HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 72/98�: '' �,, ii . � . • ' ,' N�OFP� � � � . . • � 10�1 � . , 4�;, , � REPORT ; TO COUNCII, FROM: Penny L. Wyger DATE: June 2, 1998 Town Solicitor REPORT NUMBHR: L72/98 SUBJEC'f: Runnymede Development Coiporallon Limited • Lob I-71, inc�usive and Dlceks 72-78, Inclusive • Plan 40M-1272, Pickcring � . • Subdivision Completion enJ Releasc RECOMMENDATION: Bylaws should tx enacted: 1. lo assumc Tawn roads in Plan 40M•1272, Pickering; 2. to acsume Town urvices Installed in the deve�opment of Plan 40M•1272, Pickedng; 3. to omend ByInw 2366/67 (Through Highways); 4. to amand f3y-Inw 1416/82 (Places of Amusement); Io recognlu the complallon of the project comprising Plan 40M•1272, pickering. ORIOIN: I. Sulxi(vislon Agrecment datcd April I8, 1983. 2. CompletionofproJcct. AUTHORITY; I. Land Tlflea Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapler L.S, section 152, Municlpal Acr, R,S,O. 1990, chapter M.AS, uctions 262, 263. Reglonalblunlclpaff�fesAcl, R.S.O. 1990, chepter R,8, section 2J. Surveya Acf, R.S.O. 1990, chepler S.JO, uction 57. 2. MunfcipalAct, R.S.O. 1990, chapter M.45, seclions 263, 284, 286, 297, 314.7. PlanningAct, R.S.O. I990, chapter P.13, section 51. Regionalbfunlcipaprtes Acr, R.S.O. 199U, chapler R.8, seclions 28, 72. 7. H/g/iwayTra�cAc/,R.S.0.1990,chapterH,8,sectionl(1) Regfona/ MunlclpaUrles Acf, R.S.O.1990, chapter R.B, seclion 34. 4. Municipal Acf, R.S.O. 1990 chopter M.45, scction 236.6. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Thero are no new Manciel (mplfcattons to the Tuwn ac o rcsult of this rccommendation. BACKOROUND: 'fhe completion of the development of this proJect, being Plan 40M•1272, Pickering, in acw�dence with the Subdivision Agreemrnt dated April I8, 1983 as emended end other, eppl(cable Town policies, must be ecAnowledged by thc enactment of bylaws essum(ng thc ronds end assumtng thc Town urvica instelled, In additlon, othor byIaws must be enacted lo allow ihe vadous Town depe»men� ro close �hcir fllcs and Io emend existing munlcipai legisletion to rcileet new cfrcumstences created by this project's developmrnt. Consequemly It is recommended that the four draR by-lawa etteched herclo be enacted. :w� <`� $tt: ; i. 1� 1� ' , �.�•' . � . .. N���. /. ��. . . ._ �. G , ReporttoCotincil ; j L71N8 ` ' • Dete: lune 2. 1998 SubJect: Subdivislon Campietlon end Releazo ; Pege 2 ATTACHMENTSi 1, Dratl by-law to auume roed�. 2. DmD bylaw to assume nerviae. 3, DreD bylaw to emend Uy-law 2366/87 (Through H�ghwaye). 4. Dralt bylew to amend Bylaw 1416/82 (Pleces of Amusement). 5. Locet(on Mepping (2). Prepurcd bY� APProved by; ,(Q ���/ p� Jody Parso �s Prnny Wyger �/ JEP:Ic Attechmenu Recommendation epproved m it effecn: deneral Manager Clerks Department Firo Dupartmcnt Parks end FecHities Culture and Rarcat(on Planning Deparlment Public Works Dcpartmcnt Trensportetion DepartmeN Treasury Departmrnt � � y,� ;f . t ;:• ..;: . i�; . � �,'�'. . ,..� � � � -�i..-: �.... .. �'.:�:.� . � ' .. ,. .. . , �2 ' ATTACHMENT k � 7o ttEPORT tl L 7d� THE CORPORATTON OF THE TOWN OF PI KERRJO BY•LAW NO. BeJng a by-!aw to assume Ramble6erry Avenue, . Falconcres� Drive, Meadowridge Crescen►, Dixte Zoad and Dun6arlon Roa� Plan 40M-1272, Picke�ing, jor pu6ltc use as pubpc titghways under Ihe Jurisdlc�ton oj fhe Town. WHERCAS, Rambleberry Avenue, Falconcrcst Di�ve, Meadowridge Crescent, Dixie Road end Dwburton Road ure highways shown on u plun of subdivision and nrc thcrefore decmed, pursunnt to the Surveys Ac�, R.S.O. 1990, chapter 5.30, section 57, to bc public highways; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the Municipaf Ac�, R.S.O. 1990, chapter