HomeMy WebLinkAboutPW 08/99i o��oFP I47 � � ~ � REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Richard W. Holbom DATE; Mny 4,1999 Director oF Public Works REPORTNUMBER: PWOSl99 SUBJECT: Tender for Storm Sewer Improvement ar,d Road Recons►ruction Dixic Road Tender No. T-2-99 RECOMMENDATION: That Tender No. T-2-99 submitted by 616183 Ontsuia lnc., 0/A l lollingworth Const. Co., for storm sewcr improvements and road rcconstruction on Dixie Roud in the umounl of $219,461.01, including 7%G.S.T. be acceplcd; nnd Thnt u projecl wst of 5258,344.84 including thc lenJer amount and othcr associutcd wsts, bc approvcd;nnd That funJing in Ihc nmount up to 5258,500,00 Ix appro��cd. ORIGM: Requcsted by Public 1Vorks Depnrtmcnt AUTFIORITY; 1994 nnd 1998 Cupitul Dudgcls FMANCIAL Rv1PLICATIONS: I. Tendered Amount: Storm Sewer and Appudennnces $ 35,200.00 Total Road Work 5169,903.75 G.S.T. (7%) S 14,357.26 d.S.T. Rebatc (4%) $ 8,203.74 Total Amaunt 5211,257.27 2. Approved Source of Funde: Curcenl Year: S 0.00 Prior Year: 1994 Uudget - 2321-6181 $230,000.00 Prior Ycar: 1998 Dudgct - 2320•6181 S 17,000.00 Future Ycnrs: Uudget 5 0.00 Total A roved Dud et 5247,000.00 i 14a Report to Council PW O8/99 Dnte; May 4, 1999 Subject: TendcrforStarm Sewerlmprovementand Rond Reconstruction Pagc 2 Dixie Road Tender No. T•2-99 Finunciul Implicutions (cont'd) Eslimated Project Costing Summary Construction per T-2-99 (Tendercd 535,200.00 +a169,903.75) $205,103.75 Utilitics - Pickcring Hydro $ 23,286,00 Matcrinl Tcsting $ 5,000.00 Legul Survey $ I,505.00 Land Purehase $ 15,925.00 Sub Toml $250,819.75 G.S.T. (7%) $ 17,557.38 G.S.T, Rcbute (4%) $(10,032.29) 4. Estimated Project Costs (over) under Approved Funds $(ll,344.84) Thc Trensurer has adviscd that thc cstimatcd over expcnditurc of SI 1,344.84 will come Gom under expenditurc for future tendcrs in the Extemal Subdivision nccount, or from an allocation from current funds in furture yenrs' budgcls. EXECUTIVB SUMMARY: Thc Dircctor of Public Works hos dccmcJ it in thc bcst intcrest of Ihc Town of Pickering to rejcct lhe low biJ submiued by Direct Underground Inc. unJ mvard thc bid to Ihc scwnd lowest bidder 616183 Oninrio Ltd. 0/A Ilollingworlh Construclion Co. Thc second lowest bidder hns extensive expericncc on similar projecis in thc Town of Pickcring, have providcd exceptional work nnd has bcen in business for 44 ycars. The work consists oE • Storm Scwcr Instullalion Dixie Rond - from thc south limit to thc north limit of thc I lydro Corridor. • Retaining Wnll Dixie Rond - on the west sidc of the Hydro Carridor (54m long) • Sidewalk (concrele) Dixie Road - on both sides, from the sauth limit to the north limit of the Flydro Corridor • Road Urbnniwtion (basc osphnit und curb/gwtcr) Dixie Road - from the south limit to thc nodh limit of thc Hydro Corridor (joining both subdivision 40M-1706 to subdivision 40M•1644). • Complete Lundscape Restorotion (gmding und sodding wherc required) to ull nreus nffected • Property Aquisition Dixie Road - Gom the south limit to the north limit of the Hydro Corridor (on both sides). DACKGROUND: The fallowing tenders for this project were opened on Wcdnesduy, March 24, 1999. An estimared 