HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 46/98.� .T- �SQ �� OF p� � REPORT TO COUN�IL FROM; PeNiy L. Wyger DATE: April 2,1998 Town Solicitor REPORT NUMI�ER: L 46/98 SUBIECT: Dixie Woods Esintes Limited (Fortnerly Gossnmer Hills Inc.) - Lots 46 to 54, inclusivc - Plan 40M-181 I, Pickering - Subdivision Amending Agrcement RECOMMENDATION: A bylaw should be cnncted to nuthoriu the exccution of a Subdivision Amending Agrecment betwecn the Town ond Dixic Woods Estates Limitcd (thc now rcgistcrcd und bcneficial owncr of thc subjcct lots) to umend thc Subdivision Agrccment dated June 28, 1993 to providc for thc devclapment of four oddilionul dwclling units within thc projcct. ORIGIN: Rcqucsl from Dixic Woods Cstntcs LimitcJ dated Pvlarch 16, 1998. AUTHORITY: Planning Acf, R.S.O. 1990, chnptcr P.13, scction 51. FINANCIAL IMPLICAT(ONS: 1. Subdivision Agrcement processing fec 51,200 2. Engineering Fce 140 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The original Subdivision Agreement provides Cor 68 single-detnched dwelling units, The Owner herein hes requested tliet the project bc incrcased by four (4) dwelling units thereby bringing thc overnll project to a tolnl of 72 dweiling units. DACKGROUND: On June 28,1993, Council enncted By-lew 4281/93, authoriting lhe cxecution of u Subdivision Agreement for DraR Plnn I8T-89077. Thnt draft plan was subsequcntly registercd as Plan 40M- 1811. Dixie Woods Estates Limited heve rccenUy bccomc tha rcgistercd and bcncficinl owncr of several lots within Plnn 40M-1811, some of which include Lots 46 to 54, inclusivc. Dixic Woods Estates Limited havc recently rcccived approval (ByLuw 5218/98, enncted by Council on Mazch 9, 1998) to have the amn nnd lot frontagc �educed ovcr Lots 46 to 54 inclusivc, to eccommodele four udditional dweiling units within Plan 40M-1811, thcrcby bringing to totnl number of units for this proJect to 72, ' Report ro Council , L46/98 April 2, 19 8 Z Subject: Dixie Woods Estates Limitcd Pagc 2 EnacUnent of the attuched bylaw will authorize tha execution of the Subdivision Amending Agreement which forms Schedule A thereto. ATTACHMENTS: l. Location mep 2, Site Sketch. 3. Drnft by-law with proposed Subdivision Amending Agreement ntlnched us Schcdule A. Prepared By: Approved / Endorscd By: . � XJ G:f/ Denise Bye Penny Copy: Geneml Monnger Town Trensurcr (Acting) Dircctor of Parks and Fncilitics Dircctor of Plunning Dimctor of Public Wotks � � � `:i��� _ . . .. .. _,.. .,,.� . . � .. � . -. .._ .�. _, . .. �■ I L ii� , �x� Io; r � Q CURRENTLY APPROVED PLAN OF SUBDIVISION ��� . 40M-1811 ATTACHMENT#,�TOREPORTM� LOTS 46 TO 54, PLAN 40M-1811 ' �:wn:�• ' �� 1 �w.n �.� ! Y�� •. '. � DRIVE i ` „•t� '� � i � /lr I GOSSR��u: .. _. y� ��� .. -� • � �({ I y �� •q 11 M 11 % M7i �`1 u, p�N��f N•��l u �...� .. .. • � ( �...�, I, r.� � ✓ �'; It; • J •.. .• � w . �1 �^� . � .�'.�"�1 •.. � A� • •� �f � ' �pNE �` . p1N� GIfN • uaa n ' .� \�, � P 5 `�aa� i7 � P ua+n �� c'S �\ c '— - °�e'�--,-'° � .� OF �n• 2 � � pPR' SStOti •, ��tlCf IY IJ��'M~N���.• 0 ��YM. �,�. u ': 11 �•'y IW^ �� 't ti �� � o ��1 ��t ' U � IIOCI /1 h t •� ir j I U �, c ! �� � o y „ a � �:.Y� �+�ir if �r — .LJi ��'�''e,� ��ci;.''a��;�"`� P;�����' :2 : � 1 � .I,..I.. I . �'c! �L_L.•_7�� �`% �� �cc ��.� »,�.��� � e I �i I �� � s .� I .o n � � i{••� ii�l ii�i m . MEAf70WLGNE CfiE5CEN7 1/ �r � �, � � I I „— �I—� — P L A N �.1 •I I 2 I2 II I I. .� 4 � / \.