HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAO 04/99� lOS �NOFp� � � REPORT TO COUNCIL PROM: Thomns J. Quinn DATE: Mny 12,199Q Chicf Administmtivc 0lficcr REPORT NUMBER: CAO 04-99 SUBJECT: Tender Approvul by ihe Chief Administrntive Officer - 1999 Summer Council Recess - Filc: CL3101 ItLCOMMENDATION: A resolution should bc made uuthorizing the npproval of tenders by thc Chief Adminisirntivc 011icer during CounciPs Summcr Rccess period (i.e., from Junc 29 to July 30, 1999 and from August 4, 1999 to Septcmbcr 10, 1999), an condition thnt, a) ihe lo�vest acccptnble tender is approvcd, b) the cost thercof is within the budget prcviously ullocated thercPor by Council, und c) a rcport respccting thosc tendcrs is subscyucnAy submilted by Council. ORIGIN: 1999 Summcr Rcccss (i.c., Gom Junc 2910 July 30,1999 und from Augusl 4, 1999 to Septcmbcr 10, 1999). AUTHORITY: None rcquircJ, subject to Inter Council mtifiwtion. FfNANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Because the nuthority to approvc is subjcct to wndition thnt thc cost of cach lendcr must bc within thc budgcl prcviously nllocutcd thcrcfor by Council. therc will bc no finnncinl implicutions othcr thun ihose nlrendy considercd approved by CounciL EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Not npplicublc BACKGROUND: During thc 1999 Summer Rccess, therc mny be thc need to approvc tendcrs and no opportunity to obtnin specific Council npprovnl as there is only one Council meeting (August 3) schedulcd hetwcen June 29 and September 10. It is therefore proposcd thnt the Chicf Administrntivc Uflicer be authoriud to npprovc tenders during the summcr period (i.e., from Junc 29 to July 30, 1999 and from August 4, 1999 to Septembcr 10, 1999), on condilion thut in cach casc thc loµ�est ncccptablc lender is npprovcd, nnd the cost thercof is within the budget previaasly allocutcd therefor by Council. A rcpart respecting nny tendcrs approvcd undcr this authority wiil be subsequcntly submitted to CounciL . �• 3 j 2epoA to Council CAO 04•99 Datc: Mny 12,1999 ], Q 9 �,; SubjecC Tender Approval by thc CAO -1999 Summer Cauncil Recess Pnye 2 ATfACHMENTS: Not applicable ApprovcJ �/ Endorsed By: , : Th mas J. Quinn � TJQ jh: Copy: Town Clcrk Director of Finance Mannger, Supply and Scrvices Recommended for the considemtion of Pickering Town Councii � � .� �� /3 m J. Quinn, CI cf Adm istro � r ,.. �� << �� - � �, ' � ` � ; i Y ii � { i ti;