HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR 01/99/` � �.�1�, . . . � . . . � � . I. . � ' , . . . ' . . . . . ,'! ' ��NOFp . " . �. . � . � . _ � . . �. � � REPURT TO COUNCIL FROM: Neil Killens DATE: february 9,1999, Manager of Transportation 133 . REPORT NUMBER: TR # 01-99 SUBJECI': Right to Sell Adverlbing Space - Transit Benches - RFP - 6- 98 RECOMMENDATION: That Crentive Outdoor Advcrtising be awardcd a five (5) ycnr contract for thc right to scll advcrtising spacc on tmnsit benches in thc'Pown of Pickering under terms and condilions established in Rcqucst for Proposul RfP - 6- 98, ORICIN: Requcst by ihc Dcparlmcnt of Trnnsportation AUTHORITY: Council Resolution FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Revenue Sharing: Ihc grcatcr of a guamnlccd nmount of S IS% of gross revcnue. 1999: SI5.00 per unil per mlh. - 50 units ir.stnllcd by Oclobcr 1, 1999 (currcnt yr. rcvcnuc bascd on 5�5.00 per unit x 50 units x ) mthsJ Futurc Ycars: Annual rcvcnuc baseJ on SS lota) units x SIB0.00 per unil per ycnr guamntceJ revcnuc or ISYo of gross rcvanuc, whichevcr is grcatcr. EXECUT[VE SUMMARY: per unit per ycar or f2,250.00 SIS,J00.00 The Depnrtment of Transportation hns concluded aur review of the rclevnnt documents rclated to Rcqiicvt for Proposnl RFP - 6- 98 for ihc right to sell advcrtising spacc on Unnsit benches. Crcnlive Outdoor Adverlising (COA) hns proposcd both ihe greniest nmount of rcvenue and number of bench installntions ovcr the tive year lertn of the contrnct. COA has extensive history in this induslry with the staff expertise and cquipmcnt to handle nll nspects of the job including site prcpnrntion, maintennnce, snow clenring nnd gnrbago rcmoval. COA hns proposed an npproach that rccognizes the needs of our passengers in bnlance with the potentiul sensitiviry of public ndvedising. HACKGRODND: � ' Proposuls for RFP - 6-98 hnvc been received from: Creutive Outdoor Advcrtising (COA), Selicx ' Outdoor AdveAtsing, ond Strcet Level Medla You will find attacheJ o com�uuison overvicw of rcsponsea from the threc bidders showing thcir proposnls in rolat3on to the requ(rements of thc RFR f �� .. ,.,, . . �f� .... . - . , ,� 1�!94, ,`,,` • Report lo Council; TR N Ol •99 Datc: Fcbruary 9,1999, • SubjecL• Right lo Sell Advartising Spuco • Trans(t Uenchcs Pagc; 2 Two significant issues have come to the attention of tho Daparlment of Tmnspartntion ovcr thc course of rcviewing this RFP. The Rcgion of Durham ndviscd ihat they were under their own contrnct with Street Levcl Media for bench ndvedising on rcgionoi roncis in Pickering, Ajax anJ Whitby. Depurtment of Transportntion stufT havc met with Regional Works stnff to discuss concems rclated to duplicntion and potential contlict betwean outdoor advcrtising coNractors if both tha Region and Municipulities wntinuc to offer contmcts in th samc markct amn. So long as the Region wntinues un uctive conunct with Street Le��el Media, Crcativc Outdoor Advertising will be provldcd with rights to bench inswllutions on local Pickering ronds only. The scwnd issuc wncems Strect Lcvel Media, one of thc companies who submitted n proposal. Street Leve) Medin hos held previous righls to bench ndvertising in Pickering untii the 'fown terminated their contmct effeclive October 31, 199R. Slreel Level Media hus fortnally adviscd the Town in u lettcr datcd Pebruury I, 1999 that tLe compmry has nppointed n trustcc lo mukc a proposal to creditors wnceming the sale of S�rcet Lcvel Media pursunnt to Seclion 69 of the Eiunkrupicy und Insolvcncy Acl. Reference checks have becn conducted by Deptutmcnt sluff using refcrences supplied by Ihc 6idders. All Municipnlities under contract with Cteative Outdoor Advcrtising exprcssed satisfnclion with bolh perfominn�e nnd paymcnt timclines. Conccros wcrc expressed by Municipalitics undcr contmct with Strcct Levcl MeJin conccming non-puymcnt issues as wcll as non-performnnce issucs nssocialcd wilh insinllations and mnintenance. The one reference supplied by Scllex Outdoor Jccmcd thc scrvicc provideJ as °ncceplablc", howevcr somc maintennnce conccros werc exprcssed. ATTACHMENTS: I, ProposalOvcrvicw 2. Rcfcrcncc Chccks Oy: � N I Killcns— M , ogcr of Tmnsportation Vem f gemucher-JeUiey Mnnoger, Supply & Scrviccs Gil Patcrson Director oF�inancc Recommended for lhc considemtion of Pickcring Town Cauncil ' . r omos l. mn� � Chief Administrativc Officcr. , ` copy:. Thomas ). Quinn, Chlcf Adminl,u�": �o OR1cer . " - Brucc Tdylor, Town Clerk ;, - 'j, 4} �, :'� .� ,, i E a' l yt i A� t J�� � �5�1 hy�i . t :'��..Y � ��d.i`,�PXlr:i MF a. G .. .. , r . . � . � . , . - . . . _ . , _ . ..