HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 67/98c�`� oF � i� � ~ REPORT TO COUNCIL � FRO�I: Penny L. Wyger DATE: August 7, t998 Town Solicita REI'ORT NUMBER: L67/98 SUBIECT: Alaztair McKay Rwlry Ine. • Lots I•30 and Blocks 31-36, 38•41 and 45 • Plan 40M•1320, Pickering • Subdivision Complelion end Releau RECOMMENDATION: Bylaws should bc enacted: 1. to acsume Town roads in Plan 40M•1720, Pickering; 2, to assume Town xrvices inswlled in �he devclopment of Plan 40M-1320, Y(ckedng; 3. to emend Bylaw 1416782 (Placas of Amuumcnt); to recogniu Ihc completion of Ihe project comprising Plan 40M•1320, Pickering. OR1GM: I. Subdivision Agreemenl daied August 1,1984. 2. Completion of projat. AUTHORITY: I. Land Tlrfes Acr, R.S.O. 1990, chapler I..S, sec�ion IS2. Afunfclpal Arr, R.S.O. 1990, chapter M,45, seclions 262, 263. Regtonaf AfunicJpafilietAtl, R.S.O. 1990, chapler R.B, section 2J. Surveyr Acr, R.S.O. 1990, chapmr 5.30, sectian 57. 2. Afuntclpal Aci, R,S.O. 1990, chaptor M,45, seclions 26),184, 286, 297, 314,7. Planning Acf, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P,17, seclion 51. Rcgional Afunlclpaliriet Acr, R.S.O. 1990, chapter R.B, seciions 28, 72. 3. Afunlcipal Acr, R.S.O. 1990 chaplcr M.45, uclion 236,6 FMANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: T'herc arc no new financial Impl(calions lo Ihe Town ac a result of this recommendatton. BACKGROUND: T'he complction of Ihe dcvclopment of this projrcl, being Plen 40M-1320, Pickering, in ectordance aith the Subdivfsion Agreemcnt dated August I, 1984 end other applicable Town poltctes, must be acknoHledgcd by Ihe enactment of bylaws assumtng Ihe roads, assuming Ihe Town services inslall�:1 and rcleuing that Agreemen6 fn eddition, other bylews must be enacted to allow �he vulous Town dcpartments Io close thcir filcs and to amend extsdng municipal legtslelion to re0ecl new cfrcumstences crcated by Ihts proJecl's development. Consequently it te recommended thel the Ihree dmil bylawe nneched hercto be enacled, Repon a council L67NL Subjat: Subdivision Completlon uid Release Aisstair MeKey Realry Ine. ATTACHMENTS: 1. DraR bylaw to auume roads. 2. Draft bylew to auume serviccs. 3. Drefl bylaw to emend Bylaw 1416/82 (Pleas of Amusemenl). �. Laation Mappfng. Prepared by; Approved by: Jody Parsons Penny Wyger JEP:IJm Anachmonls Recommendation epproved as it effecls: �enera) Manager pe� Clarks Dcpartmrnt per Fire DepartmeN per Parks and Focilities pet Cullure and Recreation per Planning Dcparlment per Public Works Dcpartment per Transportatlon Dcpartment per Trcatury DepartmeN per Au�nt�,1998 Py{e 2 � >:;". . �� � � � � : . � � � � �� . � .�� � : ��tf� ►� Befng a by-!aw fo a.rsume B�ookrldge Ga►e ond Dafewood Drlvc, Plan 40M•1310, PlckerJng, jor publlc use as pu611c highways under �he jurisdlc!!on oj fhe Town WHEREAS, Brookridge Gate and Dalewood Drive ure highways shown on a plan of subdi�ision and ere iharcfore deemed, pursuant to the Surveys Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapter 5.30, scction 57, w bc public highways;end WHEREAS, pursuant to the Municlpal Aci, R.S.O. 1990, chapter M.45, sec►ion 263, the Council of'fhe Corpomtion of Ihe Town of Pickering hasjurisdiction over lhose highways (the Council of'Il�e Rcgional Municipality of Durham not having enacted e by-law pursuant to the Regional MunJclpallrie,s Act, R.S.O. 1990, choptcr R.8, section 23, to add those highways to the regional road system); and WHEREAS, pursuant to the Municlpa► Ac�, section 262, Ihe soil and freehold of those highways is therefore vcsted in The Corporation of the Town of Pickcring; NOW THEREFORE, the Council of T'he Corporatian of the Town of Pickering 11GREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS; l. The following highwnys arc hereby assumcd for public usc as public highH�ays under the jurisdiction of Ihe Council af 77ie Corporation of thc Toa�n of Pickcring; Brookridge Gate and Dalewood Drive both according lo Plan 40M•1320 Town of Pickcring, Rcgional Municipnlily of Durham. 