HomeMy WebLinkAboutPF 02/99� �NOFp �' � REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM; Everott Buntsma DATE: February 2, 1999 Director of Parks & Facilities REPORT NCIMBER:PF 02•99 SUBJECf: Tender Cor Eastshore Community Centre Renovntians nnd Addition RECOMMENDATION: That Report PF 02/99 regarding the Easlshore Communiry Ccntre be received and thuL• I. The tender for thc construction of thc Eastshorc Community Centre Renovations und Addition in the amount of $G09,770.30, including net G,S.T., bc npprovcd; 2, Additional project costs and debt financing in ihe amount of $32,770.30, including a contingency nmount of $20,000, bc approvcd; and 3. Tha nppropriote af(icials of thc Town of Pickcring bc givcn uuthority to givic effcct thereto, ORIGIN; Council Resolutions (Attnchcd) Nl 14I98; I57/98 and q218/98 AU'fHORITY; 1998 Capitnl Budget FINANCIAL IMPL[CATIONS: I. Tendered Amount; Construction��p1����������� E592,010.00 G.S.T. (7%) w���R����p� 41.440.40 d.S.T. rcbale (4%) ��'����� -23.680.40 ���! Total Amount 5609.770.30 rl 2 Approved Source of Funds: Currmt Ycer, Budget ��������� t PriorYear: �1998 B�udget2572•6181 5100,000.00 Futuro Yeare: Budget f b TotulAp roved f100,000.00 ,; , , ., - >;, . , >�. # � � � '� Report to Council PF 02-99 g Subjcctc Tender for Eastshoro Community Centrc FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: (rontinued) 3. Datc: February 2, 1999 Pegc: 2 - - - Professionel Fees 100,000.00 Sundries & Miscellaneous Items 20.000.00 G.S.T. ��A������ 48,440.10 G.S.T.rebate ���T�.i�u'�'n''��'�� - 21,680.40 � �Total Project Cost ;� f732,710.30 4. ProJtttCasu(over)underApprovedFund� S(32,770.30) The Director of Financa und Treazurcr of tl�e Tuwn of Pickcring, in accordance with Provincinl Regulations, certifies ihat expenditures contained in the recommcnded approvals can be financcd by the issunnce of debentures, if required, far n tertn of up to 20 years and is within Ihe updated Debt and Financial Obligation Limit. My debt issued will result in annuul repaymcnt costs uppearing in fwure Current Budget. The told expcnditures including the nbove recommendations will result in debt chazgcs of approximately $78,0OO.OU per year with n fiflecn ( I S) ycar term ut 7 percenL Financing costs in the eslimntcd nmount of 59,000.00 will be included in thc 1999 budgets. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Eastshorc Renovation and Expansion projcct was cndorsed by Town Council in 1998. The project has now becn Iendcred und final costs rcccivcd, Town Council npproved n totnl construction budgct of SG00,000.00 and dcbt financing of $700,000.00. Tendcrs have bcen reccived nnd the total cost is $592,010.00 plus G.S.T. The subsequent consiruction cost is $G09,770.30 including G,S.T. nnJ G.S.T. Rebatc. The total project cost is now estimated to be $712,770.30. The Direclor of Pnrks & Fncililics is niso requesling n 520,000.00 contingency should Town Council deem this appropriute which has been included in the above tables. BACKGROUND: 'fhe Eastshore Renovntion and Expansion was approved in principle by Town Council on June 22, 1998 bv Resolution # 114/98. On August 4,1998 Town Council passed Resolution # 157/98 authorizing expenditures in the amount of S 100,000.00 for consulling fecs to preparc plans, cost estimates and