HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAO 05/9940�� OF p , - � . , � ' : � � / J � . . � � � . �..-� � . . . .. .. . . . . - . . REPORT TO COUNCIL �ROM: 'fhomas ]. Quinn DATE: lunc 4, 1999 Chief Administrntive 0fficer REPORT NUMDER: CAO OS-99 SUB]ECT: Ajax - Pickering Transit Amalgmm�tion Study - Phasc 2 Consultonis' Rcport and Sinff Recommendotions • Filc; CA 5031 RGCOMMCNDATIONS: 1. 'fhat Town Councii ngrec to amolgamnting thc Ajax and Pickcring transit systems gencmlly as set out in the Phase 2 Report prcpnrcd by Delcan anJ PriceWnterhouseCoopers, Jated May 1999, subject to the following: n) ihot the Trunsit �oard bc made up af six individunis, oppaintcd hy nnd sclected from amongst ihc council members of thc two municipalitics (3 membcrs from ench municipulity), nnd Ihal n chuir (or Iwo co-chairs) hc scicctcJ by, and Gom amongst thc Transit Uonrd mcmbcrs; b) lhat slaff of thc ncw tmnsit organiwtion rcport to a Genarnl Manngcr, who in tum woulJ rcport ihrough a joint CAO Munagcmcnt Cammittcc to thc Transil Ilaard; c) Ihat kcy administrativc and supervisory posilions in Ihc ncN tmnsit orgnniulion bc filled by compctition, first through Ihc considcralion af intemol canJidates, and if no acceptable intemal cunciidatcs urc founJ, Ihrough cansidcration of cxtemal applicants; d) that ihc new tmnsit organi7ntion be locatcd within the Ajax Trnnsit faciliry; e) ihat the required support scrviccs for thc ncw Imnsit organimtion (payroll, purehosing, accounting, humnn resourcc, finnncing, ctc.) be obinined from eithcr the Town of Ajnx or the Town of Pickering; Q thnt Ihe npproximutely 5178,000 diffcrencc in initial nsset coniribution bctwccn the two municipnlities be denit wilh through appropriutc futurc nrtnngements, other Ihan an up•front, onedimc equulia�tion paymenh, I g) that both municipalities agrce to cantributc up to (and no morc than) thc ' equivalent of thcir 1999 tmnsit opemting budgets ro the new trensit organiuiNon to cover the first year (i,e. 2000) operoling wsts for thc mm�lgamated scrvice, nnJ Ihat should there be required start-up cosls npprovcd by both municipalitics thnt . exceed thc first year budgct, thcsc costs should bc shared equolly by thc two municipalities; and : h) thal a"memorandum of undcrslanding" betwcen the two munlcipalilies bc develpped to formallze tha icrrns ond conditians for amnlgamating Ihe two trnnsil systcros. ',! � ��� � � � � � � L ii . . ' . � . . . . 7r��.� _.> . . ., . . ,.x . . � , . .. ' . . d ' 17 4 Report to Council CAO OS•99 Junc 4, 1999 Ajux - Plckedng Tmnsit Amalgamation Study, Phnse 2 RcpoA pag� 2 2. Thul thc Chicf Adminislmtive Ofticcr be dircctcJ to cnnsult with Ihc Chief Adminisirative Ofiiccr of Ihe Town of Ajax; a) to rcvitw the implementntion pinn set out in the Phasc 2 Repart preparcd by Delcnn nnd PriceWaterhouseCoopers and submit n joint report to ihc new Tmnsit Eioerd with their recomnendotions; nnd b) to prepare nnd fonvard to Councit the required memorondum of understnnding with Ajox, und/or any necessary by-laws conceming Ihc amalgnmatian of the trnnsit systems, including nny necessnry bylaws for esinblishing ihc "Ajux- Pickering Transit Doard:' 3. Thnt Town staff, in conjunction wilh Ihe stuff of tha'Pown of Ajax and the consulting tcum of Delcan and PriceWnterhouseCoopers, bc directed to initiotc Phase 3 of the Trunsil Amnigamalion Sludy, bcing thc "Operntions Plan" for thc umnlgumntcd lmnsit scrvice. OR�dIN: Council Resolulion 11244/98, item N11 passeJ on Deccmbcr 21, 1998, approving Amnlgamation A- Municipal 8nlity in principlc, ns lhc prcferred iNcgration aption for thc Ajax anJ Pickcring trnnsit systcros, and recammending that ihe study tenm procccJ wilh Phnse 2 of Ihc study, bcing the preparation of thc Implemenlation Plan for this option. AUTHORI � Y; Thc Municipnl Act, it.S.O. 1990, c. M.45, as nmcndcd. PINANCIAL IMPLICA'fIONS; The totol approvcd cost of thc Ajux - Pickcring'fransit Amalgamation Study (all thrcc phases) is approximatcly E120,000, plus dST, A Special Circumslanccs Clrnnt lias 6cen rcccived from