HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 002/9829 �� OF p� ,�0 � REPORT TO COUNCIL fRUM: 1'cnny Wygcr DA'fC: lanuary 7,1998 'Pown Solicitor RL'POR'I' NUMUGR: I. 002/98 SUUJEC7': Marwn Dcvclopmcnts Ltd. - Sulxiivision AmenJing Agrcement • Pilc: 40M-I827 IT�M POR CONSIDL•(tA'I'ION: If Council Jetcrtnincs thal i1 is appropriatc to �rmil ihc scrviccs on plan of sulxlivision 40M- 1827 to bc ussumcJ by Ihc 'fown in phascs (noh�•ilhslunding Ihat thc su�iivision «�s not proccsscJ ns n phascd sulxlivision), thcn Courcil shnulJ pass a bylaw nuthorixing thc Mayor anJ Clcrk to cxcculc a Sulxlivision AmcnJing Agrcemcnl prcparcJ in a fom� acceptablc to thc To�m Solicitur, in accorduncc ��iih thc muUcrs sct out in this rcpart. ORIGIN: Lcltcr from Grant blorris Associa�cs I.tJ. on b,hulfol'M�.rcon Dcvclopmcnts I.IJ. AU'1'I IOItI'fY: Plunning Act, K.S.O. 1<)90 c. P,13, 5cction 51. PINANCIAL IMI'I.ICA'I'IONS: Legnl Pces $1,200 DACKGROUND: Phasing of thc assumptton of Ihc subdivision. The Town entcrcd into n Subdivision Agrecmcnt wilh Mnxcon Dcvclopmenls Ltd, for thc developmcnt of all of the lands in Plan 40M•1827. Maxcon purchased n portion of the lands from Syd Cossel prior to registering the plan of subdivisian. Although Maxcon was givcn thc opportunity to develop the subdivision in phases at the beginning of thc process, it mnde thc dccision not to do so. Maxcon subscquently reconveycd two large development blocks, being Dlocks 17 and 18 to Cusscl. Dlocks 17 and IS wnstiwte major development blocks (132 units) which remain undeveloped ut this time. Muxwn has indicatcd that bccausc it rccomcycd Blocks 17 and IS to Casscl, Mwccon has no control ovcr thc timing of the devclopment on these Blocks. Maxcon hns complcted construction of 63 of the total 195 units and hus askcd the Town lo consider phasing the ussumption of tlic subdivision. As wcll, Maxcon has rcquested the retum of ils security (in thc emount of $80,000) prcviuusly posted with thc Town for thc developmcnt and maintenance of Blocks 17 und 18. Muxcon is proposing thnt the new owner (Casscl) post thc additionol sccuritics rcquircd by thc Town, prior to issunncc of n building permit on cither Dlocks 17 and 18. .3J Rc�art to Council L002/97 lununry 7,1998 ('agc 2 If Council detcrtnincs thnt it is approprintc to amend the SubJivision Agn:cment to proviJc for the phasing of thc assumplion of Ihc subJivisian, Council shuuld insist that I�locks 17 anJ I S lx cieaned, rough gr,�Jed and seed��l lo the 'I'own's wtisfaction priar lo the '1'own rcducing any mainicnuncc sccuritics currendy hcid for thc dcvclopmcm of [3locks I7 anJ 18. 'fhc gr�ding anJ secding will minimi•r.e the inconvcnicncc ta ncw rcsiJents moving inlo the devclo�xd punion of thc suixlivisiun. As ���cll, prior to rcic�cing thc securitics to Muxcon, thc Town anJ Ihc current o«ncr of Illocks 17 and IS should cntcr into u 5ubJivision Amcnding Agrccment rcgnrding [ilocks 17 unJ 18 which will rcquirc thc posting of sulTicicnt sccurilics with thc 1'own in onfcr to ensum that thc undcvelopcd blocks arc maintnincd until thcy urc Jeveloped. It wili also rcyuirc an acknowlcdgmcnt nnJ ugrccment by thc o«ncr that furthcr sccuritics (in un