conatruction management of the project. Subsequentiy, on November 2,1998 Town Council pnssed Resolution # 2l8/98 aulhorizing a project construction budget of 5600,016.00 end en overall cost of $700,000.00 to be funded by debentures end/or charges to the Generol Fund. Thia project hes now bcen edvertised through a public tendering proccas administrnted by Dalton Engincering & Conatruction Ltd. in cooperation with tho Town of Pickering's Supply & Services stef! . , k` �;r� 9 �� �Repod to Council PF 02-99 Dnte: Februury 2,1999 Subject: Tender for Eaatshoro Communiry Centre Page: 3 � HACKGROUND: (continued) As lhis project is being managed by Dniton Engineering & Conslruction Limited es the Town's construction managers they now are requesting authority to proceed lo awerd various contracts to tha sub-trades �n behalf of the Comoration und to approve an overall construction budget of approximntely $610,000.00 (not including contingency). Town Council should notc that lhis cost includes an allowance of approximately $19,000.00 ($15,000.00 allowance S3,980 site services) to repair the existing parking lol and correct some on-site drainage problems which have created icing nnd safety concerns for seniors in the pnst. This work was not included in thc original cost estimates. In light of this, it would be appropriate to proceed wilh the project for the tendercd atnount. Lastly,'Cown Council is reminded that there is no contingency nllowance included in the tender amount and for reasons of expedienc�� ihey may wish to include a contingency of $20,OOD.00 (approximntely 3%) to ensure thc project does not experience cost overrun or delay to receive Town Council approvul for unforcscen costs. Nocmal contingcncy allownnces would be in the runge of 10% however, given the scape of ll�e projccl 3% should be adequatc. Upon cnreful exrtminnlion by ihe Direclor of Parks & Facilitics, und the Chief Adminislrativa Officer, of nll infortnation rcccivcd, I recommend the tender in the amounl of $592,010.00 bc approvcd und a construclion cosl oC$G09,770,30 also bc approved. Town Council may further consiJer a contingency allowance of $20,000.00, which shull not be expended without prior approvnl of the Chicf Administrative Olticer. A1"I'ACHMENTS: 1. Resolutions # l 14/98; il 157/98 nnd N 21 S. 2. Letter from Dalton Engineering & Conslruction Limited 3. Locntion Map Prep o � � Reviawed by: _ i /si�!' � E t a Gillis Paterson Direclor of Pazks & Facilities Director of Finance and Treasurcr _ Recommended for the consideretion of PickerinR Town Council � .� o es J. nn, .A.O. �; >;_ ,k�,•� �;; 5�,� y t � ' � . lp�i�#:{ v 1�f3 9�;i. " 1 �� .. ,. , , . , . . . .. . .. ' .,. _ � . . . +1+'., . . � a' ��� CQ / � 10 ' INTER-DEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM ; CLERK'S DEPARTMENT DATE: October 21,1998 TO: • E. Buntsma, Director of Parks & Facilitics FROM: Bruce Taylor, Town Clerk Pleese ba advised that the Councii of the Town of Pickering passed Resolution k114/98 at a Regula� Council Meeting of June 22, 1998. That the report of ihe Ea�t Shore Community Centre Building Committee be receivcd for information; and That ihe recommendations containcd in the report be endorsed; and That a plan for phns(ng and financing be brought back to Council for final npproval; and That 6udget approval be given tn order that working drawings and specifications cnn bc drawn up and tenden prepared; and Thnt the architecturel and engtneering firm of Stone, Kohn, DicQuire, Vogt, Arcliitects be retained to complete the rccommendcd assignme�d. This reso i is scnt t you for your informntion. ruce Taylor, Town Clerk ;A > ..:'.._d � � . . {�: t . ' i � i Il '�ti .1 S - �" � - . A ;- ; � { �j�{y�� L _i �SS � _ 1,., e � . VG���Y h '�"�.