29 compunies wcre invited to participatc of which 26 picked up tendcring documcnts for n non-refundable fec of 530.00 per set. Purchasing Policies and Procedures (lem 9.22(h) proviJes thot wherc thcrc urc inwrtcct _ extensions or mispluced dccimals, the bid may bc correcicd. Unit priccs shull bc uscd to corrcct extensions. Purchasing Policies nnd Proccdures Itcm 9.27(n) permits that ail deposits other than the low thrce bidders shnll bc retemed, Report to Council PW OB/99 Date: Mny4, 1999 149 Subject: Tender for Storm Sowcr Improvemcnt nnd Roud Reconstruction Pngc 3 Dixic RouJ Tcndet No. T-2•99 BACKGROl1ND: (conCd) The Dimctor of Public Works has dcemcd it in thc best intcrest of the Town of Pickering to rejcet the low bid submitted by Direct Underground Inc, nnd nwnrd the biJ to the sccond lowcst biddcr 616183 Ontnrio Ud. 0/A Hollingworth CansWction Co. Thc tender document statcs in Ihe Information to Bidders; Ilem # 18 - The Town mserves the right to: (b) rejecl nny or all tcnders -(c) not accept nny or all tenders - if in doing so Ihe besl interest of the Town will be served. Ilem H20 - Any opinion of the Town in rcgazd to a bidders' qualification und/or ubility to perform the work of this tender will be final. Item #22 - In the teceipt of icnders, no obligution is incurted by the To�m lo accept the lowest or any tendcr. Direct Underground Inc, wcn� unoble to provide the CAD 7 fortn, issueJ by the Workplace Snfcry and InsurAnce DoarJ, which is n safery rewrd for ex�xrienced companies, as thcy have becn in business Iess than one ycar, Compnny Dircct Undcrground Inc. Hollingworlh Construction Co. Miwcl Construclion LimitcJ �ishop Construction Grascnn Constructian Ltd liumden & King Construclion �ry Ron Contrncting Lld. D.N. Fenton Construction Ltd. Pnchino Construction Cnmpany Mnr King Construction Ron Robinsan Limiled Dig Con Intemational Elirpa Construction Summety (PST included, GST incluJeJ) Total TenJercd Amount S Alicr Calculalion Chcck 520G,553.87 5206,686.55 $219,4G1.01 $219,4GI.01 $227,000.00 $227,000.00 S229,335.78 $229,335.78 5232,19D.00 $232,190.00 5232,590.45 $232,590.45 S23R,851.71 $238,851.71 5240,052.3G $240,0523G 52G0,000.00 $2G0,000.00 Unablc lo UiJ Dcemed Improper & RejecteJ Reference summnry not includcJ with tendcr submission IE39,17, 18, 19; PP&P 9.13, 9J9(h) Deemed Improper & Rejected Clause added to Agreement to Iiond form altcring datc when muintennnce begins. 1817, I 5,19, PP&P 9.13, 9.19 (g), (h) Deemed Improper 8c Rejected Agrcement to Dond fortn docs not rcfer tolinclude the 2 yenr maintenunce period. lIi 17,18,19, PP&P 9.13, 9.19 Flollinsworlh Construction Co. have performed previous work for the To�m per T-2-97 Stortn Sewer Installation, Wntcrmuin Repincement nnd Road Rcconstruction on Gicndalc Drivc, and per T-3-97 Storm Sewer Installution and Rond Reconstruction on Franklin Strccl. The Heulth nnd Sofery Policy, thc ConfineJ Space Entry ProceJuro documcnt to bc uscd on this project, n list of peraonnel imined, and the CAD 7 form issucd by Workplucc Safcry wid Insurancc Donrd, us submitted by Hollingworth Construction Co„ havc bcen rcvicwcd by the Municipai Works Supervisor and arc dccmcJ to bc occeptable. '_ �1��Report to Council PW 08/99 Date: Mny 4, 1999 Subject; TenJcr for Storm Sewer Improvement und Rond Reconstruction 1'agc 4 Dixie Roud Tendcr No. T-2-99 Upon cureful examinntion of ail tenders rcceived and relevunt documents (Heallh and Safery Policy, CAD 7 form, Workplace Safery and lnsurance Doard clenrunce, etc.), I rccommend thc bid by Hollingworth Construction Co, in thc amount of 5219,461.01 und n projcct cost of 5258,344.84, including the tender nmount and olher associnted wsts be approved. ATTACHMENTS: I. Supply and Scrvices Mcmorandum datcd Mnrch 25, 1999 2. Record of Tendcrs Opcned nnd Checkcd 3. Lacntion Mup Prcpared �y, D b Kuzmn Administmt n Supervisor Approvcd / Endorscd Dy: Ri urd W. I lo` om D rcctor of 1'ublic Works � a. Patcrson Dircclor of financc and Trcnsurcr RWH:ds: Attnchments Copy; Thomas J. Quinn, Chicf Administmtive Otliccr Recommended for thc considerntion of Pickering Town Council . '' ., � y9y mos J. Quin ! Chicf Administmtivc 0(ficer �f ; . .. .. . .. . .. . �,4 ,� � . . � . . To: D�te: su6Jecu J Richard Holborn From: D'uecWr af Public Worke 25 March l�J Supply ar;d Services ..e. ,,,,�__ „__ _ . 151� Vera Felgemecher Jelirey hlanager of Supply & Secvicea Tender foe Storm Sewer Improvement� end Road Recon�eructton on D�ie Ro�d, Tender No. T- 7- 99 Tenders have been received for the abave project M estimeted 29 companiea were invited to perticipete of which 28 picked up tendering documente for e non•refundable fee of $30.00 per aet. A rnpy of the Record o[Tendere Opaned and Checked used at the tender opening ia ettached Purchasing Policiee and Procedures (tem 0.22(h) providea thnt where there are inrnrrect extenbiona or misplaced decimale, the bid mey be corrected. Unit prices aheU be used W correct extensione. Pumhaeing PaUciea ond Procedurea Item �J.27.(0) permite that nU depoeite other then the low three biddere ehell be returned Summary (PST included, CST included) Comp�ny Tot�t Tand�e�d ARae C�laul�ttan Amount f Ch�elc Direct Undergtound 520fi,553.BT f208,888.66 Holllngwarth Con�eruation Co. 3219,461.01 5219,481.01 Miwel Construction Limited 5227,000.00 5227,000.00 Bi�hop Conatruction S?29,3�3.78 5223,3�5.78 Oraecen Conetructian Ltd S?J'!.I'J0.00 $2�2,100.00 Hernden & King Canntruetion $��?,5'JO.JS 5:3:,590.q5 Bry Ron Contracting Ltd. •fl7tl,851.71 52�8,851.71 B.N. FenWn Conetruetion Ltd, S"_70,052.�8 5:40,052.a6 Pechino Conetruction Compnny .;'.G0,000.00 .S:G0,000.00 Mer King Canetruction unnble to bid Ron Robineon Limited DeemoJ Improper S� Rrferenro aummury not mcludod wuh Rnjected tendor submie�ion I B J. I7, 18. 10: PP&P'J.18. 0. � O(h) Dig Con Internationel Dee'med Impmper & Clausa addeJ to Agrrement to [lond form RoJected iltenng date when muintenenn begin�. Elirpe Conetructlon Daemed Impropor & Agreement to Bond form3does not rofer Rejected to/include the 2 ynar mnintenanee penod. IB IT. I8, 19, PP&P 3.13. �3.19 (e), (h) Pureuent to Informntion W Bidders Item 21: (e) a copy of the Canfined Spnce Entry Prceedure to 6e used on this project; (b) e liat of the employees trnined in Ihe CnnGned Sp�ce Entry Procedure who will be working on thin project; (c) e copy o[ the Heelth nnd Snfety �ialicy lo