HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR 15/98�� ��FA �: ..: � � � 1 _ ��'� �/��"! 1 1� t f! t�. 1 )�I � �.1+ ^ j �� �V 7 } 4 �i � ����� REPORT TO COUNCII, . , FROM: , (3illis A. Poterson DATE: Apri17,1998 Dircctor of Finnna REPORT NUMBER: TR 15/98 3UBJECI': Statement oFihe Treasurer respecting RemuneraUon and Expense Puyments to Members of Council and Council Appointees. RECOMMENDATION: ]t is recommended that Council receive for informaUon the Stetement of the Trensurer far tln, year 1997. ORIGiN: Requimment under Municipnl Act. AUTHORITY: Municipal Act R.S.O. cm.45, section 247(I). FINANCIAL IMPLICATION5: 1997 Budget Y:Ar. RemuneraUon: 5137,505 Expenses: 518,930 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Report on the remuneradoa nnd expenses paid to members of council and council aPpointees for t997. BACKGROUND: Secdon 247(1) of thc Municipal Act states in part that the Treasurer of every munIcipulity ahull, in each ywf, eubmit to thc Council of the municipality; an � ttomized statemant of tha remuncredon end expenses pald ro each Membet of Counctl, The stetement must also iacludo remune'ation and expenses paid to eny - ' other person, who has been Cnuncil appotnted: to, aerve as a member of a local .:' board, excluding a hydro elxtric commlasion. ; r. � ° } ,� A 4 .. I tiel.t4,..'C��.�.Z. ��. .. .. ,.. �.,�k . n } � ..• . . r . ., � . � .. � 1 ...... . ..� ��` n��i i ,�Xt; rx . SJ:� 4i ��. �4,z F t� Y�'�d�+y 3:.. � X i ' i 1'T .^t 4 i �� _ ' .�?i � ,+ �,�� � i � � r� ° t � �x.. � � t . �� _ r . y7 r� v rrs > r� � - k , � : s , ,� , �, � �: ( V r h } � ' l.c �a s �: . + 'N r� 7 4 i J i ` e�' j I t f � y t 1 }� # ( ) � ._; ,,�,,, ., ;' . • . Rcport w Counci� TR 15/9B , April 7,1998 � . �" , , �: ,� � ' �. , � ' Subject •� Statement of tho Treasunr nppecUng � � .: Remuneration end Expense Payments to : ,' Meinbers of Council and Council Appointees . Page 2 � Tliore ere numerous local boardv and wmmittoes; only those whea paymrnt hes been speci6ed are included in this s{atement. .. `• For informatioa pwposes, the payments for expenses include a cleim for wilenge, wnvendons and seminaz/educadon. ;;. ATTACFiMEiVTS: (1) StatcmentofTreasurer. (2) Statement of Trcasurcr (Notes) ; PnP�a BYi � Approved/Endorsed Hy: , ;;, ����� ' , _ ,� �� _ '� t. so , � , � � ";. `, aAP/md` ' t +� AUechments ' � ' , , �:. � �PY: (leneraf Matu+Ber _ . , � 'r.. , . � . .. . , . i ,.. . � „ , . . ,,.., , _. .r it `rr r` :��, x i" �� -��� t i �� � s �� F . i _ , . , . — . �. - . # ` �'��M'�TM° 1 TOREPORitll_T8,15/98 . , �0 r �.. , � + � r. � � j' r BTATF.MENTOPTREASUR�. . RBMUN¢R!TION AND EXP�FN��'� ' . .:. . � bSEMBER80RC0UNCIL ` _ , , AiIP - COUNCILAPPOINTEEB Ramumallon E�men�es j�i �� A14mban of Council . , Note� 1,4 -; Mayor W. Nthun t/0,741 31,132 t41,873 . .. �� - � . . .� � � �,�/0�74� oS1.7�32 � 541,873 .r Counelllon M: Bronner i16,�78 =2,833 518,112 D.Okkenon 16,478 3,208 18,C88 ' M HWland 1,181 200 1,391 �o�� 16,476 3,897 18,478 ' D. Pkkles 7,191 200 1,391 "' E. Pf�tritto 1�,288 3,�53 17,741 D. RYe� 18,�78 • 16��78 "" S. Senb 14,288 3,382 17,870 . . � . �� �17'�74 il�'�9 Councll AppolnWs Commltb� of AdJwtrnmt Note� 2,4 " K Mhe . . . M. Dlleae =716 �tOB 51,124 " M. HWluid . . . R. Johnwn �86 102 697 3. Smith 880 880 P. WhRa 718 60 786 0. Younp 803 1 W 712 . � � � � � � ��1m � 53�858 Fmud�w�s Noles 2,4 : A.Ourtney. . . - - 0. Clark . . . J. Howe� . . . " M: dConna . . P. Scod . : C. Veane - . . ' LJw�tak Vduon : " M. AmWd . R: Johnvri _ • . `. J. Lelder ; 5700 t68 i76f1 J. Roaandal _ " S. Wldemen _ , . � �� ���� � �� . � .. . Propqty 8hndudr Commlds� Notee 3�4 C. M�oq - 0. Femande� . T. MkGletoo D. Mohr' ` � D SmMh t;r - • New Coundlbf Deambet 1� 1001 ,, I�` . P�, °-�°�'°I°a Join�uory r Nowmber t 1�7 � � ".."p"ti'°' - i ' a a t.� ��', i..., .... ...,.�, i ...r. ., .. �. .. . �.. . _ ... . � . . , � i � -u > �,{j 4� S � ` i: H htt � k 9 . er ..��1, i ( nt iry ` � l i.� i ` , �.j �� �� � ,,s � ; � '$i�MBNTOFTREASURER �; t - ! 5 ie �}d i � •; e i '" I{.� f � �..���� ' " p4 � ,c - ', I� . ! i° ti ` �7�� E �'� .S: �71 .f � � f � ;, ����?aun,ody;,' eytewc=i � = se�aoniiao�d . ' ;3 ; - `. The MunldpalAct . . eect(on 244(1) '' � ? . : . (2) , Authodtyt ByLew G1 - aectlon 2140.16 ' li 711e Munklpal Act - sectlon 244.1 _ (3) Authodly: ByLew 1834l84 - sectlon 178 _ � Plannin7 Acl" - sectbn 31 (4) Authodty: ByLaw G1 • aeetlon 2140.17 818 �" The Mun�ipal Act - eacUon 245 R.S.0.1990� c.M45 R.3.0.1990, c.P.13 � , ,_ A �. �t 1 � �IOIIIOfAllldl ' i +.-�.�, °; + , � P� l . } ' � t :�,s '��L�F� J .> i t i i � i<, �c : t C � 2 � �%r � �7 �� ) �( l Y� A�.. t �^ G ) � \ y {.-'�� t � ~ 5 i-� .. ......./ . , .�_. . r e,�t. .. ._,A. � �_,�� ��. s _ ,.. . ... .,. . c . ._ ... .