2. The Town Solicitor is hcrcby authori•r.cd to apply lo Ihe Land Rcgistrar pursuant to the Land Tllfes Acl, R.S.O. 1990, chapter L.S, scction 152, lo havc Ihc Corporation cmcred az thc owner of the highwnys rcfcrted to in scction I. BY•LAW rcad a first, sccond nnd third timc and f nally passcd this 8lh day of Septcmber,1998. TC'•.•� ^F p , :'i � Wayne AAhurs, Meyor �. .. ....� ',:_ ;'�"r. DruccTaylor,Clerk at�uro ��� . � : � � � � ► � �� � ./� � i.�� � � ���i�iti� Being a by-faw fo assume servlces under 1he furlsdlcllon ojlhe Town in Plan 40M-1310, Plckeiing. WHEREAS, pursuant to, wherc applicable, the Munlclpa! Act, R.S.O. 1990, chepter M.45, sections 263, 284 286, 297, and 314.7, the Planning Ac1, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13, section 51, the Reglonal MunictpaU►!es Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapter R.8, uctions 28 end 72 and ihe Agrecment dated August 1, 1984 (Notice of which wes registered on August 16, 1984 as Inswment No. LT 212592 betwcen Alostair MacKay Renity inc. and 'fhe Corporalion of ihe Town of Pickering), above growd and underground services undcr the jurisdiction of the Town in Plan 40M-1320, Pickering, have bcen completed to its setisfaction; NOW THEREFORE, the Council of The Corporation of Ihe Town of Pickering HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: I. 'Ihe above ground serviccs under the jurisdiction of 1he Town, that are rcquired to bc conswcted or installed in thc devclopment of Plen 40M•1320, Pickering, including the ronds, curbs and gutters, sidewalks, driveway aprons, boulcvards, sireet signs, fcncing and grading, located on lands that arc both, (a) dedicoted to or owned by the To�m, Ihc Regional Municipality of Durham or the Province of Ontnrio, end (b) in Plan 40M•1320, Pickering, or immcdinlclyadjaccnt �hercto, are hercby acccptcd by thc Toµn nnd assumcd by it for maintenance, as of "',199'. 2. 'fhe underground serviccs wdcr the jurisdiction of the Town that are required lo be conswcted or inslailed in thc dc��clopment of Plan 40M•1320, Pickcring, including Ihe stomi drainage system and related appurtenances, locnted on lands Ihat are both, (a) dcdicaled to or owned by the Toµn, Ihc Rcgional Municipality oC Durham or ihe Provincc of Ontario, and @) in Plan 40M•1320, Pickcring, or immcdinlcly adjaccnt thcrclo, nre hereby nccepted by the Town and assumed by it for maintenance as of January 26,1987. 3. In sections 1 ond 2, ihe phrase "lnnds thnt aze...owncd by the Town" includes lends lhat ere subjcct to an cascmcnt lransferrcd lo the Town, but only with res,xct to thc specific scrvicc or urvices rcferrcd to in the cascmcnt transRr document. BY-I.AW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 8th day of September, 1998. T�,... � �� " �� Waync Arlhurs, Mayor , Druce Taylor, Cicrk t _ �•u» II�_ �•'�•, y� � ��. J � ;1►t �� Being a 6y-law !o amend By-!aw l41 N81 provfdfng jor fhe regulaffon and flceruing ajplaces oJamusemenf. WHEREAS, pursuant to the Muntcipal Ac►, R.S.O. 1990, chapter M.45, section 236.6, thc Council of 7he Corporation of tho Town of Pickering enacled Bylaw 1416/82 providing for thc rcguletion end licensing of places of amusement; NOW'fHEREFORE, the Council of 77u Corporation of the Town of Pickering IiEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Schedule A to Bylaw 1416/82, as amended, is hcreby furlher emended by edding thcrcto the following ilem: Brookridgc Gate & Dalewood Drive BY•LAW rcad u first, sccond and Ihird timc nnd finally passcd this 8th day of Scpicmber ,1998. � ' '� i (- .EPi. �•o�acim� Waync Anhurs, Mayor �tuce Taylor, Clcrk