amount lo bc Jctcrmincd by thc 7'o«n's Dircclor of Public Works) «•ill bc rcyuircd to bc posled prior to thc isswmcc of u building pertnit for cithcr Ulocks 17 or I R. 7'hc amowu of thc sccuritics should bc thc amount rcyuircJ W s�rurc thc devclopmrnt and maintcnancc of thc fncilitics und «•orks to bc construcicd on 131ocks 17 nnd IS. In aJdition, thc ncw o«�ncr ���ould bc rcyuircJ to post a dnmagc deposit with Ihc 'I'o��•n for thc assumcd roaJs prior to commcncing construction on Ulocks 17 unJ IR. Amendment to the Noiac Allenuatiun Prori+iuns af !hc tiubdh�ision Agrcement. Unit I of [31ock I G requircs Uiat n noise fence !x crccted ulong Ihc Altun� Rund boundury of the sitc. At thc rcqucst of ihc homco�vncr, Ihc noisc I'cncc hns lxcn allcnJ in accordancc with AJdcndum Na. 2 to thc �nisc Rcpon (ticheJulc Li, Scction 6, Sub I) prcparcd by S.S. Wilson and Associutcs. dutcd July 16. 1997. to thc sulislaclion uf ihc Rcgion und Ihc'foa�n. Thc Rcgion of burham rcyuires Ihat thc Sulxlivision Agrccmcnt txt��cen Ihc dcvcloper and thc Town bc umcndcd to rcOcct this changc. A7'I'ACI IM@NTS: I. Drull ByLnw. 2. Location Map. 3. Sitc Sketch. enny W .A, L . � .P.A. C.M.M,III Copy: Genernl Manager Director of Public Works �- ��'��.: � � E3Y•LAW N0. Ueing a by-!uw �o uu�hnri:e tGe excculJar oj un dg�eement fo umend Ihe SubJivfston Agreement respecting the develupment uj Qlocks ! 7 und /8, Plan a0A1-l827, Plckering (,Iluxcon Juvelupmenrs L�J.) WHEREAS, pursunnt to section 51 of the Plwini�ig.arr, R S.O. 1990, chopter P.13, The Corporation of Ihe To�m of Pickering entered inlo a Subdivisian Agreement dnted June 26, 1995 with Maxcon Developments Ltd. respecting Drafl Plan 18T•86002, Pickering, which Agreement rcquires an amendment to provide for tha development ol'Dlocks 17 and 18, Plnn 40M-1827, Pickering. NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Pickering t1EREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. The Mnyor and Clcrk arc hcreby nuthorizcd to execute u Subdivision Agrcement Amending Agrcement, in n form satisfnctory to �he To«n Solicitor, amending :he Subdivision Agrcement duted June 26, 1995, betµ�ccn Mnscon Dc��elopments Ltd. and The Corporation of Ihe To�m of Pickering, rcspecting the developmcnt of Dlocks I7 and 18, Plan dOM-1827� Pickcring. BY•LAW rend n first, sccond and third time and finally passed this 19th day of Junuary, 1998. ' Wayne Anhurs, Muyor �ruce Tnylor, Cierk ..I ''- " " I 7� ; •�i fi` u,�. �o� �.,..,�.,� :I�NI>fSY.1••J�M Y.:'ll lT�1 r.�: �.�u3 /.Y3� �il p �0 L M� � � � � � � _ r�00�Zi �� �� � ���N r� = - � � . � � .� . . � •i4�yh= -!l�n.� . . . � tl � �j � �M I � 1 , , �� � � � � � �, � � � � � � � (O�t 71 1 •• ' ; J �� .�si' .: `�� — — i' ^ i I' i i � t a i "" � `1 �il( '" : � •.. � i � � . �;'•��n � � � i , ��s i •� �i�� � ,, ;ti .� e''� .y;. �C � .,.. Q � � ,i If�� �� �� . � i� � � IS�� � � .... � � �� + I i + li � i+ s ��� _ t� t� i I �f 1�� �I 11 I il � � 7� ,ti•� 1 � . '- `�.z.� �! � � . . �_ .... •� _� � ; i� �w ;, ,r� �, �., �� � �, , . • � _ .,... _ Er ' � i� �.. '—?— .,. ,�, � I � 6 y' .� �y � i I � !� �i j _ � .. f' � �' • � I i ` � � - � � �� � . , .. 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