�, . s , x.r.... .�! +�.t � . .. r . .., . . � . ..,. � _, ,.. . . . � . . . _, � ... . . .. _ ' ATTACHMENT# � TOREPORT# �r0a -�% j INTER-DEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM � 1, CLERK'S DEPARTMENT DATE: October 21,1998 TOs • E. Duntsma, Director of Parks & Facilities FROM: Bruce Taylor, Town Clerk ; Please be advised that tha Council of the Town of Pickering passed Resolulion #157/98 at a Regular Council Meeting of August 4, 1998. In the Dfrector of Parks and Facilitia Report PF 08-98 it is recommended thnt Council Approve entering Into contracb for the fallowing amounts with: 1. Stone, Kohn, McQuirc, Vogt 539,000 2. Simcoe Engineering $30,000 3, Dalton Eng(neering and Construction Limited $21,000 And lhat lhe finnucing of e:pendilura in the amount of 590,000 for contracts nnd SI0,000 for di�bunemente lhrough ihe teeuance of Je6cntures bc upproved; and 'fhat the Direclor of Finance und Trensurer be aulhorized to amend the annual repnyment Ifm(t reapecting long-term debt and finnncial obligattons; und That ealimaled diabursemenls (n the amount of 510,000 as describeJ in Report PF 08-98 bc Approved;and That Council Aulhorize the e:ecut(on of all necessary documente lo bring effecl hereto. This re olution is t to you for your informalion. Bruce Taylor, Town Clerk t% ' . .'�. .S':'�' .�.. . .i.. , . .. � t ;� : : , ;: ;t��� . _ _ � � � ATTACHMENTl1 1 TOiIC?ORTi10�0,� �' 2 INTER-DEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM CLERK'S DEPARTMENT DATE: November 3,1998 c. ra ,(• "�, t'� !�': �)Ct!�C;;7�, �,t� . � IIf I� l�� I'.��� (+ . •,�� �I.:% TO: • Everett Buntsme, Director ofParks and Facilities Tq:;'rt Of• '�:'.! ;C''t � � ncn;.,.•. • GilPaterson,DirectorofFinance !�.•.r��•:;���,' ���!,!-^ FROM: Brucc Teylor, Town Clerk Pleasc be advised that tha Cauncil of thc Town of Pickering passed ResoluUon H218, Item #3 at a Reguler Council Meeting ofNovembcr 2, 1998. That Report PF 10/98 regArding the East Shore Community Ccntre be received nnd thrt: I, the recommended phasing schedule for construction and renovations ot the Eaet Shore Community Cenlre be adopted (attachmcnts 1& 2); 2. the project cost of Sb00,O16.00 a� shown in lhe cosl from Dalton Enginecring & Construclion Limiled, Project Afanngen be approved; 3. fundtng in the amount of up to 5700,000.00 be prov(ded by the issunncc of de6enlures, if requircJ, by lhe Region of Durham for a term up to but nol esceeding twenty (20) yean, be approved, wilh lhe balance to be charged to the General Fund; and 4, the appropriate oliiciab of lhe Town of Pickering be given aulhority to give etfect therelo. This resolution is sent to you for your information. ���� .1�1 \ Bruce Taylor, Town Clerk � cc. • T.l. Quinn, General Manager <i ;' ;�,� F � 4� - � ♦ :Zk .4� A,�i �. < <. F1 . r . � t .. . , . ., . . . ... , , . a . u1,-7 . ,.