Ihc Province that will covcr SI OO,OOD oFthc study costs. The rcmaining cosls will 6c shared equnlly by Pickering and Ajax. Adequnte funding for the To�m's share of lhe study costs has bcen approved by Council (Account 112350-2392). In terms of the finnncinl implications of implementing Amolgamation Option A- Municipnl Entiry, as set out in ihe consultants' repart, therc arc thrce main implications ta the Town: (i) Pickering would initially contributc a smnller voluc of assets to ihe new lransit organimtion thnn Ajax. The finnnciol cost to the Town of cqunlizing ihe inilinl asset conlribution is estimnled lo be opproximnlely 5178,OOD. It is rccommended, however, thnt the difference in imtinl asset cantribution be dealt with through eppropriate artnngements with Ajax (such ns proportionnl shnring of ihe Town's 10 yenr net aperating savings, or proportionnl shuring of Ihc vncnted tmnsit space in Pickering's Works Cenlrc) and � by an up-front, one•timc equuliwtion pnyment. The exact nnture of the arrangements with Ajax would ba finalized nt a latcr dote and � included in lhe memomndum of understandins between ihe two municipulities. (ii) Phase 1 identified n tatnl net incremental finnncial savings niter amnignmation of approximalely 5278,OOO.to the two municipalilics over 10 ycare. DuseJ on certnin nesumptions; lhesc snviugs would bc ollocnteJ as follows: S150,000 to Pickering (S85,000 in net operating savings und S65,Q00 in nct capilal snvings), nnd S128,000 to Ajnx (63,000 in net operating savings and 565,000 in nct capital savings). Report to Council CAO OS-99 Junc 4,199^ 1%'Jr Ajax - Pickcring Transit Amalgamntion Study, Phasc 2 Rcport Page 3 (iii) Thc podion of Pickering's Plorks Ccntre and reloted equipment uscd by Pickering Tmnsit thut is to bc excluded from ihe amalgnmuted trnnsit organi�ntion has a valuc • ufapproximntelyS889,00Q In lerms of next yenrs budgat, shauld Iherc be un amnlgamation of Ihe transit syslems, it is recommended thut thc opernting budget for thc ycar 2000 not excced the aggrcgnta of the 1999 opemting budgets af tha two municipnlities. If therc erc required start-up costs npproved by both municipalilies thnt exceed this budgel, these costs �vould bc shnred equnlly by both municipnlities, EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Phase 2 of ihe Ajax-Pickering Tmnsit Amalgamation Study has bcen completed. It reviewcd in delnil ihc tronsit integrntion optfon approved "in principle" by both Councils in Phasc 1(i.c. nmalgmm�tion of the trnnsit systems as n municipai cntity) with rcspcct to the net financinl impact on bolh municipalities, as well as human resource, organiwtion and govcrnance issucs. With ihe conclusion of Phase 2, slaff nrc now confident ihat umalgamaling Ihc two sv;tams is both rcnsonabic und upproprinlc, Allhaugh it may not immcdiatcly Icad to significant cost- savings for eilher municipality, amulgamaling ihe systems docs providc signiGcunl'opporlunities for improved custamer scrvice ond fuwrc cost•comainmcnt. This Rcport recommcnJs Ihnt Council formally cndarsc amnlgamnting thc Ajax and Picl:cring tmnsit systems, subjcct to a number of spcciftc wnditions. It hus becn discussed ot Icngth with thc Chief Administrntivc Officcr of Ihc To�m of Ajax, whn will bc fonvnrding n similor rcport to his Council in lale June. Dccause Ajnx nnd Pickering Councils heve different mecling schedulcs and notification requiremenis, il wns not �ssiblc to prcpa;u nnd relensc n joint CAO rcport to both Councils at the snme timc. DACKaROUND: In Deccmbcr 1998, Delcun nnd PriccWulcrhouscCoopers completeJ Phasc 1 of ihc Ajex and Pickering Tmnsit Partncrship/Amolgnmation Sludy, The Phnse i Report wns fonvarded to Ajax and Pickering Councils, and both Councils endorsed n rccommendation approving "Amnlgemation A- Municipul Gntity" in principlc as thc prefertcd tmnsit integmtian option. The Councils also both rcquested Ihnt the study team proceed to Phnse 2 of Ihe study, in order to analyze the preferted option in mare detail, provide recommendntions on IFc net finnncial