HomeMy WebLinkAboutCL 48/98'� ' I � f - t r , ��1d.� t 7 ( � R:r � . . . � YtEPORT TO COUNCIL ^, : FROM: B►ua Taylor, AMCT, CMM DATE; November 9, 1998 _ Town Cicrk ' REPORT NUMBER: CL 48/98 SUBJECT: Fees for Licenses and Other Services RECOMMENDATION: That the draft by-law to provide the following fees be fonvarded to Council for enactment: L Eingo lottery license fees be increaud to 3% of the valuc of the total priu board for each bingo gamc provided by the licensa. 2. Feo ior Marriage Licenses be increased from 575.00 to S100.00. 3. Fee for staft'signing es a Commissioner for Tnking Affidavits and to certify documents as e true copy bo establiehed at 510.00. ORIGIN: Review by Town Cierk of Fees for Servicw and Licenses AUTHORiTY: !, Provincial Order-In-Counci12688/93 for Bingo License Fees 2. Marriage Act for Mertiage Licen�e Fees 3. Municipel Act for signing fcea FINANCIAG 1MI�LICATIONS: L Bingo License Fees SI50,000 additional revenueper year 2: Metringe Licenso Fees S 7,000 additional revenue per year 3. Signing Fees S 9,000 additionel revenue per year EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: 1'hie Report recommends the increase of feea for Bingo Licenses end Marriage Licenses and recommend� the estabGehment of a fea for atati'who aign documente as Commissionera for Taking -. AfCdavita end certifying documents ae a tnib copy: t� .J2 ` f; ;;, , ;' � , ; , ; , , � �, , � � ti � � , , � ,, t . ,.,. . �: . . . s. ,. . ,,.. _.,_ ,.,.. �,,:_ , , .., , . , . _.. , . . ,_ . C _ � � �.� � �r , 1 �� � � , �; �,� , r„ �� � ��� . � �:�� t � x S �� .: � 7 1! t :] i i� � � a . ., Aeportto�Couna( CL48/�8..,; ? �y � ato.�Novembu9,l99B ! ; ' ., . $ � u ;�$ub)ect Fees , `af, �� _ Pngo 2 , �i � BACKGROUND:.: `�` BINGO Y.ICENSE FEES Provincial Order-In-Council 2688/93 sets the fees that mny 6e charged by municipalities for bingos, bazaara end rafiles at 3% of tho value of tha fotel prizcs awarded. This Ordeo-in-Council has been in place since 1993. Sina tha beginning of 1995; lhe area municipalities in Durham have betn charging Bingo License Fees of 3% for the total prizes to be awarded in a bingo game. Where the organization was appiying for a Bingo Lianse to wver a weekly bingo spread over a period of more than one geme, the fee charged was 3% pius 55.00 for each additional game held within that period. All tha lakeshorc municipalities in Du�ham, nemely Ajex, Whitby, Oshawa and Clerington, are now charging e fce of 3% of tho total prizes for every gsme hcld within a license period. Pickering should elso implement a similar fce because; if we don't, orgeniuitions Gom outside of Pickering will want to have lhar bingos held in 1'�;ckering thus putting a strain on our local orgenizations. Also, I underatend that organiraGons in the uther lakcshore municipalities are putting some pressure on iheu Councils to lower thar bingo license fees to be in line with Pickering. There is no question that the increase of the bingo Gcense fee will bring in substantial additional revenue to Pickering et some cost to our local organizations. 1 enticipata that the additional revenue from this fea increase wiU be about 5150,000 per year. 1 have attached to this Report a wmparison �of what fees would be charged to the various o�ganizetions if this fee schedule was in placc in 1998. 1MARRIAGE LICENSE FEES At the present time, the Town tharges a fee 575.00 for a Martiaga License, which is the minimum allowable under tha Merriaga Act, Whitby, Oshawa and Clarington ere ell currently charging a fa of 5100 and Ajax will be increasing the'v feo m this emount in the near future. I would recommend thet Pickering also increase its fee for a Martiege License because a great deal of work goes into preparing these documents, we take applications for a Marriage License right up to 4:30 p.m. each work day which means that thcre are tima when a staffperson must be paid overtime to prepare and issue a Marriage License and if we don't raise the fee, we will get a lot of appGcants from other municipalitiw. I would point out that we now get many applicants &om Ajax and Whitby because we take applicadons over tha lunch paiod and until the end of tha work day which those other municipelities do not do. Since we issue epproximately 280 Merriage Licenses per year, the anticipated additional nvenue from thie fce increasa will be ebout 57,000 per year. ,,, t ..�: _ , ^ � , � �s�. _ ... . ... . �. t, ,�F. ., .._., . __. .. r .,_ _ -_ . . � _. . a . . ;` ,�epor� to C�uncll CL d8/98 .