�'.: :�' '.I___�_.....L� � t'�AER COUflT �r� : . i �� , � N I� � C �•� o,'�� I =�i n � a ; a' j N _ � FULLBCALEDMWIN019AVAIUBIEFOFiVIEWINOATTHEPLANNINODEMI M�RCH • ATTACHMENTN3 TOREPORTq� b I$� T4�E CORPORATtON OF TN T0�"N OF PI kr.RtNCs AY-LAW Befng a 6y-law fo au�horize Ihe execuflon oja Subdlviafon Amending Agreemen! to amend �he Subdlvtston Agreemenl da�ed June 28, 1993, respec!!ng !he devefoprnen� ojDrajr Plan 18T-89077 (Parr Lo� 24, Concession 1, Plckering; Gossamer Hflfslnc.), nou� Plan 40M•I811, Pickering. WliEREAS, pursunnt to section 51 of ihe Planniiig Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P,13, The Corporation of thc Town of Pickering and Gossamer flills Inc. entered into n Subdivision Agrcement dated June 28, 1993, respccling the devclopmcnt of Pnrt Lot 24, Concession 2, Pickcring, bcing Dmfl Plan of Subdivision 18T-89077; AND WHERGAS, Dixie Woods Eslatcs Limited is now thc registercd and beneficinl O�mcr of Ihc lands sct out ns Lots 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53 nnd 54, Plun 40M-181 I, Pickcring; and AND WHERGAS on March 9, 1998, Cowicil enacicd Uy-Luw 5218/98, nutharizing lhc rezoning of thc subjcct Iots to providc for thc rcduccd nrca und lot fronlagcs to nccommodntc four (4) ndditional dwclling units; AND WFIL•:REAS, Dixie Woods Gslutes I.imitcd is dcsirous of having Ihc Subdivision Agrecmcnt amcnded to provide for Ihc devclopment of four (4) nJditionnl dwclling unils; NOW THF.RIiPORE, thc Council of Thc Corporelion of Ihc Town of Pickcring IIGRGBY ENACTS AS f01.LOWS: 1. The Mnyor nnd Clcrk are hcrcby authoritcd to cxeculc n Subdivision Amending Agrecment betwccn Dixic R'oods Estnlcs Limitcd and 'I'he Corporation uf the Town of Pickcring, in thc form altachcd hcrcto ns Schcdule A, umcnJing thc Sutxlivision Agrccmcnt dnted Junc 28, 1993, respccling Plnn 40M-1811, to providc for thc devclopment of four (4) nJdilional dwclling units. IiY-LAW rcad a first, sccond and third limc and finally passed this 20th Jny of Apri1,1998, Weync Anhurs, Mayor T01'%�! CF : �'`��''3 Brucc Taylor, Clcrk �.r.�_��.�. �;r:rr. Schedule A , • AiTAC11MENTq�,„,.:rOR7't�yb l� TF�S SUBDIVISION AMENDMENT AGREEMENT mede Ap�il 20, 1998. BETWEEN; i8J DIXIE WOODS ESTATES LIMITEp herein called the "Owner" OF THE FIRST PART, -and- TIiE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF PICKERING hercin called the "Town" OF THE SGCOND PART. WE�REAS Gossamer Hills Inc, end the Town entored into a Subdivis(on Agreement deted June 28, 1993, which was subsequently amended September 19, 1994, respecting the deeelopment of part of Lot 24, Concession 2, Pickering, included in Region of Durhem Dmft Plen Number 18T-890i7, naw rcgistered as Plnn 40M• 1811, Pickering; AND WHEREAS Dixie Woads Estates Limited is now the registercd and beneficinl Owner of Ihe Innds sct out as Lots 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53 nnd 54, Plan 40M• 181 I, Pickering; AND WF�REAS Dixie Woods Estntes Limited is desirous of hnving the Subdivision Agreement further amended to provide for the development of four (4) addilionel dwelling units; NOW TFIEREFORE, THIS AGREEMENT WIINESSETH THAT, in consideration of Ihc sum of 52.00 now paid by euch Party to the o�her, recaipt of which by cach is hereby acknowledged, the Pnrties hereto covenant nnJ ogrce one with the other aa follows: 1. The purties herein agree that thc recitals contained herein arc truc in subsmnce and in fuct. 2. The lands affected by this Agreement aro Lots 46 to 54, inclusive, Plan 40M•181 I, Pickering. 