impact on tha municipnlities of ihis option, and describe how humun resource, orgoniwtion and govemnnce issues ought to be addrcssed. It should be noted thnt in Phnse t, the consullanls conducted a serics of stakeholders mcetings with employees of Hoth transit organiwtions, employee represenwtives (Pickcring CUPE locai 129 and tha Ajnx Transit Employea Liaison Committee) nnd a focus group oCtmnsit nnd non- trensit users. In general, the opinions nnd cancems cxpressed by the vnrious graups supparted the Phnse 1 conclusions. The consullants were not requesteJ to underlake addilionai public or stakeholder consultetion in Phase 2, as ihis work focused primarily on technicnl implementation matters. Delcan and PriccWntcrhouseCoopers should be congmtulnted for thcir work and cffort in completing the Phase 2 Reporl, Thc consullanls hnd a di�cuit nnd challcnging Phose 2 assignment, which lhey successfully complcted to aur rolal satisfnction. Slaff nrc in substantinl agreement w(ih the consultants conclusions ond rccommcndations (nllhough certa(n of Ihe staff . recommendallons further refinc and clarify Ihe consullanls' recommen�ntlons). �;. t:; �`�' ' '176 Report to Council CAO OS•99 Junc 4,1999 Ajex - Plckering Trans(t Amnlgnmution Study, Phese 2 Rcport Pagc A Thc consultants' Phnse 2 Report is nitached. Although it is summariud in Ihis Rcport to Council, thc consultanls' Rcport should bc rcud in its enlirery in ordcr to obtain a completc understunding of the scope and brcadth of the Phase 2 nnolysis. n STArR SUMMARY AND COMMENTS: Thi: section of th� Report presents a formal pcsition on amalgomoting the tmnsit systems af thc two municipalities and provides a staff summary and recommendations with rcspect lo the six key omalgametion issues nddressed in the consultnnts' Phnse 2 Report, namely: • govemance • organiwtion / mnnngement • human resourcc / labour relutions • ndministmtion/operntion • finnncial impnct • implementation pinn /nllfafly, aJotnf report jrom dre AJax and Plckering ChlejAdndntslrafh�e O,Q7cers ivns Io 6e prepared. However, f/ds coi�ld nol he done hecnu.re njprocess and lLning consldernflons — AJcix and Plekering Coune!!s nol�en�lnn nnd meeftng sd�ecL�les !n June r!!d nof cninclde. Neverihaless, Ihe tubstancc of this Rcport has bcen discusscd at Icngth with ihc Chicf Administmtive Ofticer of Ajax, who will bc proviJing rccommendations to his Council in lote June. Dased on thesc discussions, thcrc docs not appcar to bc nny substanlinl points of contention or areas of concem bctwccn Ihc two manicipalilics. 1.0 Formel Pmitlon nn Amaleamntine thc Tran�it Sydem� � Phnse I of thc sludy concluded Ihat amnlgamnting thc systcros ns a municipnl cntity of�ers ihc best opportuniry For improving thc dclivcry of pu6lic Irnnsit in thc two Towns through morc effective nnd efficient utilimtion of financiul, personnel, vchicics nnd fncility resources. As a result, Ajax and Pickering Councils ot the complelion of Phuse I of thc swdy, Ann�o��a "in principle" nmalgmm�ting thc trunsit syslems of tha two Towns as n municipnl entity. Direction was given to exnmine in Phnse 211�e net finonciol impact of mm�lgamating ihc systems on each municipalily, and considcr govemancc, hummi resourcc, ndministrative and othcr implementntion issues in detoil. With the completion of Phase 2, the consulwnts and stafC of ihe two municipnlities hnvc now concluded ihnt amalgamating the transit systems ns recommended in Phase 1 is indeed feasible and desirnble. Allhough it wili not immediately Icad to aigniticnnt cost-�avtnga for eifher municipalfty, amalgamating Ihe ayatems daea provide aigniticant opportunitic� for tmproved customeraervice and future coat-conlainment. Statf therefore rccommenJ that Council formnlly support the amnlgametion of the Ajax und Pickering imnsit systems, subject to a number af specific recommendations relnted to thc six kcy mm�lgemation issues uddresscd in the consultants' Phase 2 Report. 