�-fU��q�tU.i I�AA.alUiblNUt: -�.Udull��� ni���, n i.Unal� � � w�i,in-- . ATTACHMENTq�.TOR �. / �l�j A11'ON January 2T, 1999 �/��L::;u �r-' .c--� ; � Everolt Bunstma Dtreclor of Porks and FaciliUes The Town of Pickering Pickering Civic Complex One iho Esp�anade Pickering, U�I L21V 6fC! East Shore Commun(ty Contre Pickering, Ontario L'alton Project H 98079 Doar Evcrolt. Further lo our meeting �f this afternoon, we are pleased to submit for final approval, aur revised cost eslimate for lhe �ddilions and alleratians to Ihe C•asl Shore Communily Cenlro for Iho sum af five hundred and ninely two thousand and ten dollars (j592,010) + G.S.T. This cosl does not include lhe Dallon Construclion Management fee which is an additional Twenty one thousand six hundred and sixty ninc doliars (521,669) + G.S.T. We have allached our revised breakdown wilh the foilowing c�i�nc�es as distussed at loday's meeling. • Signage tias been deleled • Cedar decking has been ravised to pressure lrealed SPF lumbcr I hava broken our lol�ls into Ihrcr, caleqories as follows: . Lino flems 75, 76 and 77 indicato iho construcUon cosls excluding Dallon Fae and G.S,1'. nel payabla at 3%. • Lines 70, 73 and �0 indicale lhe addilional cosl lor the Datton Construclion Manayernanl Feo and G.S.T, net payabie al 3°�. • lines fi1, U2 and d3 indicato Iho Dalton Conlract Valuo including managoment Fee and G.S.T. net payable at 3%, which would be the final lotal payable lo Dallon Enpinooring & Construction limiled for conslruclion and conslruclion manapemenl services ulilizinp the net 3"/o payable G.S.T. Datlon EnpmeeNng and Consuuclion Limitad � � � - � � � � 1140CuiIdclJMmuc:Tmonm,(MU�n;h14DIL9 � � � � . . . .Tdcphonr.(1lqtxv+193 Fuuwde.M1617l9.96L - � � � , 'S �. - . � . . . . . .,l h. �,p _ 5�� � ��'",it ,. . � ���� . ' . .. . . . . . �.�•JiP . hkl� uU:uU FA.1���alU7bHfIU:: � �� U�L•In���l:�c. n���lu�bl'. � � � . � Wlnu: , �. `t iV Please nule all Dplton Invoicinp will includo G.S,T: calr.ulated al 7%. 1'he 3% G.S.L noled ebove is the nel u.5.T. payable by Iho Town at Pickerinp afler credils/rebales are received by Pickering from lhe Government. Dased on lhis informalion lhe Dalton Conlract Valuo is noted on tho boUom of papo 2. Poge 3 of Ihe breakdown coniains a bud9ot reconcilialion of addilional itoms that were not included in our origmal budget but included in our revised cost summary. In accordance wilh our meeling Inday we look forward lo final approval on February 9, 7999 following Ihe February B, 1999 council meelinc� to proceed wilh lhis project. [3ased on lhese appraval dales we anlicipale commencing work an site March 1, 1999. If you have any questions pleaso do nnl hesitate lo conlacl Ihe undersigned. Yo rs r ly, D LT ENUINEERING 8 CONSTR�CTION LIMITED R o ie Chief [stimalnr Cc; Doug Dickerson, Councilor'fown of F'ickenng Jim Walker, Superintendent ot Facilities lo Conslrur.tion 8 Capilal ProJects I�� Allan Slone, SKMV Archileds P. Andrew Dallon, C E 0 , � � � � �:i; �,,, » . `A� J ,, � � ,,�'�� + sr. ,� � ;: , _ ' . u��:2'S�;�u FH�� �. .�iU FAd J1utaNuu:x .. � UACI'l�� G�\b� h ll��b�, . � ,t ".� I .. _�_....... . . (+ft(+.1ECT: PICKERING EAST SHORE COMMUNITV CENTRE rn7tIER: TOWN OF PICKERING Dnratinn m wks: LOCATION; LIVERPOOL ROAD Pro�ccl No.: , ARCHITECT: SKMV ARCHITECTS Ualo: i Aren In uF: � Approvcd TonJcrOuc. I I` shon General 5ummarv Budur.t 14. 