HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 74/98O�NOFp �A ti i7 . . . . � �. . . . � � . REPURT TO COUN�IL FROM: Penny L. Wygcr DATE: June 5,1998 Town SoIlcilor REPORT NUMDER: L74/98 SUB1ECf: Nolmer Properties Ltd. • Lots I•8, inclusive and Blocks 9-13, inclusive � - Plan 40M-1234, Pickering - Subdivislon Complelion and Relense RECOMMENDATION: Bylews should bc enacted: 1. to auume Town roads In Plan 40M-1234, Pickcring; 2. lo assume To�vn services Installed in thc development of Plan 40M-1234, Pickering; 3. to amend Byluw 1416182 (Places of Amusemenl); to recognim Ihe complatlon of the projoct compris(ng Plen 40M•1234, Pickcring. ORIGIN: 1. Subdivisian Agrcement dnled Aprll 6, 1981, 2. Complelfon of �roject. AUTHORITY; 1. LwtATi�leaAc�, R.S.O. 1990, chapter L.S, scctian 152. Mun(cipal Acl, R.S.O. 1990, chapter M.45, ,cctlons 262, 263. Regtona(Mwdcfpallt(eaAc�, R.S.O. l990, ehapur R.B, section 2). SurveyrAcl, R.S.O. 1990, chaptor 5.30, section SR ?. blunlcipalAcr, R.S.O. 1990, :hapter M.45, sect(ons 263, 284, 286, 297, 314.7. Pla�ningAct, R.S.O. 1990, chaptor P.13, secllon 51. Regionol bfunfetpallrfer Acf, R,S.O. 1990, chapter R.B, sectiom 28, 72. 3. bfwlclpalAci, R,S,O. 1990 chnpter M.45, section 236.6. � FMANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: There ere no new finencial Impl(caUone ro the Town as a rcsull of this rccommendaHon. BACKdROUND: The completlon of the developmmt of thfs project, being Plan 40M•1234, P(cker(ng, fn eccordance with ihe Subdivision Agrcement duted Apol 6, 1981 as amended end other oppHca6le Town policia, must be acknowledged by the enaetment of bylews assuming Ihc road� and assuming thc Town scrvices instelled. In edd(tion, other bylaws must be enacred to allew the verious Town depaztments lo closc thcir filcs and lo amend existing municipal IegislaQon to rcflect new circumstances cmatcd by ihls pniJect's dc��clopmrnt. , Consequently it is rccommended ihat Ihe three draft bylewn ettached hercto be enacted. .',.' ,I. . .. . . � _ . . 0� '�.... �.� :'..',�. ..;� , �:. . .. �:.,... ., . _..; ' : . ......', �. 30 Report to Council L74/98 Datc; Junc 5,1998 Subject: Subdivision CompleUon end Releaso Pugc 2 ATTACHMEN'fS: I. Drafl by-lew lo atsume rouds 2. Draft bylaw to assumc servicee. 3. Drelt bylaw to emend Bylaw 141W82 (Pleces of Amusement). ' 4. Locatton Mapping (�). Prepared by: � ,�p�j Jody Parso �s (/ JEP;Ic Attachmenq Recammendetion approved as it effects: General Mannger Clerks Department Fire Department Pazks and Facllities Culture end Recrcation Planning Depurtmcnl Poblic Works Department TranspoAeUon Dcpartmcnt Trcazury Depunment per per per per per per per Approved by: ��f�/ Ycnny Wyger 1. r� � :� ATTACHMENT# � TOREPOR' 31� THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF PICKERTid BY-LAW N0. Being a by-law ro assume �he road wlde:itng along Flnch Avenue East and �he road wtdening alang Whlles Road, Plan 40M-/234, Plckering, jor pu6ftc use as pubilc hlghways under fhe jurlsdfcllon oj�he Town. WHEREAS, widcning along Finch Avenue Et�st and Whites Road, Plen 40M-1234 Road are highways shown on a plen of subdivision and are thercforc deemed, pursuant to the Surveys Acl, R.S,O. l990, chapter 5.30, section 57, to bc public highways; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the Municipa! Acl, R.S.O. 1990, chapter M.45, section 263, the Council of The Corporation oClhe Town of Pickering hus jurisdiction over thosc highwnys (ihc Council of The Regional Municipnlity of Durhmm �ot heving enacted e by-law pursuant to thc Regtonal Mrrnlclpalllfes Acl, R.S.0.1990, chopter R.B, section 23, to ndd thosc highways to thc rcgionnl road system); and Wt1EREAS, pursuant to the Munlclpa! Acl, section 262, thc soil nnd treehold of Ihose highwuys is therefore vested in The Corporation of the Town of Pickcring; NOW 7'kIGRGFORE, the Council of The Corporation of Ihc Town of Pickering HERGBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: I. Thc following highwuys nrc hcreby essumed for public use as public highways under the jurisdiction of thc Council of Thc Corporation of thc Town of Pickering: widcning along Finch Avenuc East and Whitcs Roud all according to Plan 40M•1234, Town of Pickering. Rcgionnl Municipality of Durham. 