2A Governance The consullnnts rccammend Ihe estabiishmcnt of an "Ajax•Pickcdng Tmnsit Doerd" ihnt would have twa maln objects: � �1 , . Report to Council CAO OS•99 Junc 4,1999 1'%7 Ajex - PickcrinQ Trensit Amnlgamntion Sludy, Phaso 2 Rcport Pugc 5 � to promotc coordineted decision making on tmnsit maltcrs bctwaen thc two municipalities; and . • to oversee thc mauagement and operation of thc convcntionul nnd spccialiud trnnsit services, • The consultnnts recommend Ihat the municipal councils scicct Ihe Transit Daard membcrs, nnd suggest a Imul of six membcrs, plus a chnir. They rccommend that the Transit Doard report rogularly to Ajax and Pickcring Councils, and obtain approval of its opcmting und cupital budgets from both councils. Staff genernlly concur with ihese recommendntions. To ensurc full accountn6ility, it is rccommended ihat all six Tmnsit Doard mcmbers be appoinled by, and sciccted Gom, the council members of the two municipalilies (3 from cnch), and that the chair (or hvo co-chairs) be appoinled by the six Tmnsit Ooard members from amongst thc bonrd mcmbers. To provide n mechnnism for pubiic inpul, nnd at Ihe discretion of Ihe Tronsit �onrd, a"trnnsit advisory committee" could be established, If esloblished, thc trnnsit ndvisnry committee should include a cross-section of residcnts anJ transit users (specialiud and conventional) from thc two munieipalitics. 3.0 Oreanizalion / Mana�emen Thc consullants rccommcnJ that Ihc amnlgamatcd Imnsit syslcm 6c dirccicd by a"acncral Mannger" rcsponsihlc for Ihe dnyIn-Jny opernlion unJ perfortnnnce of Ihc new irnnsit orgnnimtion. The acnerai Managcr would report to the Tmnsil Iioard througli n joint "CAO Managemcnt Commilicc," which commiticc wnuld hnvc ullimatc responsibiliry for ihc amalgamntcd trunsit scrvicc. ' Thc consultunts also rccommenJ thnt ihc new Imnsit argnni�lion hovc Ihrcc moin functionnl nnd support divisions: • nperntions; • administmtioo; and • Occt and facililics maiNcnnncc. Srof�concur with thcse recommendations. 4.0 Human Resourcc / Labnur Relatinn� It is intended lhat all existing permancnt, full-timc transit employca would bccomc employecs of the new trnnsit organization (they would no longer be employces of cither Town). Some of the Town's service personnel, and vehicic mcchanics within thc To�m's Park and Facilitics Depurlment, who arc nceded to mnintain Pickcring's tmnsit Ileet, mny also be; trnnsferred to thc naw transit orgnniu+tion. . 7'he issue of employee representution (i.c. union vs. non-union, and union aflilintion if epplicnbie) would be determined by a process under prevniling icgislation. Oncc Ihc representationnl issue is dccided, ar, ogrecment would necd to be reachcd between the employecs of the new orgnnirntion and the Transit Uoard, setting out tha teryns and condition� of employment, inciuding salary levels and employ�e bencfils. Thc cmployee's existing terms and conditions of omployment would be takcn into cons(dcration in dcvcloping thc neW agrccmcnt. ,: ;,, �` . , i'78 - Rcport to Council CAO OS•99 lune 4, i999 AJax - Pickcring Transit Amalgamndan Study, Phnsc 2 Rcport Pogc b it should nlso bc noted Ihnt Pickering's collectivc ngreement rcquires thm thc union bc fortnnlly notified in writing ut least six months prior to a contracting out solution. Decausc the potenlial amalgamation of thc trnnsit service mny bc viewed as contrncting out, should both Councils agrce to trnnsit mm�lgemation, ihc necessnry proccss for informing the union would be initiuted by the Chief Administrntive Otiiccr. As this process unfolds, the advice of the Town's Icgal counsel will continua to be sought conceming thc legal implicutians of amalgnmotion. Gxisting supervisory stnff who are not transferzcd to the new transit orgnniwtion would be given comparnble allemative work u71h their respectivc municipality, or bc offered other oplions (such ns volunmry eady retirement, severance packages or r.deployment nnd relrnining where possiblc). Staff resources mnde surplus throuph fae mm�lgamation would be cansidered for redeployment within the ncw organi�tion in tliose arcns wherc additiaral support is nceded (c.g. on-road supervision, cuslomcr