3. In this Agreement, the term "Subdivision Agrecmcnt" means the Agrecment dnted June 28, 1993, as amended September 19, 1994, between the Town and Gossamer Iiills Ine. 4. Tha Owner hercin and the Town ugrce �o be bound by the tertns nnd conditions of the Subdivision Agrecment, nnd by the terms end conditions of this Agreement. 5. Section I of Schedule C �.� the Subdivision Agreemcnt is deleted and the following subsliluted for it: 1. pEVELOPMENTCHARGESPAYABLE (I) Until end including October 7, 1998, Ihe development chnrges payable undcr Ihe Town's Dcvelopment Charges By-Inw 3854f91 far dwelling units within ihis project nre 55,530. (2) From and after Octaber 8, 1998, the development charges payable for dwelling uniis within �his project will be in accordance with the Tawn's Development Churges ByInw in e:cistence at ihe date of such puyment. 6, Section I of Schedule D to ihe Subdivision Agrecment is deleted and the following substiluted for it: t. EXPECTED NUMBER OF DWELLINGS (1) This Agreement has been entercd into in the expecletion thet 72 dwelling unils arc to bc constructed on the Lands, nll single•datached dwelling units, (2) If moro or less thun 72 dwellings aro to be conshucted in this projcet, the Town at i�s solo discrelton mey requiro the Owner to oblain new epprovels end authorizntions under this Agreement and may prohibit any development until the new opprovals and umhorizations orc obtained. '"�7• Prior to tho tegistretion of thi� Agrcement, lho Owner hercin agrea to pey Ihe amounts set out below, which fees � 8 �ere epplicable es a rcsult of tha developmcnt of tho four edd(Ilonal dwelling units: (a) SI,200 plus GST- Subdivieion Amending Agrcement processing &e; (b) SI40 • Engineering Inspeclion Fee; end (c) all rcgistration cosu rclating to this agreement. 8. (I) Time shell bc of the essence of �his Agreement. (2) TLis Agreement end everything hercin contatned shnll enure to Ihe benefit of and be binding upon the Parties hercto, their successors end ess(gns. ' (3) 'ILe Subdivision Agreement, as emended hereby, shall cantinue to apply to the developmcnt of the Undeveloped Blocks. IN WITNESS WNEREOF the Parties hereto have hereunto nffixed dieir respeclive Corporete Seals altested to by Ihe hends of their authoriud officers. SIGNED, SEAl.ED AND DELIVERED DIXIE WOODS ESTATES LIMITED THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF PICKERING Wayne Arthurs, Mnyor Druce Taylor, Clerk �NCUMBRANCER - BANK OF MONTREAL The Encumbrencer hercby postpones any righls or interests which it has in the Lnnds tvith the iment Ihnt this Agrcement shall lake effect as lhough executcd and registered prior ro the crcation of any such right or interest and prior lo Ihe exceution and rcgistration of any mortguge, agreement or other document crcating or defining any such right or interest; And the Encumbrencer hereby covenanls and ngrees with Ihe Town that Ihis Agreement and any convcyancc, casement or other document given pursuant ta this Agreement, shall have priority over the righu of the Encumbrancer in �hc Lands with the intent thet ihe Encumbrancer or anyone claiming under it shall at no time exercise in rclation to the Lands any right, title or claim which could not be exercised by the Owner by reason of the terms af this Agreement. Dated et , Ihis day of , 1998. SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED �o�uuna„�,ia« BANK OF MONTREAL I/We have the authoriry ro bind Ihe corporation. 2