Le u9e�1 nn tl�is project; nnd ,(d) a copy of the current CAD T form i�yued 6y Warkpince Snfety & Ineurance Board. hae been requeated of the low bidder fnr ynur rr.vicw Juring the evaluation atege of this tender cnll. Pleaee raview original tendere nnd return. Include responaea W the following iteme in your forthrnming memorandum: . (a) if iteme (a) through (d) noteci nLnve, nre ricce��tnble•, (b) any peat work experience with Direct Undergraund Inc. including work lacntion; (c) without peet work experiance, if referenco informntion ie ncceptuble; (d) a work locatian mep; (e) the appropriate eccoune numLer(n) ta which thie work ia to be chnrged; (� the budget amount(e) aseigned therew; (g) Treaeurera confirmetion of funding; (h) releted departmental opprovab; (i) any reaeon(e) why the low bid of Direct Undorground Inc. ie not acceptoble; nnd ') releted commente epecitic W the projecG [f yo requ've further information, pleeae feel Gee to contact me. � � �.. ' 152 � � Z OC W � U d � O 3 � � ,� �..� � `�' u � � � � � � � i � � ��� � �� �� . �� �� � � � N• � �� ,� �� �`� �f � �� � ` -:� ` � , - � , :;,� � : �� ie�\ . �i►% ; � c � i � � �' ;^, �� � '' v �� . , 7 f � � �`Z B• -. ., .. n ^ p►' ,r, i- � � �-' 3: � � � r: c . � :1 � ; � cv c5 � r. r ,� • 0 p z '� 9 � OC F � u � C � � 1 � �� ' < ¢ $ > > �' ' 'i � . f3 �;, < � � : E �p i !� 4 � V V' � ` � �l: �; a. :[ � \ . � � 3y� �1 1 2 G V � 1� � �,� �' .r+i V y � � �� � -z u -�, z y �y 2 � � ( ` ,Z -� c ] � � - � o = � w ` � � L � � � i , � � � � � � � P L £ � • 4 + M �0 � � / � � � � � , � Z � W � V d � O Z 3 O � I— . � , . �i � L � u U � ,, _ � ` .� a � c- � � ,^ , � � y n � � �7 ''' �„ . ; � � � r c z � i � � ;�>> a :.` � � �, E � � � � � � � � `; .2 � � � J � 1 � � z � � � ? a. � , 153 � � � � � � , -, .�._ ' ����^�154 � Attachment For Tender: T-2-99 � DIXIE ROAD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ON�ARIO IivbRO �1�j,F.N �; CHCRRY140D� ❑ � MCA�OWLANE RIL'�lY TRAN5FORMER � TiM�FR �'�--- STAI ION CRES � Af�LF 'nIE Cftf. tRAlLW000 r� aono � o ce„� lTJ I °Nrnrli� ` �-�_.°�!ti `'J � sue.�c7 w �---� �4MY^ AREA � MnuR� U �'fYDr� WIh:OCrpr�V ' I�ARV nanti+ta�cviaon :OTi W �� f ' E$i CRt. Cq[5. r. (� w`��tivC TOiy�(��RT h J�_' U l 50-� a Li �\.�` -�. (--�\ 1 / �I \� COLONI,` M A n L t J � L f A _.� p ff7FCf 51�ERMAt� 9 \ n r �jCRGS. n � �i'� [ � �\ �f . � i, �I �ie.vr �� I II u� -/ 1--_ -- �N �f.�(UNC'� f f_.... � r,-::-:.: ..'.- LOCATION MAP PROPOSED CONSTRUCTtON INCLUDGS; Stortn Sewcr Installution • Dixic Rond - from Ihc sautli limit to thc ni�rth limit of ihc i lydro Cortidor. Retaining Wnll • Dixie Roud - on thc wcst sidc of Ihc Hydro Corridor (54in long) Sidewulk (concrctc) . Dixie Rond - an both sides, from the south limit to the notth limit of thc I Iydro Cortidor. Rond Urbnniwtion (asphnit and curb/guttcr) • Dixie Road - from the sowh limit to the nonh limit of the Hydro Cortidor Qoining both subdivsion 40M-1706 to subdivsion 40M-1644). Complete Lnndscupe Restomtion (gmding und sodding wherc requircd) • lo nll areas affected Property Aquisition . Dixie Road - from the sauth limit to the north limit of the Hydro Cartidor (on both sides). - dTFhOfitStlR TFMUiF!!D NOOC � . � - '