servicc and markcling, cmploycc irnining, nnd ilcet nnd focililies maintenance). The consultanls recammend tiiat kcy udministrative and supervisory positions should bc fillcd by open job competition, which could include considemtion of extcmal candidatr,s. They rccommend Ihat the positjon of deneral Manager 6: fillcd first, so Ihnt ihe succcssful cnndidatc in this kcy position cnn initiatc nnd ovcrscc thc sclectian af alhcr kcy ndminisirativc anJ supervisory employccs. Staff concur wilh ihesc recommcnJutions, and suggcst that thc municipalitics firsbundcrlokc an intemnl competition far thc kcy administra�ivc and supervisory positinns bcforc considcring extemni cundidatcs. SA Adminiatrntion/O�eretinn , It is recommended thot the mm�igamntcd Imnsit operution (bolh cunvcntionnl unJ spccialized scrvice) will bc locatcd within thc Ajax Tmnsit facility. As n resull, n portion of Pickcring's Works Cenlre will not be necdcd for transit pur�wscs, anJ may be mnJc nvnilable far allcmntivc uses. New ndministmtivc and opemting procedures would hnve lo bc developed for the ncw imnsit orgnniwtion, These proecJures could be bascd on ihc cxisling policies und proccdures of cilhcr of the cxisting tmnsit organiantions, or could bc devclopcd Ihrough a process of consolidation and harmoniwtion. The consultnnts notc Ihat thc new orgnniwlion will rcquirc nccaunting, payroll, purchasing, humon resouree, finuncing, nnd olher support scrvices, and recommend ihat they nbtain these services from cither of ihe municipnlitics if possiblc, or tlie privnte scctor. The consullanis also rccommend the prcp�mtion of u comprchensivc communications and marketing pinn lo ensure ihc new organimtion is customer-focused. Slaff concur with these conclusions und recomm�ndntions. To uvoid duplicalion, thc rcyuircd support services for the ncw trunsit organimtion (accounting, pnyroll, humnn resourcc, financing, etc.) ahould be obtnined from cither Ajux or Pickering. As well, considcrotion shouid be given to heving tha commuuicntians end marketing pian prepured intemally, by stafl' of the new tmnsit organi7ation. 6.0 Einwnciallm� In Phass l, the consulrnnts cslimnted that nn amaigamntion of thc Ajnx and Pickering trnnsit systems as e municipnl miity would providc nct (ncmmental savings to the two municipnlities of appr�ximalely E278,000 ovcr 10 years, Thesc savings wero fudher nnalyud in Phasa 2(n order to provide nn estimate af the net financial impact of trnnsit amalgamation on each of ihe two Towns. ,; �f:i . . � . . . . .. .. .i..� J ?.. - .. . � . . . .. . .. . . . . . Report to Council CAO OS•99 June 4,1999 Ajwc - Plckedng Tmnsit Amalgamalion Study, Phasa 2 Report r�g� ,179 four assumptions wero mndc by Ihe consullants in complcting thc Phasc 2 finoncial anulysis: (i) tlic new orgunization would be n 50/SOjoint venturc betwcen the two Towns, and any diffcrences in initinl asset contribution would be equnliud on this bnsis; (ii) incrementni opemting costs/savings would be shared by tha twa Tovms bnsed on thair relative tax assessment (Ajax: 42.5%; Pickcring: 57.5%); (iii) futuro capilnl costs/snvings would be sharcJ cqually; and (iv) thnt poAion of Pickering's Works Ccntre (nnd relaled equipment) used by Pickering Tmnsit would not be contributed to thc amalgamnted cntily. The Phnse 2 unalysis did not estimote lha annual opernting costs for the ncw transit organiwtion, and did not estnblish n set formula for apportioning the annunl irensil budget between ihe two Towns. Decisions on thc annual lrunsit budget and ihe formula for upportioning the budget would be made at a Intcr dnte through subsequcnt discussions (using thc consultants Phase 2 anolysis us A guideline). It should alsa be noted that thc Phasc 2 nnnlysis did not estimnlc future savings that mny occur following amnlgmm�tion, ns a result of mnnngement dccisions thnt significuntly incrcase productivily, efficicncies and ridership (bcyond nortnal projccted growth). The consultunts' kcy finuncial findings are summariud bclow: • AJax would inilially coniributc u grcutcr valuc of