HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS 05/00�. ...,. .,., : ..:.:_ ,, ...., ..�ti..... . ... ... ...; . .... .: , �;�yOFP/p� '1i37 �'�� TO' COUNCIL ,� REPORT ilaF�`r'" FROM: Gitlis A. Paterson DATE: Mazch 8, 2000 Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer REPORT NUMBER: CS OS•00 SUB]EC'f: Confirtnation of Comprehensive Crime Insurance for 2000 RECOMMENDATION: � It is recommended that rcpod CS OS-00 be received and fonvnrded to Council for infottnation. �RIGIN: Director, Corpornte Scrvices & Trcasurer AUTHORITY: Municipnl Act R.S.0,1990, as umcnded, Scction 92. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: The purchnsa of Comprehensive Crimc Insurancc is included in the City's annual Curtent Budget. EXECUTNE SUMMARY: Not applicable. BACKGROiJND: Section 92 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, es amended, states in part: "(1) Every treacurer, deputy troasurer and collector und every othcr offictt of thc corporation, as the council may requiro,... ahnll givc ann;�ully such security as the wuncil directs for the faithful pedormance of such duties... (2) Tho exurity to bc given shall be by thc bond of an insurec.. (3) It ia the duty of council, at a meeting.., in every year,., to require the ptnduction beforo it of every bond, policy or guarenteo contract requircd undor this acction:' . _ c.,. . �(��$ s RepoA to Council CS OS•00 Delc; March 8, 2000 SubjcetC Confi�metion of Compreheneivc Crimc Inaurancc for 2000 Page 2 Discussion: All employees, elceted officials, end Councii appointecs of lhe City of Pickering and lhe Ciry of Pickering Public Lib�ary are bonded to the cxtent of 52,000,000.00. This coverage includes bmid, burglary, monetary loss, money orders und depositors forgery. In addition, the Directoq Corporate Services & Treasurer, Deputy Treasurcr, Manager oC Accounting, and Manager of Finance, when acting with respect to any agency or boazd arc bonded in ihe same amount and mnnner as when acting in the capacity of oUicers of the City of Pickering. This report confirms thnt tha abova mentioned coverage with o limit of $2,000,000.00 is cu�rcnUy in place with the C.G.U. Insuranca Company of Cnnada, The Cuarantec Company of North America and Lombard General Insurance Company of Canadn Cor the period July 1, 1999 to July I, 2000, inclusive at a premium of $4,523.00 plus PST of $3G1.84 for a lotal of $4,884,84. ATTACHMENTS: A`ot Applicnble. Preparcd / Approved / Endorsed By: � Giliis A: Patcrson, Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer GAP:vw Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council r� � ,. P C E' V o as J. uin Chief inis tive 0 er 1}' �� _ � .. _ . ._, . � �'�'�... . ; .