1998 ' 2 Tnirqiomry serviees � � Equipment - . ' •"Ir.anup 8 tubbisli removal ' :�Prolecuon i clhidlonnlshnnd�in{� ;;upervision ; R br:mulilinn 9 Allei;uions lo exisling work 10 ni�awanees PC Sum...winlcr wnditions I 1 I tnsi��u�on 6lcslmp I 1J�F..� ,ivaUon E �atkfill � 1; H:�m1 r.xCOV0�i00 1A H+u,kl�ll I1G lawn Bnwlinp dark.. .. .. ,,'. " 16 Sidewalks, curbs 1 i P,iv�nq,..new parking lot, asphalt sWewniks 76 Pavmg...repair, to ewsting unrkinp lol 14 MeAc pood sod 20 tnnuCle supply 21 Coi�i ir.le sundnes 21 PbII��w01k 6 placL canb�eU• 24 F'I+ir.c d linish canc�elr 25 licinlnrcernonl 2G �Yuruinn tile !Wl I JC 3. I .�n � dl j n7 I44 45 � 49 masnnry icpnirs Wral Slcol, Iinlels, dr.ck h CnrpenUy �uk np R 5hr.ul Mul�d i ,oflils, claddinq un� �proohn{� 8 walcrproufin� w Me1�iwOrk I Dnurs Imod shuller doors at bnr �num, qlass, plazin� 6 mirrors nalic Jaor operaters nll nnd acouslics 3,070 4,�00 6,520 1,725 4,070 A9,7tl1) 2U,117 2U,207 0 n tz.�su 572 4,482 2,tl00 5,751 25,��9 15,000 7,�79 G,008 578 1,J�0 2,000 2,795 680 za,eza �,oa� 29,854 10,01tl a,a�s 19,Sdi 2,49! 1,�8% 1,554 8,505 0 0 � n,azo 0,000 31,848 Pago 1 0l 3 �,070 4,�00 fi,52U 1,7YS n,n�n A3,7A0 20,AG9 19,070 7,500 0 10,�00 JJ.I 5.579 ' S:S97 0 35,000 t 5,000 0 5,770 2,256 7,010 8,700 2,879 Otl0 :18,tiUU 1,OH:1 :f9.6tl'L tA,2A1 1A,[OJ 1QG34 0 1,6N7 I.JJ'i 5,171 B,A25 1,950 18,230 0 95,A50 I�j UUJ � �. � ttl Utl07U 21•JampJ /,671 U u 0 0 0 0 35? (1,1�7 7,500 0 (1,090 (�9, 1,U7 2,537 (:,,3J1 9,G01 0 (1,279 (291 1,6tlU 5,680 G,300 (156 n ii,�ao 0 10,02fl 3,321 fi,760 3,073 (?,A97 � Q (3,374 G,A25 1,350 3,604 Ink�n(f l�ikou(( Inkroll Inknnl� U�Feulf lakroll nan lakcoff Owncr �en G Son Ilon lakaoll Iton takeolf VIuED TO Fi LUMB. I. hi parkinp drew Pavinp �O W I, In parkmg Ilon takcoll Ilon lakcoll IICI'f frik Flnor Itnn I;�keaff Iton nilow ar Ilon Alluw po Iron Ilon lakcoll Ilnn lakrofl �ni . IudeA in rooling Ilon ldIOW IIOn AlIOW mmeraallUalton ronlo �oor/�allotl Y -r : . . . . . . � � . �_, x_': . .. . . . . � . - . � . . . � � . . . �detl m f14A Gallagher I11, � � , u:r,a., 1:1J.��IUi01q�b:: � . Ud1.lUd �.db. e�.uA:il. � � yj��nl n� c� Noie: All Dalton Mvo�qni� wll� fncludu G.S,T, calculaled al 7%. The 0% G.S,T� noted nYimu i:ti Ihu a^i^.d abovc Is net G,S.T. p�ry:iGtu l�y Tha Tnwn af Pickering after credits/rebates auu recc(vud. Dntlon Controd Val�m tn:truction oxcludinp C..S.T. 592,O1Q : o�� ��rucNon Mnnnmm�nn� Fec ' ss� ' �:I Conlract cxcludlnq GST 619,67fl ,^ r GMtra �! 7Y 42,�J ,H ,. �r� inr.luding GST L617"/. 656,697 ta^•1 i:icluJing GST Pape 2 of 7 : Uli2'.�i�V �F'H1, � FId �iUitlbUU::' UALIVA L\b. A lu1Sl. W1wbi � . . . , . � . .�. 1 r" ApArovuJ TenderDuc, I � Shorl Gencral Sumrnary Budyat 1A 1998 Varl+mr.o Notes � � ^i!P?�1'RECONCILIATI0,�1 �� TIiL'iUILPWIN0ITEMlWERENUTALLOWEDFOHINTH80RIGINAI.BUWCi: . T•• . �� �.. � ..:._��� ��..ai����� � n '1 [l1/1 % G(1R el I 11V1/ n0u I a I u I 0 IDELETEp Scrvlcus 0 'J,UNU 3,980 uuuthwuud ALLOWANC,f,-$ INCLUUEDINTHIS FINAL SUMMARY TI!' fOLLOWINO AILUWANCES AR8 CAHNIEO IN 1MIY TENOER� TO BE 6llPCNOCU IN WNOLE OR IN PAH(, A7 APVROVEO BY IIIE ARCIIITEf.T ANOOWNfiN: ,epntrs lo cxisUng parkinc� lol I I 15,000 12.150 . � - ..:{....,.. =t t . �! - Pago 3 af 3 + - ' �' +' , .�:`'` -;rt =r.'c ., , .