assets to Ihc ncw iransil orguniwtion Ihnn Pickcring. Ta equalizc Ihi� initial asscl contrihution, Pickering would incur a financiul cost of approximalcly t178,000. • In tertns of totnl ongoing lmnsil orcrnlions, over 10 years, Ajax would reccivc n net ftnancial benefit from amnlgamnling the Imnsit scrvice of 5128,000 (563,000 in net operating snvings nnd S65,000 in nct capilal savings). Pickcring's 10 ycar nct finoncinl bcnc�t woulJ bc SISQ,000 (SS5,000 in ncl opemting savings anJ S65,000 in nct copiini snvings). • The �xrlion of Pickcring's Works Centtc and relnled cyuipmcnt uscd by Pickering Transit Ihat is �o bc cxcludeJ from Ihc nmolgamnted Iransit orgoni�tion has u vuluc of approximatcly 5869,000. The consultants rccommend thal if a decision is made to mm�lgnmatc Ihc iransit syslems, n "mcmomndum of underslanJing" bc prcparcd bctwccn Ihc two Towns setting out the precisc nrrungement for shnring capilal nnd opcmting costs, and the terms and condilions for contributing new nssets to tho amnlgamnted entiry. Stnff concur with the consuitants' finuncinl analysis nnd conclusions. It is recommended thnt ihe two municipnlitics addrcss the 5178,000 dif(crcnce in initinl asscl coniribution in their memorandum of undcrstanding. 77ierc arc a numbcr of wnys this diffcrence cnn be nddresscd, from Pickering pnying AJax an up-front, onc•time equaliwlion cost (which is po{ recommended), to Pickering shaing a purtion of its 10 ycar net opemting suvings wilh Ajux, to Pickering and Ajax making approprinte artangements for sharing the vacuted lmnsit specc in Pickcring's Works Centre (ag. for certnin functions nssociated with the amalgemoted tmnsit service und/or for other services ihat the two municipalities pnAner or amalgamate in the future). • Also, in the interest of cost-contninment (one of the key objectives of amalgamnting thc tmnsit systems), it is recommended that Iwth municipalities agrec to contributc funding up to (nnd no more then) the equivalent of their 1999 tmnsit opcmting budgets to the amalgamated trnnsit organizadon for the first year of the amnlgumnted service, Por the puqwsc of this rcport, it has been assumed that in the firsl year thcre will ba no s(gnificnnt capitol expenditures. As weli, slwuld there ba required slnrt-up costs for Ihc new transit orgonization that cnnnot 6e covcrcd by the firat year imns(t budget, it is rccommcndod lhut thesc cosls bc shared cquolly by the t�vo , municipalities. " � ;�; „ ?, t 4,' - � . � ' .'� ��_r. ,. �a ' .�.. "": :�.'. , " ` '.�. . . _ ... . . . r, .,... - ,y.... .. . . . . ..�:_ . . , . . . , . � � -� : � . Repod to Council CAO 05•99 . Junc 4,1999 • iSOAjex - Pickering Trensit Amulgomation Study, Phasa 2 Rcport Page S 7.0 I�IemcnfANon Plan Thc consultants note that amalgnmating thc two transit systems will involve a numbcr of comprohensive end potentinlly complex and inter-rclated activitics. Thcy ouqine a series of mejor steps thnt cauld take six to nine months to completc. Certain steps would nced to take place immedintcly following a decision to proceed and beforc ihe service is mm�lgnmuted (e.g, establishing a joint Tmnsit Donrd and appoinling mcmbers to that Board, infortning empioyees of thc decisian to umelgumate, contacling the Ontario Labour Rclations Boord, rccruiting staff, etc.). Ccrtuin decisions could bc deferrc�t until nfter amalgametion (e.g. undertaking route and service reviews, preparing the annunl budget and five• ;e�r cnpital nnd operntions plan, implcmenling new ndminisirntive nnd operating procedures, prepa�9nn the mnrketing plan, etc.). The consullants rccommend lhat the implementation plun contoincd wilhin Ihc Phasc 2 Rcport be roviewed ued finolized by thc new Tmnsit Doard, and thnt an "implementation secrclnriat" be estahlie!:ed for n{xriod af four to six monlhs to assist in the umnlgnmation of the systems. Steff genemlly concur with the consultnnts' rccommendntions, but susgest ihnt thc implementntion pinn, including thc recommcnJatiwi conceming Ihe establishment of nn "implemenintion secrcluriat" first bc referted