M.45, scction 263, Ihe Council of The Corporation of the Town of Pickering has jurisdiclion over thosc highwuys (thc Council of 71ie Regional Municipnlily of Durhem not having enacted a by-law pursuant to the Regtona! Munlclpali�fes Acl, R.S.O, 1990, chnpter R.B, uction 23, to add thosc highwuys to Ihe rcgionul road syslem); nnd WHEREAS, pursuanl to Ihe Munlcfpa! Acf, scction 262, lhe soil nnd frcchold of ihosc highways is therefore vested in The Corporution of thc Tnwn of Pickering; NOW THERGFORE, the Council of Thc Corpomtion of the Town of Pickcring 1�EREE3Y ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. The following highways are hereby assumcd for pubiic use as public highwnys under the jurisdiction of thc Councii of Thc Corpomtion of thc Town of Pickcring: Ramblcberry Avenuc, Fulconcrcst Drivc, Mcndowridgc Crcscent, Dixie Road nnd Dunbarion Rond all nccording to Plan 40M-1272, Town of Pickcring, Rcgional Municipality of Durham. 2. The Town Solicilor is hereby authorized to epply to lhe Lnnd Rcgistrer pursunnt to the Land Tllles Acf, R.S.0,1990, chopter L.S, section 152, to huvc the Corporation cntercd as ihe owner of Ihe highways rcCerred to in section l. BY-Lr:W read a first, second and thtrd time and finally passed thfs 22nd day of Scptcmbcr,1998. TOIP:OF' ��,�.,,� �: 'i'r.'., tti hJ'• �' ; .i:°;1 Wayne Mhurs, Mnyor l[GAl br •Ai. �•tm Orucc Taylor, Clcrk �z s; ,.. � �_r: s '`; . �... _. ATTACHMENT� Z „ 23 ; , ro �tE� c�Rr;i..L_7��8 THE CORPORATION OF THE TQ�!�N OF PICKERINd ►� Being a by-!aw lo assume servlces under the/urlsdlc�lon oj(he Town !n Plan 40M•l171, Plckering. WHEREAS, pursuant to, where applicable, the Municipal Acl, R.S.O. 1990, chepter M.45, seclions 263, 289 286, 297, and 314.7, the Planning Act, R.S.O, 1990, chapter P.13, section 51, the Regfonal Munlcipall�tes Ac�, R.S.O. 1990, chapter R.8, sections 28 and 72 end lhe Agreement daled April 18, 1983 (Notice oP which was registered on August 16, 1983 as Instrument No. LTI81623), betwcen Runnymeda Dcvelopment Corporation Limited and The Corpomlion of the Town of Pickering, above ground and underground scrvices under ihe jurisdiction of lhe Town in Plan 40M-1272, Pickering, have been complcled to its sntisfaction; NO\V THEREFORE, lhe Council of The Corporation of the Town of Pickcring HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Thc above ground services under thc jurisdiction of the Town, thnt nre rcquircd to bc conswcted or insmlicd in the dcvclopmcnt of Plen 40M-1271, Pickering, including the ronds, curbs nnd gutters, sidewalks, driveway nprons, boulevnnls, slrcct signs, fcncing and grnding, locsted on lands Ihat nrc balh, (a) dedicated to or o�mcd by the Town, thc Rcgionul Municipnlily of Durham or the Province of Ontnrio, and (b) in Plan 40M-1272, Pickcring, or immediatcly odjnccnl lhereto, nr�; hcreby aeccpted by the Town nnd assumed by it for maintcnnnce, as of ]anuary 5,1993. 2. Thc undcrground serviccs under the jurisdiction of the Town that nrc rcquircd to bc conswcted or instnlled in the dcvelopmcnt of Plan 40M-1272, Pickcring, including thc stortn drainnge system and relelcd nppurtcnnnccs, locntcd on Innds thnt arc both, (a) dedicated to or owned by thc Town, the Regionnl Municipality of Durham or the Provincc of Oninrio, end (b) in Pien 40M-1272, Pickcring, or immcdiatcly adjnccnl thcreto, arc hercby acccpted ty the Town and ossumed by it for mnintcnance ns of March 13,1992. 3, In scctions 1 nnd 2, ihe phrasc "lands that are.,.owned by thc Town" includes lands �hnt nre subject to an easemcnt transferred to the Tnwn, but only with rcspect to the spccific sentice or services referred to in the easement transfcr dceument. fi, firsl, sewnd and third time end finally paased this 22nd day of September,1998. P:^: f, t::3 . . r.,�'', ti.. .;: i i:;i:.1 Wayne Arthurs, Mayor L[GdLDEPL Bmcc Teylor, Cicrk 40Md777 . . . . . . . . . . . .. � `.. , . : .,. . ..