Pursunnt lo Infonnntiun lo UidJurs I�am 'L4 (n) n copy of lho Ilnnlll� ond Snfely pulicy lu 6o used un lhis prnjecl; mid (li) n copy of thn currr.nt CAD 7 furm ieaucd by Warkpinco Snfcly & Ineurnnca Uonrd. ie lo Lu roquceled of lhu low Liddcr by GurburnfGiLorxcro Cuneultonls for roviaw during lho ovalunUm� einga of lhis lnntlnr cnll, un�l odeixn if nccoplubin. 'I'hie should 6a in wrilfng lo ynu, nlm�g wilh nlhar rclirtnd commmUa nnJ n recommondnliun, if nny, un lhie prujecl. Plaaen ruviow odglnnl londare nnd rolurn. jll�j�y(q responeae In Iho fallowing ilmne in ym�r Itepnrl lo l;nuncil (n) if ilmne (n) nnd (b) notnd nl�ovo, nru ncceptn6lo; (b) nny pnel work uxporicnco wilh I'. Cnbrlolln & Sone I.Imilad including work Incnitan; (c) rvilhnut pnet �vork oxparicnco, if rufuranco informalion ie accnptnblo; (d) n work IcenUun mup; (o) lhn npproprinla nccount numbar(e) W which lhie work ie W bn chorgo�l; (Q lho budgul nmuunl(s) oseigncd lhurclo; (g) 'I'roneurareconfirmulionoffunding; (li) rolulod dapnrlmanlnl npprovnls; (i) nny roneon(e) why lho Inw bid of P. Cahriollo & Sone LimiteJ, is nnl nccepuiLla; nnJ (j) roloteQ cumnwnla epecilic lo lbo projecl. ICeup in mind {luring ll�o oniluulion process'londare ehell ba irruvncnblo for f,0 daye nflar Ilm officinl cloaing Jnto anJ lima" ne par'I'andurinq Specificntinne Ilum 13, anJ lhn Oid I3nnJ hna n GO dny nccepinncn clnuso �dxo. If you raryuiro furlhor informnlian, ploneo foal fren lo conUicl mo. � ��'