�,, � Due: Novembu 9, 1998 ' � � 5ub�tct.'Few ,� � ' �` Page 3 7 ;, SIGNING FEE5 . ,, . `� I; dong with eix othei ateffpersons,'ere Commiuionere for Teking Affidavits and would aign on , averege abouf 70 d�cumenta per manth. PresenUy, wo provide thie servico at no cost, however, ` tho other lakeshare municipalities In 13urham ata charging varying fees for this aervice enJ we are , finding thef many oftha peaple we ara serving ere not Pickering residmts, In addition, es the Town Clerk, 1 can certify copies of originel documents es true wpies. This particular scrvice ie providcd mostly to peopie who are applying for Pessports, foreign visas, domesGc and foroign pensions, and some Court documents. At present, I wouid pedorm this service about fi4e times per month but I andcipato that tltis service would expand once residents in other municipalities detertnine that I am no charging for this. I would recommend that a fce of SI0.00 be estabGshed for tha service of signing as a Commissioner for Teking Af&davits end to certify documents es we copies. !� GENERAL I have attached a dreR by-law to implemeot the above fees and have made the implementation data ss Jer�uary 1, 1999. It is imporlent to notc that the area Clerk's meet twice ennually and emoagst other mattero thaf are up for discussion, the issue of fces and how each municipaliry charges ie always a topic for discussion. If each municipaliry is not generally in line, it can provide problems for the municipaliry that charges the lowest fee for the reesons stated above. ATTACHMENTS: L Comparison oFbingo license faa cherged in I998 2. Draft bylaw Prepared By: Bruce Taylor, AMCT, CMM Town Clerk .. . � . , . . .... ' �: Y� " . Attaclunents ' Recommended for the con�ideradon of Pickering Town C�uncii ' • � �J,/d Thoinee I i Gene er . .:i ..,i i _ . t ,'� .j r r . , �.. �.!", r �, ' . , fil� r.. .L.. 1 . ,.. .��'tr?,'.` _ . ... W a� � � . � w � � a _ � J �a � a � � LL � W � N N W W V Z W V J , ., L o��■m�■ ��■v�■■�e�■�e■■■s■e���■�e �� � a � � � : ��� � � d i� I � � �� �� �� � � �� � �� � � �� ���� �� �� � � . � � � r �: _ ; : � � � :� ������::������� - ,: R �.� . . .�� ,: .. �i1 r K r . � � .� t , � .: ' ' � , E:r ��fl - fi �S� 1!f j K jA t� 1 �'������� ���'. '- i�f� [ T : i P ! '.ir �;tit: �r '. ��. . !. � ��� �O 1 . . ej . -e,��1 .. •� , )s'.�� . r .J 8$8F�$88$8$888$888$888$€8�$888 � ��$p��y"�'j��7����t�1�.fV�$��lV�a��7�{��a��������°�j g . � � � . . NINN XNLiNME� NNNNNNNNNNASI I Lf � � � '� ���( �, , , ,.� , ,� :, ��:' , . y! ,. ��-�... � Ip � & � „ _..i �.i� N � I I ..�. ..� . , ' � S, ���� � � �� � ';,�� '; � � � � f�' �� : � < T� ;� � ,�. ; �, � �:�; .. .. .:7 . ._r, i ......:�d ... . . %'. �• __. ,c- I ��5�. �� .' 1,''� 1< < .. T f •: ' ;�, ;� .,'. � ( . l �� :; i J'. :. ' i � ' . 1 : � � �`� � � ATTACFIMENT#.�TOK�O��p�„ :;! 9y � . ,. �2 - : r - �, , : ; : • . � , ,, .,. . . _ ;r. . r : ;; •'' THE CORPORAT[ON OF THE TOWN OF PICKERINCt . � ' . ' �yj.' �. , , ,� ; .. . . . ' . .. BY-LAW NO. I Being a bylaw �to estabGah few for I;ottery ' Licenus, Macriege Li:enaes and signing servicea. ;. IWFIEREAS pursuant ta Order-in-Councit 2688%93 of the Province of Onterio, a municipaliry may � i ,charge e Gcerue feo of 3%of the valua of tho prizes awerded in any loner�; and � j WE�REAS pursuent to the Martiege Act, RS.O. 1990, a municipaliry may cherge any fee for a � Martiage License; end WE�REAS pursuant to Section 220,1 of the Municipal Acl, R.S.O. 1990, a municipality may , pass by-laws imposing feea or charges on any cless of persons for services or ectivities provided or done by or on behalf of it; NOW TF�REFORE Tf� COUNCQ. OF 7'E� CORPORATION OF Tf� TOWN OF P[CKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: L A fee of 3% of the valuc of thc priu awarded at each bingo, bazear or rafile shell be charged. 2. ,' R, fee of S100.00 shall be chargecl for each �ferriege License issued. 3. A fee of SI0,00 ahall be charged each time a member of the stafl'of thc Town of Pickering � sign a document as a Commiuioner for Taking Affidevits. I, . = 4. A feo of 510.00 ahall be charged each timo tha Town Clerk or an Acting Clark certify a � document ee a tnre copy of an original documrnt. � I: i5. Tivs by-lew ehall teka effect on January I, 1999. ' 6. Bylaw 3929192 is hercby repealed. � BY-LAW redd a 6rst, second nnd third. time and 6nally passed thi� 7th day of December,1998. ., . , , , ._. , . ; . , „ , ; � Wayne Arthuro, Meyor :. , ; =�,� ,; � r r� • f � r, ' f f �,_ : Htuce.Teyloy Clerk � � . .N,� ' ,, .....,r,. '_ ,�... . _ .. ,.. . . . r. � t , zr,.�:.,