� ... . . ,., . _�:.. , , . . ", _ . ." . _ .,: : � : �..-. _ , ..... .. ; . . .. . �.- ... ,. . ,. ,. . _ ' ,: 24 AT'1'ACHMFNTk.3 ` --�. tG ItrpOR f l� � ; THU CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF PICKBRINd @y-LAW N0. Being a 6y-1aw 10 amend By-!aw 1366/87 destgnaling lhrough hJghways. WHEREAS, pursuant to the HighwayTraJJlc, R,S,O. 1990, chaptcr H,B, uction 1(I), the Cowcil of The Corporation of the Town of Pickering enacted By-lew 2366/87 designuting certain highways within tha Town as through highways; NOW THEREFORE, ihe Council of Thc Corporetion of the Town of Pickering fiEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: I, Schedule A to Bylaw 2366I87, as amendcd, is hcreby Curther amcnded by dclel(ng lhcreto the following itcros: Column 1 Column 11 Hiahwav E[�1 Z Rambleberry Avcnue Dixic Road Nonh Tem�inus of Rumblebcrry Avcnuc Schedule A to Bylaw 2366187, as umcnded, is hcrcby further amcnded by add(ng therclo the following itcros Co u n ' we 'Le�1 T4 Ramblebcrty Avcnue Dixie Roed Ramblebcrry Avenue 2. This Dy-luw shall not come into force unless it is npproved by thc Council of The Rcgional Municipality of Durham pursuwit to the Regiona! Afuniclpafllles Acl, R.S.O. 1990, chapter R.8, section 34. BY•LAW read a 6rst, second and third time and finally pnssed this 22nd day of Septembcr, i998. TOVJ;t �F �i^.:: �':I::� . � � � . .. 11� ���fl . , . � . i,:� ��;. � .,i:.l ' Wayne Arthurs, Mayor �eo�.� r,err. _ Hruce Teylor, Clerk 40Md37LW7)II � . � . - � . . . .. . .. ' ��r" � ' ATTACHMENT N'� . ro,i� H��� � 7^,� �Y / , , THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF PICKERINO � `' BY-LAW N0. : Being a by-law fo amend By-law l4/6/82 providing for 1he regufatlon and Ucensing of placea ojamusemenG WHEREAS, pursuent to the Munfcipal Acl, R.S.O. 1990, chapter M.45, scction 236.6, the Council oP The Corporalion of ihe Town of Pickering enacled ByInw 1416/82 providing for the rcguletion end liansing of places of amusement; NOW THERGEORE, the Council of The Corporation of ihc Town of Pickering HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS; 1. Schcdule A to By-law 1416/82, us amended, is hercby fuAher umended by adding thereto the following item; Rambicbcrry Avenue, Falconcrcst Drivc, Mcndowridgc Cresccnt, Dixie Rond and Dunburlon Road BY•LAW rcad a first, sccond nnd ihird lime nnd finally passcd this 22nd day of Scptcmbcr,1998. TC' �rN r, F F�^ ...:'3 j =. __ t, i.: , . . .,:�:1 Wayne Arihurs, Mayor LEOnLCGPi. Bruce Taylor, Clerk �OM•Il17/C1207 .. � ...' .. ' � . ,}' t � , ..;' }' .,` . . . r ( . i k � 1 yt a ATTACHMENTN.�TOREPORTr� l. _LEGEND PROPOSED �. � SiOP SICN �PROPOSEO 7NROUCH HfCHWAY �ro�rr+ oF r�cKewNa TRAFFIC REPORT ���� ,,, RAMBLEBERFiY AVENUE • PROP09ED THROUGH HIOHWAY BYIAW Mr in� .. W�,rvVwt2/V..rrwm . � . . � . � ? � +� ATTACNMENr w,�TO aEaoara�a�9 8 � ��. ''a G f . � � � �i1 i�. � . �r = n GLENANNA W � N N W N W I j > � � � � U W �il � � ROWNTREE � U �w I W O Z W N W g � � � U p CRES. � J N � �PAORE O J C Z � o � ❑ Z '� CULROSS J 3 ?- CRES. a AVENUE WQ AVENUE � C�URT �p�F�� � � S W Z W I- MEADOW � � m z� W RIDGE g J J g� � o Q w � ww � 0 3 P� > Z � 30 J Q � GLEN FZ m J CRES. DEN � a RT, � � �1 ,�� _\ � `f"�\ G . DUNBAR ON ROAQ CLOUDBE RY � �{�� � CRT. DUNCHU H F' � STREET w X � �.p � No. R ITTO N , H�GN� PY - D � ,� PNZ ER i � N � � � v i � ii �i c�� 22 i i- -! i m ��n '( � - --i �--- Z� Town oi Pickering Plannlnp Department � oATe AUO. �BIAB