lo ihc hva Chicf Administrativc Of(iccrs for comment, before being considcred by lhc �icw Tronsit Doard. Appoinlments to thc Transit f3onrd shoulJ Inkc placc as soon as possihlc following a dccision to amulgmm�te the two systems. Trnnsil Doarcl membcrs shoulJ bc appointcd for n Icrm to coincidc with the existing tcrm of Council. RECOMMGNDATIONS: ' Bascd on the consultants' Phnsc 2 Rc�rt, nnd stuff anolysis, it is rccommended Ihat Pickcring To�m Council ndopt the follawing rccommendnlions conccming Ihc umalgmm�tion of thc Ajax and Pickering tmnsit systems: 1. That Town Council agrce to amalgamnting Qic Ajax and Pickcring tmnsit systems genemlly ns sat out in the Phase 2 Re�A preparcJ by Delcan nnd PriceWoterhouscCoopers, dmed May 1999, subject to thc following; a) ihet the Trnnsit Uoard bc mode up nf six individuule, oppoinlcd by nnd selecled from amongst the council members of Ihe two municipnlilies (3 mcmbcrs from each municipality), and Ihat a chnir (or hvo co-chnirs) be selected by, and from omongst �hc Transit Doard members; b) thnt slaff of the new lronsit or�onization rcport to n General Manager, who in tum �vould reEwA through a joint CAO Managemcnt Commiltce lo ihe Tronsit Oonrd; c) that key edministretivic end supervisory posiUonr in the new transit orgunizetian bc filled by competilion, first ihrough the considcmlion of intemel candiJatas, and if no acceptable intemel candidetes urc found, through consideretion of cxtemnl appiicants; d) thet Iho new trensit orgnnizntion be localed within iha Ajax Transit faciliry; e) that Ihe rcquircd s��pport servias for Iha new trensit organiration (peyroli, purchaaing, accounting, humen resourco, financing, etc.) be a6ta(ned from either ihe Town of Ajax or ihe To•Hn of Pickedng; Q thaf the approximately SI78,000 diffcrcnce in inidal as�et contribution betwcrn tho two municipelide� be dcelt wUh through appropdale Nluro ertengemmu, other �hen an u�- front; one4lme equaiization paymcnt; t:���'. r. . _ . � . � � , . , � �; � .I�. . ,.._ . .. .. . � . . _ . .,. . .. . ... � Report to Council CAO OS•99 ]unc 4, 1999 AJex - Pickering Tmnsit Amalgemation Study, Phnse 2 Repart Pege 9 181 g) thal both municipelilies egrco to wntriburo up to (and no moro Ihan) tho equivaicnt of thcir 1999 transit opemting budgoLv lo tho new transit orgeniution ro cover the first yenr (i.o. 2000) operating costs for the amelgpmated scrvice, ond Ihut should thero be rcquircd start- up cosis approved by both municipaifties thet cxcecd the first yeur budget, these cosls should be shared cqually by the two municipalities; and h) lhet a"memorandum of undcrsmnding" bctween the two municipulilics be dcveloped to formelim the torms end condilions for amalgameling the two trnnsit systems. 2. That the ChieF Administrative Officer be directed to consult with the ChieF Administrativc Offiar of the Town of Ajnx: a) lo revitw ihc implcmenmtion plen set out in the Phase 2 Report prepnred by Dcican end PriccWatcrhouscCoopers and submit a joint report to thc new Trnnsil Board wiA� their recommendations; nnd b) to prcparc and forwerd lo Council thc rcquired mcmorendum of understnnding with Ajex, and/ar any ncccssary byInws conceming the mm�lgnmution of the transit sy,tcros, including any necessary by-laws for establishing Ihe "Ajax-Pickcring Trunsit Donrd:' 3. Thut Town staff, in canjunction with the stnlTof thc Town of Ajnx and the consuiting team of Delcnn nnd PriceWaterhouseCoopers, be dirccted to initinte Phnse 3 of the Transit Amalgamntion S�udy, bcing the "Opemtions Plnn" for thc amalgamated tmnsit scrvice. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Ajax and Pickcring Trnnsit Amalgnmation Study, Phnsc 2 Implcmentation Plan -- Pinal Report submitted by Dcicnn and PriccWatcrhouscCoopers, dated May 1999. Prepnred By: Approvcd / Endorsed E3y: , Thomas E. M lyn ik Thomas J. Quin Director of Corporate Projccls nnd Polic Chief Administrative Ofiicer TEM: Attnchments • copies; Chief Administrntive Officer, Town af Ajux Director of Corpomte Projects nnd Policy Dirv.tor of Finouce and Trcasurer Mensgcr of Trnnsportution DirecWr of Human Resources CUPE 129, President Recommended for the cansidemtion of Pickering Town Council � ��i : � �.. s 9 omas J. Qui , Chief Adm n tive iccr ,, + : ,� sa� . ..