2. Tho Town Solicitor is hercby authori�cd lo apply lo ihe Lund Rcgistrer pursuant lo the Land Tilles Acl, R.S.0.1990, chaptcr L.S, scction 152, to have thc Coryorntion cntercd as the owner of thc highways refcrtcd to in scction 1. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finaliy passcd this 22nd day of Septcmber,1998. TGtYr/pF P��:f:; � -` .:,'� ;+ , ;�,.� h� ��I �' ',;1 c,-;:. ' /OM•I7J/ �. . Wayne Arthurs, Meyor Bmcc Taylor, Clcrk � ATTACHMENT# Z TOA 32 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF PICK �A1d BY-LAW NO. Aetng a 6y-law 10 assume serv(ces under !he Jarls4tc�lon oj►he Town !n Plan 40M-1234, Pickering. ' WHEREAS, pursuant to, where applicnble, the Municlpal Acf, R.S.O. l990, chapter M.45, sections 263, 264 286, 297, and 314.7, ihc Plnnntng Ac�, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P,13, uclion 51, the Regional Municfpalllies Acl, R.S.O. 1990, chapter R.B, ser,lions 28 and 72 and thc Agreement dated April 6,1981 (Noticc of which was registered on February 25, 1982 as Instrument No. LT142529), betwecn Nolmar Propcdies Limited and The Corporntion of the Town of' Pickering, ebove ground and wderground services under the jurisdiction of t�e Town in Plun 40M-1234, Pickering, hnve been completed to its mtisfuction; NOW THGREFORE, the Council of Thc Corpor�tion of the Town of Pickering IiBRGBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. The abovc ground services under the jurisdiction of the Town, that ore rcquired to be conswcted or installcd in thc devclopmcnt of Plun 40M•1234, Pickcring, including thc roads, curbs und gulters, sidcwalks, drivcway aprons, boulcvards, strcet signs, fcncing and gmding, locntcd on Innds that are both, ' (e) dcdicatcd to o; owned by Ihc Town, thc Regional Municipality of Durham or the Provincc of �Jnlario, and (b) in Plan 40M-1234, Pickcring, ur immcdiatcly ndjaccnt Ihcreto, arc hcreby ecceptcd by the Town nnd usumed by it for mnintennncc as the Town complcted the works with thc Dcveloper's sccurity. 2. The underground serviccs undzr lhc jurisdiclion of thc To�m lhat azc rcquircd to be construcled or instnllcd in thc dcvzlopment of Plun 40M-1234, Pickering, including the storm drainage system nnd relnled appurtenances, locntcd on lnnds that tuc both, (a) dcdicntcd to or ouncd by the Town, thc Regionni Municipality of Durham or the Provincc of Ontario, nnd (b) in Plan 40M•1234, Pickering, or immediately adjoccnt thcreto, arc hereby accepted by the Tawn und assumed by it for maintenance as of November 26, 1984. 3. In sections 1 and 2, the phrasc "lands that are...owned by the Town" includes Innds thet nre subjr.ct to an eascment transfcrred to ihe Town, but only with respcct to the specific service or scrvices referred to in the eascment trnnsfer document. BY•LAW read a first, second end ihird time end finally passed this 22nd day of September,1998. ro�v�i:>r• r;; :-..;:.� . ; ..7 Wuyne Arthurs, Mayor � l�i" �.. ...i � � . . �r•.a�•..:�••:. BmceTaylor,Clerk : , _.._^_ ,�� `:t �i � 1' ,t,, 1� ' A17�CHMEN7#�T�� REPqRTq L7 � 33 ' 7'HF CORPOR?TION OF THE TOWR' OF PIGKERIh'G 9Y-LAW N0. Being a by-faw !o amend Bydaw 1416/81 provlding jor fhe regulallon and licerutng ojplaces ofamusemenl. WHEREAS, pursuant to the �bfunlcipa! Acl, R.S,O. 1990, chepter M.45, section 236.6, tho Council of The Corporation of the Town of Pickering cnacled By-law 1416/82 providing far thc rcgulation and liccnsing of places of amusement; NOW THEREFORE, ihe Council of Thc Corpomtion of thc Town of Pickcring HEREDY GNACTS AS FOLLOWS: I, Schedule A to By-law 1416/82, es amcndcd, is hercby further amended by ndding thcreto the following item: BY-LAW reud a first, second and third time and finally passed this 22nd day of Septcmber,1996. T�i�.:; f ;•- P, :;.:'.:�:. ? Wayne Arihurs, Mayor �,; , !�': ... . , „ . E3ruce Taylor, Clcrk ' L:C:• —_.... /ON•177UCIt07 . .' . . � .. � . . . � .. .. ' . .; . . _ .. �.:� _ . .. � . . � . . . � .. , . - 34 ,' ,�;��;;,crir��v, �, � �_TO REPORT#� `J$ U COURT FINCH AVE �PARKSIDE DR� ROAD � COURT p L 0 W � Q Q �� � PEBBLE COURT � ROAD NEW w � W � U � ADIA �?. U � 38 Q I w � z 0 �- Town af Pickering W \ J m m w Q_ � � � Y a a MILLBANK ROAD STREET ° °n� UNA � WOODRUFF n � W CRIC� N F Q � ��� � � R� �RE � Q � � J J 2 L�I W � W � U � � � a � � � w►te AU0.28188