�.� 4 ,fh. � ... f,. . ,.. . _. �� . . . . � i. t s i Y "�� ,ti ` r 182 . �; : ,:. „ `.,. -, ., �,� T.a' � -w ..,.. . ... ` .' ... �.�� _�. } t ,. j:. . ,�: ,j . k ..S;t ;�. r , a::� �f , Y j � .,. . . � � :. S f�� tE ��. y� ef -.�1.. ,. � . ATTACH;NENT NO.1 REPORT T0 COUNCIL CAO OS-99 ir ; �.�� ; � "; ' .t ' „ r - t r ` �- =+ j�'+. k � it: l t. { L � t: L� � { � . F!,." i �.` _ - . � 1 j ` +1 t � _ t � .'i � r �., * * ;.� ry i � ..". , h. � „ k (.: ,lw-._ •' . t. , . � �,.. : . . , } . � 1 OFF(CE OF THE CHiEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER MEMORANDUM May 17, 1999 To: Mayor Arthurs Members ofCouncil from: Thomus J. Quinn Chief Administrative Otticer Subject: Pickoring Tmnsit Advertising - Request for Paliticul Advedising - File: PT2010 We huve recently received a rcquest to pince advertising of u politicul nnture on Pickering Trnnsit buses, StnFf hnve now had an oppartunity to review the tertn:; of our bus ndvertising agreement aspccting the right to sell ndvertising on Pickcring Trnnsit buses, . nnd tha Employee Code of Conduct which nlso provides guidclines on politicnl nctivitics, which circumvents past prectice. Recognizing thnt the Street Levcl Mcdia contmct has expired duc to bankruptcy, Council's intent as expressed in ByInw Number 5213/98 is clear, "Adver�lsing advocafing Ihe candldacy ojan lndlvtdua! seek(ng FederaJ or Prnvincla! ojMunlcipal oJJ1ce ts prohlbfted. " In summary, it is clearly smted in the momorandum from the Town Clerk, thnt given ihc foregoing, Council has expressed its desiro thnt na polilical activities of any kind tnke place on civic property. If we do not hear othenvise from Councii by the end of business on Tuesdny, May 18,1999, we will declinc ihis request for advertising. Please contact me if you requiro any additionel clarification on this mntter, I � �omas 1. Qui TJQyh Attachments Copy for. Town Ckrk Meneger, Transpotlation �:oawbao�o�w�r��MSO�noi.a« � �f CLERK'S DEPARTMENT May l3; 1999 T0: Thomas J. Quinn Chief Administrative Officer FROM; BNCe Taylor Town Clerk SUBJECf: Polittcal Advertising on Town Buscs LEO�L ". .. - CL�N4�•� � �..;_ .��'•. �:.;; : As you requested, I have reviewed ihc request from Janet Ecker's campeign team to place six advertisement on Pickering Traasit vehicles for a six week term at a cast of 5600.00. Please find attached to this memo a copy of Bylaw Number 5213/98 which Couucil passed on Merch 2, 1998 to authorize ihe execution of an agreement with Street Level Media respecting the right to sell advertising on Pickering T�ansit buses. 1 would refer you to Section 25 of the agreement which states "Advertising advocating tha candidacy of an individual seeking Federal or Provincial or Municipal office is prohibited." Although this agreement has expired due to the bankruptcy of Street Levei Media, ! think that Council's intent is quite clear thet it does not went any political candidate to advertise on Town buses. I am also attaching a copy of the Employee Code of Condiict and [ would refer you to Page 10 which provides guidelines on political activities. Although this policy deals with the involvement of employees in political activi�ies, I think Council is cleady expressing its desire that no political activities of any kind take pisce on civic property, which includes the Town's vehicles and buses, without the prior expressed authorization of Council. ..../2 � • "�+ �� Based on the fore3oing and the infortnadon provided in the memo of the Manager of Transportation deted May 10, 1999 with rospect to lhis issue, I feel that Council has expressed its wishes through By-lew 5213/98 and Resolution #21 V98, Item #3 (adopt the Employee Code of Conduct) that political advertising at ali levels of govemment is prohibited on the T:ansit vehicles. r _ ;. . Bruce Taylor, AMCT, CWIIN . Town Clerk ; , �� �-�...- '�� . �;